27.27% 7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic / Chapter 3: Jiayi Leaves and Gifts Awaken!

章 3: Jiayi Leaves and Gifts Awaken!

It's been a week since Star Luo's soldiers had captured the low ranking members of the Abyssal Devil Cult. During this time Dai Baihu had been constantly interrogating them to figure out why exactly they had come to Star Luo.

At this moment Dai Baihu could be seen walking into his throne room with an exhausted sigh.

Seeing her husband like this, Zhu Zhuhua couldn't help but ask: "How was it?"

The Emperor then replied: "It's still the same thing. That they came here to find a woman named Yan Ling."

Zhu Zhuhua then nodded and asked: "Have we found clues on who this woman is?"

Dai Baihu shook his head and said: "No not yet, but I've instructed our soldiers to secretly gather every woman in the Empire named Yan Ling."

This time it was Zhu Zhuhua's turn to sigh: "If those people from Abyssal Devil Cult that we've don't give us more information then I'm afraid that's all we can do."

Dai Baihu then sighed once again and took a look around. He then turned to Zhu Zhuhua and asked.

Dai Baihu: "Where is Jiayi? Don't tell she's still in closed door cultivation?"

Zhu Zhuhua: "I'm afraid so.... From the looks of it she might be breaking through."

Hearing this Dai Baihu smiled and said: "Well at least we finally got some good news."


Within a hidden room inside the palace Jian Jiayi could be seen slowly standing up.


Suddenly from behind her appeared was what seemed like a golden pair of eagle wings. This was none other than the two hundred thousand years External Spirit Bone. Celestial Heavens Great Garuda Wings!

Jiayi: "Now that I've finished fusing with the spirit bone, I must begin the next part of my plan!"


At this moment the 9 month old Dai Xingchen could be seen sitting patiently on his bed. By his side, a bald old man could also be seen reading him a book.

A few moments later Grandpa Hei put down the book and said with a smile: "Did you like this bedtime story my third prince?"

Hearing Grandpa Hei's question, Dai Xingchen gave a deadpan expression as he thought: "I can't believe their having a rank 83 Spirit Douluo read me bedtime stories."

Dai Xingchen then turned his head to the side of the room and pointed at the portrait of Jiayi.

Seeing this Grandpa Hei quickly realized and said: "Oh you miss your Mother! Well don't worry Lady Jiayi will be coming out of closed door cultivation any day now."

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen's expression quickly turned serious as he thought: "Closed Door Cultivation? It hasn't even been a year since she gave birth to me. Normally a Mother would want to spend most of their time with their newborn child right?.... Could it be that something has happened that forced Mother to go into closed door cultivation?"

It was at this moment that Jiayi suddenly entered the room with a bright smile on her face.

Grandpa Hei then smiled: "Ah, you see she's here already."

Jiayi then said: "Uncle Hei thank you so much for taking care of my little Xingchen while I was in closed door cultivation."

Grandpa Hei then waved his hand and said: "No worries Lady Jiayi. I had also enjoyed myself while spending time with the third prince."

Just when Grandpa He was about to step out of the room to give the Mother and child some time together, he was suddenly stopped by Jiayi.

Jiayi: "Please don't leave yet Uncle Hei. There are still some things that I must tell you."

Seeing Jiayi's serious expression, Grandpa Hei simply nodded and sat back down by the side of the bed.

Jiayi then turned to her infant son sitting on the bed, smiled and said as she carried him into her arms: "Did you miss me my little Xingchen?"

The infant Dai Xingchen simply responded by touching his Mother's cheek and saying: "Dah!"

Grandpa Hei allowed the Mother and Child to have their moment for a few minutes before he interjected.

Grandpa Hei: "Lady Jiayi what is it that you wish to speak to me about?"

Hearing Grandpa Hei's question, the smile on Jiayi's face quickly vanished as she turned to the old man with a sigh.

She the said in a sad tone: "Uncle Hei I've decided to leave Star Luo."

Hearing her words both the old man and the infant in her arms were shocked.

Grandpa Hei: "What! Why?!"

Dai Xingchen thought: "As I thought something definitely must've happened! This must have something to do with why Mother suddenly had to go into closed door cultivation these past few days."

Jiayi then sighed and said: "Actually Uncle Hei there are some things that I haven't told you about yet."

Jiayi then proceeded to tell Grandpa Hei about the fact that she had temporarily joined Abyssal Devil Cult and everything she had done as one of their members.

After listening to Jiayi's story, Grandpa Hei could now be seen rubbing his nose bridge.

Jiayi: "I'm sorry I haven't told you before now Uncle Hei. I just.... I just really wanted to forget about my time with them."

"Child...." Said Grandpa Hei as he waved his hand signalling Jiayi to stop. He hadn't even realized that he hadn't called Jiayi as 'Lady Jiayi' and instead just called her 'Child'.

Grandpa Hei: "There is no need for you to explain. What's done is done.... The question is, what are you going to do now that members of their cult are here in Star Luo? You're the one their looking for aren't you?"

Jiayi nodded: "I am."

Dai Xingchen then thought: "What, members of the Abyssal Devil Cult have come for Mother?!"

Grandpa Hei sighed: "So what's your next move child? Is leaving really the best solution? Why not go to the Emperor about this?"

Jiayi then shook her head and said: "You know I cannot involve Baihu and Star Luo in this Uncle Hei. It will only turn into a big deal and lead to unnecessary casualties. Not to mention the fact that Star Luo Empire's forces are no match against the Abyssal Devil Cult. I caused this mess Uncle Hei, so naturally I have to be the one to solve it myself!"

Knowing just how stubborn Jiayi can get, Grandpa Hei simply sighed once again and said: "Well it seems you've made up your mind. So what do you need from me child?"

Jiayi: "I plan on faking my death Uncle Hei. After that I will reassume my identity as Yan Ling and...."

Granpa Hei then cut her off: "..... Then you will leave Star Luo luring the members of the cult away from the Empire correct?"

Jiayi simply nodded and replied: "Yes!"

Hearing their conversation Dai Xingchen couldn't help but feel quite depressed. He only had a chance to spend nine months with his new Mother and now she was leaving.

Grandpa Hei then nodded and said: "Alright, we'll continue this talk later, for now you should spend as much time with your son as you can while you're still here."

After Grandpa Hei left the room, Jiayi quickly turned to her infant son in her arms and said in a depressed tone: "My little Xingchen when you grow up, I wonder if you will hate Mother for what I'm about to do?"

Dai XIngchen thought: "No Mother.... I understand."


For the next three days the Mother and Child were inseparable. Jiayi spent every possible second she could with her Son, because she knew that when the time came that she must leave there was a chance that they might never meet again. Although it was hard for her, but for the sake of her loved ones like her Son, she had to leave.

On the fourth day after Jiayi had made the decision to leave, she held Dai Xingchen tightly in her arms as she wept while constantly saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry my little Xingchen, I'm so sorry!"

As his Mother held him while crying, the 9 month old Dai Xingchen also couldn't help but shed some tears.

Dai Xingchen then thought: "Don't worry Mother when I grow up, I'll definitely go and find you."

After a few moments, Jiayi suddenly took out a bracelet from her pocket. On the bracelet was what seemed to be a clear colorless gem.

Jiayi then took out a small needle and said to Xingchen: "Please endure for just a moment my child, it will be over quickly."

Dai Xingchen didn't know why Jiayi suddenly took out a bracelet and a needle, but looking at the bracelet he couldn't shake the feeling that it was no ordinary bracelet.

"Now please be brave my little one." Said Jiayi as she used the needle to poke Xingchen's index finger.

Jiayi then said: "Please endure my little one, the pain will be gone soon."

Even though Dai Xingchen was only 9 months old at the moment, he was still someone who had been an elite soldier in his previous life and as such was someone who had to endure painful and fatal life threatening injuries throughout his life. As such the pain of being poked by a needle was basically nothing to him.

Instead of grimacing about being poked by a needle, Dai Xingchen was actually more curious as to what his Mother was doing.

It was then that Jiayi dripped a drop of blood from Dai Xingchen's finger on to the colorless gem that was on the bracelet.


A bright blue light then suddenly shined from the crystal which illuminated the room.

"This definitely isn't an ordinary bracelet." Thought Dai Xingchen as he continued to stare at the bracelet glowing with blue light.

When the blue light subsided, Xingchen saw that the gem's color had changed from colorless to bright blue.

Jiayi wasn't sure if her son could understand her but still decided to explain anyway.

Jiayi: "This bracelet is a special spirit tool that I bought from an auction a few years ago. The gem on it is capable of revealing the current condition of the person who had dropped their blood on it. Simply put as long as it becomes blue then that means the person's condition is alright, if it turns green then that means the person's condition is feeling weak, if it turns purple then that would indicate the person is losing their vitality, if it turns orange then that means the person's life is in critical condition, and finally if it turns red then..."

Jiayi no longer continued her words and instead simply placed the bracelet on her wrist.

Dai Xingchen thought: "I'm guessing that red signifies that the person is dead."

Jiayi then smiled towards her son and said: "With this bracelet I'll know your exact physical condition at all times my child."

Jiayi then took a few moments to get a good long last look at her child before she left.

Seeing this Dai XIngchen sighed as he thought: "I guess this is it... she's really leaving."

By this point Jiayi couldn't help but shed another tear as she kissed her son's forehead and said: "Be well my child."

She then placed her son in his crib and began to walk towards the door.

As Jiayi stepped out the door her body trembled for a moment before deciding not to look back at her son.

As the door of the room closed, Dai Xingchen thought as tears ran down his cheeks: "Be well Mother..... We will meet again someday I promise!"


Inside a mysterious secret hideout, over a dozen black cloaked figures could be seen gathered around a large round table. On the table was what seemed to be a map, to be precise it was a map of Star Luo Empire.

One of the Cloaked Figures then said: "Have any of you found clues regarding Yan Ling's location yet?!"

Another one of the Cloaked figures then said: "Apologies High Priest. Right now Star Luo Empire has become quite vigilant regarding our movements. It is becoming more and more difficult to find clues regarding her location."

The High Priest: "Damn! And it's all because those idiots decided to start killing people in the Entertainment District! If it wasn't for that how could Star Luo's high ranking people be on to us like this."

In truth they never planned on revealing themselves during their stay in Star Luo. In fact their orders were simply to just confirm if Yan Ling was hiding in Star Luo or not, that was all. The only reason the high ranking people of Star Luo became aware of their presence was simply because some of their low ranking members couldn't suppress their bloodlust and started killing people in the Entertainment District.

It was at this moment that a voice sounded from above the black cloaked figures.

???: "Were you all looking for me?"

Hearing the voice, the members of the Abyssal Devil Cult were immediately startled and quickly raised their heads to look upwards.

It was at that moment that their entire hideout had been illuminated with golden light. It was also at that moment that they had also gotten a good look at the person who spoke. It was a woman with orange hair and orange eyes. In her hands was a sword Martial Soul with a blade completely clad in orange flames. Attached to her back was a pair of golden eagle wings, an External Spirit Bone!

Seeing this the members of the Abyssal Devil Cult were shocked, they couldn't believe there was actually someone who could sneak up on them in their hideout.

As for the High Priest his focus was solely on the sword in the woman's hand.

The High Priest: "Th-That's.... the Engetsu Sword?!... You!.. You are Yan Ling!"

Indeed, the woman who appeared was none other than Jian Jiayi. As for her change in eye and hair color, it was a side effect of using the true form of her Martial Soul, the Engetsu Sword.

In fact after Jiayi had left the Abyssal Devil Cult she had used a special method to seal away the true form of her Martial Soul making it appear as nothing more than a small fireball. This was the main reason why everyone in Star Luo believed that the Emperor's second wife possessed an ordinary flame martial soul. Jiayi did this simply to make sure that people from the Abyssal Devil Cult would not be able to find her. After all the best way to find out a person's identity here in Douluo Continent was to identify their Martial Soul. However now since she had decided to once again use her identity as Yan Ling she naturally had to remove the seal.

As for how she found their hideout, naturally it was due to the fact that she was once a member of their cult and as such was naturally familiar with their hidden hideouts in Star Luo. All she had to do was scour them one by one until she found the one that they were currently using.

Hearing the High Priest's words, Jiayi simply smiled and said: "I heard that you were looking for me High Priest... Well.... I'm here now!"

As Jiayi said the latter part of her words, eight spirit rings suddenly rose from below her. (2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 3 Black and 1 Red)

Seeing this the High Priest's pupils shrank as he thought: "The rumors turned out to be true! The High Elders really did assist her in getting a hundred thousand years spirit ring!"

As for his subordinates their hearts had been completely filled with fear due to the sheer spiritual pressure unleashed by the hundred thousand years spirit ring.

Observing them from above Jiayi thought: "None of them are Spirit Douluos. The one with the highest spirit rank is the high priest who's only a Spirit Saint. This is good, I can get rid of all of them without having to waste too much time."

It was then that Jiayi suddenly swung her Engetsu Sword upwards and her red spirit ring quickly lit up.

Seeing this the High Priest shouted in urgency: "She's using her Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Skill already! Hurry get into formation and create a defensive barrier!"

From outside their hideout one could see a gigantic dinosaur made of pure flames suddenly appear above the Evil Spirit Master's hideout.

"ROOOOOAR!!!" Roared the dinosaur made of flames as it quickly descended down towards the Abyssal Devil Cult's hideout.


The Evil Spirit Master's hideout was completely obliterated with nothing more but a small crater filled with scorching flames on where it once stood.

By this point Jiayi could be seen slightly panting as she hovered above the flame filled crater.

Jiayi then thought: "To think using a hundred thousand years spirit skill only once would already leave me somewhat exhausted. It seems I truly am out of practice."

It was at this moment that the voice of the High Priest was heard from within the flame filled crater.

High Priest: "YAN LING!!!!"

Seeing the High Priest survived Jiayi couldn't help but say: "Well that was unexpected. To think you would survive my hundred thousand years spirit skill. You truly deserve your position as a High Priest!"

"Damn You!" Said the High Priest as he stared at Jiayi with red eyes full of anger.

The High Priest then took a look at his surroundings and saw that his subordinates were all already dead. In fact the High Priest himself had barely any spirit power left after he had to defend against Jiayi's hundred thousand years spirit skill.

The High Priest then raised his head once again towards Jiayi and said with rage in his tone: "Yan Ling how could you be so stupid! This commotion your spirit skill has caused had definitely alarmed the spirit masters of Star Luo!"

Hearing the High Priest's words, Jiayi simply smiled but didn't answer.

Seeing Jiayi smile the High Priest immediately realized something and said: "Yan Ling you..... could it be that you have allied with Star Luo?! If so then...."

But before he could finish his words Jiayi had already vanished from above him.

Then a strong wind blew and suddenly....


The High Priest trembled for a second then looked down towards his chest. It was then that the High Priest saw a blade clad in orange flames had penetrated through the left side of his chest.

Jiayi stood behind the High Priest, the Engetsu Sword in her hands having penetrated through the left side of the High Priest's back.

After a few moments Jiayi finally pulled out her Engetsu Sword from the High Priest's back.


It was then that the High Priest's body fell to the ground, his life moments away from death. Staring at Jiayi with eyes full of hate, the High Priest managed to squeeze out one word: "....How?"

Jiayi then thought that there was no harm in explaining to a dead man so she simply pointed towards the pair of wings attached to her back and said: "These are the Hundred Thousand Years External Spirit Bone, the Celestial Heavens Great Garuda Wings. It not only allows me to fly at extreme speed but it also allows me to turn my entire body into wind itself. That strong wind that blew by just now was me sneaking up behind you."

"Hundred Thousand Years..... Spirit... Bone..." Muttered the High Priest in shock as his life finally faded and died.

Jiayi then turned towards the direction of Star Luo's imperial palace and sighed.

Jiayi: "Hopefully My Love and Sister Zhuhua won't be too sad once I leave."

After saying that Jiayi quickly turned into a gust of wind and vanished.


A Day Later.....


"THIS CANNOT BE!!!!" Roared Dai Baihu as he stared with red eyes at his second wife's broken wedding ring in the hands of Grandpa Hei. Zhu Zhuhua could also be seen covering her eyes with her hands clearly trying her best to cover the tears that were flowing down.

Due to the disturbance that Jiayi's fight had caused the previous night, many of Star Luo's spirit masters were immediately alarmed. By the time Dai Baihu and his elders arrived at the scene, it was already too late. The fighting was over and the place where a building once stood was now replaced by a small crater, and in it were the corpses of over a dozen black cloaked people believed to be members of the Abyssal Devil Cult.

At that time the elders and soldiers of Star Luo were ordered to investigate the scene to find out what truly happened. It was then that they found burned pieces of the emperor's second wife's favorite dress along with some broken pieces of jewelry that were only ever seen being worn by her. Among these was her wedding ring.

From Grandpa Hei's words it seems the emperor's second wife had secretly snuck out to get some fresh air last night and might've accidentally been implicated in the battle of the Abyssal Devil Cult. From what Dai Baihu and Zhu Zhuhua knew, Jiayi was merely a Rank 52 Spirit King and as such definitely could not survive an attack that could kill over a dozen spirit emperors.

Dai Baihu was well aware of the fact that Jiayi had always been like a daughter to Grandpa Hei and as such, completely believed the old man's words. Dai Baihu then once again turned towards Grandpa Hei and saw the numerous tear marks on the old man's face.

"ROOOOOAR!!!" Dai Baihu then once again gave a roar filled with agony as tears of blood ran down his face.


Hearing his father's agonized roar from outside his window, Dai Xingchen instinctively knew that his Mother's plan had succeeded and that she had truly left.

With a small tear running down his adorable cheek, Dai Xingchen thought: "Take care Mother..."

Even though the evidence was already quite clear, Dai Baihu still refused to believe that his second wife had died and as such mobilized as many spirit masters and soldiers that he could to scour the empire and find any clues that his second wife might've survived.

After 3 months of constant searching there were no clues signifying that the Emperor's second wife might've survived. As such Dai Baihu had no other choice but to accept the fact that his second wife might be truly gone.

At this moment a 1 year old Dai Xingchen could be seen sitting in his crib staring at the starry sky outside his window as he thought: "I wonder what Mother is doing now?"

During these past three months Dai Xingchen mostly spent his time with either maidservants or with his Grandpa Hei. After news of his Mother's supposed death had spread throughout the empire, Dai Mubai quickly came to visit him and hugged him as he bawled while he kept saying the words: "Don't worry little brother I'll protect you from now on I promise! I promise!"

But what Dai Xingchen did not expect was that after Dai Mubai left, Dai Weisi also unexpectedly came to visit him. Similar to Mubai, Dai Weisi also hugged Dai Xingchen but instead of promising to protect him like Mubai did, Dai Weisi had said something completely different: "I promise to get revenge for Aunt Jiayi little brother, I promise!"

It was at that moment that Dai Xingchen thought that this version of Dai Weisi might not be the one from the novel but instead the one from the manhua.

Suddenly the door to his room opened and a dejected Dai Baihu slowly entered.

Seeing Dai Baihu suddenly entering his room, Dai XIngchen became somewhat surprised as he thought: "I wonder what father's doing here?"

Dai Baihu then turned towards the several maidservants in the room and said: "Leave us. I wish to spend some time with my youngest son."

The maidservants then respectfully bowed and responded: "Yes Your Majesty!"

After the maidservants left, Dai Baihu sat cross legged in front of Dai Xingchen's crib.

After a few moments, the almighty emperor of star luo started to weep.

"Forgive me my son..... I... hic!...I couldn't protect your Mother." Said the emperor as he had his head down in front of his one year old son.

As Dai Xingchen stared at his weeping father he thought: "Oh Mother..... If you only knew how much pain you've caused father by leaving."

It was at this moment that the one year old Dai Xingchen stretched out his hand from his crib and patted his weeping father's head.

Realizing that his infant son was trying to comfort him, Dai Baihu couldn't help but think: "What an intelligent child!"

Staring at his surprised Father's face, Dai Xingchen simply smiled and said: "Dada izsh ewayt. (Dad it's alright.)"

Hearing this Dai Baihu was once again surprised.

Dai Baihu: "You... are you talking?!"

Dai Baihu then picked up Dai Xingchen into his arms.

Dai Xingchen: "Dada izsh ewayt. (Dad it's alright.)"

Dai Baihu then smiled: "You really are talking! This is so great!"

However after a moment Dai Baihu returned to being downcast as he muttered: "If only Jiayi was here to see this."

It was at this moment that he suddenly remembered something.

He then looked towards his infant son with eyes filled with guilt and said: "That reminds me, I wasn't here for your first birthday was I?"

Hearing his father's words Dai Xingchen also remembered his first birthday several days ago. At that time only the maidservants and Grandpa Hei were the ones who could keep him company. Even Dai Mubai couldn't come in person and instead was only able to send a gift.

Dai Baihu then sighed and said: "Well then let me make it to you. I'll spend the entire week with you, what do you say little guy?"

Dai Xingchen simply smiled and replied with a "Dada!"

Outside the room, the Empress Zhu Zhuhua could be seen leaning on a wall listening in on the father and son's conversation. A small relieved smile forming on her lips.

After a few moments Zhu Zhuhua walked towards an open window, stared at the starry sky outside and muttered: "Jiayi oh Jiayi.... Why did you have to leave us so early."


2 Years Later.....

A small 3 year old boy could now be seen standing beside a tree on a large beautiful garden. The boy had soft white skin, blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes. This boy was none other than Dai Xingchen.

Dai Xingchen then muttered as he touched the birthmark on his chest: "It's already been 3 years since I came to this world and I still haven't found the way to use those 3 gifts that Aurora Being had given me."

However just as he said those words, the birthmark on his chest started to shine with black light.


"W-What's going on?!" Said Dai Xingchen who was immediately startled by what was suddenly happening.


After a moment another bright light started to shine, but this time the light was white and it's source was his forehead.

Dai Xingchen: "What the heck?!"


But before Xingchen could recover from his shock, his entire body was suddenly covered with bright red light.

"Ugh!" By this point Xingchen could immediately feel unbearable pain from his body, mind and soul.

Due to the excruciating pain, Dai Xingchen who possessed the soul of an elite soldier in his previous life couldn't help but kneel down on the ground and clench both his fists and teeth.

After a few moments the three lights had vanished but the pain had yet to subside.

By this point Dai Xingchen couldn't help but grimace as he muttered: "What the hell's going on?! Why is there so much pain?!"

It was at this moment that a small 12 year old noble boy suddenly walked by and saw Dai Xingchen. This boy's name was Chou Haozhu, he is one of the sons of a viscount of Star Luo.

Seeing Dai Xingchen kneeling on the ground, Chou Haozhu muttered: "Isn't that the third prince? Did he trip and hurt his leg or something?"

Chou Haozhu then suddenly showed a devious smile and said: "Let's see how much I can mess with this kid."

In truth by this point both Dai Mubai and Dai Weisi had already awakened their Martial Souls and as a result prompted the nobles to start choosing which prince they would support for the future position of emperor. As for Dai Xingchen none of Star Luo's nobles had any plans of supporting him, mainly due to the fact that he was not a child of the empress.

Chou Haozhu's father is one of the viscounts that had decided to support Dai Weisi. As such his father had secretly instructed him to find ways to embarrass the other two princes.

Chou Haozhu then approached Dai Xingchen with a sneer and said: "Hey what's wrong? Did the great third prince of Star Luo suddenly get a boo boo?"

"Go... Go away!" Said Dai Xingchen who was still enduring the pain from his body.

Hearing Dai Xingchen's tone Chou Haozhu was quickly irritated and said: "What was that you brat! Don't think that just because you're a prince, you can just say whatever you want!"

"I said... GO AWAY!" Exclaimed Dai Xingchen as he swung his arm towards the viscount's son.

Chou Haozhu was completely surprised by Dai Xingchen's sudden action that he didn't even have a chance to react.


Chou Haozhu was easily sent flying several meters.

The moment that Chou Haozhu was sent flying, the excruciating pain that Dai Xingchen was feeling immediately vanished.

Feeling the pain vanish Dai Xingchen gave a sigh of relief. He then raised his head and saw Chou Haozhu whom he had sent flying was now lying on the grass.

Seeing what he had just done Dai Xingchen couldn't help but feel a bit of panic as he said: " Oh no! What did I do to that kid!"

As Dai Xingchen was about to approach Chou Haozhu and check on his condition, Dai Xingchen suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from the latter's body.

Chou Haozhu then slowly stood up and gazed at Dai Xingchen with eyes full of rage. A large black bruise could be seen on his right cheek.

Chou Haozhu then angrily shouted: "You!... How dare you hit me!"

Dai Xingchen then quickly tried to explain himself: "Look I'm sorry, it was just. I was....."

"HOW DARE YOU HIT ME!!!" Roared Chou Haozhu who was clearly not listening to Dai Xingchen's attempt to explain himself.

It was at this moment that a mace like weapon suddenly appeared on Chou Haozhu's left hand. It was a morning star.

"A Martial Soul!" Thought Dai Xingchen.

Suddenly a bright yellow ring of light started to rise from below Chou Haozhu.

Dai Xingchen thought: "A hundred year spirit ring! He's a spirit master!"

By this point Chou Haozhu stared at Dai Xingchen with an ugly sneer and said: "Brat I don't care even if you are a prince, today I'm teaching you a very very painful lesson!"

He then pointed the morning star towards Dai Xingchen and shouted: "First Ring Spirit Skill - Piercing Spike Assault!"

Suddenly the yellow spirit ring lit up and the spikes on the morning star fired towards Dai Xingchen.


Seeing the spikes coming towards him Dai Xingchen did not panic, instead he became even more focused. This was a trait he had gained during his previous life as a soldier. In a dangerous situation never waver, always stay focused.

When the spikes were but a meter away from him, Dai Xing quickly jumped up high in the air and performed an air somersault which allowed him to easily avoid the barrage of spikes.

Seeing this Chou Haozhu stared wide eyed as he blurted out: "How did a three year old kid do that?!"

But he wasn't the only one who was surprised.

Dai Xingchen thought: "How did I do that?!"

If Dai Xingchen still possessed his adult body from his previous life then performing something like that was naturally quite easy, but now he merely possessed a three year old child's body as such being able perform a quick air somersault like that was indeed quite shocking.

By this point Chou Haozhu recovered from his shock and once again pointed his morning star towards Dai Xingchen and said: "If shooting you once doesn't work then I'm shooting you twice!"

Seeing this Dai Xingchen wasn't just gonna stand around and let him shoot again. He then quickly rushed towards Chou Haozhu at great speed.

Before Chou Haozhu had even time to react, Dai Xingchen was already in front of him. Seeing Dai Xingchen had actually managed to get so close to him, Chou Haozhu immediately decided to change his plan. Instead of using his spirit skill, he decided to just simply raise his morning star martial soul and slam it down at the third prince.

As the morning star was descending towards Dai Xingchen's head, information about a technique suddenly appeared within his mind.

Kamito Kazehaya - Sword Break!

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen unleashed an elbow thrust at quick speed towards Chou Haozhu's hand.


"Ugh!" Chou Haozhu grimaced in pain.

The moment Dai Xingchen's elbow hit his hand, he immediately felt pain throughout his hand forcing him to drop his morning star martial soul.

It was at this moment that another technique suddenly appeared within Dai Xingchen's mind.

Might Guy - Leaf Whirlwind!

Dai Xingchen then jumped up and delivered a super fast spin kick towards Chou Haozhu's face. Completely knocking the latter out. But he wasn't done yet, as he was descending down he delivered another kick to Chou Haozhu's abdomen.


Sending him flying once again.


The moment the unconscious Chou Haozhu landed on the ground was the moment Dai Xingchen quickly woke up from his trance.

Staring at Chou Haozhu who was once again lying on the grass, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but mutter in panic: "What did I... H-How did I..."

But then suddenly a voice from within his body interrupted his mutterings.

???: "Congratulations on finally awakening your gifts my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen was immediately startled as he exclaimed: "Who?!"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


