45.45% Six and Hamilton react to their musicals and other ones / Chapter 5: Don't loose your head

章 5: Don't loose your head

*Originally intended for july*

Anne's POV

Catherine's song that we had just heard was actually quite good. I now feel extreamly sorry for what i did to her, but henry has do more damage to all of us, than i have done to Aragon. "Hannah, I have a question before you start with the next song, which i asume is mine, because i am after Aragon. So why did you say Horrible year of 2020? what could be so bad about that year?"

"do you want to hear the sumary up untill july, or the long version untill july?" she asked

"Why until july?" A man in green asked

"Well alexander, we have only gotten up to july in 2020, that's why I said up until July." Hannah responds to him.

"Okay." Everyone in the room responds to the small girl.

"To start us off, we have January. It started with Australia on fire, world war 3 threats. Britain's royal family is falling apart. We essentially have a new plague called the Corona Virus. Also a deadly earthquake in Turkey just killed 30 people. Then a famous basketball player died in a helicopter crash the next day. Oh ya, the president was getting impeached, he is a terrible person may I add. And he got away with it. May I remind you that this is just January, now February. The fires in Australia have turned to floods. The corona virus is now worldwide. Almost a million people were forced to flee Syria. Brexit finally happened. To add in that Caroline Flat killed herself because she was bullied so much online. Now on to March with Friday the 13th also. The Corona Virus is now a global pandemic, killing thousands of people all over the world. Stock markets just had the worst day in 32 years. Two volcanoes erupted. They said global warming could be irreversible in 18 months. April. Everyone is on lockdown because of the pandemic. Because we are staying in global warming is being undone, but could go back in about four days after we are done with the lockdown. Another asteroid was coming towards earth, that's the thing that wiped out the dinosaurs. On to May now. Two people in the royal family have corona Virus, but luckily the queen is okay. Chernobyl was on fire, it was just a big nuclear wasteland anyways. Swarms of giant Asian hornets were invading Britain. Canada just had one of its deadliest shootings, and that's saying something, because as a Canadian we are usually really nice to each other. For a bit social distancing flattened the curve on Corona Virus, but because we started getting back to normal it rose again. Another massive earthquake hit port-a rico. Kim john un was dead, but now he's not. The pentagon released footage of UFO'S. And murder hornets were coming. Could June get worse, yes it can. A new brand of Corona Virus came, and it only effects kids. A trillion cicadas were coming. Ebola has resurfaced. Flying spiders. Yellowstone volcano could erupt. Also talk of a super volcano erupting it could be killing billions. Potentially have three new asteroids that could hit earth. 40 million are out of work. Peaceful protests sparked by victims killed by cops. But some people out of the protests decided to riot and lute. A minister in Madagascar got fired for spending $2 million dollars on 'lollipops'. Russia declared a state of emergency after spilling 20 thousand tons of oil in the Arctic. There is basiclly a new police brutality video every five minutes. Greek orthodox churches say yoga is against christianty. A sumbmerged ghost town was getting ready to reapear. Corona Virus cases are spiking all over, but in New york numbers have dropped. that basicly catches all of you up, and that was the short version." the out of breath girl said.

"How can that all happen in half of a year?!"the guy who seperated Aragon and me at the begging said. Hannah just shrugged her shoulders.

then out of no where the two kings started to scream "HOW COULD A WOMAN BE ON THE ROYAL THRONE!"

"Actually she has ruled for a really long time I think she would know what she's doing. Queen Elizabeth the 2 is amazing hands down one of the best British Monarch's."

"The second?" i quickly ask. she nodded

"After your daughter Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth the first, the virgin queen."

"oh mon dieu qui est incroyable, je parie qu'elle était une grande dirigeante. Ha prenez cette femme meurtrière, ma fille régnait sur la Grande-Bretagne à un moment donné. Au fait, Henry Casse toi." i yelled thinking no one would understand me.

"Ya Casse toi henry!" another with a french accent yelled."Mlle Hannah, pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît commencer la prochaine chanson?" he asked

"Oui" she answered.

[Anne Boleyn:]

Grew up in the French court

Oui oui bonjour

Life was a chore

"What was a chore about it?"alexander askes, i am like bitch i am not answering you right now.



She set sail

[Anne Boleyn:]

1522 came straight to the UK

All the British dudes lame

"True!" Angelica? states.


Epic fail!


[Anne Boleyn:]

I wanna dance and sing

"All the time. Don't we all?" Hannah askes to nobody in particular.



[Anne Boleyn:]

Not my thing

i hear a bunch of people scoff, does not bother me at all, so i don't speak up.



[Anne Boleyn:]

But then I met the king

And soon my daddy said

"You should try and get ahead!"

He wanted me, obviously

Messaging me like every day

Couldn't be better then he sent me a letter

And who am I kidding

I was prêt à manger

Hannah's POV



[Anne Boleyn:]

Sent a reply

"Shouldn't have" Anne says.



[Anne Boleyn:]

Just saying 'Hi'



[Anne Boleyn:]

'You're a nice guy

I'll think about it maybe

XO baby'


Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]

Here we go


You sent him kisses

"I know your pain Miss Boleyn" Maria says

Anne replies with "Maria, just call me Anne. we are friends i mean."

[Anne Boleyn:]

I didn't know I would move in with his missus



[Anne Boleyn:]

Get a life!


You're living with his wife

[Anne Boleyn:]

Like, what was I meant to do?

Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said

I'm just trying to have some fun

Don't worry, don't worry

Don't lose your head

I didn't mean to hurt anyone

LOL Say 'Oh, well!'

Or go to hell!

I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said

Don't lose your head

Three in the bed

And the little one said

"If you wanna be wed

Make up your mind!"

Her or me, chum

Don't wanna be some

Girl in a threesome

Are you blind?

"All men are" every woman in the room including me shout.



[Anne Boleyn:]

Don't be bitter

"Jeffershit is always bitter" alexander starts to complain, which turned into a full blown arugement between everyone. I tried to get them to stop, only mad it worse. So then i had a brialliant idea, play satisfied from hamilton, that should give away the second musical


Alexander's POV

the screen changed to a different background and i got confuesed so i stoped talking and sat back down. I think others noticed because the sound from this started up.


Alright, alright. That's what I'm talkin' about!

Now everyone give it up for the maid of honor

Angelica Schuyler!

'Why would angelica be in this as the made of honor?' i silently thought to myself. "Why am I in this Hannah?" Angelica asked. No one in the room would have geussed what the short child did next.

"Oh Angelica you will not like this." she said between fits of manical laughter.

[Angelica (all men) {all women}:]

A toast to the groom!

(To the groom!)

(To the groom!)

{(To the groom!)}

To the bride!

{To the bride!}

(To the bride!)

{To the bride!}

From your sister

"Which sister?" questioned Peggy, most forgot about her so when she did this everyone suddenly remembered her.




Who is always by your side

(By your side)

{By your side}

To your union

{(To the union!)}

{(To the revolution!)}

And the hope that you provide

(You provide!)

{(You provide!)}

May you always...


Be satisfied


"Neat," started Laf. "i wonder what is coming next?"

[Recorded Samples:]

Rewind, rewind


Schuyler, Schuyler


Drownin' in 'em

Drownin', rewind

I remember that night, I just might (rewind)

I remember that night, I just might (rewind)

"What might you do?" asked Betsy. the look on angelicas face made her look like she knew what was coming next.

I remember that night, I remember that


I remember that night, I just might

Regret that night for the rest of my days

"Why?" Eaker asked her. I compleatly forgot that my son's muderer was here. it was a surprise when he spoke.

I remember those soldier boys

Tripping over themselves to win our praise

"Were not!" all of the soldier boys including me screamed.

I remember that dreamlike candlelight

Like a dream that you can't quite place

But Alexander, I'll never forget the first time I saw your face

i am still extreamly confused at what is going on right now so i looked at angelica, to find her missing. then i look over to Hannah, angelica is with her, why though.

I have never been the same

Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame

And when you said, "Hi," I forgot my dang name

Set my heart aflame, every part aflame

'Angelica loved me' i thought to myself, it looked like betsy was thinking the samething, but she wasn't as confused as me.

[Full Company:]

This is not a game...


You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied

"Don't say that to women Hamilton!" JEFFERSON said.


I'm sure I don't know what you mean

You forget yourself


You're like me

I'm never satisfied


Is that right?


I've never been satisfied


My name is Angelica Schuyler


Alexander Hamilton


Where's your family from?



There's a million things I haven't done

but just you wait, just you wait...


So so so... so this is what it feels like to match wits

With someone at your level! What the hell is the catch?

It's the feeling of freedom, of seein' the light

It's Ben Franklin with a key and a kite!

You see it, right?

"No!" everyone who does not know who he is yells at the screen.

The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes

Everything we said in total agreement, it's

A dream and it's a bit of a dance

A bit of a posture, it's a bit of a stance

He's a bit of a flirt, but I'm 'a give it a chance

I asked about his family. Did you see his answer?

His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance?

He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants

Jeffershit just burst out laughing "she saw right through you!"

Handsome. Boy, does he know it?

Peach fuzz, and he can't even grow it!

"Hey!" i yell

I wanna take him far away from this place

Then I turn and see my sister's face

And she is...




And I know she is...




And her eyes are just...




And I realize

[Angelica and Company:]

Three fundamental truths at the exact same time...

"Spit them out already" Jefferson comented which made angelica walk up to him and bitch slap him again, he was more scared of her now, if that is even possible.


Where are you taking me?


I'm about to change your life

"You really did, thank you." i say to angelica who is already back at Hannah.

"You're welcome" she says between sobs.


Then by all means, lead the way

[Company (except Angelica):]

Number one!


I'm a girl in a world in which

My only job is to marry rich

My father has no sons so I'm the one

"We have brothers!" All three of them yell.

Who has to social climb for one

So I'm the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in

New York City is insidious

And Alexander is penniless

Ha! That doesn't mean I want him any less

"Why?" Betsy asks angelica.


Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you




My sister


Number two!


He's after me 'cause I'm a Schuyler sister

That elevates his status, I'd

Have to be naïve to set that aside

Maybe that is why

I introduce him to Eliza

Now that's his bride

Nice going, Angelica, he was right

You will never be satisfied


Thank you for all your service


If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it


I'll leave you to it


Number three!


I know my sister like I know my own mind

You will never find

Anyone as trusting or as kind

If I tell her that I love him she'd be silently resigned

He'd be mine

She would say, "I'm fine."

[Angelica and Company:]

She'd be lying

"Isn't that what you said?" Betsy asked her again.


But when I fantasize at night

It's Alexander's eyes

As I romanticize what might

Have been if I hadn't sized

Him up so quickly

At least my dear Eliza's his wife;

At least I keep his eyes in my life...

[Angelica (all men) {all women}:]

To the groom!

(To the groom!)

(To the groom!)

{(To the groom!)}

To the bride!

{To the bride!}

(To the bride!)

{To the bride!}

From your sister




Who is always by your side

(By your side)

{By your side}

To your union

{(To the union!)}

{(To the revolution!)}

And the hope that you provide

(You provide!)

{(You provide!)}

May you always...


Be satisfied

(Be satisfied)

{Be satisfied}

(Be satisfied)

And I know

{(Be satisfied)}

(Be satisfied)

(Be satisfied)

(Be satisfied)

She'll be happy as

(Be satisfied)

(Be satisfied)

His bride

{(Be satisfied)}

And I know

(Be satisfied)

(Be satisfied)

(Be satisfied)

{Be satisfied}

He will never be satisfied

I will never be satisfied

"NOW! if all of you start arguing again i will play the stay alive reprise from HAMILTON!" after she said that Hannah had her hands covering her mouth.

"IT'S ABOUT ME SUCK IT JEFFERSHIT!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"If you two don't stop behaving like todlers i will play Say no to this or the one about the pamphlet, even the deleated song Congradulations!" Hannah screams. "Maintenant, continuons avec la chanson d'Anne Boleyn. Ne perdez pas la tête."

Dont loose your head:



[Anne Boleyn:]

'Cause I'm fitter



[Anne Boleyn:]

Why hasn't it hit her?

He doesn't wanna bang you

Somebody hang you


Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]

Here we go


Your comment went viral

[Anne Boleyn:]

I didn't really mean it

But rumours spiral


Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you!

[Anne Boleyn:]

Mate, what was I meant to do?

Sorry, not sorry about what I said

I'm just trying to have some fun

Don't worry, don't worry

Don't lose your head

I didn't mean to hurt anyone

LOL Say 'Oh, well!'

Or go to hell!

I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said

Don't lose your head

Tried to elope

But the Pope said 'Nope!'

Our only hope was Henry

He got a promotion

Caused a commotion

Set in motion the C of E


The rules

[Anne Boleyn:]

Were so outdated

Us two wanted to get X-rated




[Anne Boleyn:]

Everybody chill

It's totes God's will

Henry's out every night on the town

Just sleeping around like "What the hell?"

If that's how it's gonna be

Maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three

Just to make him jel

Henry finds out and he goes mental

He screams and shouts like

So judgemental!

You damned witch

Mate, just shut up!

I wouldn't be such a b...

If you could get it up


Uh oh

[Anne Boleyn:]

Here we go


Is that what you said?

[Anne Boleyn:]

And now he's going 'round like

"Off with her head!"



[Anne Boleyn:]

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he means it


Seems it

[Anne Boleyn:]

What was I meant to do?


What was she meant to do?

[Anne Boleyn:]

Like, what was I meant to do?


What was she meant to do?

[Anne Boleyn:]

No, but what was I meant to do?

Sorry, not sorry about what I said

I'm just trying to have some fun

Don't worry, don't worry

Don't lose your head

I didn't mean to hurt anyone

LOL Say 'Oh, well!'

Or go to hell!


Just go to hell!

[Anne Boleyn:]

Sorry, not sorry about what I said


Sorry, not sorry about what she said

[Anne Boleyn:]

Sorry, not sorry about what I said

Don't lose your head

A/N: sorry it took a few day's to get it up, but this chapter had so much detail incorperated into it.

French translations: oh mon dieu qui est incroyable, je parie qu'elle était une grande dirigeante. Ha prenez cette femme meurtrière, ma fille régnait sur la Grande-Bretagne à un moment donné. Au fait, Henry Casse toi. = oh my god that is amazing, i bet she was a great leader. Ha take this wife murderer, my daughter reigned over Great Britain at one point. By the way, Henry, get out of here

Mlle Hannah, pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît commencer la prochaine chanson? = Miss Hannah, can we please start the next song?

oui = yes

bonjour = hello

prêt à manger = ready to eat

Maintenant, continuons avec la chanson d'Anne Boleyn. Ne perdez pas la tête. = Now, let's continue with Anne Boleyn's song. Don't lose your head.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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