
Lightning Strike Wood

翻訳者: EndlessFantasy Translation 編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

The reason Zhang Zhi reminded Han Ling'er to refine the flying sword was that, other than a kind reminder, he wanted to prove his own value. 

After all, offending an inner disciple of Lingtai Sect had severe consequences, only with another inner disciple like Han Ling'er on his side, Zhang Zhi could ensure his own safety.

Moreover, Zhang Zhi was extremely grateful because Han Ling'er was willing to give him her jade slip despite him being a mortal.

"Okay, I should stop thinking about it for now."

Zhang Zhi took the pouch out and wanted to count his earnings, he was rather excited because it was the first bucket of gold that he earned in the spirit realm.

However, when he opened the pouch, the smile on his face froze. There were only 10 low-tier spirit stones inside, which was far from the promised 100 spirit stones.

Zhang Zhi got frustrated. He assumed that an inner disciple or Lingtai Sect should uphold honesty, so he did not check the pouch when he got it. He did not expect Dugu Ce to be this shameless, paying him only 10 spirit stones. 

He lost a great amount in this first deal.

Just as Zhang Zhi started to sigh and regret, the system's voice spoke to him in his mind, "System notification. Every time the host accepts a payment, the system will automatically take a 90% commission."

"You took the 90 spirit stones from the pouch?!" Zhang Zhi was surprised and angry at the same time.

"I did all the hard work here and you did nothing, what gives you the right to take 90% of the payment? Give me back the money!"

"I provided all the forging equipment and materials, so it is reasonable for me to get 90% of the payment."

"Yes, you did provide the equipment but you didn't provide any materials!"

The restoration of Flying Swan Sword did not consume any kind of material, only Zhang Zhi's forging skills were required.

"Okay." The system simply brushed him off with a brief answer, which made Zhang Zhi grumpy.

"As the host's forging level increases, the profit ratio can be adjusted."

Zhang Zhi only felt better when the system informed that it could be changed in the future. He started to count in his head, if he could restore 10 flying swords, earning 10 spirit stones each deal, it would still be enough for him to pay rent.

"Ding dong. Congratulations, my host, for completing your first deal. You have acquired a lucky draw chance. Do you want to use it now?"

Maybe the system was trying to make it up to Zhang Zhi, it rewarded him with a lucky draw chance.

"Lucky draw?" Zhang Zhi was intrigued, he knew the items from the system were nothing less than great, so he said, "I'll use it."

"Lucky draw successful! Acquired one level to your cultivation level," the system said mechanically.

Zhang Zhi's body felt lighter and an unknown source of energy filled his dantian. He immediately knew that the energy was the so-called spiritual power.

He originally thought he could ascend to the ranks of cultivator after restoring 10 flying swords. Never did he expect to get a lucky draw after restoring his first sword and got rewarded with a cultivation rank.

He achieved the Qi Refining stage earlier than expected. His parents tried to teach him the ways to ascend for 10 years, yet he failed to achieve it until the system rewarded him directly.

The system was amazing!

Zhang Zhi felt a lot better after being extorted by the system. Even though he was just a low-level cultivator, he realized he was a lot stronger, his mind was brighter and his eyesight got clearer, everything before his eyes were crisp and clear. 

"No wonder everyone wants to become an immortal, being a cultivator really feels amazing!"

The system then showed him his current stats.

"Host's stats are as follows.

Name: Zhang Zhi

Cultivation: Qi Refining stage

Forging Level: 1

Forging Skill: Flying Sword Restoration (Low-Tier Artifact)

Experience: 10/100 "

Zhang Zhi only noticed his experience points increased by 10, it must be from the restoration. He was both amazed and impressed by the system's abilities.

On the other hand, Dugu Ce returned to Lingtai Sect with a disheveled look.

"Senior Brother Dugu, what's wrong with you?" Another inner disciple noticed Dugu Ce's condition and came over to offer concerns.

"It's nothing. I went to Beast Valley for some training and fought a king beast of Foundation Building stage!" Dugu Ce did not want others to know that he was slapped out of the sky for illegal flying, so he simply came up with an excuse.

"Woah, Senior Brother Dugu, you are really brave! Okay, I won't disturb your training, if you need any help, just call for me," said the junior brother.

Dugu Ce was a renowned inner disciple of the sect, he was extremely gifted and had high chances to breakthrough into the Golden Core stage in 10 years. He would be able to ascend to the ranks of inheritance disciple then, therefore a lot of other disciples tried to fawn over him.

Dugu Ce nodded without taking the flattery seriously. He wanted to go back to his room to tidy up but after a few steps, he turned around and said, "Junior brother Ma, I actually have a favor to ask."

The junior brother attentively attended to Dugu Ce like a dog welcoming its master, "It's my pleasure to be able to assist you, senior brother, but senior brother, my name is Niu…"

"Niu or Ma, it's all the same, it's like cows and horses are animals, don't be such a fuss." Dugu Ce never remembered the names of unimportant characters, he interrupted his junior brother's introduction and put his arm around the junior brother's shoulder.

"I heard you have a flying sword forged using Lightning Strike Wood? Can I take a look?"

Junior Brother Niu felt suspicious but he took out his magical pouch and drew a wooden flying sword.

"Senior brother, this is just a low-tier artifact, why are you interested in this?"

Despite saying so, Junior Brother Niu felt severe heartache in showing the sword to Dugu Ce, he was afraid that his senior brother might take it away from him.

The flying sword was indeed a low-tier artifact but the Lightning Strike Wood on it was valuable. It was a lot more effective when used against demons and spirits, much stronger than common mid-tier artifacts, hence Junior Brother Niu treated it as his precious.

"Look at you, do you really think I'll take this flying sword away from you?" Dugu Ce sized up the flying sword happily after rolling his eyes white at Junior Brother Niu.

Junior Brother Niu sighed a breath of relief, as long as his senior brother did not take his flying sword forcefully, all would be good. However, before he could say a word or react to the situation, Dugu Ce drew his own sword and slashed the Lightning Strike Wood Sword in half.

"Senior brother! What are you doing?!" Junior Brother Niu screamed as if his parents were killed before his eyes, he hugged the sword and cried loudly.

Dugu Ce sinisterly grinned and said, "It's just a low-tier artifact, look at you! Useless! I'll pay you later!"

"Really?" Junior Brother Niu remained suspicious.

Back in the blacksmith, Zhang Zhi only managed to seal a deal with Han Ling'er on his first day of business. 

The following customers came in and asked for the price before they left with a grumpy look. After all, 100 low-tier spirit stones could buy a brand new low-tier artifact.

As the sun set over the horizon, Zhang Zhi decided to wrap up business earlier. He then went to the backyard to cook dinner to reward himself for a day of hard work. 

His business would not bloom overnight anyway, so he decided to take it slow.

On the second day when he opened up shop, two inner disciples of Lingtai Sect appeared before his door. One of them was none other than Dugu Ce and the other one was a new face, a round young man.

Zhang Zhi frowned. He believed Dugu Ce was here for revenge, so he reached out to the jade slip in his pocket. If Dugu Ce tried to harm him, he would break the jade slip and summon Han Ling'er to his aid.

Dugu Ce noticed the jade slip in Zhang Zhi's hand and it fueled the jealousy in his heart. Nevertheless, he held his jealousy back and said, "Zhang Zhi, I brought you business, do your job, and welcome us!"


Dugu Ce had beef with Zhang Zhi, why would he bring business to the blacksmith?

Junior Brother Niu sighed and took his broken flying sword out as if he was there to prove Dugu Ce was not lying.

"Owner, can you have a look at my flying sword? Can you fix it? Money is not a problem."

Business on-delivery? Zhang Zhi was skeptical but he took the flying sword nonetheless.

The system in his mind provided him with detailed information.

Name: Hiding Thunder

Type: Flying Sword

Rank: Low-Tier Artifact

Material Used: Lightning Strike Wood

Fault: Broken

Specialty: Able to effectively suppress vile beings.

Zhang Zhi nodded. "A Lightning Strike Wood flying sword? Yeah, it can be fixed."

"Owner Zhang, you are really insightful, I'm expecting you to say that!" Dugu Ce then took a step forward.

"Oh, but I forgot to tell you the other part of the broken sword is missing, this is all that's left. Since you said it can be fixed, I supposed you won't back down on your words right?"

Zhang Zhi was caught off guard, he quickly understood the situation. Bringing business to the blacksmith was just a front, it was actually a trap by Dugu Ce.

A flying sword broken into two could be reattached but with only half of it left, what should Zhang Zhi attach it to?

Dugu Ce got angry when he noticed the surprised look on Zhang Zhi's face. "Owner Zhang, what you said is what you promised, if you dare to make fun of my junior brother, I'll cut you down!"

Junior Brother Niu might not know the grudge between Dugu Ce and Zhang Zhi but he followed orders. He drew his sword and feigned anger.

The rules in Lingtai Town clearly stated that one was forbidden to kill without reason unless it was absolutely necessary and the reason was acceptable. 

Therefore, Dugu Ce came up with this plan to trap Zhang Zhi. Even if Han Ling'er or the sect held him responsible for the kill, he would have an excuse to save his skin.

It was then the system's voice sounded in Zhang Zhi's head, "System can provide the required Lightning Strike Wood for restoration."

Zhang Zhi sighed a breath of relief when he heard those words, he feigned a calm look and said, "Sure, I'll fix it, but pay up first."

"Hmph! Zhang Zhi, never know when to give up do you?" Dugu Ce knew Zhang Zhi was rather skilled in forging but Lightning Strike Wood was something that could only be found with luck and half of the flying sword was missing, how could Zhang Zhi restore it without the material?

"Fine, I'll pay. I want to see how you restore this!" Dugu Ce strongly believed Zhang Zhi was just trying to act tough.

He then took another magical pouch and tossed it on the counter. He grinned and said, "There, I've made the payment. If you can't fix it, I'll kill you!"

Zhang Zhi took the pouch in his hand. Now with a little cultivation in him, he was able to use spiritual power to count the spirit stones inside the pouch; the pouch has exactly a hundred spirit stones.

He said, "Why don't we have a little bet again? Same old rules, if I can't fix the flying sword, I'll do whatever you say; if I fixed it, stand in front of my blacksmith and shout three times 'Zhang Zhi is handsome, Zhang Zhi's skills are awesome'."

The words reminded Dugu Ce of the embarrassment he endured yesterday, he flushed and started to hesitate. 

'Zhang Zhi might have a way to fix it.'

"This is my junior brother's sword, why should I be the one who takes the bet?" Dugu Ce shifted the burden just to be safe.

"Because you wanted to kill me. What's wrong? Chickening out I see?" Zhang Zhi showed contempt and disdain and even showed a hint of fear in his eyes.

As a veteran Foundation Building cultivator, Dugu Ce noticed the hint of fear. He assumed Zhang Zhi was making an empty promise just to scare him off.

He was a Foundation Building expert, why should he be scared? He chuckled and said, "Fine, you got it!"

Dugu Ce then took a piece of jade slip out. "I've recorded the conversation we had. When you fail and I get to kill you, no one will interfere again, not the junior sister or the sect, not this time!"

"Likewise." Zhang Zhi also used a piece of jade slip to take evidence just so he could hold Dugu Ce responsible later.

Junior Brother Niu kept quiet throughout the argument. Even though he was with Dugu Ce, he really hoped Zhang Zhi could restore his sword, the Lightning Strike Wood flying sword was his most precious artifact.

Zhang Zhi went back to the hearth and tossed half a wooden sword into the Samadhi True Fire.

The scene shocked Junior Brother Niu as wood could never withstand the heat of the fire.

Junior Brother Niu wanted to stop Zhang Zhi but Dugu Ce held him back. "Just wait and see!"

It was not Dugu Ce's sword anyway, so he really hoped the hearth would burn the wooden sword to crisp.

A piece of purple wood appeared in Zhang Zhi's hand out of nowhere. The system spoke in his head, "This Lightning Strike Wood is taken from the original piece of log that was used to make this flying sword, it has also been refined by the Heavenly Lightning for 81 one times."

Only with the wood from the same piece of log could the sword be reattached flawlessly. Zhang Zhi tossed the Lightning Strike Wood into the hearth.

Samadhi True Fire could melt all things on earth, but when it was carefully regulated, it did not burn off the wood into cinders, instead, it softened it.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました








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