
章 3: Chapter 2

``Second Young master is awake?`` Thought both the servant's with a surprised yet joyous expression on their face.

They were elated to find that the young master they had served for years had gotten through the illness, saving them and the doctor from losing a limb or even worse death.

Besides, they cared for the young master since the age of four and would be deeply saddened by his death.

"Young master how are you feeling currently?" The elder Servant with worry. He appeared as a well dressed man in his 60's, with long shaggy grey hair and tall legs; his hands were behind his back but had perfect posture.

 Shen Yue didn't answer but instead looked at them for a second, reaching into his memory and then performed a response."I am feeling well this morning thank you; Servant Wu, prepare the bath for me . Servant Xia, bring my doctor to me." Said Shen Yue in his original host neutral tone.

``"So I was out for awhile and despite my mental preparations I am still not that prepared for what's going to go on and I know I either  win, or I fail and die trying to survive what's coming next."`` Shen Yue thought to himself in worry, doing his best not to show it on his face.

Not wasting any time both the servants performed their new instructions, and servant Xia took the time to inform the head of servant's about Shen Yue's awakening.

But also without permission  informed Shen Xiu's servant to inform her before getting the doctor, and walking down the long wooden hall and bringing him to Shen Yue's room.

``"First a medical checkup, and a bath. Then I will start exploring based on the leftover memories. I got 4 years to prepare for that demon's arrival, and I intend on using every second of it."``Thought Shen Yue, before hearing a knock on his door.

His servants were not allowed to go in without permission now that he was "recovered" so now they needed permission to enter and exit.

"You may enter." Spoke Shen Yue allowing the servants and the doctor to enter.

The two servants and the family doctor entered the room, and after closing the door stood a respectful distance away according to the status with the family doctor ahead by a few steps but all were lined side by side.   

"What happened to me, and how long was I out?" Spoke Shen Yue a bit peeved about missing seven days of potential training time.

"Seven days young master, you had an imbalance in your Qi flow causing excessive yin energy to flood your system causing an illness. Luckily they got me here quick enough to diagnose and deliver a treatment." Responded the old doctor.

He was not mentioning the fact that Shen Yue was close to death to avoid looking like he was trying to weigh his importance over Shen Yue but he still made it clear enough for someone to tell he was hiding something.

"What if the illness progressed?" Asked  Shen Yue who felt like the doctor was hiding something from him. `"It's not like I would have died or anything since I reincarnated so there's obviously something else."`` 

The Doctor gave a slight sigh as his eyes and voice gained a bit of a fake heaviness to it before answering. "The excessive Yin Qi would cause your yang Qi to weaken to further wreak havoc in your meridians causing great pain before killing you." Said the doctor expertly avoiding the subject of Shen Yue's balls shriveling up and rotting slowly away before finally falling off and turning him into a eunuch.

Shen Yue heart leapt a bit, and felt annoyed for slapping himself in the face. ``"Good thing I am not in a novel or fanfiction otherwise the readers would be making fun of me by now."``

"Well, I thank you for your great efforts. Could you perform a checkup before you leave and make sure nothing ligerining is left?``asked Shen Yue with a bit of fear, and annoyance in his voice, after all he just found out he nearly died after reincarnation.

``Better safe than sorry.`` Thought Shen Yue.

"Very better than a young master,  please stretch out your palm so I can perform my diagnosis technique." Said the Doctor and no sooner did Shen Yues hand arrived with his palm facing up.

``Blackwood  art: Medicinal scan`` Roared the doctor in his mind as he touched Shen Yue's palm creating a wood like aura around him before transferring it to Shen Yue. 

His spirit energy spread throughout Shen Yue's body giving Shen Yue the feeling of being seen through and the aura made its way back to the doctor who had now stopped touching Shen Yue's palm. Who was going over the medical information in his mind. 

After going through the medical information he wound nothing strange but an increased blood strength, if before Shen Yue blood strength was like a slowly dripping faucet like most mortals it was now clear running water nurturing his body gently.

"Great news young master, from what I found you have completely recovered and achieved balance again.

Better yet, your blood strength increased. So when you are old enough to go to the academy you will be ahead of your peers when you start cultivating.

When it comes to recovery and physical strength you will be the best." spoke the old doctor Joyously not aware of the other changes the hidden wheel in Shen Yue caused to his body.

"Great, you three may take your leave and servant Xia inform my aunt about my recovery." Spoke Shen Yue before getting up and walking into the bathroom that had his new clothes on a rack inside of it.

"As you wish, young master." The three said bowing and then leaving to attend to other duties.

After closing the door he undressed and walked into the tub relaxing his body.

Shen Yue, knowing how hard it was to stay clean in these times, made sure to thoroughly clean himself before drying himself with a towel to avoid disease.

He then dressed himself according to the original's memories and practiced the habits, and body language the original had, slowly getting used to the feeling and eventually naturally producing those minute actions.

You might be wondering,  why there was no protest to his actions of bathing or dressing himself.

It was all because of Shen Fei, he was not always a pervert but it changed after one of the maids his age seduced him and took advantage of his naivety in the bath to try to control him.

And because of that, she was beheaded in-front of Shen Fei, the servants and the rest of the family to serve as a warning.

Ever since then, servant's were not allowed to be in the same room as him during a bath unless called to attend to them by their admission.

 Which Shen Yue never did, partly because of fear and other parts his aunt warned him against ever doing it out of concern for his mental health.

Shen Yue stepped out of the bathroom and stretched his limbs. He had on a black Tie li with a white undershirt, it had white designs from the shoulder down wrapping across his wrists and waist. With his handsome looks, grey eyes and dark blue hair, he brought out the effects of the outfit to his maximum.

It was not the clothes that made the person but the person that made the clothes, of course, this was the case only for handsome and beautiful people.

``"Well thankfully I have good looks, but I should get going now and head to the library according to this body's memories it should be close by and it will contain vital information I will need to make plans."`` Thought Shen Yue to himself exiting his room into the hallway, and after walking for a few minutes met Shen Xiu.

"Shen Yue, you must be trying to get used to walking again." Said Shen Xiu greeting Shen Yue.

(a/n: weird I know but after doing some research I found that people and china greet familiar and close people this way.)

"Aunt Xiu, you must have been looking for me?" Questioned Shen Yue while politely greeting her tensing up a bit out of nervousness.

BlackKingJade BlackKingJade

Sorry for the long delay I got writers block and that whats took awhile.

Currently I can't promise the release rate but I can say that I will still Finnish despite the long hiatus.

I miss yall.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

love yall thanks for all the support.

black king jade

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


