35% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 35: Fighting Bast

章 35: Fighting Bast

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I would like to reiterate, that I don't write FOR money, but anyone who wants to donate is free to do so. Thank you for your support!

Now, Read on!


There was a clearing a few hundred feet away from Bes's Bar, which was where I could see the Panther Goddess, completely in her Panther form, waiting for me, with Hathor and Khonshu sitting down, waiting for a show.

As I was already pissed at her, I wasted no time in going there. As soon as I reach there, without speaking anything Bast starts her attack, with a right punch to my head.

Deciding to test her strength, I block the punch with my left hand. The punch was fairly strong, and pushed my hand back a bit. Unfortunately for her, I was just a bit stronger than her.

"Is that all you got?" I taunt her, as she tries freeing her hand to no avail. If I had to guess, she's somewhere around Class 30-40, but just a few steps behind me in strength.

Unfortunately for me, she's the Panther Goddess, and hence, a lot faster than Ares and Satannish.

She punches her left fist on my elbow, making me drop her right hand, and jumps up, sending me a few feet back with a spinning kick to the chest.

'Right. She's a cat. Her dexterity is higher than mine.' I muse, getting a bit pleased at the challenge, but a bit angered at the kick. While the kick did not hurt much, I almost did not see it coming.

Getting to all fours, Bast spins on her hands, sending a kick to my head. I block it with my left forearm, and using my right hand, pick her up by her leg. She was about 5'10, so fairly shorter than me, so, when I picked her up, she was half a foot over the ground.

Before she can try and free herself, I spin her by the leg, and slam her into the ground. As she's lying on the ground, a bit dazed, I take a few steps back, and allow her to recuperate.

I'm trying to teach her a lesson, not kill her.

A few seconds later, and with a kick flip, Bast stands up. Only this time, she has her nails extended, and her mouth open. Getting low, she runs towards me, and within a second, claws at my face.

I lean back to avoid it, but her other hand comes up, and slashes at my chest. Thankfully, my Vibranium Armour absorbs most of the force, and I see just a small scratch appearing.

She does not seem surprised by it however, and jumps up, kicking my chest. As I stumble a couple steps back, she speeds up, and knees me in my chin.

Ow, fuck! Okay, that one hurt.

Without giving me a break, she punches my cheeks, once on each side, and holding my head digging her claws in, once again knees me on my head, throwing it back.

She was definitely faster, and more agile. But I should have expected this from the one who powered the Black Panther.

Spitting out some spittle, I grin at her, and whisper, "Is that it, little kitty?"

She's strong, not as strong as me, but she's strong. And she has speed on her side. Most of her punches I feel after I'm already hit. But, one thing that she lacks, is a good defence. She does not take hits as well as she should, at this strength level.

"Why don't you just go down?!" Bast snarls, and I feel a bit of heat coming from her. Not that, you perverts. Literal heat, like fire.

'Well she is the daughter of Ammon-Ra.' I think to myself, and step to the left, dodging a small fist sized fireball, which crashes into a tree behind me.

"I.. did not know you could do that." I mumble, looking at the destruction it caused. The entire tree had turned to ash within a second, and the fire had spread to a few more trees around it, but now, burning like regular fire.

Glancing at it, I just know, that while it wouldn't burn me too much, it will burn me a bit. Not liking the destruction of trees, I look up, and close my eyes. Within a minute, a storm rolls in, and it rains, dousing the flames. Surprisingly, Bast stays back, letting me do my thing.

You know, I could just use my Mokuton and bind her immediately, or fry her with my Thunder, but I want to prove a point.

As I see Bast with her fist once again pointed at me, I crack my neck, and run towards her. She too, abandons the fireball spell, and run towards me, and we crash in the middle, with our fists hitting each other.

My fist starts overpowering hers, when she spins out of the way of my punch, letting my fist go forward, and holds it with her left hand, while she also elbows my face with her right hand.

Not giving me a quarter, she brings her right hand back again, holds my neck with her clawed fingers, and starts increasing the temperature of the claw, burning my skin.

"AAAARGHH!" I yell, feeling the skin of my neck blistering. Holy buggering fuck! This shit hurts!

Get off! Get off!

"You should never have stolen from us, Son of Neith!" Bast taunts, as I was struggling to get my hand free from her grip, but she had her surprisingly sharp nails digging into my skin.

My right arm is locked, my left, while free is useless right now, as I can't reach her with it. So, with the sole of my legs, I hit her in the back of her knee, making her drop down, her balance lost.

As she frees my right hand from her grip, thanks to falling down, I bring it back and hit her in the back of her head. My superior strength sends her tumbling downwards, on her face.

As she starts getting up, I too drop down, only this time, with my leg falling right on her face, with enough force that it knocks her out.

Doing a kick flip, I stand up, and rub my throat, frowning. Thankfully, I'm healed completely, but damn that hurt. Burning my throat? That was a dick move, or in this case, a bitch move.

Clearing my throat, as I finally find it comfortable enough to speak, I turn to the curious siblings of Bast, raise my eyebrows and ask, "Do you have a problem with me too, nephew, niece?"

Yes, they're adopted, but I want to prove a point. I can and will kick the butts of anyone who pisses me off enough. Granted, not altogether, as the three will probably kick my butt together. But only if I don't use my Magic. Otherwise, they're toast. I think.

Oh piss off, I'm still young. They're literally a million years old, and I defeated one of them within a couple minutes.

Khonshu looks at the unconscious Bast, and dryly says, "I'll pass. I didn't give a fuck about the metal anyway. It's these two that felt attached to it. Plus, father already has you on a hunt for him, so it seemed a fair punishment to me." He then looks up, at the sun, and mumbles, "And it's not my time to fight anyway."

Hathor, the golden skinned Goddess snorts at Khonshu, and says, "The Metal is ours. Bast and I just haven't decided who exactly owns all of it yet."

"I would love to listen to you siblings chat, but I'm going back to the bar now. I have a few drinks I need to try. Tell your sister that I expect an apology soon." Saying that, and without waiting for an answer, I turn back and walk back towards the bar.

Before long, I've teleported to Donna, picked a few big gemstones, and teleported back to the bar.

Handing Bes two of the gemstones, I sit down once on a stool once again, only this time, in an empty bar. I ask, "How many drinks and how much information for that?"

Bes, without looking away from the bigger gemstone, an emerald, and says, "3 Bottles of any drink in this bar in exchange of this Emerald. And a few sentences of wisdom in exchange of the Diamond. Where did you even find these?"

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out. Now, I'll take the information first, please. After which, you can give me one bottle each of your 3 favourite drinks." I say, much too cheerfully, as this was a better deal than I'd hoped.

Plus, I'm trying not to remember the pain of my throat burning. Yes, I healed, but have you ever been choked? Now imagine it burning while you're being choked. Yeah, it hurts. And the smell, Oh Queen, the smell! That's the worst, smelling your own skin burning.

Bes hums, keeps the stones away, and says, "Trouble is brewing in the North. The Celts are anxious about something, but have refused to tell anyone anything. That trouble is also spreading out to the Aesir, Vanir, and even the other residents of the Otherworld. As for our thief, he's laying low. He hasn't attacked anyone in a few years, almost as if he has a new aim."

I frown at that, understanding I didn't find anything too important. Celtic Gods are weird, everyone knows that. They live amongst other Immortal beings, like the Fae, in the Realm of Otherworld. The whole Realm is filled with creepy people, and weirdos.

Them keeping stuff to themselves isn't unusual, but if this 'trouble' is spreading to Asgard and Vanaheim, then it's bound to be a bit serious. And it's a recent situation too. I knew nothing of it when I met with Thor and Loki.

Sighing, I nod at Bes, accepting his words of wisdom, and say, "I'll keep your words in mind, Lord Bes. Now, the drinks?"

Bes waves his hand, and summons three bottles from the back shelf. As they stop in front of me, he points at one bottle, containing a dark red liquid, and says, "Dragon Wine, my personal favourite. Made from Dragon berries." He adds when I make a grossed out face at the name of the wine.

Getting relieved, I say, "For a second I thought they were made out of a Dragon's-"

"Balls. Yeah, a lot of people make that misunderstanding." Bes interrupts, waving his hand.

"Blood. I was going to say blood. Now I really wonder how many Gods wondered about Dragon Balls being used in Wine." I dryly say, baffled, at the jump in logic of the Gods.

"You'd be surprised, Lord Theos, you'd be surprised." Surprisingly, Bes did not say that, but the Goddess moving to sit beside me did.

Looking at her, I marvel at her golden skin for a moment, then glare at it's owner and ask, "And what did you think, Lady Hathor?"

Shrugging, she answers, "Balls, blood. A Dragon is a Dragon. I would have still drank the wine."

Huh, that's actually fair. I know Dragons are considered either sacred, or a delicacy for almost all Gods. It's either one or the other, but sometimes it's both. They respect Dragons as sacred, but eat them as sacred hunts anyway.

Shaking my head, I ignore her for a while, turn back to Bes and allow him to continue. He points towards the second bottle, filled with brown coloured liquid, and says, "Brown Ale. 450,000 years old bottle, and I made it myself. Best for having nightly fun."

Then, pointing at the last bottle, filled with yellow coloured liquid, he says, "And the last one. Beer. This is the same Beer that's drunk by Ra at Heliopolis. I should know, I supply them with it."

He then places a big wooden cup on the table, which I didn't even see him fill, and says, "And this.. is on the house. Just because you made the effort of paying before drinking, unlike some people." With a glare at the amused Hathor, he leaves us alone, and goes back to clean something.

He's a God, he doesn't even need to do it.

Sighing, I teleport the bottles to Donna, in my home, and turn to Hathor. I bluntly ask, "What do you want?"

"Why do you think I want anything?" Hathor asks, innocently looking up at me. She does not fool me though, I know she wants something.

My anger at her sister for burning my throat, and the adrenaline from the previous fight getting the better of me, I move quickly and pick her up by the neck, and whisper, "You better tell me what you want quickly, Hathor. I'm already pissed at you three siblings, and I want to finish my drinks."

Contrary to my beliefs, Hathor just looks pleased with my reaction, and manages to mumble out, "I'm not looking for a fight, Lord Theos. Although, I wouldn't mind staying in this position for a while more."

"Ahem." Bes fake coughs, making me turn to him, Hathor still in the air. Glancing at Hathor, he tells me, "No fights in the bar. I won't tell a third time."

Nodding at him, I drop Hathor on the ground. As she coughs, getting her breath back, I lean down to her level, and once again ask her, "What. Do. You. Want?"

Surprising me once again, Hathor puts her lips on my lips, kissing me softly, but for barely a second and whispers, "As I said, I'm not here for a fight. Bast did that and got her butt kicked." Grinning, she adds, "I personally like getting my butt slapped more. You can choke me too, if you want."

"What?" I ask, wondering what the hell she's speaking of, my mind not willing to accept the fact in front of my face.

Her eyes glinting mischievously, she says, "I'm looking for a different physical activity, Lord Theos. One where we're both sweating a lot more than you did in your short.. fight."

Oh, crap. She's trying to fuck me?

"Ignoring the fact that you're my adoptive niece, aren't you married?" I ask, the relation not exactly bothering me.

Do you know how many relatives I have? Thousands. My mother has either been a part of, or has an Avatar in each and every Pantheon on Earth. So, thanks to that, I have literally hundreds of siblings, and thousands of other relatives, through my mother.

The list of Gods that I'm not related to, is probably just a few dozen long. So yeah, the incest doesn't bother me, as I know that I might fall in love with one of the Gods soon enough anyway. Plus, she's adopted, and she's hot.

But, she's married to Horus, whose Third Eye I'm currently searching for. Do you know how many more problems can occur if he finds out that while I was looking for his toy, I also played with his wife?

Hathor pulls me closer to her face, and says, "Horus is not here though, is he? And the adoptive niece excuse only works if you actually were older than me. Since you're not, it doesn't work."

Sighing, I pick her up, and turn to Bes, who simply sighs, points at the staircase, and says, "First door to your right. Don't break anything."

Nodding at him, I carry the giggling Hathor up the stairs.

What? Her reasons were actually valid, you know! She's older than me, so I can't call her my niece, and she's adopted, so there's no actual close relation there. And if she doesn't care about cheating on her husband, who am I to judge?

And most important of all, she's damn hot, and a Goddess. I'm not going to miss out on a chance of fucking a Goddess if she's willing, let alone a beautiful Goddess.

Opening the door, and throwing Hathor on the bed, I lock the door, and whisper, "You should not have teased me, Hathor."

"Have I been a bad kitty? Are you going to punish me?" Hathor asks, getting up on all fours, her butt exaggeratedly pushed up.

In response, I manipulate the wood from all around us, and before she even knows what's happening, she's laying on the bed, spread eagle, with her hands and legs tied with wooden bindings.

"Ooh, someone's feisty!" Hathor says, playfully biting at me.

Caressing up her leg with my index finger, I watch her shiver, get closer to her ear, and whisper, "The safeword is Lioness."

Time to tame myself a Lion Goddess.


A/N: No, I'm not writing smut. I literally cannot.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


