51% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 51: Unified

章 51: Unified

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Two chapters again! This is the first one.


It took 4 days, before I was able to completely cover the entire volume of the planet with almost the entire stores of my Magic, which was definitely longer than the 2 days it took Mother to do it on Terra. This left me with barely enough Magic to hold my Astral Form together.

Once that part was done, I move on to the next step. Merging my Astral form with the core of the planet. When I do this, the Planet will become my body, while the core will become my soul, my core.

The Infusion of magic was just a preparatory stage, while this was the main one. To do the first step though, you need to be a Nature God first. You need to be able to completely control any land, or the vegetation around you. So, not everyone can do this, merge with the planet.

Letting out a breath through my astral mouth, I gather my wits, and focus. My magic was everywhere around me. It was in the ground, it was in the core, the plants, animals and birds, and it was also around the planet, although not as extensively.

'This whole planet is mine. I am the planet. I AM THEOS, THE GOD OF PLANET DONNA!' I think to myself, focusing on just intent, and not a specific spell.

Slowly, I feel my consciousness slipping, as the Magic around me starts to carry it's task. The last conscious thought being, 'I really hope it doesn't take too long for me to wake.'

After an unknown amount of time, I slowly gain consciousness, already forgetting the dreams that I went through, but they weren't visions, for sure.

I don't know where I am, but it's definitely not the ship. I also don't exactly have eyes, but I could still See everything happening all over the planet, including my mum's ship, and my body within it.

There were birds and different magical creatures, flying all over, a lot of animals were running all around Donna. There were Dragons, Wyverns, Unicorns, Magical snakes, and many other Magical beings, along with the mundane ones like horses, dogs, wolves, different cats, etc. And I could see all of them!

Feeling a bit nauseated, because I wasn't in my own body, but I was literally the entire planet, I try and distract myself by focusing on just one location at a time. While I had experience, thanks to my Echolocation, it wasn't the same. I still had my eyes then, but I don't have them now. Done getting used to it, I close my eyes, to centre myself. I then see within myself, within my planet.

There were a lot of gemstones, minerals, metals, and thousands of underground caves, most of them I had already seen whenever I use my Echolocation.

I then see the body of the Celestial. The body was.. dissolving. It's Cosmic Energy, what left of it at least, was leaving it's body, and mixing with mine. That's.. cannibalistic. I'm literally digesting the body of a being of my own race.

The material of his armour was also doing the same, going towards the centre of the planet. It's just began, and it will probably take centuries before the Celestial completely digests, ugh. But, it definitely will.

So, I follow the flow of the material, to the centre of the planet.

And then, my vision comes over my Core, my planet's core. 'Whoa!' I think to myself, looking in awe, and a bit of disgust.

The Core was absolutely brimming with my Magic, and the already super dense metal of the inner core was already a lot stronger than before. It was on the level of Adamantine! Yeah, that strong! But, what do you expect, with the Celestial Material slowly merging with it, making it denser.

But that wasn't even what made me weirded out and awed at the same time. That honour went to the fact that the core had a face. My face.

It's eyes were closed, mouth too. But I could see it's eyes twitch, as if in REM sleep, and I could see a small movement in it's nose, as if breathing. When the core inhaled, a lot of the Magic from the surrounding volume would enter the core, and then leave when the face exhaled. Sort of like circulation, except with Magic, and on a planetary scale.

Shaking my metaphorical head, I bring my vision back to the surface of the planet, and to my ship. Thankfully, there was nothing like a face on the surface. I don't want to look like Ego's ugly mug. What kind of planet has a beard anyway?

Looking at my body, my former body now, I guess, I poke it a bit with my Magic. Other than a small twitch in the monitor, which was still recording my vitals, nothing happens.

Before trying to get back into my old body though, I focus inside myself, whatever I am right now, trying to see if I can feel any changes within myself.

There was the connection to every being on the planet for one, which I'd already expected. Just like mother could sense anything and everything within her planet, I could do the same with mine.

Then, there was the fact that I just knew, that I could create the Seed of Life now. It was an instinctual knowledge, not something I remember learning. I just.. knew it. Along with that, I now know how I can create an Avatar body, or get back to my own body, keeping the planetary body as dormant.

By Queen, this is going to take a while to get used to.

Ignoring that thought process for a while, I focus back on my former body, and begin making it my Avatar. With an intense intent in my mind, my mind starts blacking out, as the Planetary body starts going dormant.

When I next open my eyes, I'm back in my ship, in my physical form. Groaning, I get up, slowly. I first take a large gulp of water from the jug beside my bed.

"That's gonna get a while to get used to." I mumble, realizing that I can turn my Planetary body back on again, if I so wish it. Huh. Is mother's situation the same? I'm gonna have to ask her that later. Focusing hard, I shut the connection to the rest of the planet off, finding some peace in the silence, and blindness that greets me.

"Sir?" Sonny's voice asks, bringing me out of my questions regarding my new situation.

Looking up at the monitor, I ask, "Yeah? What is it, Sonny?"

"Is the Experiment over? Because I don't see any changes within your physical form." Sonny asks, a slight hint of confusion in his voice.

Nodding, I get up, start doing some stretches, and say, "Yep. The Experiment is over. And the changes aren't physical, not yet at least." I add the last part, knowing that I am the Supreme power on Donna, just like Mother is on Earth.

Well, except some beings, but they're just.. overpowered.

Done stretching, I ask, "How long was I out, Sonny? And did you need to use the Pit?"

"You were out for 11 days, Sir. And yes, you were indeed submerged within the liquid for 2 consecutive days, beginning with 5 days after you began your.. experiment." Sonny diligently answers.

Huh. 11 days. Definitely more than the 5 days it took mother. And Chhaya and Kali were taking a break, so I have no idea if they left after keeping the Stone safe, or they haven't reached the place yet.

Sighing, I ask, "Any other non-physical changes you notice, Sonny?"

"Well, my scanners indicate that there is a Divine Connection between yourself and the planet. This, in turn, is making your stores of Celestial Energy larger, and denser." Sonny explains, in his usual tone of voice.

Well.. this just brings out questions.

I ask, "1. How do you define Divine? And 2. What do you mean by my Cosmic Energy becoming denser and larger? My experiment had nothing to do with Cosmic Energy."

Sonny just sounds confused again, as he answers, "According to the Notes left by Celestial Eson the Searcher, Divine beings are powerful beings that are not dependent on Cosmic Energy for their immortality, or powers. They are the ones who either use the worship of followers, or mastery over a domain, to attain Divinity. There might be other methods, but Celestial Eson did not try to find it out."

So, Celestials have studied Gods. I don't want to know how they did it, but if these Sensors are the standard ones every Celestial has, then they did not need to cut Gods open. I hope.

"As for the second, the planet is collecting Celestial Energy from all around it, and constantly feeding it to your body. The rate of absorption is 3 times higher than the one you used to have before this experiment, and 67% of that Energy comes from the Red Giant Star below us." Sonny says, ending the answers.

Well, I sort of understand. My Planet body might not have Cosmic Energy stores, for now, but it definitely has the capacity to absorb it. Again, I am the planet, and the planet is me. The planet has every ability I do.

Speaking of abilities, let's try them out, shall we? Saying goodbye to Sonny, for now, I walk out of the ship, and welcome the connection to the planet.

Once again, I feel connected to every being on Donna, to every crevice, every cave, water body, tree, plant, animal, fish, grass.. to everything. Sitting down, I begin meditating, because as Uatu used to say, MEDITATE!

Well he didn't use that saying much, but he did order me to Meditate a lot.

Slowly, I get used to always being connected to the planet. Once I do, I shut the connection off, knowing that this has the capacity to make me overconfident.

If I'm used to seeing everything without any efforts on My side, then I'll be blind when I actually need to put in efforts to see.

So, once again as Non-AllSeeing as before, I now stand up, and open my eyes. The grass was still the same, and so was the ground beneath me.


I slowly raise my hand, and with just a tiny bit of magic, an apple tree grows from in front of me. It keeps growing, and growing, and growing, not looking as if it would stop. Finally, it stops at a few hundred feet of height, and I call it back down, merging it back within the ground.

Then, I raise my hand once more, not out of necessity, but due to habit, and this time, the ground underneath me starts raising in the shape of a statue. The statue shows itself to be of my own likeness, all of 6'7 height.

Smirking, I raise both of my hands, and this time, 10 different statues of myself pop up, made from different materials each, even Vibranium, and Adamantine.

And the best part was, I did not use any of my Cosmic Energy. This was all Magic, my Divinity of Nature. As long as there is something on Donna, my planet, I can replicate it's material structure.

With the snap of my fingers, a rainstorm appears and starts pouring over my head. Another snap, and a thunderstorm rolls in, right behind it, with gales and gales of wind sending the statues on the ground.

Dismissing the elements, I merge the Statues back with the planet, and take a deep breath. Let's see how my last Element is doing, shall we?

Without calling for my Axes, Ànemos and Astrapi, I raise my hand, my palm up. Slowly, but way faster than I was actually expecting, a small flicker of blue flames starts up, hovering above my palm.

I keep my focus on, not letting the fire out of control, and keep it small for now. Once the small flame becomes stable without any input from me, I increase the size of the flame, until it is as big as my head, this time focusing a lot in keeping it steady.

Slowly then, I start banishing the flame, absorbing it back into myself. Once the flame is gone, I drop my hand, and sigh in relief.

"So, my control over all of my abilities has gotten perfect. Except fire, it's just a bit better." Pausing, I muse, "This is probably just on this planet, and not anywhere else. Well, I'll find out when I leave. I'm still not allowed to leave Donna."

My mother did say that there will be a cool down time before I'm allowed to leave the planet, to let the connection settle properly. I'll go to Earth later and check if my control is the same there too.

But for however many days the planet needs me, I'll be here. My Planet. Mine.

And soon, I'll have another planet added to the list. Induk, and Donna. My Planets. My domains.


A/N: While I did write this chapter, I want to ask. Shouldn't a Gaea like Nature God have anymore abilities? Like, controlling everything around you, the elements included is fine and all, but I just feel as if there should be something else. I'll have to revisit the Wikia page now.

Until next time, tata!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


