10.9% Dan Walker : Outbreak / Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Welcomed Sleep

章 4: Chapter 3: Welcomed Sleep

"Master,you don't have to tell us if you don't feel like it..." Kate says,petting your head.

"Owner,we still have to get home." Katie says,tail wagging aggressively.

"I know Girls,let's go home and i'll answer any questions you have about me" you say,sighing,thinking they might start disliking you.

"Chief,come look what this dirt bag had on him." Dima says,checking the victims body of anything valuable.

"Huh...this guy actually had a phone,check whats on it." you tell Dima what to do.

"Chief,we need to move...the time is on limit for us to get home." Boris says,checking the time the group needs to get home.

"Let's go.Get everything you need from here,then we move.Dima whats on the phone ?" you say,preparing to leave.

"Chief,it's disgusting...they even....i can't .... *almost pukes*" Dima says,handing you the phone to see.

"This bastards actually,they have...s--slave camps." you say,shocked by what you see,the phones recordings hold.

"Oi,we want to see it as well." Katie says,interested in your and Dima's reaction.

"No,no...you won't see it.I won't let you." you tell your Foxes.

"Master,why ? It can't be that bad.It's just a human slave camp" Kate says..not knowing its a human female ONLY slave camp.

Sergey walks up to you and shows you a map he found on one of the dead soldiers on the street...a map,containing every slave camp,of any kind,they own.

"Fuck,this is...." you say,shocked by what Sergey found.

"Master~,what did you find,i want to see it too." Kate says,showing high interest in the map,judging from her tails movement.

"Its a map of all the slave camps...there is 2 or 3 around our town,depending how you look at it." you tell Kate.

Out of nowhere Katie,jumps up and steals the map out of your hands.Kate was a distraction,while the other sneaked up.Simple,but very effective.You have same pretty clever Foxes...

"Katie ! Give that back,that's order!" you shout at the fox.

"S-So-Sorry Owner,i didn't mean to make you mad." she says,hiding her tail,so does her sister.

You'r heart breaks at the sight of Kate and Katie scared...by the one that supposed to take care of them..yourself.

"I'm sorry you two,please forgive me.I didn't want to scare you,i just don't want you to see that map." you say,slowly approaching them.

"We are sorry Master....we just thought you..you think we are useless to you." Kate says,not knowing you value them more then your own life.

"Girls,you are never...never,useless to me.Don't even waste a moment thinking that.You are the most valued people i have.You are my only family,i don't have anyone else." you tell the Foxes,petting they'r head,they seem to have calmed down.

They start hugging you,tightly.It seems they try to understand how you get things done,may it be through thinking or taking action.Your Foxes now know...they are you'r sole weak spot.

"Owner,you didn't mean to hit me,for stealing the map...where you ?" Katie says,head towards the ground...

"I will never hit one of you,never.Understood ?" you say that in a serious tone,making the Foxes look up to you.

After a few more minutes of hugging,you really need to get home.Leaving the victims body,where it is now.Everyone leaves the room,deciding to take the fire emergency ladder down.Doing so,will get you about 30 minutes to leave the city before the first night-active infected come out.

It was way easier to get out the city then you thought.No NATO troops,no infected,whatever the case may be.You got out...and that is the only thing that matters.

Walking a few kilometres towards your home town..you decide to take a break.So not only the Foxes,which still need to get adjusted to the walking pace,can get a rest.And you,as well.

Being allied with the Russians,your Men and the "Defenders" in Home Town,both have ATIS.

ATIS - Advanced Thermal Imaging System,a much more sophisticated Thermal Imaging system then NATO will ever develop.The Russian spent the last 17 years perfecting this system.Even if they capture one of the devices,cracking the codes,to access the first layers of software protection,is a though nut.Hacking through the first 5,out of the 10 layers of Software protection,is going to take NATO a few years.

The Foxes seem to have some form of night vision as well,they keep looking around.As if searching or looking out for something.

Over the Radio,a channel specific and only for usage by you four.The Channel runs on a device,each one of you four has a Transciever.Old Technology but it get's the job done.

"Chief,under 1km till home base." Boris says,leading the group,checking out the way you are going to walk.

"What's wrong you two ? You feeling alright ?" you ask your Foxes,which seem to be exhausted,they can barely stand.Asking as if them shaking uncontrollably isn't obvious enough.

"YA ponesu ikh, voyevat' ne variant.(I will carry them, fighting is not an option.)" you tell your men.

"Get on my back one of you,then on onto my front,i'll carry you two home." you say,knowing its going to be tough.

"Master,we are too heavy for you to carry both of us.You are going to injure yourself." Kate says,warning you of injuring...to be fair you don't really care.

"Owner,i don't want to hurt you.You are out Owner." Katie says,shaking...from lack of sleep and probably not eating enough.

"That was an order you two.Get on,right now." you order them to do.

The Foxes,one on your back and one at the front,are holding each other,so they stay on you and don't fall off.

They quickly fall asleep,looking at they'r ears and tails.Knowing they'r Master is carrying them Home,again,it's soothing for your soul and heart.

Walking for another hour,it feeling rather like 5 hours,you finally arrive at Home Town.The Guards in the Watchtowers notify the Others inside that you arrived,thus,opening the Gate for you.

Inside,you check on everything the Guards have seen until your arrival.Nothing out of the ordinary,seeing scavengers and infected running around outside the walls is a everyday occurence.

"I am going home,i need to take care of these two.Dobroy nochi (Good night)." you tell the Guards and your men to go home and check on their Families.Which,in town is the most important thing.

"Thanks Chief,Good night to you as well" The Guards and your squad says,waving you off.

Walking up to your house,happy to see it.Hoping highly that the two Fluff Balls you carry think the same way.

Inside,locking the door,with windows secured,with metal bars from the inside and wooden boards outside,you feel at ease and secure.

Putting the Fluffy Foxes on the couch in the living room,you notice that you have not sweated at all.The Foxes fur must be of specially high quality but also,it has that soft touch to the skin,making it the perfect pillow.

"Girls,wake up we are at home." you softly says,slowly waking them up.

The Foxes open they'r Eyes and are immediately overjoyed from seeing they'r Master.

"Where we easy to carry ?" Kate says,tail wagging,holding the giggle back from your facial expression.

"You better not say anything about our weight" Katie says,tail wagging aggressively.

"You two where light,i have to admit.I thought i would collapse when i enter the house." you say casually.

Katie quickly sees a pillow,grabbing it she throws it at you,hitting your face when you weren't looking.

"Sister,is that how you treat him after he let us in his house ?" Kate says,sounding confident,relaxed even.

"He said he thought we where heavy,of course i would hit him for that !" Katie says,a bit of shame present.

"Listen,this is now your home,you can do whatever you want.Well...mostly" you say with a smile.

Showing the foxes the female clothes you have in the house,they quickly start looking through them,as if they where out shopping.

Telling them to pick something out and go take a shower,or bath,you go get changed,leave your gun on the table for modifications later on.Dressing in your "Work Clothes" you go towards the bathroom upstairs and check on the foxes.

"Girls,do you need something ?" you ask not knowing what to say.

"Owner ! if you come in here,i will kill you." Katie says,through the door.

"Sister~ Master,come in,i need your help.We are covered up,so my sister won't kill you." Kate says in a excited tone.

With feet shacking,sweating nervously you open the door.With eyes covered by your hand.

"Eek ! Owner ! Get out ! Pervert ! *throws shampoo bottle at you*" Katie says,scared of you seeing her.

"Master,can you give me that towel please ?" Kate says.

"Kate what are you~~ Oh! I see now." Katie stops,realizing her sisters plans.

"He-Here you go Kate,i will just go make some food." you say,nervous,knees shacking.

"Owner,open your eyes,please~" Katie says,suddenly changing her mind about your presence.

"Master come on~~ Join us !" Kate says,pulling your arm.

"Girls i don't think it's a good idea.Maybe some other time.Please excuse me" you say,hoping they won't do anything to you.

"Alright,but promise." Katie says."Yes ! Promise us,we want to take a bath with you." Kate says.

"Alright Alright, i promise." you say,hoping they let you out of the bathroom.

"O-Owner- what do we eat ?" Katie says,stopping you in your tracks,noticing her scared tone.

"Come out the bath,get dressed then i'll make you whatever you want." you say,hoping this will calm her down.

"Al-Alright" Katie says,the fear in her voice breaks your heart even more.

Waiting a few more minutes for the Foxes to leave the bathroom.They finally do,walking down the stairs you notice they'r the elegance they posses.Seemingly only when you they are around you.

"Master,is something bothering you ?" Kate says,standing beside you.

"It's nothing don't waste a thought about it,take a seat please." you tell them

You spot Kate elbowing Katie in the side,seeming to push her to tell you something.

"O-Ow-Owner,do you ha-ha-te me ?" Katie says,scared to the bone.

"Fuck,Katie..i don't hate you.Not even a bit.What-What made you say that ?" you,sensing that it has to do with you'r behaviour.

"We Foxes,once we choose our Master or Owner *points at Katie*,we can detect if he is loving or hating us.I assume Katie sensed hatred towards something related or unrelated to us.Which she then associated with us being the source of that hatred." Kate explains,making you think of the worst.Praying that it isn't true.

"Katie,please tell me that,that isn't true...please." you almost beg Katie to say.

"Owner,i-i was just scared that we did something wrong,that you would kick us out...or worst.Keep us and just hit us...beat us" Katie says,shortly after she breaks out in tears.

"Fuck,i really am a monster..." you say,barely knowing if you'r going to pass out from high heart rate or collapse from the emotional shock you get from her crying.

"Owner,please don't say that.I just don't want to dissapoint you." Katie says,not knowing what you feel like.

"Master,you are not a monster,regardless what people say.We think you are a good person,with you'r own ways.Fit for this new world." Kate says,reassuring you.

You stand up,a little bit to sudden,Katie noticing and being more frightened then before.

"Please don't hit me,please ! I'll do anything !" Katie screams,pleading you not to hurt her.

You walk over to her side,kneeling.Hoping some hugs will help her,but first,you have to

"Katie,please look at me,i beg you." you beg Katie to do.

She slowly turns her head,crying uncontrollably,with no sign of stopping.

Reaching your hand for her's,she quickly pulls it away.A clear sign...you messed up.

"Katie..." you say,trying to think of things to say,to comfort her.With no success...

"Master,can you...please,leave us a-alone for a bit" Kate says hoping you would understand.

"No ! Don't leave,Owner !" Katie screams,horrified by the thought of you leaving.

"Hey now,i am here.Not going anywhere." you quickly rush to Katie's side,slowly stroking her hand.

"Don't go Owner,don't leave us." Katie says,looking at you as if you where about to abandon them.

You decide to get the foxes something to,grabbing two apples and a pack of biscuits.These two things make for the perfect and your most beloved snack,dating back to your childhood.

"Here you two,dig in.I present to you my favorite snack." you say,trying to lift they'r moods..with your bad jokes.

The foxes look at the plate you put in front of them,they look back at you as if asking permission to eat.You nod,signaling agreement for them to eat.

They slowly start to eat,one biscuit-one slice of apple.You tell them to take a bite out of both,it makes for a much better taste experience.

Having quickly caught onto the idea,they eat more and more,until there is none left.

"O-Owner,that was tasty.Can we have more ?" Katie asks happily,no sign of crying anymore.

"Of course,but first i need to go to the bathroom first.Then i'll make you as much as you can eat" you tell them with a smile,they nod.

Moving to the bathroom,you open the door and close it in a panic.Seeing Katie cry,broke the chains that buried your emotions for half a decade.

Breathing heavily,room's starting to spin you sit down and close your eyes.Praying it to be over.

After a few minutes pass you slowly stand up again,looking into the mirror.Gazing upon a person fed by hatred against the world that once existed.There is a...shadow ? Behind you in the mirror,even tho there is no light that can create that shadow.You feel a sudden pain creep up,with a loud cough you spit blood into the sink.

"Please tell they didn't hear it.Please !" you think to yourself.

"Master,we heard a cough are you alright,can we come in ?" you hear the foxes ask.

"I'm alright,please go upstairs.I'll be with you soon!" you tell them to go to bed,as its late.

"Owner,we can hear that you are in pain.You can't lie to us." Katie says,noticing her Owner's suffering.

Opening the Door,walking out the bathroom,the Foxes eagerly await a explanation from they'r Master.

"You can't hide your pain from us.We can see when you live,be it through a door or not.Owner,tell us ?" Katie says,angry,seeming to have calmed down from her,what you think was, panic attack.

"Girls,i don't know what is was...everything started spinning and i found myself coughing out blood.Even seeing a shadow,that wasn't mine." you explain to them.They seem to be curious.

They propose you should all just go to bed and leave it for tomorrow.Entering your Room,you quickly find the Fox Girls sitting on your bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch then.Good ni-" you say turning around,only to be dragged by them onto your bed.

"We'll sleep with you,it's not a big deal." Kate says,pulling the blanket over you three.

"Oi,no touching,understood ?" Katie says,snuggling up to you.

"I promise." you say,Katie smiling,as if she was joking.

"Good night Girls" you say petting they'r head.

"Good night!" the Girls say together.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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