
CH 7: Meeting

Albedo is currently in the room that was given by her master, the man she loves! She could not help but be amazed by her master's insight.

'To think the man I love has already thought this far!' She screams in her mind and begins rolling back and forth on her bed.

Momonga, her master had predicted most of the information the Operation Blackout sought to find while they are still filtering the information they got after a few days of gathering.

But she has to calm down now, this is the day she and the other female floor guardians will meet.

She inhales and exhales for a minute because one of the Supreme being said that But "To calm yourself, breathe in and out for a minute."

Well, It's not like she cares about those said beings who left her beloved Momonga.

'I need to calm down, now. I and Shalltear shall discuss the head wife situation...'


Albedo arrived last in the designated place where her fellow female guardians will meet. This is somewhere on the 9th floor.

An exquisite table and there are teas on saucers, Aura, Mare, and Shalltear the Lamprey is already there.

To be honest, she felt a very tiny bit of discrepancy when the information of Mare as a girl crosses her mind.

If the Supreme Beings made her a girl, so be it. But why she is questioning it? She doesn't know anymore and shakes it off her head.

"You are late, Albedo." She heard Shalltear's voice. Something made her irks when she see this lamprey.

'I am going to be the head wife!' Albedo declared inside her mind.

"I am the Guardian Overseer after all so I had a lot of work to do." Albedo said.

"Oh~ Are you telling me that..." The air in the room changed; "... I don't do my job because I'm early HERE?"

Albedo releases her anger and directed it to the lamprey. Making the clash of will more suffocating inside the room.

"O-Onee-san... Erm. Y-You should stop t-them.." Mare's voice sounds frightened and a lack of confidence is evident.

Albedo continued staring at the sitting Shalltear without even blinking her eye.


A lone sigh could be heard in the room. Aura is visibly having headaches.


"Albedo, Shalltear we are wasting our precious time, we should be working with the job tasked to us by Momonga-sama." Aura said.

'Oh, Aura is right.' Albedo thought.

"Let's calm ourselves first, Shalltear. Shall we?" Albedo said while she took a sit on a chair.

"It is as you say, Albedo." The Vampire replied before sipping her tea.

The table could fit 4 people at max and so the 4 of them is fine there and it doesn't feel overcrowded.

Aura is just eating snacks, while Mare is just... There.

Albedo thought that she should start the discussion now.

"Well. It's fair to say that all of us here will birth the offsprings of Momonga-sama. It's only natural for kings to have multiple spouses."

"EHHH?!" Aura exclaimed.

"What's that for shorty?" Shalltear said with an annoyed look.

"E-Eh. Erm. b-birth? O-Onee-san w-what's that?"


"You're amazing Momon-san," Ninya said to me with stars on 'his' eyes.

"Hoh? Really?"

"Yes! You just one-shotted an Ogre!"

"I trained to be this strong after all, It would be sad if I wasted all that time training y'know?" I said with a chuckle.

I chuckled because of the bullshit I am spouting right now.

Anyways, we are camping right now near the forest after collecting the parts of monsters that we just killed.

"Yeah, Momon-san. Are you not a higher-rank adventurer pretending to be a copper?" Peter said.

"That would be incredibly unnecessary Mauk-san."

And we shared a hearty laugh.

"Now I understand why you have two wives Momon-san," Lukrut said.


"It's because you're strong."

"Yes. It is because I'm strong Volve-san."

'T-They are not my wives actually.' I cringed in my mind.

"Women instinctively flock to men of strength, no matter their looks, it's a fact my friend Lukrut-san." Dyne chimed in.

'Eh really? I don't think women actively look for men of strength.'

"Right." Lukrut gloomily replied.

"Now. Now. Let's head back to E-rantel shall we?"

"Are you sure that we are 50/50 for the loot?" Peter said but then Narberal suddenly opened her mouth to say something.

"Momon-sama should get all the money, and you maggots should be happy with— Mmmm." Narberal mouth is covered by Lupusregina.

"I'm sorry about sister~su, she just tends to say things like that. Like a tick! Yes, a tick~su."

"You're both sisters?!" Lukrut exclaimed.

We all laugh at that and later decided to walk back to the city.


We're now walking back to E-rantel and Ninya matched 'his' pace with me since I am in the rear.

"I am sorry Momon-san," Ninya said to me.

"Eh, about what?" I replied and pretended that I don't know what's he's saying, but I do think it's about what happened earlier.

"Um. That noble thing..."

"... I know that you have probably sensed it. Right? Sorry, I j-just hate... the n-nobles." Ninya said.

"It's okay. I probably have a vague idea of what had happened to you or your loved ones in the past, with the involvement of shitty nobles." I said. On which he nodded.

I mean, I understand him. People with multiple partners are mostly nobles.

"I want to be strong like you Momon-san."

"Yeah, I feel that you will become st—"

"I want to be strong like y-you or Nabe-san. So I c-can save my sister." My words are cut off by Ninya as he said this with eyes that are threatening to tear up.

"You have a great talent Ninya-san, someone like you will surely be one of the powerful magic casters of this world," I said genuinely and smiled.

'Well, It's not like he could see my smile under this helmet nor I could smile because I'm bone.'

I can't help but pat his head and say "You'll surely become strong."

And after that, we talked some more as we walked towards the fortress city and I could confidently say that we became somewhat close.


After we arrived in E-Rantel, we went to the Adventurer's guild and got our rewards then said our goodbyes and part ways. We immediately headed to our inn. And boom, the day is done.


"Oh my beloved bed, I miss you so much," I mumbled as I am flat as a starfish facing down on top of my bed.

After finishing the quest, the three of us headed to Nazarick to take a break.

I feel exhausted after all of that even though I am in my undead form that whole time.

I also never eat there because I am in my Overlord form, while I can change to my humanoid form but my horny meter just could not give me a break.

That's why I am in my humanoid form only when alone in my room because if not, I'll become monke.

Traveling with two beauty while in my humanoid form will be a great challenge.

'Eh, fuck it. Imma sleep.'


(10th floor, Pleiades room)

"Are both of you fine?"

"Yes, Yuri-nee~" Lupusregina replied to her big sister.

Yuri Alpha is a beauty with an intelligent look, wearing glasses and a blue-collar around her neck, most likely to keep her head attached to her body since she is a Dullahan. She wears her hair tied into a low-cropped bun at the back of her head.

But mysteriously she also has a [Humanoid form] like most being in Nazarick, they don't have any idea how they got it but Albedo the Guardian Overseer had told them that It's Momonga's blessing.

"Then, why Narberal is —"

"Na-chan is probably a bit exhausted," Lupusregina said to her big sis Yuri Alpha, Narberal who is currently spacing out on the sofa.

"Hm. Did something happen?"

"Er... There's one Yuri-nee... Momonga-sama introduced as his wives while we're in that human city..."

"W-WHAT?!" It's only a second before her sister's emotions stabilize since she's in her undead form right now.

Moments later, Yuri Alpha who is already having a headache in her free time — which is right now — because of her workaholic attitude and can't keep herself calm when in free time is now deep in her thoughts.

The "Albedo v.s Shalltear" battle for the head wife position is quite known to the Nazarick denizens.

Everyone picked sides to support, but this one is truly unexpected. To think the last Supreme being also has his eyes on the Pleiades and possibly the maids.

This is... A joyous occasion!

Lupusregina might know a thing or two about ecchi stuff but to think the last Supreme seeing her as one of her wives. She can't help but be happy.

'I hope Momonga-sama will call me to his chambers...' Lupusregina blushed on that thought.

When she heard his master referred to them both her sister as a wife, she could not help but freeze as well at the time.

Then realization struck Lupusregina.

"Think about it Yuri-nee~," Lupusregina said.

"What is it?"

"The reason why Yuri-nee got humanoid form like Na-chan, So-chan, Entoma-Chan, and Shizu is..."

"... is probably to birth for Momonga-sama offsprings! There's no other reason right?~"

Yuri blushed when she heard that, and also felt happy.



'Ah. Shit. Morning already?' I woke because of my alarm. I am still in my Overlord academic robe.

The room is comfortably cold because like all rooms in Nazarick, they are magically-air conditioned. And I thought 'Waah. Magic is amazing.'

I forced myself to sit in the bed then I fixed my robe and my lustrous silver hair.

'What am I, A Valyrian?" I thought then decided to walk outside my office.

I don't need to bathe often since I don't stink and I am mostly in my boney form outside. So I just arranged my look then I could head outside.

'Mm. I want to eat.'

I am still in my [Seraph form]. And had used that to sleep and because of that, I now have the desire to eat. I am not hungry because of Magic Items.

'I also cannot gain buff effects when I eat 'enchanted' food, that's one of my racial limits.'

The moment I exited my bedroom and an assigned maid immediately greet me with "Good morning Momonga-sama. Breakfast is ready."

"Good morning Lumière," I replied. Which startled her for a bit. I think It's because the 41 homunculus maids can't believe that I knew their names.

Lumière is a young woman with long blonde hair that shines mysteriously just like starlight and she also wears eyeglasses.

Like all the homunculus maid, she wears a maid uniform.

'My horny meter is tingling now, Arghh I just want to eat! This [Lust] negative trait is bothering.' I thought.

Well, what can I say? All the maids are over the top beauties in Nazarick and I am always reminded of it every single day.

Lumière is the assigned maid to my office today. This morning's scenarios became normal to me by now.

I woke up wanting to eat. Get horny. Go to 'work'. Sleep. Repeat.

That's Momonga's life now.

"Umu. Thank you, you want to have breakfast with me?"

"E-Eh?! I-I do not dare! Momonga-sama. I am but a servant of the Supreme One! Please permit this one to refuse!" She exclaimed.

"I-Is that so? Fine. But did you rest and eat properly before coming here?"

"Yes! I have rested well yesterday because of the schedule implemented by Momonga-sama, I have eaten too and now I am ready to serve Momonga-sama with every fiber of my being!" She replied earnestly, determination and loyalty are evident by her voice.

I can't help but sigh inside my head, everyday I always ask the maids to eat with me they reply like this.

These workaholics will protest if I gave them more than one rest day. The schedule I had implemented is the same as what Ainz had made.

Which add shifts to their work. With few maids doing the night-shifts. And one rest day for maids every 41 days. The rest day will serve as them getting rest and get ready to serve me in perfect condition.

The reason they didn't protest on that because I said "You need to rest for at least a day to get ready serving a Supreme being." And there they finally allowed it.

Truly a bruh moment.

I sighed again in my head before starting to eat my breakfast with foods I had never seen nor eaten before with my commoner life.

Albedo will arrive shortly after this. The reason Sebas is not present because he is readying himself and Solution for a mission.

'I need to change back to my Undead form before Albedo comes because the horny meter will break if one more beauty comes here.' I thought as I eat in earnest.

TheSimp TheSimp

I'll not update for a while since you guys still can't vote for power stones because of the vetting process. After my story gets approve then I'll update. Bye ;)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


