9.09% The Devil of Yuragi-sou / Chapter 13: Chapter 8: The Hero's Side

章 13: Chapter 8: The Hero's Side

"Did it work?" Alex asked.

Judecca nodded, "It worked master. Whoever enter this "space" will be able to recover their lost magic, or any kind of energy. Same goes for injuries, stamina, fatigue, body pains, mental exhaustion and even helps cure or at least delay the effects of curses, poisons and other stuff that master refered to as Debuff."

"Wow, its much better than I thought, and I didn't even used that much magic power—granted, I have endless supply of it but..." He paused and thought over Judecca's words, "Wait, mental exhaustion? Does that mean I can't sleep if I'm here?"

Judecca tilted her head and thought for a bit, "You can master, the mental exhaustion recovery seems to only work once people are asleep. So even if master were to only sleep for only an hour, master will still wake up refreshed and rejuvenated."

"I see, that's good to hear," he sighed in relief, "So, let's say Ashiya were to come here, will he also be able to recover his magic power?"

"Affirmative master."

Alex gave an amazed "ooh" before deciding to continue his experiments. He wondered what other concept could he add on this place.

'Hmm, first should be to prevent people to directly teleport inside. Then it should be unbreakable. I also need to to use Metamorphosis magic to make the land richer, make trees and plants brimming with life, and make water clean and possibly even improve the body. I should some cute animals too, and maybe some ferocious one that will guard this place.'

"We still have a lot of work to do! Let's do our best Judecca!"

"Yes master."


At the same time, a couple kilometers away from the Yuragi Inn, on an average size apartment, three people were discussing their new lives.

"This world is really complicated." Said a large tan skinned man with white hair.

"Just bear with it Albert, we need to quickly adapt if we want to live in this world." said a short and petite green haired girl, "After all, we can't recover our magic."

"Argh, I know that already, no need to tell me that Emeralda." Albert groaned before looking at the last member of their little group, "What do you think Emilia?"

Emilia, who has a pair of emerald green eyes and bright red hair gave a humm, "We need to work. In this world we aren't known as Heroe and aren't exempted to pay for a room in an Inn. We need to gather as much of this world's currency."

The other two look at each other before shrugging. Albert sighed and lied on the floor, "Well, I figured you'd say that. I only know how to fight, that's how I was raised. So if there's any job that requires muscles, then I'll take it."

Emilia stared at Albert coldly, "Once we gathered enough funds, you're moving away."

Emeralda giggled, "Indeed, you're staying at the same room with two frail ladies, who knew when you'll snap."

Albert rolled his eyes, but he agreed that he needed to move. Its not because what Emeralda says has any truth, but because he just find it awkward to sleep in the same place as them.

Back in Ente Isla, when they stayed on an Inn they would always sleep in different rooms, or when they sleep outside, he was sleeping on a tree a bit far from them.

Also, what does Emeralda mean by frail ladies? Emeralda herself, despite her petite body, she was stronger than an average knight physically, and that is without magic.

While Emilia, Albert shuddered, that girl could grapple with a bear and win without much effort, also without magic or any kind of enhancement.

"I wonder what the Demon King is doing right now?" Albert wondered, not noticing that he said that outloud.

The look of Emeralda and Emilia immediately turned weird, especially Emilia.

Emeralda gave a hallow smile at Emilia, "Well, I just hope he was taking care of your daughter."

SHE'S NOT MY CHILD! Emilia wanted to scream, but couldn't find any strength to raise her voice. She already given up on convincing them.

But for Emeralda, that silence was like saying that she was worried about her daughter and lover.

So Emeralda immediately tried to console her friend. "W-Well, it seems like the Demon King already planned on leaving Ente Isla right? Maybe he brought with him his treasures you know? So maybe they are living a more luxurious life than us."

Emilia remained silent, glaring at the floor, that if looks could kill, the whole apartment building would've already crumbled.

'That Demon, I will surely kill him and hang his corpse in the City Walls for the entire Ente Isla to see. He was the reason...He was the reason why everything was taken away from me!'

She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth, 'I will kill him! I will annihilate every single one of them! To hell with his power! Besides, he used that powerful magic before coming here, and Alsiel was exhausted, they wouldn't be at full strength, or like us, couldn't use magic either. If the time does come, I will kill them!'

Though, there is question at the back of her mind. Can she do it? She may be blinded with anger and revenge, but even she has enough reasons left to know that the child was innocent.

She couldn't forget that little girl, her pure purple eyes full of innocence and untainted by the sins of the world, her bright smile when she look at her and calling her mama.

Does she really have what it takes to rid a child her happiness? If she did, then doesn't that make her similar to a demon she hated?

Its frustrating. Especially since she admitted it within herself, that if the time does come where she has the chance to kill the Demon King, her sword will dull.

Emeralda noticed her friend's expression and caressed her back as she tried to console her.

Albert was just observing them, he knew what was going on in Emilia's mind right now. Because he himself experienced it once.

Long before he joined the Hero's Party, when this honorable demon conquered the Mountain Corps, a group of various elite soldiers from various clans.

Though his reasons were different from Emilia, they were the same on hesitation. But he manged to pull himself out of that hesitation.

So he hoped Emilia will as well.


"Heh, we're finally done." Alex smirked and nodded in self satisfaction.

Judecca was floating behind him—they are floating above, just saying.

Aside from the Rejuvenation Concept they applied on the first trial, they also added the concept of "Serenity" to give the place a serene and relaxing atmosphere.

Then they added the concept of "Invincibility" making this sub-space unbreakable, even if Gods were to duke it out in here, they wouldn't even cause a scratch on this space.

And for the last concept, they added the concept of "Cage" sealing off the entire space. Making it so that none can directly teleport in, or out. The only way to come in and out of this place is through the door.

Not only that, they improved the quality of life in the space using Metamorphosis Magic. The trees were now thicker and can even grow fruits that can improve health.

The grasses, bushes, and leaves can be used to heal sickness and injuries, it can be eaten directly or brewed, it also tastes delicious as well!

The water was improved as well! One can even drink directly from it, and it restores stamina and even strengthen the body!

Then for lifeforms. He did not add any predators and dangerous animals, just a couple sheeps, cows, chickens, ducks, butterflies, and even squirrels!

Alex actually contemplated on using Metamorphosis Magic on them to turn them into something like a pokemon for Alice to play with, but gave up the thought.

In the river, there are various of fishes where he can just sit back, relax and enjoy fishing.

He wanted to add some guardians on the place, but decided to hold it off for now. Its almost lunch, and he need to return back to his daughter.

Turning back towards his trusted partner, he smiled. "Thanks for everything, Judecca, I don't know what I'll do without you."

Judecca just remained stoic, though she quickly gave him a smile before glowing—turning back into a sword pendant that wrapped itself into Alex's neck.

"Now that's everything is done, I better go back. I'm sure my daughter already missed her papa by now."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


