
Sayo My Faithful follower/ Come at me Nightraid

(Sayo Pov)

"Mm~* I wake up feeling relaxed, But then feel something touching me

Looking down I see two hands fondling my chest " H-Huh!?" I say and try to move only for breasts to be gripped tighter as a demanding voice said in my ear

"Don't move!" Jason said and kept fondling me

"W-What are you doing?" I say trying to stifle my moans "Stop" (More...)

What? There's no way I would enjoy this... isn't this wrong... (Please... harder) I think to myself and bite my lip gathering courage "H-Harder..."

Suddenly all the pressure on my chest is gone and I turn to see Jason get out of bed "Nah I have things to do" He says and leaves


(Jason Pov)

The best way to play is to get one to be obsessed with you... Right now she's probably cursing me, But by the end of the day she will be working 100x harder than normal to try and get me to do it again

Chuckling to myself I make my way into the castle, Approaching the throne room I swiftly open the doors and kneel "Emperor"

"Hello newly promoted Captain Akira" The child Emperor says and I smile (Haha Ogre... You got replaced just like that...)

Then the prime minister gets up with a smile "Ah Jason my old friend how are you enjoying the capital... it's been 5 years right?"

I nod with a smile "Yes prime minister it's been 5 years since my sister and I have come to the capital"

"Well now that you are captain is there any other thing you might need?" He asks

"No sir everything is fine"

"In that case, you are dismissed"

Nodding I get back up and leave, If anyone saw me they'd see a crazed smile on my face (Haha Honest, I can't wait to play a game with you...) Tugging at my sleeve that hides my symbol I put a soft smile back on my face

"Master!" Sayo says as I enter and bows

"Hello Sayo?" (Haha, Manipulating you is just too easy Sayo)

"I've prepared you lunch... and also I would like to speak with you after?"

I just nod and proceed to eat, Halfway through I look up after noticing a presence entering the perimeter (Oh hell no... This isn't the time for you to see her yet Tatsumi)

"Get out," I say forcefully to Sayo causing her to instantly back away

Walking out the front door I smile "what is it Tatsumi?"

Tatsumi, Who is on top of my roof looking away from me Says "I wanted to know something"


"Who is the champion I have to fight in a few weeks?"

"*Sigh* Just leave, I already know that Leone is trying to get any information she can from that house over there," I say and glance over at the said house smiling

Feeling Tatsumi's heart start to beat faster, I smile "Cmon Tatsumi... Technically you just told someone about how you are fighting someone on my side... Whatever if they show up in the middle of my game they'll die" I say shrugging my shoulders

"Is that what people's lives mean to you!?" Just a game!"

"Yep pretty much... But" I vanish and reappear behind Tatsumi "I'm not sure how I liked that time of voice..."

"S-Sorry" Tatsumi said out of habit

"Haha yes don't worry... I already knocked Leone out the second I came outside hehe" I push him off the roof and see him start to run away, only stopping to get Leone

"Ok what did you want to-" Stopping after seeing Sayo I smile (Haha all part of the plan...)

Sayo, Who is sitting in a kneeling type position on my bed, Is wearing black lingerie with her hair down "M-Master..." She says with a red face

"What do you want?"I say forcing her to beg

" C-Can you please touch me?" She says this time looking down and biting her lip

Smiling I get closer to her until I'm right next to her ear "Unlucky... I have duties as captain to do today... Try again next time haha" I say and then leave again to patrol (More like f*** around and play games)

1 week later...

Flicking A toothpick out of my mouth I stare at the 7-night raid members who brought me out here "So... What do you want?"

"Unfortunately you have been judged guilty!" Leone says and everyone gets into a fighting stance

"Jason Akira Original: Pyroasengan" I mutter and a high flaming swirling ball appears in my right hand "So... Who is first?"

Bulat lunges at me with his spear, I easily dodge and kick him in the ribs then twisting my body I hit him in the face causing him to fly back a little


Dodging Mines attempt at sniping me I cut off the blood from her brain, and finally, my champion arrives


"Wear this outfit along with this mask at all times ok?" I said to a begging Sayo who keeps asking me to touch her


"If people knew who you were they would be able to use you to get to me..." I say some BS I came up with on the spot

She brightens up "So you do care about me master!" She says and jumps to hug me

looking down at her outfit she starts getting dressed

(Flashback End)

"Tatsumi!! I lied the battle starts now!" I say and Sayo Rushes toward Tatsumi

I had convinced her that he was so immersed in brainwashing the only way to save him was death... She didn't agree but with a few lessons about the real world she reluctantly agreed

Sayo Tackles Tatsumi and forces him into an area where they can fight

"Hah!!" Bulat Charges at me and I smile, A quick kick to the chest knocks him off balance and I finally push the pyroasengan into his exposed chest "That's a lot of damage" I say and it explodes causing Bulat to fall limp in my arms, Dead

Looking up with splattered blood on my face "I killed your Big Brother right? Come at me night raid" I say before releasing hell

(A/N: Next chapter will be Sayo vs. Tatsumi)

TheGodSage TheGodSage

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


