4% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 4: The Elder Gods

章 4: The Elder Gods

1. The Elder Gods:

A/N: First, I'm back on this story Bitches!

Secondly, I've already posted 4 more chapters on my Pat-reon, and will post at least one today. If anyone wants to read, my id is HelloDarkness07

Just a warning, I won't post one chapter daily, or two. I'll post at most 3 chapters per week, to give me enough time to beta the chapters myself. During these days though, the chapters will still be available on Pat-reon. So, the next chapter will come here within two days.

Also, look at the current year. I messed up with sending the MC too back, and will probably change the timeline to suit me better later. I'll tell you guys if I do change the year.

Now, Read On!


600,000 BC:

"In the beginning.. there was nothing on this planet. Only the Demiurge, the Lifeforce of this Earth.. lived. Then, he felt lonely, and created the first Gods of the Earth. The Elder Gods. Chthon, Set, Oshtur, Isuus, and I were the oldest." A sweet female voice says, while rubbing my forehead.

The voice, my mother, continues, "At first, for the first Billion Years, the Elder Gods lived happily. They called each other siblings. Chthon was the oldest, with Set and I right behind him. And we all roamed around the planet, creating life as we went."

"Oshtur, my younger sister, though, was really curious about the stars, and so, she left to travel among them. She was lucky like that.."

"What happened next, mother?" I ask, despite knowing the story from repeated retellings. What can I say, I like this story.

Gaea smiles at me, a bit sadly, and says, "Then.. horror struck our lives. First, we all warred against our oldest sibling. Chthon, but that's another story altogether. Then, the second eldest of us, Set, discovered during the war, that if he ate his siblings, he got even stronger. He was the first of us Elder Gods, to become a Demon.. Soon, more of my brethren followed his example, and every one of them either died, getting consumed by the Demons, or became Demons themselves. These demons then spread terror across the planet, eating all the animals, and even themselves."

And doesn't that paint a horrifying picture. Siblings killing their own siblings, and then eating them. Gross. Seeing Gaea become a bit melancholic, I hug her waist, my arms barely reaching around, and ask, "What happened after that? Did you and mum defeat the Demons, mother?" I do have to show childish curiosity sometimes, but it's alright if I can see mother laugh.

Gaea chuckles a bit, and answers, "While your mum was definitely strong enough to defeat them, at least one on one, my Theos, I hadn't met her at the time. No.. I asked my.. father, I suppose.. the Demiurge, for help, and help me he did. He gave me a son, Atum, the Sun God, the first of the New Gods. This son of mine, your half brother, went around and killed the Demons."

Smiling sadly, she says, "Unfortunately, even he got tempted by the Energy of the Elder Gods, and began eating them. He gained the name, Demogorge, the God Eater. Soon, the remaining Demons understood that they wouldn't be able to defeat Demogorge. So, they retreated, and left this Universe. They settled down into their own Dimensions of Power, hoping to manipulate the life here as they wished."

"And Atum? What happened to him?" I ask, looking at her face. She still misses the old days, when the Gods were Gods, and not Demons.

Gaea looks up at the sky, but gets a bit sad. She says, "Your brother, Atum understood that he won't be able to handle all the energy he had absorbed by eating the Demons. So.. he went up into the sky, and removed all of his energy from himself. And then, he went into the Sun, to become a God. That energy he released gave rise to what you now know as Gods, and their Pocket Realms."

Picking my admittedly small body up, Gaea rocks it, as I hug her neck, and says, "And that, my son, is the story of the Elder Gods. Now, sleep. I'll tell you about the time we warred against my brother Chthon later."

Nodding, I close my eyes to sleep. Becoming a child is tiring.

It's been a few years since I was born here. By few, I mean a few dozen. I was still 3 feet tall, though, so either I am ageing a lot slower than what I'd thought, or my mother is making me age slower using her magic.

These last years were a lot of fun. Just living, with no responsibilities, and no hounding parents. I just ran around all day, played with the animals, ate, and slept.

Sure, it was a shock, being born to what amounts to the Mother Goddess of every pantheon, and even a bigger shock to be born in the Marvel Universe (or one of them at least), as the son of a Celestial!

But.. I got over it. It's not like I can live for 30-40 years just being shocked at everything. So, I embraced it. It took me a few years of being a baby to embrace it, but still, I did.

Thankfully, other than a few short ones, I did not get any big long visions of the past. I last saw what I think was a battle between the Titans and the Olympians, but I can't be sure. I only recognized Zeus and his big ass Lightning Bolt.

Anyway, the rest of my years were spent roaming around our house, and trying my hand at exercise. Good news is, I don't get tired easily, which I think is due to my parentage.

The bad news is, I can't do any exercise as I don't get tired even after an hour of running around. So, I just.. decided to postpone it.

Other than that, the last few years were spent learning through my mother's stories. She's told me about the Celestials, and my mum, from all my mum had told her.

Then there was the Elder Gods and Atum, which I've repeatedly asked her about. What can I say, I love that story. The most surprising thing I learned through the stories, was the existence of different Pantheons.

There were the Ennead, led by Atum, or as he's known there, Ra, and his descendants. They lived in Celestial Heliopolis, no connection to the Celestial race of course, and oversaw mostly the region if Stygia. The Egyptian Gods.

Then were the Olympians, living on Olympus. Just like Celestial Heliopolis, Olympus was also a Pocket Dimension, with it's nexus point being near Mount Olympus in Greece. As my mother's tales tell me, Zeus has ruled over it since a million years ago, and he's still ruling it.

Next were the Daevas, the ones I recognize the most. You have no idea, how excited I was to learn that the Gods I used to worship are actually real here! And I'm related to them!

Sure, I'm related to like.. hundreds of other Gods too, but still! I'm related to Indra! Even if he's a bit of a dick, he's the ruler of Swarga!

Ahem, back on point. Daevas live in the Pocket Dimension of Swarga, which a few others also call Nirvana. Don't confuse it with Svarga of the Slavic Gods.

While Indra rules over Nirvana, as the King of Nirvana, Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer(or Somnath, or Shankar, or Mahesh, or few other names) reside as overseers.

Then, there were the ones I knew most after my own Hindu Gods. The Nordic Gods. Asgardians.

Asgardians live in their own Pocket Dimension of Asgard, connected to Earth like all other Dimensions, and having a Nexus point somewhere north of here. According to mother, it is ruled over by Odin Borson, who has two children, Thor and Loki. Loki however, has his own kids in Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungandr.

Then, Nidavellir, Niflheim, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Swartalfheim, Muspelheim, and Jotunheim are all somehow connected to Asgard, and with it, Midgard, through the Cosmic Tree, Yggdrasil. And get this, the Dwarves of Nidavellir, are actually dwarves, and not giants!

This indicated to me that I was in the comics world, right? Wrong!

I remember what I saw, and the Power Stone was definitely Purple. The Celestial who held it definitely was Eson the Searcher, and it was the same Eson as the one I saw in the movies.

I did not understand, for sure, where I was in the beginning, but then, mother told me something that made me understand.

Ragnarok. The destruction and rebirth cycle of the 9 Realms. Only in this case, Midgard has nothing to give Rebirth to, other than Gods. Humans are still in their primate stage, while Ragnarok has no dominion over other Pantheons.

This is not the first incarnation of the Asgardians, and it definitely won't be the last.

According to mother, the Asgardians, and the other 8 Realms with them, go through a Ragnarok over a period of 2.5 million years, with a few million years in between each cycle, and it has been happening for over a billion years! Continuous! And this current cycle has began just about 2.4 million years ago. So, in at most 100,000 years, the current Asgardian Gods will all die out, destroying all the 8 realms, and begin anew, while making all the other Pantheons forget about Asgard itself. Except the Elder Gods, obviously, which also now include me.

I moved on from that story pretty quickly, not wanting to think over it too much. I stay on our Island, so there's no point in thinking about the inevitable.

Our Island, it's the only place I've known as home in this new Reality. All things considered, it is pretty small. It's only big enough to have one big mountain, within which is a cave system I'm forbidden from going in, a Beach surrounding the island, and lots of trees.

The benefits being the Son of Gaea really show on this island. Every animal respects me, and the trees have the sweetest fruits ever.

Like, I remember eating coconuts, and drinking it's water in my previous life, but the same thing here? It feels like I've drunk on Amrut itself. Same with apples. Mind-blowing!

But, it was also a bit boring. For the last 40 years, I've only ever met Mother, and Oshtur, who had come to visit mother once. She's cool, if a bit stiff.

So, I spent most of my time playing with the animals here. Monkeys, being the closest thing to humans on this island, are my most frequent playmates, along with the few troops of Gorillas.

Being only 3 feet tall, meaning my relative age being 3 years old, I am just a bit stronger than the Gorillas in strength, so wrestling with them is a lot of fun. You guys should try it sometime.

The fact that I can understand them is unrelated. Totally unrelated.

And so, I spent my childhood like this. Listening to my mother's stories, playing all over the island, and just wrestling with the Gorillas. No studying, no working 9-6, and no responsibilities over my head.

Life is good.


A/N: Yes, it was a surprise to me too, that I actually wrote on this. What happened, was that I had another idea about the Berserker. But then, I sort of thought hard about it.

Berserker is weak as fuck. And I don't mean it in a purely physical strength standard. He's a foot soldier, so has no extensive training that the royal Asgardians probably do. He has no experience in Magic, so there's no way he can hide from Heimdall after running away.

I did actually solve a few of those things, and managed to write two chapters. Unfortunately, I could not write, at least for now, more than that.

It's not time yet for my Berserker fic to be up. I'll first try and write on this book. I'll try, but don't flame me if I quit in the middle.

Until next time! Tata!

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

Again, I'd like to explain, that I write for fun, and to pass the time. My Pat-reon advertising is not because I'm demanding money to write. I currently don't get paid, except for the one dude who refuses to unfollow me despite the emails I've sent him.

Ahem, that said. I write for fun, so please don't demand I write in a certain way, or blame me if I suddenly drop the story.

Y'all are free to pick up my stories where I left them.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


