The arrival of Christmas every year was heralded by a particular atmosphere: the streets of the city lit up with cascades of lights that turn on and off intermittently, people chatted enthusiastically and with vivacity and the eyes of the children were enchanted in front of that indescribable Christmas show. It was the most beautiful time of the year, in which great magic was experienced that transformed the city into a real wonderland where even the craziest dreams became reality. In New York, Christmas was breathed in every corner, it was felt in every heart.
In the Anderson - Hummel house, the air had never been so cold, empty and sad; it was the first time in years that Blaine and Kurt would have spent Christmas apart and it was Layla's first Christmas: it certainly wasn't what she'd expected.
Blaine, wandered around the house looking for other decorations, but not being his home he felt out of place even though Sam tried to make him comfortable. The real problem was that he didn't want to be there, she wanted to celebrate Christmas with her husband and her daughter, but at the moment this prospect seems distant, if not impossible.
"I know it's not the same, but how about you help me make the tree, before Mercedes gets home and finds out I've been lazing all day?" his friend said jokingly, trying to make him laugh, which was quite difficult.
"Yes, sure, I'll help you," he replied in a faint voice and with a lost look.
"Do you think Kurt will change his mind and maybe you'll be able to spend Christmas with little Layla?" he asked cautiously and clearing his throat, afraid to speak and not wanting to hurt him. He had seen his destroyed friend several times, but this time there was something different, it was as if the light he had inside him had gone out.
"I don't know, honestly. Sam, we threw heavy words at each other, things that neither of us really thought and now I don't know, if everything could ever go back to how it was before "Blaine said, hanging some decorations without being able to look at him, for fear that his gaze would betray him. .
"I think so. I always knew that Kurt was your soul mate, that you could have overcome any problem together and there has never been a day where you haven't fought for your love and I think you will make it this time too. You need to remember how it all started, where this has led you and what milestones you have achieved. The journey that a person makes is not important, but everything he finds on his way: this is what makes him special ».
That cold morning while Blaine was warm, Kurt was waiting for Rachel to have breakfast at Tiffany's, a once-a-week appointment for more than eight years now. And invariably she was late, but as soon as she saw him she waved her hand at him smiling at him while he tried to reciprocate as possible because she was not quite in her mood.
"Oh my God Kurt, you're a rag!" she exclaimed worried, making a theatrical scene as usual about her.
"Oh, thank you very much Rachel."
"This will be Layla's first Christmas with us, the first that Blaine and I will spend apart and ..." sighing she said almost thoughtfully, leaving the sentence unfinished.
"It might not be so, who says you can't go through it together?" True, you said some bad things, but being surrounded by Christmas and its magic could also help you clear up the situation, "she told him.
"Rach, it wasn't an argument like any other, it was like we couldn't stop saying certain things, like we hated each other so much we couldn't find the strength to stop. It was… we had fought before, maybe even harder words have flown by, but this time it was different "Kurt revealed, sorry and maybe a little proud, he was the love of his life and he wasn't ready to lose it, even if he would never admit it.
"Okay, I understand you Kurt and I know you have good reasons for not wanting to retrace your steps, but don't you think Blaine has them too?" I'm not good with words, I just sing them, Finn was the one he knew how to do. If he had been here, what would he have told you? We both knew him well and we know that he would not have stayed without doing anything, he would have tried "she spoke confidently, underlining every word with conviction, knowing that her friend needed a strong push, he had to regain control of his life. She couldn't let a foolish argument, however heavy, ruin her marriage and her life; Kurt had to react and since Finn wasn't there, Rachel tried to make the best of her.
"I can't tell you what to do because I'm the least suitable person; after Finn's death I let myself go, I devoted all my energy to my career and yes it got me high, but at what price? I was going to lose myself and all of you. I always miss him, maybe even more than the first day and you don't know what I would give to be able to hug him again, to be able to tell him how much I loved him and how happy I would have been to become his wife, but this will never happen, he will never come back back, you can do it. You and Blaine can find a way to fix things, Finn would tell you to fight and remember all the things that made you fall in love with Blaine. "He revealed almost all in one breath with a big pain in his heart; it was not easy for her to talk about him, despite the fact that years had passed.
" Do you remember
How did it start?
"Do you mind shaking my hand?"
I replied "I don't know."
Do you remember
How did it continue?
"Do you mind now if I love you?"
With my eyes closed I said "No"
Then life broke out.
Kurt had gone to pick up his daughter from her kindergarten, she was so excited she couldn't sit still. That afternoon they would have made the Christmas tree together and for a child there was no better moment. However, despite the harmony that reigns at home for the Christmas preparations, Layla missed her father, so much so that she was afraid of being happy.
"I'm a bad child because I'm happy to make the tree with you, even if dad isn't there?" she asked seriously, furrowing her small eyebrows and saddening soon after.
"Oh, no honey!" Kurt replied, stroking her cheek and making her sit on her lap, trying to explain to her that bad children are the ones who do bad things. She seemed to understand him at least as much as she could, but once the tree was finished she wanted to go to the room to color while Kurt prepared her snack.
"I know that the fathers fought, they are always so sad and so am I. Uncle Finn, can you hear me? I miss dad! I want you to come home. Today, in kindergarten they told me that they do not love me, that Santa Claus will not receive my letter because I was adopted and they told me that I am ... as they say ... it's a difficult word ... well, a pedantic . I cried, but then the teacher told me that I am special "Layla exclaimed with sweetness and tenderness, while some tears wet her little face. With one hand she held her bunny tightly and with the other Finn's photograph, she practically carried it everywhere, she never wanted to be separated from it. Kurt had stood at the door listening to her words, saddened by what the little girl had gone through, knowing full well how she felt. He was upset by the wickedness of those children and furious with the teacher that she had not called him to warn him, but at that moment he had to think only of her daughter.
As was often the case, they had the princesses' snack, which sometimes also Blaine joined; then she went back to coloring carefree and happy as only children can do, but something had happened and Kurt couldn't pretend nothing happened.
"Hello princess!" Blaine exclaimed from the living room before Layla ran towards him, literally throwing herself into her arms.
"Honey, how about going to the bedroom and playing with Pippi?" She shook her head energetically, making her tails jump from side to side, annoyed and almost on the verge of crying.
"I promise you can play with dad later, he's staying for dinner with us tonight," Kurt said seriously, smiling at him; it had taken little to convince her and so they saw her trotting towards her room happy with her.
Blaine was nervous, he was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, moving first one and then the other and Kurt's gaze confirmed that something had happened, but as soon as he put his hand on his leg he calmed down. A touch that at least in theory should have calmed him, but it triggered a feeling in him that he knew well: desire. Passion was still burning in their eyes and this was a demonstration of it but, as soon as he noticed the gesture, he immediately took his hand away: they were not there for them.
"Kurt, why did you let me come here? Not that I'm sorry, but what was so important that I couldn't talk about it on the phone? "
"Did Layla's teacher call you today?" he asked cautiously. From Blaine's expression, he sensed that he was clearly a no, which infuriated him even more and at the same time made Blaine worry.
"I'll get straight to the point. I called you because we have to decide together what to do ». Blaine doesn't ask any questions and so Kurt continues, trying to be calm, more than he really was.
"I was preparing Layla's snack and when I went to bring her she was sitting on the carpet talking to Finn's photograph, you know how much she likes it but, the thing that left me speechless was what she said. Leaving aside that she is worried about us and has understood that we have argued, she says that some children in kindergarten have told her that we do not love her, that Santa Claus will not receive her letter because she was adopted and they have told her that she is a loser. . Note, she also says she cried even though the teacher consoled her by telling her that she is a special child "Kurt threw out those words as if he were spitting poison, he was so blinded with anger that he didn't notice that he was shivering and that Blaine had taken him hands, clasping them to hers.
"Are you joking?" Blaine asked almost screaming, angry and unable to keep calm, which was difficult even for her husband. After many days away and with communications made by monosyllables, this was the first time they had a conversation and more without arguing or yelling at each other.
"From the look you have I can deduce that the teacher kept us out of the incident, just as our daughter did. Now, I understand that she is small and she thinks it is something of little consequence, but I do not accept that she has also done it as a teacher. About her It is her responsibility to warn us, it is certainly not enough for me that she has comforted her by telling her that she is special ".
"That's exactly why I made you come, I wanted us to talk and decide what to do together," Kurt admitted looking into his eyes and understanding what was going through her husband's mind.
"No, Blaine, don't even think about it. You can't go talk to the children's parents every time something happens, because this event will certainly not be the last. It is something to be resolved with the teacher ».
"But how…." Blaine was saying stammering, amazed that her husband had anticipated what he was about to say, even if the lightening of his eyes must already be an answer in itself.
"But how do I know? Blaine, we've known each other for nine years and we've been married for five, do you think that's not enough to know you? And then because I've thought about it too, "Kurt admitted with a smile, glancing at her husband with the same complicity they had before that fight.
They stared at each other for a few minutes, one looked up when the other lowered it, it was like being back as a boy, when there was still a world to discover together. It had been a while since we hadn't seen that chase of glances, those unspoken words and that approach or touch by chance with the innocence characteristic of a young love. Kurt and Blaine despite having passed years never ceased to discover each other, to live always new and exciting moments, to express themselves with their eyes as well as with gestures and words: they were looking for their own way, more and more original to keep their love alive and don't let it fall into traditional. In the end, after making an appointment with the teacher, they decided to talk to her daughter: they had to make her understand that for any problem, for anything, she could talk to them.
"Good night wren," Kurt and Blaine said in unison, making Layla happy that she fell asleep almost immediately with a smile on her lips, under the serene gaze of her parents.
There were things that no one could foresee and others that had already been written, like their history. It was not said that they would not encounter any difficulties, but it was precisely these that determined their life together.
"I love you Kurt," Blaine said out of the blue as soon as he pulled on his coat, standing in front of the door before leaving.
"I love you too," Kurt replied, not at all surprised by his statement.
All this did nothing but show that that light was still on between them.
Blaine with a great stride reached him, brought his face close to him and gently took his hand and kissed it. He looked up, surprised to see that smile he loved so much and those dimples that Kurt couldn't resist. It had taken so much energy to fight that they could have used it for something more productive or fun, but that didn't change what happened.
"Wait Kurt, I don't want us to run and do something we might later regret. We had a fight for a reason and before we get back together under the same roof, it must be clear that this is what we both want. We said heavy words, we must understand if they were dictated by the moment or if they are well founded, if something has really died in us. I love you and this hasn't changed, I didn't really think the words I said. I am ready to go home and forget everything, I can get over this because I know it wasn't us. Are you willing to forget everything, to leave every word behind? " Blaine asked in a hopeful voice, giving him the space he needed, knowing full well that things had changed like this from one moment to the next and that her husband had to put his thoughts in order.
"Blaine, I could never regret us, I want you to know that. I never thought all that about you, I was so angry that I couldn't control what I said. But we have come to this point, almost to hate each other, precisely because we had stopped talking, to confide in each other and you cannot deny this. I don't want to fight anymore and I'm not saying that this could not happen again, but perhaps what we have said has a grain of truth. We kept them in for so long that we ended up spitting on them. I don't know if… "Kurt was saying, eyes downcast already, knowing that somehow he was hurting her husband, even if he didn't want to.
They had always been so close-knit, they managed to overcome every obstacle, they fought for what they believed in and ... now what had changed? Is it possible that growing up you lose that ability to see the world differently from what it is, where there is a solution to every problem? Why couldn't Kurt see that everything he wanted was there, right in front of him?
"When I met your mother, we were twenty-two and I asked her to marry me only six months later. We were kids, yeah. It was very difficult at first, we had many fantasies about what our life together would be like: laughter, walking around the house half naked, cooking pasta and having sex, lots of sex. But marriage is difficult and even more difficult to be twenty years old. I didn't want to wait even a second longer, I wish I had met her ten years earlier, then I didn't imagine that I would have so little time with her, that she would leave us so soon. I would endure another fifty years of nocturnal quarrels, I don't know, over whether I worked late or on spoiled milk, just to have another ten minutes with her, next to me. Time is running out and it shouldn't be wasted Kurt, you know it better than anyone else "it took the words that his father said to him the day Blaine made the proposal, to clarify, to make him open his eyes and understand that nothing would it made sense if he couldn't share those moments with Blaine.
That night he stayed at home; they chatted a lot, perhaps as they had not done for months, only to eventually fall asleep embraced.
"A promise is not a document
And to love us we won't need it
Looking alike was easy for us
Simple, yes simple. "
Several days and weeks later ...
It was Christmas day and already in the air, at the first light of dawn, you could breathe that harmony of joy, love and celebration that surrounded the Anderson-Hummel family every year and, if you add to this that Kurt and Blaine was back together, everything became perfect. There was nothing more beautiful than getting up on Christmas morning and wanting to start unwrapping gifts or at least it was like that for all the children, but not for Layla. As soon as she woke up she jumped into her father's bed, discovering that Blaine had stayed too and seeing the happiness of her parents could only be so. Everything she wanted had come true, the little girl hadn't asked for big gifts from Santa, she just wanted her dad to come home.
They spent hours in bed embraced, laughing, cuddling and tickling each other, for none of the three there was better awakening.
"Daddy, can you tell me the story of how you fell in love?" she asked the little girl softly, before her parents got out of bed. She had heard that story so many times that she knew it by heart, but she insisted on having it told, she loved the way they did it for the same loving way they looked at each other; so, they put her between them embracing her, starting to tell her how it all began. Layla didn't really like fairy tales, even though Kurt and Blaine read them to her often, she just wanted to hear her dads sing or tell her their story, that of Finn or the Glee Club, that was what made her happy.
This was going to be Layla's first Christmas with Kurt and Blaine and for the occasion they had decided to invite friends and family over to their house. There are those who came up close, others from afar like Burt and Carol who were delighted and couldn't wait to meet their granddaughter. Kurt's father had been very busy instead, he continued to fight and support the rights of gays and lesbians to give them the opportunity to be happy, to love whoever they wanted and to start a family. He had to be someone willing to speak for them: everyone must have the same right to love.
Kurt and Blaine were struggling with the stove and there was no better way for them to ensure that everything would be perfect. Layla was in the living room with Rachel, who had arrived before her to help set the table and keep the little girl busy. What could be better than parties to show off her beautiful voice? In the background, in fact, she could be heard singing followed by a little voice trying to sing her songs, under Rachel's amused and tender gaze.
"I love you," Kurt whispered, pulling her husband towards him and kissing him. He'd wanted to do it for hours, but between the preparations for lunch and the story they had to tell their daughter, they hadn't had a minute for them.
"I love you too," Blaine said softly, just before biting his lip and kissing him. He ran a delicate hand over his cheek, leaving little kisses on his neck and then rising and returning to his lips again. Kurt put his hand behind the back of his neck, drawing him even more to him, making their bodies fit together, and then taking him back to kiss again.
"I don't want much for Christmas
There is only one thing I need
I don't care about gifts
Under the Christmas tree
I just want you, all for me
Much more than I would have
never believed
fulfill my wish
all I want for Christmas is you. "
They were the only words they said to each other, they were so absorbed in their moment that they didn't notice that someone had cleared their throat. They broke away immediately, blushing embarrassed, but it was Sam and Mercedes and they most of all understood what it meant. They laughed, also attracting the attention of Layla and Rachel who joined them shortly after asking what had happened, but each of them gave a different answer, causing everyone to laugh again.
As the hours went by, more and more guests continued to arrive, the last being Brittany and Santana and Puck and Quinn who were now traveling in three, as she was pregnant. It hadn't been easy for them because after years, in the end, they had decided to try hard; everything seemed to go perfectly, at least until a few months ago Quinn found out she was pregnant. Puck suffered the pains of hell, they had managed to get her pregnant again, but they loved each other and this soon took a back seat. What would a party be, if not with some awkward old-fashioned Glee Club story? Soon after, Kitty and Artie and Mike and Tina arrived. The story got interesting because after Mike turned down Tina's offer, she got with Artie and he left Kitty to be with her, but when she cheated on him, Artie returned with Kitty and Tina with Mike. Embarrassing perhaps he did not even convey the idea, but it was only in the initial moment because after all they were a family. Slowly and under the Christmas spirit things relaxed a bit, even a brief civil conversation between Kitty and Tina was seen that certainly did not go unnoticed, so much so that Artie and Mike were keeping an eye on them, perhaps for fear that a fight between cats might break out.
They were all in the living room waiting for the last guests, although unfortunately Marley, Ryder, Unique and Jake could not have joined them: that very day they had to present a Christmas show for rich snobs. They hated those people because they had so much money they didn't know what to do with it, but they loved to sing and so everything else didn't matter.
"Honey, whose gift are you putting under the tree?" Santana asked, reaching down to her height and ruffling her hair.
"It's for Uncle Finn," Layla exclaimed joyfully, turning the gaze of those present between her and Rachel. At that moment silence fell, no one moved, everyone was waiting for her to collapse: for her that was the most difficult period, although not the only one. Kurt and Blaine searched each other with worried eyes, they should have prepared her daughter and explained that…. But what were they supposed to tell her? Under the Christmas tree every year, there was always a gift, that of Finn. In turn, they decided to buy him a small object, they knew well that he would never receive it, but it was a symbolic gesture that they cared so much about. In the end Layla had done nothing but the same thing as them, how to blame her?
The little girl seeing herself observed she burst into tears, she believed she had done something wrong and she ran into the arms of her dads.
"Honey, can you come for a moment?" Rachel called to her, waving her hand and smiling at him to encourage her. Everyone was watching her, they were afraid of her, but a nod of the head was enough to make them rest easy, or at least they tried.
"You know Layla, they weren't looking at you but me. They are afraid that I am ill because he was the love of my life "Rachel tried to explain to her with a slight smile and shining eyes.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," she began whimpering her baby, sniffling at her and rubbing her eyes, but Rachel picked her up and placed her on her lap.
"I'm not sick, I miss him but I know he's always here next to me, even today," he said, smiling, wiping a tear and kissing her forehead.
"I miss it a lot too. I talk to him "and at those words she Rachel she blanched, she knew that Kurt and Blaine had told her about Finn, but she certainly didn't know she was talking to him. How was it possible that such a small child was also so mature and sensitive? Rachel hugged her tightly to herself, while a tear streaked her face which she hastened to dry.
"He's here," Layla said moving away from her embrace, placing her little hands on her chest to indicate her heart.
"Honey, the heart is here," Rachel said laughing, moving her little hands away; this brought her back behind her as in a deja-vu.
The bell saved her, bringing the situation back to a moment of joy and celebration: Professor Schuester, Emma and little Daniel who had become a real little man entered the door, followed by Burt and Carol. There was no need for introductions, except for one: Layla. Once we met her grandparents, she started talking to them, she told him about her nursery school, her best friend, Pippi her bunny and her songs that her fathers sang to her.
This was what Kurt and Blaine had always dreamed of for Christmas: being surrounded by family, friends, music, laughter, unique moments shared with the one they love. Each of them had found the sweetheart of her, however, despite that air of harmony and happiness, everyone's gaze, invariably as every year, rested on Rachel and on that empty place next to her.
"Dad, dad, can we open the presents now?" Layla shouted enthusiastically, tugging on the sleeve of Kurt and Blaine who were talking to Santana.
That moment had come and she was no longer in the skin, she started hopping around the house until they were all seated and she handed each of their gifts. Her greatest joy was when she handed her dads the gifts that she obviously had given with their help. Layla gave Blaine a bow tie because she knew her father wore them often and loved them, but instead she gave Kurt one of those weird little animal pins, which he immediately put on. Under the tree there were still some gifts that Kurt personally handed to everyone, smiling, a little nervous. Nobody had to open them at the moment and this led him to get dirty looks especially from Santana; shortly after her husband understood, so he got up and encircled his waist giving him a gentle kiss on the lips to give him strength.
"This is my book ..." New Directions "" Kurt said proudly, taking the book and turning it over for everyone to see the cover. It was very simple, without any particular graphics but only with what was enough: a microphone, some musical notes and friends in a group, tightly forming a circle.
It wasn't that that attracted everyone's attention, but the title. It seemed a little common and maybe for many it would be, but not for them. That title enclosed each of them with their stories, because it was from that high school, that singing room and that group of losers that it all began. Someone should have talked about it and who better than Kurt, could have? It was a book full of stories, of victories and failures, of beautiful memories and painful moments to forget, of lost people and new friendships. It was a book of life whose purpose was to help all those lonely kids (who, like them, had felt different or cast aside) as well as Professor Schuester and music had done with them.
"Don't read
as children do, for fun, or
as the ambitious do, just to educate you.
Read to live. "
- Gustave Flaubert
Before the dedicated Kurt had decided to insert that Flaubert phrase because he thought it well encapsulated the meaning of his book.
"Before killing me, you should know that I worked on it for over a year and changed your names, but if that wasn't enough, give me the benefit of the doubt at least until you read it," he said promptly, trying to cheer everyone up, given that no one was talking but he could have bet he saw some puffs of smoke coming out of their heads.
"I dedicate this book to ...
my husband Blaine who always believed in me, who pushed me to always give my best
and that even though he didn't know it, he was by my side and strengthened me every day.
To my brother Finn who taught me to be a man, even though I didn't get the chance
to tell him because he left me too soon.
To my parents who gave me the most beautiful gift: life;
to my mother who taught me humility and kindness,
to my dad who taught me that being different just means being special
and to Carol who was a second mom, giving me affection in spite of that
life had taken a son from him.
To my high school teacher, William Schuester, who
he taught me to never stop believing in dreams
and to always fight for what I believe in.
To Rachel, my best friend who has always seen the good in people
and she taught me that the better you become.
To Santana, Puck and my old coach Sue because thanks to their being tough and sometimes mean
they taught me how hard life can be.
I dedicate this book to all my longtime friends: Brittany, Quinn, Artie, Mike, Tina
Sam and Mercedes who have been beside me, who have not disappeared with distance or silence.
And to the friends that over time I have come to know and
to love: Unique, Kitty, Marley, Jack and Ryder.
I dedicate this book to all the people who have lost someone,
to those who find refuge in a book,
to those who life has knocked out but
However, they found the strength to get up.
To all those who have entered my life, even if for a short time,
leaving a mark.
To those who feel different and alone.
This is for all of you,
no matter if you are gay, lesbian or straight:
This is your book ».
After Kurt finished reading the dedication written specifically for each of them, silence fell for just a minute, when a big applause broke out. It was impossible to say who was crying for joy and who for emotion, but he knew how to reach everyone's heart and what certain thing he would have succeeded even with his readers. Everyone congratulated him, wished him the best and never finished thanking him, but it was Professor Schuester's words, as always, that made him move. After toasting, joking and singing many more Christmas songs as they used to do, they all slowly left, leaving Kurt, Layla and Blaine alone, enjoying those last minutes of Christmas Eve together.
Layla did not want to go to bed, even though she was completely destroyed and she had her eyes closing on their own, but she insisted that she was awake and that she still wanted to sing; that little girl was a volcano and she remembered Rachel many times. When they put her to bed, Kurt and Blaine had to promise her that they would spend the day with the family tomorrow, just the three of them.
Her dads had already prepared a truly unique little program for her: they would have breakfast at Tiffany's, then they would go around the Christmas markets in Bryon Park, to the ice rink at Rockefeller Center, they would also accompany her to Macy's to make her do. the souvenir photo with Santa Claus and finally, they would take her to admire the shop windows on Fifth Avenue. That program would have taken all day and evening, for the first time, would have taken her to Broadway to see a musical: for the occasion they had chosen "Mary Poppins".
"Finally alone," Kurt exclaimed, throwing himself on the bed and pulling Blaine behind him who fell on him: he didn't mind that, on the contrary he drew her even more to him and began to kiss him. After a long day it was their time, but Blaine interrupted those magical minutes.
"Since you already gave me your present, here's mine," and handed him two tickets to a musical that as soon as Kurt saw him he was amazed and started laughing.
"Do you find it so funny?" Blaine asked, a little offended by her behavior, but her husband, seeing that he had hurt him, immediately became serious.
"Honey, move the covers and lift the pillow," Kurt told him, a smile on his face. As soon as Blaine opened the envelope he laughed: he too had two tickets to the same musical in his hands. Like every year on Broadway, the New York City Ballet staged the Nutcracker and going for them was now a custom, so that year too would be no different.
Everything was in the right place, Kurt had his person by his side and Blaine had half of him to complete it, there was nothing that could frighten them now because one would be the strength of the other. Also, to complete their family and to enrich it was Layla: that was the best gift, they would never stop thanking God for giving such a gift. Kurt approached her husband placing a hand on his chest, right where his heart was, which at the moment was beating madly and with the other began to tease him. Blaine drew him to him and began to brush his cheek with his thumb making little ones and after him he lifted his face until they were immersed in each other's eyes. He began to lower his head until he placed tender kisses on his neck, then he climbed up to his lips and thus he lost himself in its immensity, no longer able to reason.
"I am convinced that my soul already knew what my mind and body did not yet know. He understood that our hands were meant to be tightened without fear, forever. In recent years I have never had the feeling of getting to know you, rather it seemed to me that I began to remember you again. As if in all our previous lives we had always chosen to be together, to find each other and fall in love all the time, hundreds of times, for all eternity. I feel so lucky to have met you ... all I want, the only thing I've always wanted, is to be able to love you all my life "Blaine between kisses and the other on the edge of his lips whispered these words, the same as she told him when she made the marriage proposal, always the same ones that Kurt had put up in the bedroom, right above their bed, along with their wedding photo.
"I won't ask for much this Christmas
I don't even want snow,
I'll just keep waiting for you
Under the mistletoe.
I will not make a list to send
To the North Pole for Santa Claus.
I won't even stay awake for
Hear the magical snaps of the reindeer
Because I just want to keep you
Hold tight to me tonight.
All I want for Christmas is you. "
Author's notes:
I'm back XD
I didn't want to post both chapters together, but since these days there is excitement at home as we think about Christmas holidays, the fact that mine come to visit us and then ... it settles down and things like that.
What to say? We have come to the conclusion, I admit that the Klaine, little Layla and their family will spoil me a lot, but I know that this story will be part of my heart.
I hope you will enjoy reading this adventure <3
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