32.14% Accidentally Yours / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Unexpected Kiss

章 9: Chapter 9: Unexpected Kiss


I open my eyes slowly, getting myself back to reality. I wandered my eyes, looking if someone is inside the room besides me. I sit up and found myself sitting all alone in this white painted room. What I only recall before getting myself to sleep was smiling at Dylan after I told him that I agreed on being friends with him. He was happy and I can see traces of smiles on his face.

“You awake already?” The nurse greeted me with a smile on her face.

I nodded and tugged a smile on my lips, “I think.”

She checked on me, looking if I was already okay and I think she do thinks that I’m already am.

“You know, your guy friend who was beside you a while ago doesn’t want to go.” She chuckled, “But his friends went here together with a girl who is wearing glasses and insisted him to go with them to eat lunch.” She sighs. “Is he really not your boyfriend?” She settled her eyes upon me as her lips started to form a smile.

I felt myself blush on the nurse’s honest question. I shake my head, “No, no and definitely not!” I exclaimed, claiming that he wasn’t really my boyfriend.

“Really? Well he seems like he really do care about you a lot.” She helped me stand up from the bed that I lied on.

“He’s like that to every girl on this campus.” I mumbled silently.

“You’re free to go.” She handed me her report book, “Just sign here.”

I took out the pen from my pocket and sign the report book that she handed to me. I always kept a pen on my pocket.

“Oh, one more thing.” The nurse startled me. “You’re experiencing fatigue. You should eat on the right time, don’t stress yourself too much and sleep early, okay?” she said with a smile on her face.

She’s very cheery and it’s odd to find someone on her age like that. I mean she’s on her middle age. I think she’s on her 30’s.

“Yes. Thank you very much.” I said with a smile plastered on my face.

“There’s your bag on the corner.” She pointed out my bag that was placed on the shelf that was on the corner.

I took my bag and bid my good bye to the nurse who still had her smile as soon as I got out of the clinic. Fatigue huh? Well my mother wouldn’t care if I told her that anyway. I glance at my watch to see that it’s twelve fifteen in the afternoon, it’s still lunch break and I can feel my tummy grumbling because of hunger.

I’m hungry and I wanted to eat already. All that lying and sleeping on the bed just made me starve. I head my way towards the cafeteria of our school. As usual, the table were full and I can’t see any seat to sit on. I’ll just think about that later. As of now, I want to get myself a tray and take some food to eat.

The cafeteria lady that was always grumpy placed the food on my tray, she’s not making the food any happier with that sort of mood. If food is made with feelings, the food that she must have prepared isn’t good for the taste buds.

I roam around the tables and check to see if I have anywhere else to sit and I can’t seem to find one. I guess I’ll be eating outside.

As I was about to turn my back, an arm was placed around my shoulder and the scent was already familiar to my nose. It was no other than Dylan.

“You feeling okay?” He said, smiling.

Just because I agreed being friends with me, it doesn’t mean he can do physical contact with me whenever he wants.

“I would be feeling a lot better when your arm isn’t around my shoulder, thank you very much.” I was looking at him with a mean stare and his smile wasn’t fading.

“Glad to know that you’re back to normal.” He didn’t removed his arms and insisted to walk me towards the table where Beth and the others were seated. I should wear glasses because a while ago, I didn’t saw them.

And by the way, what did Dylan meant by back to normal? I mean I just told him to get his arms away from my shoulders.

Beth stood up from where she was sitting and made her way towards me.

“Kate! Glad that you’re okay!” She placed both of her hands on my shoulders. She was glad to see me and I felt that what she said was true.

I placed a smile upon my lips, “Why don’t we just seat down first?” I said, staring at the tray that I was holding.

We came to seat on the table that they were sitting in. The fact that I hated was when Dylan didn’t removed his arms around my shoulder. Up until now, it was still there.

“Can you please?” I removed his arm around my shoulder and moved a little space away from him but he insisted sitting close to me, closing the little space that was left between us.

“So, Kate. Are you already okay?” Austin leans his elbow against the table as he focused his eyes on me.

“Yes.” I nodded and took one bite from my sandwich. This is heaven. I haven’t ate my breakfast yet and I feel so hungry.

“You should really take care of yourself.” Ryan added.

I was so hungry that I hardly noticed and heard what they were saying. I just kept my mouth chewing and biting.

“You sure are hungry.” Dylan chuckled. I heard his voice loud and clear, I gave him my sharp and mean stare.

I pretended not to hear him and just continued eating my sandwich and the bags of chips. I didn’t touch my apple because I was already full and it is because I don’t like eating fruits, I seldom eat them. I took a sip from my bottled water and I noticed everybody was quiet.

Ryan has his head lean against the table, Beth was writing something on her notebook, Austin was reading a book and when I was about to look at Dylan- he was already looking at me.

“What the hell?” I was startled with his annoying stare.

“Just checking if you’re really okay.” He moves his face closer to mine, he was making this face. A face of detective that doesn’t even suits him.

“Can you please move your face away from me?” I knocked his forehead with the use of my palm.

He rubbed his forehead, “Well thank you very much for that, after carrying you all the way to the clinic and not attending my first three subjects in my morning class.” He mocks.

I felt straight into that. I was a little bit guilty and concerned. Did he really just do that?

“What?” I said. I can’t believe what I heard from him and it’s because it’s really is unbelievable.

“What you heard was true.” Beth said.

“Definitely true.” Austin added.

“So true.” Ryan protests.

Are they teaming up against me or what? I didn’t even asked him to wait for me until I gain myself from consciousness or whether if I woke up. I didn’t asked him to do so.

“I know, you didn’t asked me to do so, don’t think about it too much. I’m just messing with you.” He said, breaking the depressing aura that is starting to form inside my head.

I faced him, “You mean, you didn’t do that?” I asked again.

“No, no.” He sighed, “I really did that, what I meant was don’t feel bothered about me skipping class because of you because I’m the one who insisted to do so.” He explained clearly, in complete details.

So he really did that, all for me? Is he really Dylan Winters?

Ryan taps the table, getting both of our attention. “Since when did the both of you started to get along?”

I was speechless on his question and just took a sip from my bottled water. Dylan kept his mouth shut and decided not to answer Ryan’s question.

“Can we just say that we just became friends because of the incident?” Dylan finally breaks the awkward silence.

Ryan crosses his arms against his chest, “Fine then.”

The school bell rang and it indicates that lunch break is over. It’s time to get in our first period of our afternoon class. Thank god the bell rang or else we’ll all be stuck on that awkward silence that is hard for me to take in.

We all separated into each other rooms. I’m now seating on one of the seats at the back, attending the first afternoon class- history.

I don’t like history it is because it’s going back to the past and talking about ancient stuffs that we’re already done with.

History class took so long and felt like sleeping in the middle of the lecture. I mean, I just slept a while ago and now I felt like sleeping again.

After History class, the following subject took place and the time was so slow that I’m getting irritated by it. I wanted to go home and take a rest.


Finally, we can go home. I placed the books that I won’t be needing on my locker. Beth already left and told me she have to fetch her younger sister from ballet class. I closed my locker with a bang, can’t wait to go home.

I was walking down the hallway, making my way out of the school. In my sight, I saw Dylan. She’s with some girl who kept on twirling her hair on circles as she kept on talking with Dylan who was putting his books inside his locker.

I walked slowly and kept my head down, avoiding their gaze, especially Dylan’s.

“Can you please take me home, I got a broken tire? Oh please Dylan.” The girl kept on forcing Dylan to take her home.

“But I—uhh.” I heard Dylan making an excuse but it was hard for him to do so.

I was about to pass them when I heard Dylan called my attention. How did he even recognized me immediately? Why don’t he just take the girl home? He loves doing that anyway. Getting girls’ attention and flirting with them.

I stopped from my tracks as soon as I heard Dylan calling my name. I slowly turn my head to face him and he was glad to see me.

“I have to go with somewhere with Kate, I promised her that we’ll be going on the place that we’ll be going today. I’m sorry.” He said to the brunette that he is talking to.

Going to where exactly? I was confused and I can’t help but to ask him. Dylan walks towards me and the brunette followed him. The girl locks his arms on Dylan’s arm, “It’s okay with you right? If he could get me home first before you two go to the place that you’re going?” The girl shoots me with the question.

I don’t know what to say, where are we going anyway? “I guess?” I answered with a smirk formed within my lips.

Dylan’s face was questionable and different. We head down the parking lot and head our way where Dylan’s car was parked. Dylan insisted me to seat down in front, beside him but the girl already beat me into it.

She’s such a pain the neck and I guess she must’ve really like Dylan. As Dylan started driving the car, the girl started pointing directions as to where she lived but the time is ticking and it’s already an hour, we’re still not in their house. This girl must have been playing with Dylan, she just wants to hang out with Dylan and in my surprise, Dylan wasn’t happy about it. He was serious and he isn’t even smiling.

The girl started touching Dylan’s hand, shoulder and even his hair. I felt an ache from my chest and I knew that I shouldn’t be bothered by it if I really want to get rid of this feelings that I have for him.

“Can we stop here please? I’m so hungry that I felt like my tummy is aching.” She makes her voice soft and very girly that makes me irritated.

Dylan sighed and parked the car near the convenience store. Where are we already anyway? I can’t understand where this girl is taking us. The girl entered the convenience store and we both get out of the car and lean our back against the car door.

I sighed, “I want to go home.” I said.

He crosses his arms against his chest, “Me neither.”

“You do know that she’s playing with you right?” I said, confidently.

“I know. That’s why you’re going to help me.” He said. He’s smiling as if he have something planted on the back of his mind and it wasn’t even good.

“What? No.” I refused. I don’t feel happy about it.

“Do you want to go home?” He asks the most obvious question.

“Of course!” I exclaimed in a high tone of voice.

The girl went out of the convenience store as she carry a bag of chips that she brought.

“If you wanted to go home, no complains and just cooperate.” He said.

He placed both of his hands on the car’s door, cornering me and preventing me to escape. I felt my heart knocking against my chest and its beat is faster than it’s usual. I felt tense and as if I can feel myself trembling because I am so nervous. He slowly moves his face towards me, closing the gap between us. His lips were perfectly aligned with mine and I have the feeling that he was about to pressed his lips unto mine.

“Dylan?” I heard the girl’s voice calling out his name and he didn’t mind her.

I felt his breathe, and it made me realize that we’re just centimeters apart. I slowly direct my eyes on his perfectly cute round eyes and his eyes was settled on mine.

“Dylan!” The girl called out his name again.

I closed my eyes and hope for a miracle of this would stop because if he did kiss me, I knew my feelings will never change.

I felt his hand cupped my cheeks and the feeling starts to make me want to kiss him. I don’t know what to do and I can’t even move my body, as if it was stoned.

Not moments later, I felt his lips touched mine. I was startled and begun opening my eyes. My legs weaken and I can feel myself fainting because of the kiss that he launched upon my lips.

He didn’t parted as soon as he placed a kiss on my lips, he waited for seconds and as if he was enduring it.

“Dylan?!” The girl has her voice higher than before.

He slowly parted his lips and I have this feeling of wanting to be kissed by him again. Even if his lips wasn’t pressed to mine, I can still feel its presence. I wasn’t able to speak and Dylan can’t speak a word either. Like as if he felt the same way that I feel.

“What’s going on?” The brunette said. She’s irritated and annoyed. It was evident on her face and I knew she saw Dylan kissed me on the lips.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Dylan finally answered.

I was shocked on the words that finally came up to his mouth and none of it was helping me. I wanted to go home, not to be kissed and be a girlfriend with a so called playboy.

The girl kept her mouth shut, she crutches her nose and gave the brown bag that was full of chips to Dylan.

“I can go home by myself. Thanks for the ride.” The girl said.

She looked at me with a mean stare and left without saying anymore word.

I touched my lips and I still felt like Dylan’s lips was still there. I should be mad about it but whenever I think about it, I felt weak and numb.

I gulp and turn my head to face Dylan who has his eyes settled unto me. He was also speechless and he doesn’t know what to say.

“I—uhh. That wasn’t supposed to be the plan, I mean I--..” Dylan scratches the back of his neck, trying to make a conversation but he wasn’t able to do so.

I pointed his car, “Shall we go home?” I placed a weak smile on my lips.

He just nodded and agreed to what I suggested.

We both get inside the car and he started the engine.

I kept my eyes on my window side, preventing eye contact.

I touched my lips once again, I felt myself blush and I don’t know what to do.

I’m mad in the same time, I felt my heart beating thudding like as if it was confused and nervous. I can’t move and I don’t know what to do. His presence is making me uncomfortable especially when I remember that he kissed me.

Why did he did that? What does he mean he didn’t planned that? Why is it so confusing?

Did he just kissed me?!

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


