
One Of The 4 Major Clans

A huge explosion occurred when the Rasengan and the sword connected when the dust settled. The sword was in the ground broken while the other kid was on the ground "What's your name?" "Kata Namikaze" "Your pretty good"

-on top of the mountain-

The bear and the fish were on the mountain watching the fight "Yours is pretty good" said the bear. The fish said "Looks like the plan worked again" "Yeah" every year the bear and the fish set up the same missions to see the combat capabilities of the summoners if they agree to let them have the contract that means they are strong enough "Do you agree to let them have the contract?" both of them agreed as they jumped off the mountain to tell them the mission was over

Once they landed and explained the situation both of them calmed down and Akashi went back to Kuma cave and got handed the contract and signed his name "Now brat, do the summoning Jutsu and whichever bear comes out will be your main summon" Akashi nodded and used the summoning when the smoke cleared you could see a smaller bear which looked to be a kid "Hello my name is Jindai, what's yours?" Akashi was confused this bear was totally different from the other one "You are nothing like the other bear" "oh, yeah we only get like that when we are older, I think the chief is around 1,000 years old or so" "Wow so you guys must have a long lifespan" Jindai nodded "Well, looks like you are my summoner, so let's get back to your place, we can get the chief to contact your clan and do a reverse summoning" a little after that he was summoned to the Namikaze clan area

Once he arrived there his sensei came up to him "Good job, you are now officially a ninja of the Namikaze clan" after he said that an elder of the clan came up "you are assigned to a station at the border of our area, we suspect that the Kaneko Clan might attack so we need as much power as possible there" the Kaneko Clan is a clan that specializes in taijutsu because of there abnormally strong bodies however the tradeoff is they have extremely low chakra and control. Akashi wondered if their Kekkei Genkai was Youth.

After a week of traveling, we finally made it to the post that I and many others were assigned to. The Namikaze clan is surrounded by 4 clans which is why they have 4 posts to try and stop attacks from other clans there were other clans but they were not strong enough to pose a threat. Now that I was at the base I decided I needed to train I mostly was going to work on learning some more jutsu to widen my arsenal, try to get to stage 3 taijutsu, and work on the Rasengan

To get more jutsu the best thing to do was learn simple easy ones so that you can do more things and all you have to do for taijutsu is read the scroll that goes through the training process and because he might be fighting a taijutsu focused clan I started with that. He opened the scroll and it said this

Training stage 3

3,000 push-ups

1,500 kicks

700 sit-ups

Run 7 miles

This made Akashi want to punch something that might kill him, but that's what you need to get strong so he would do it. His training started


let me know what you thought of this chapter I know I'm going fast so I will try and slow it down now

KakuzuCantolopes KakuzuCantolopes

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


