49% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 49: Preparation

章 49: Preparation

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

This chapter isn't that interesting, but necessary for the later chapters.

Two chapters today! This one's first.


"What do you mean, Gods? Is that even... allowed?" Kali asks, once the two get out of their shock.

Controlling the ground underneath me, I create chairs for all three of us, and motion them to sit. Once they do, I begin, "Every mortal that has a soul, has a little bit of Divinity within them. That piece of Divinity means that everyone has the potential to become a God. Now, this can happen in two ways, that I know of."

As I pause, I see that I have both of their complete attention. Chhaya asks, "What are they?"

Smiling, I say, "The first is simple, if enough mortals worship you, you become a God without doing anything. Of course, you will need some Mystic talent for that, and your strength will depend on the worship people give you. If they stop worshipping you, your strength decreases. Get it?"

As they nod, I continue, "The second one, is with the help of another God. I have no idea how to do it, as I'm still a young God, but I can probably ask mother about it, and then make it possible. You don't have to make a decision now, obviously. But do consider, that you'll have responsibilities. Protecting the planet and it's life against harm, guiding the life here towards progress, and overall making sure they survive, etc."

The girls stay silent for a few minutes, just thinking it over. Finally, Chhaya says, "When the Sky God was going to destroy the planet, we were so scared. This is our planet, this is where we've lived for centuries, and this is where we had planned on living until we die. And suddenly, the plan of abandoning the planet to the Brood did not seem so easy anymore."

Kali sighs, and adds, "We're the only two people alive on this planet. No other Eternal, no Deviant, and not even the mortals lived against the Brood. The Brood hunted the animals to extinction, so even they're not here. What will we even do, just the two of us? Will we be the only Gods of a dead planet?"

"While I cannot create mortals yet, I can revive the animals and birds within a month or so." I say, nodding and understanding her doubts. I might have to change my plans though.

I'm a God of Nature, the Son of Gaea. But that's not important. The dead bodies of a few animals and birds are bound to be somewhere on the planet. I can just use my Cosmic Energy to revive those dead animals.

I get an idea, and say, "Or, you can come with me to my planet. My Mother can teach you everything you need to know about being Gods, and she can help me revive the planet if you decide you want to become the Gods of this planet."

This also gives me time to replace the Power Stone, and go on with a few more of my plans that would have taken time. And reviving the planet might need me to fulfil one such plan in advance.

"That's.. actually not a bad idea. But will your mother or the other Gods of your planet agree with it?" Kali asks, as Chhaya thinks on the idea.

I shrug, and answer, "Mother will listen, probably. And the other Gods won't care unless you two want to harm the mortals of our planet. For now, let's rest. I will leave for home tomorrow, and you can come with me if you want."

And with that, the sisters fly back to the caves they had claimed for themselves, while I stayed awake, leaning against a tree, while keeping an eye on the orb.

I couldn't sense the energy of the Power Stone once it was kept in the Containment Orb. But, I could sense my Beacon Spells that I had cast on it, and Chhaya. For now, the Orb was still in the cave, with the Eternal sisters.

But, if she leaves the cave, I will know.

The night passes in peace, with Chhaya holding on to the Stone for now. The next morning, the sisters meet me near the body of Json. Nodding to each other, Chhaya says, "How long can you wait for us? We still need to return the Stone to where it was kept."

Looking away from scanning Json's head, I shrug, and answer, "I don't have any urgent business, if that's what you're worrying about. How long will it take for you to return? I can return then if you wish."

Kali nods, and says, "We have decided to take you up on your offer. We will come with you to your planet, learn about being Gods. If Godhood sounds good for us, we will become Gods of this planet."

Chhaya then says, "And we will need 50 days. That's how long it will take for us to go to the planet, and come back here. If you're agreeable, you can meet us here in 50 days?"

"Sure. I will leave you to your tasks, and pick you up after 50 days." I answer, and say my goodbyes for now. Granted, the days here are longer than the one's on Earth. I'd return here soon enough anyway, to start reviving the animals.

Once the sisters fly away into space, not needing any ship, I turn back to the Celestial, and mumble, "Now what to do with you?"

Shrugging to myself, I create a big portal to Donna, this time not needing to do small jumps. I knew the destination, so no need to make small jumps.

With the wave of my hand, the portal widens and takes the pieces of Json the Exterminator to Donna. Once done, I close my eyes, and still feeling the spell on the Orb, I walk through the portal to Donna.

With the dead body now in front of me, I slam my hands down on the ground. Slowly, the ground softens around the Celestial, and starts taking the body underground. The Celestial keeps going down, until it reaches the Mantle of the planet, which I deem deep enough.

Nodding, I go to the Ship, and say, "Problem solved, Sonny. The Celestial is dead, as you know, and the other being was not an enemy. Just, see if there's anything about some Queen in the Celestial database, or in my Mother's data banks, will you?"

A red beep sounds from the control panel, as Sonny says, "Yes sir." Pausing a bit, he adds, "Your mother left you a message, Sir. She said, and I quote, 'Come back home as soon as you get this message. Do not delay, I will know.'"

Well... Fuck.

Nodding, I drop my head, turn around and say, "Thanks for the message, Sonny. I'll see you once I'm back from my time out, I guess."

And with that, I create a portal to Earth. Time to face the music, I suppose.


After 10 days of punishment, where I was forced to stay at home, and not go anywhere, I was finally allowed to leave for Donna.

What? Mother's not evil, nor is she a hitter. She won't injure me because I almost died. If I had gotten a girl pregnant and abandoned them, then yes, she would definitely injure me. But not when I was already pretty injured.

At first it was 10 years of time out, but once I told mother the entire tale, she decreased it to days. Thankfully.

But, even mother knows that letting a Knull possessed Celestial access to an Infinity Stone is the worst that can happen to this Universe. Plus, I had also told her of my plans to replace the Stone, which also helped in her decision in relaxing my punishment.

So, after a lot of coddling, and a few hours a day of pinched ears, I was back on Donna. Once there, I once again checked up on the Orb, as well as the girls, and found that they were still in the same galaxy, but a different star system, and were still going fast.

So far into the past, there wasn't a Universally approved transportation system, like those Jump Points I remember the Guardians using. Some races definitely have a few methods of interstellar travel, but most don't.

There was the Hyperspace, which is like, a different Dimension, but not. Think Warp space from Star Trek, it's that.

So, they were flying straight towards where I think Morag is, because that's the only place I can associate the Orb with, with frequent breaks every few hours, for rest. I'll check them over later, but first, I'm going to create something.

I'm going to make a replacement Power Stone.

It isn't easy, but certainly not impossible. Completely creating a new Infinity Stone is not possible, for me at least. But creating a device that feeds off the Power Stone, and mimic's it's energy completely? Yeah, that's theoretically possible.

I won't know for sure unless I try. So, I was trying. I began with melting a really small amount of Vibranium and then shaping it into the core of the Pseudo Stone. It was barely half an inch in size.

What shape, you might ask? You know a dodecahedron? Yeah, that's the only complex polyhedron I remember from my engineering lessons. Imagine that, only with six sides, instead of 5.

Don't understand? Well, take a hexagon, a shape with Six equal sides. Then connect another similar hexagon to each side of that hexagon. Then connect more to those hexagons. Do this, until it forms a roughly spherical shape.

So, a sphere with hexagons for sides, that's the shape.

Once the Vibranium Hexagonal Dodecahedron, which probably has an actual name but I don't remember it right now, was ready, I enlarged it using my Cosmic Energy. Now, the Vibranium core was about as large as my fist.

Taking the Core in my left hand, I point my index finger at one side, and carve one Greek Rune on each side. Alone, the letters aren't much. But together, the Runic letters make up the completed core of the Pseudo Stone.

The Vibranium core will feel like an Infinity Stone, look like an Infinity Stone, and harm the mortal bodies like an Infinity Stone. Well, like the Power, Reality, and Space stone's at least. Literally everyone can touch the other stones. Touch, not use.

Why Vibranium, you might ask? And why Greek Runes? For the first, Vibranium is the superior metal when it comes to absorbing Cosmic Energy. It has already tasted Power Stone's energy, and is still just as, if not more, durable. So, once I introduce the connection to the Power Stone, it won't take long before the Stone becomes an exact copy.

And as for Greek Runes, well that's because my mother's name is Gaea. She might be known to every Pantheon by a different name, but when it comes down to it, she identifies with the name Gaea the most. The Greek name.

And she has taught me more about the Runes if Olympus, than she has about the Runes of Asgard. I know them, but I cannot use them in the way I like, and expect the result I want. I don't know Norse Runes the same way.

Greek, I do.

And it also helps during the next steps. A half inch wide hexagonal dodecahedron is not big enough to pose as the Power Stone. I had measured the Power Stone, back on that planet.

It was a roughly oval shape, with it's height being 1.27 inches, while it's width was 0.84 inches at the least wide region. So, I'm going to make the Pseudo Stone to be roughly the same size. Better the girls don't know that I tricked them.

Once the runes are completed, I float it above me, and start transmutating some Adamantine. It wasn't much, just enough to cover the Stone completely.

Once the Adamantine was melted, I shrink the stone back to it's original size, and dip it in the Adamantine. Since the Vibranium was enchanted, but not used, it didn't melt in the pot of Adamantine, thankfully.

After a few seconds, I take out a now 0.7 inch diameter hexagonal dodecahedron, from the crucible, and start using my magic to shape it into a rough replica of the Power Stone.

I won't create an exact one, just a rough replica was okay.

"Aaaand done!" I say, looking at the for-now-useless Pseudo Power Stone. It was purple in colour, thanks to the illusion enchantment added to the core, but did not shine like the Power Stone.

Imagine the Power Stone of another Universe coming here, and you have it. It's useless, but it's still the Power Stone. It has no Cosmic Energy, and no glow to it, but it looked like a purple crystal.

And the best part? It cannot be destroyed by pure physical might. Not me, not Thor, and probably not mother. No one will be able to destroy the Stone, unless Cosmic Energy is used to do it.

Even still, it'll take a lot of Energy to do it, Energy which only Celestials and those above us have. No Eternal is destroying the Pseudo Power Stone, nope. But, if I want to, I can do it, as only I know how to do it.

Now all that's left, is to start a one way feeding channel with the Power Stone.

As the sisters haven't reached their destination yet. The Orb, Kali, and Chhaya are in the same place, flying through the Hyperspace. Meaning FTL travel. And they're still taking literal days to reach there. Great. At least they don't need food to live.

Meanwhile, what to do? The Celestial body is buried, it's Staff destroyed. Knull's Symbiote is destroyed, and the Power Stone is about to be replaced within a few days. What to do, what to do?


"Mother?" I yell, teleporting back on Earth.

"Sigh, what now, Theos? Another attack?" Mother asks, not even looking up from her book. Huh, Greek today. One hell of a coincidence.

Shaking my head, I ask, "How long did it take for you to merge with the planet? And Hypothetically, how long will it take me to do it, and then wake up after the procedure?"

"Theos, NO!" Mother says, narrowing her eyes at me, finally putting the book down.

"Theos, yes." I argue, not backing down.


A/N: Had to stop here, because the chapter was Already at 2.3k words.

1. There are no Greek Runes, but there is the Greek Alphabet. But for the sake of this fic, there was a Magical Runic Language of Olympus, which was lost in time or something before modern humans could find it.

2. The Pseudo Power Stone is logically not possible. If it was, there definitely would have been more Pseudo Stones out there. But, we can also consider it as Gods being too narrow minded, or proud to replicate a Stone.

3. No, the Girls won't be his love interest/s. I will mess up a threesome, and I don't want him to settle down yet. But, he's horny, so anything can happen.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C49
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


