50% A Fox in Twilight / Chapter 8: Words That Shouldn’t Be Said

章 8: Words That Shouldn’t Be Said

(Sorry the chapter was late dogs got out and I had to spend most of yesterday(my one day off a week) fixing all the weak spots we found in the fence.)

Cain was forcefully dragged to the couch as Emmett forced him to sit in the center. Emmett rushed to the tv to get the game set us as everyone joined them. "Sorry about him, he is just excited to play someone new because he always get his ass handed to him," Edythe spoke with a light chuckle as she flopped down on the couch.

"Shut up! Sorry I can't read minds like you and eddy there." Emmett glared at her as she picked up a controller he just sat down. "It has nothing to do with that. You just suck. You still lose even when we aren't play." Edythe's mocking words earned a few chuckles from the others as Emmett finally sat beside Cain and handing him a controller.

"Have you played Halo 2 before?" Emmett asked thinking nothing of it as it was a fairly new game. "Halo 2 it out already! I played the hell out of the first one. I guess forgetting about time for few months is a good thing sometimes." However, Cain's excited shout showed otherwise.

Cain oblivious to his own words was just excited to play the new game. But the same couldn't be said about the others. They all had slight frowns on their faces. They had forgotten for a moment what had happened to him. Having lived for a long time they had all lost track of time at some point or another.

Knowing that they would live forever time was just a small thing but to Cain he till recently was a normal person. Cain oblivious to their concerns and still excited about the game spoke. "Anything new I need to watch out for? Also are aw doing teams or free for all?" By the time Cain turned his head they had all removed their frowns but Alice.

But still Cain didn't notice. "They nerfed the pistol to high heaven and we can now dual wield." Edythe was the one to respond. Cain's gaze shot to her as a look of horror showed on his face. "They nerfed my baby! How could they do this?" Emmett nodded sagely. "Tell me about it that was my best gun in one. It's one of the reasons I keep losing."

Jasper just snorted in response with a slight smirk. "Sure that's the reason." His words enticing a glare from the bulky boy. "Shut up you lose almost as much as I do." Jasper smirk stayed on his face despite the truth to the other's words. "I still beat you almost every game tho loser."

"Why you!" Cain watched on with interest as the two started to argue a small smile showing on his face. He was starting to be happy about his choice to join this family already. Cain had been an only child so having siblings was new to him.

As Cain was looking at them out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone had a constipated look on his face. "Is there something wrong Edward?" Cain couldn't help but ask as he was basically being glared at. Everyone turned to look at Edward and finally noticed the look on his face.

Edythe however after looking at her brother for a moment quickly shifted her gaze at Cain and started to frown as well. "I can't read his mind." Edward stated as he turned to Carlisle. "It doesn't even feel like he is there for me when I try to probe." Looking at Edythe he continued. "How about you."

Everyone's gaze allowed his as he asked the question. The question had hardly been called when it was immediately answered. "Same it's like he is there but isn't at the same time." Her voice was filled with confusion. Jasper's voice also spoke up at that moment. "Now that you mentioned it I can't feel him either." His voice steady but also somewhat happy.

Cain looked at them in order confusion obvious on his face. "What do you mean I'm definitely here." Turning to Carlise and Esme, the two he trusted most here asked cautiously. "What is this all about?" Carlisle sighed. "Edward and Edythe can read minds while jasper can sense and alter the emotions of others."

"We have never encountered someone we can't read before. Jasper and I didn't notice because we don't actively try. My brother however doesn't know boundaries and tries to read everybody." Edythe continued for Carlise while glaring at Edward. Edward shrank his neck slightly under her glare.

"I have been trying repeatedly to read him but it's like if I try to touch him he is just part of my imagination." Edward tried to change the subject to his inability to read Cain but failed. "We haven't even interacted with him for more than 10 minutes! Can't you keep to yourself for 10 minutes!?" Alice's angry voice sounded from the seat opposite Edward and close to Cain.

"She is right Edward this is why I hate that you have this ability as well." Edythe chimed in support. Cain's opinion of Edward was dropping rapidly by the minute. "So you have been trying to read my mind all this time? Why!?" Cain questioned partially out of curiosity and mostly out of anger as he stood up.

"It was probably just his overly nosey personality." Alice chimed in while continuing to glare at him. However, Edythe's eyes widened as she saw his thoughts. "Edward enough!" She shouted to stop his next words but she was ignored. "I wanted to make sure you were good for this family." Edward face showing no emotion as his blunt words caused the room to go still.

His blunt words were unusually sharp in Cain's ears as they stabbed into him. Pain bubbled in his chest as he looked at Edward. He was just so happy to be a part of this family. He was relishing in the fact he was accepted and that they seemed to care for him.

However the simple words of another crushed his long-forgotten joy. Cain's hands clenched as he glared at Edward. His emotions began to bubble and flow, his blood flowing faster and his eyes to glow. His pain began to rapidly turn into rage . Unbeknownst to him his ears and tail revealed themselves.

Jasper's eyes widened as he looked at Cain finally able to feel him. Anger, yes but what was shown through the brightest was pure fear. So much fear that Jasper recoiled back. His powers went forth as he tried to calm Cain but they seemed to just pass through him. "Cain calm down!" Everyone tried to usher him to calm down as they saw him start to lose himself. His nails and canines lengthened and to everyone's surprise, another tail started to grow.

"I JUST FOUND HAPPINESS AGAIN! I WILL NOT LOSE IT!!!" Cain's eyes were literally spitting blue flames as his voice echoed within them. Their heads ringing from the rage, fear and sorrow from within him. His flames flowed down his face like tears. His body running rampant as the thoughts of being alone flowed into his soul.

Just then Alice jumped toward him as her arms wrapped gently around his waist from behind. "Please calm down." Her words tinkled like bells in his heart as his body slowly started to relax. The flames disappeared as if they were just an illusion to be replaced by tears. His rage melted into a mix of fear, shame, and sadness.

Fear about what he has become and what he just did. Shame that he lost control of his emotions. Sadness and fear about the possibility of losing his new home. His body losing strength as he fell to his knees. Alice's arms slid up as he fell her arms moving to hold his head to her chest.

"It's ok Cain we are here and won't leave you. Don't mind him he does not speak for us we are happy to have you." Alice started to stroke his hair as she comforted him. Esme quickly came to his side as well and kneeled beside him. "Yes Cain this is your me home and nobody can take that from you."

Everyone felt the same. They didn't have to be a mind reader or an empath to know how Cain felt. It was visible on his face. Despite his age Cain was lost. He was till just recently a normal boy still in school and just like that poof. His whole life disappeared. He was thrown into physical and psychological torture for months and turned into something no longer human.

"Edward outside now." Carlisle's sharp eyes landed on Edward and he knew he messed up. Carlisle always treated him well and even when he left to try drinking from humans did Carlisle show him this look. Emmett and Jasper followed behind as the girls stayed with Cain.


"How could you say that?! He is just as much a part of this family as you are. I've already told everyone what he had been through and his reactions till now. All he wants is to have a family again after all he has been through and what do you do?! You make it sound like if he makes a mistake he would be forced to leave!" For the first time in a long time Carlisle actually raised his voice as he berated Edward.

Emmett and Jasper stood behind Carlisle in shock. Carlisle never raises his voice at them but here he was yelling at his favorite. "I just wanted to make sure it would be safe for our family. He is unknown and dangerous. His abilities are a complete counter to us." Edward tried to explain.

"By what! By ripping the little hope at happiness a traumatized boy had of having a family? He is scared Edward! He just had all he had and was ripped away from him. All he wants is to have a home where he can live in peace and not hide from the people he cares for!" The image of Cain falling to the floor in Alice's arms is still fresh in their minds.

They knew how it was to hide but they had a family they could be themselves with. But what about Cain till he joined them all he would have had was himself. The thought of being alone and not even knowing what you are or how to control yourself.

Edward for the first time started to lower his head. He now knew he messed up. He believed he was a soulless monster damned to walk this world for eternity and he proved it just now.


Walking back into the living room the guys were greeted by the girls glaring at Edward. Alice had moved Cain back onto the couch his head in her lap as she stroked his hair. Cain had long fallen asleep after over-exerting himself. Edward didn't even have the courage to meet their gaze as he glanced at the sleeping figure of Cain.

His eyes were puffy and his skin as pale as his own. The young man on the couch portrayed a weakness far greater than his muscular body showed. This made him feel even worse for what he said. Despite Cain's outburst he knew it was all his fault.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking right. He had been through a lot but instead of welcoming him I hurt him more." Edward's light words sounded loud in the quiet room. Alice snorted as she spoke. "We aren't the ones you should be saying that to." Her hand traced up Cain's ear as his body shivered under her touch.

"I know and I'll definitely say as much when he wakes up."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


