31.81% Harry Potter One Shots / Chapter 7: Charles 'Charlie' Weasley ✔ Fire

章 7: Charles 'Charlie' Weasley ✔ Fire

Dragons are not the only ones who carry fire. Charles Weasley seems to have a brighter and hotter fire inside him. Mind you, the first time I saw him after arriving in Romania to be a caretaker of dragons, I thought he was one of them. Not because he has dragon scales or he's spitting fire. He's just oozing with so much sex appeal and charm. So hot, I felt like blazing with it.

Of course, It's not a fair idea that I'll fall head over heels with the guy. Unfortunately, Charlie fancies dragons more than women. I saw how he ignored every attempt the other girls did to get his attention, and since I don't want to make a fool out of myself, I didn't even think of trying to. I don't want to end up crying on the side every time he walks up with you as if he didn't know you at all.

Don't get me wrong, Charlie is friendly. He's kind and easy-going. He can make everyone laugh with some of his silly jokes, but he can be stubborn and rebellious most of the time. It's just, he's not really into going out with girls. Poor me!

"I heard you got a Norwegian Ridgeback from Hogwarts. Did you get it yourself?" I asked as I lend him the bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood to feed for the newly hatched dragons.

"Nah. I send the others to get them."

"Wasn't it illegal to take care of one?" I asked once again, as I settled myself down on a log next to the cave-like dens.

"Yes. That's why I help my brother get rid of it from his back and bring it here. He was the one who sent me the letter." I raise a brow at him and roll my eyes when I noticed his signature smirk.

"And what? Bring the punishment into our work?"

"Since when did I get our work some punishment?" I didn't even bother thinking of some time when he did, knowing that Charles is one of the most hardworking and loyal people on us.

So hardworking, he keeps forgetting to think about himself.

I secretly glance at the side of his face. Trailing from his blue orbs to his pointed nose, then to his soft plump lips that I've been wishing to kiss for a while now. I bit my lower lip and take my gaze off of it and accidentally caught the sight of his burn on arm, which he got from one of the wild dragons he'd first taken care of before. The dragon is close to him now, but the burn remains.

I was so engrossed with the sight of it that I didn't even notice that I was already caressing it. I stand up from sitting on the log and slowly lift his sleeve. I brush my thumb across the big scar of the burn and lean, to softly peck a kiss on it. There was a smile on my lips, that quickly faded into a gasp when I realize what I was doing.

I quickly pull away from Charles and cover my mouth with my hands. Nervously glancing up at Charles, I saw his eyes trailed from my eyes down to my lips. An unknown emotion is visible in his eyes, which I can't decipher.

"I-I... I'm sorry, Charles. I didn't –"

"Are you free this upcoming Christmas holiday?" He cut off to my words, his face free of emotions.

It makes me feel relieved and hurt at the same time. Relieve that he didn't find it odd and wasn't mad at my action, because that would make everything awkward between us. Being friends with him is a really lucky thing for me. But... It hurt me. The fact that he dismissed it that quickly and wasn't even disturbed by my actions, hurt me a lot. It only states it clearly that I don't have any effect on him and he doesn't feel anything for me. At all.

"Y-Yeah. You know how my parents don't even want me back in the house." I started, pushing my thoughts back in the deepest part of my mind. "They still hate me for working as a Dragon carer instead of working in the muggle world."

"Well, they can't just make you take a job in the muggle world after graduating from Hogwarts."

"I just don't think– wait... I never told you that I graduated from Hogwarts. It wasn't even in my files. How did you know that?" I curiously asked, searching for any sign of the answer on his face.

"I just think so. I mean, there's not much of schools for Witchcraft and Wizardry around Britain, right?" I squint my eyes to search his face once more for any give away that he was lying, but Charles is not an open book.

Sighing inwardly, I shrug at him and grab the bucket that was forgotten on his hand, and feed the newly hatched dragons, myself.

"Why did you ask about my holiday, by the way?" I glance at him for a moment as he leans his back on the small wooden fence.

"Because I am inviting you to come with me. I'll be going home at Christmas this time."

The bucket slips off my hand, surprising the dragons for a moment. I gawked at Charles and then raise a brow.

"Did you just really invited me to come with you this Christmas in your family's home and I wasn't hallucinating and just misheard it?"

He chuckled at my surprise outburst and cross his arms across his chest.

"Yes, you heard it right. I just thought that you'll get bored if I left you here since most of the girls will be coming home for Christmas too."

"Oh..." Okay. I should've hidden my disappointment for a bit there. Thank Merlin, he didn't even notice it.

"So, what do you say?"

"I'm coming."

He grins at me and I can't help but gawk back at him.


As Charles said, he did take me with him when he left for Christmas. To say that I was nervous wasn't enough. I can't stop myself from fidgeting as we get nearer and nearer. Charles and I had taken the train since we can't just take a dragon and fly it all across England.

It was already dark when we arrived and I took in the place in front of me when we finally stop in front of it.

It looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic (which, I reminded myself, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, the burrow. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard.

No one knows that Charles would be coming home from Christmas as he told me, and the nervousness is killing me as I think of what would his family gonna think of me when they see me with him.

It was quiet at first, but when we finally reach the door, the noise filled the air. Some rummaging and clattering sounds followed after. I gulped and Charles saw it. He took a hold of my hand, spreading his warmth on me, before looking at my eyes.

"They won't eat you. Relax." He chuckled when I roll my eyes.

"I already tried a dozen times, but my nerves won't settle down."

I felt his hand squeeze mine and that surprisingly did all the work. I let out a sigh and squeeze his hand back. I felt myself flushing when I look down on our intertwined hands, and I quickly tried to pull my hand away. Though I didn't get to when Charles just tighten his grip on it and quickly knock on the door.

I immediately hide behind Charles when we heard how the noise died down followed by a question of someone from inside.

"Are we expecting someone, Molly, dear?"

"No one I know. Will you check who is it, Fred and George?"

We heard some more movements before the door swings open.

"Charles!" I saw the two boys screamed in unison, after seeing Charles.

"Mum! Charles is here!" One of the boys screamed. I can't differentiate them. They look like each other.

They let Charles in and that's when they notice my presence. They glance at each other and grin.

"Just before you two think about pranking her, I just want to remind you that she can kick ass."

I glare at Charles, before smiling at the twins. They must be Fred and George. The twins of the family. I once heard him talking about them being the greatest pranksters of their family.

Charles and I followed the twins into the living room where we finally meet the rest of the family.

I watch in silence, a smile on my lips, as I watch him hug everyone. Starting with his very surprised mother and proud looking father. I amusingly run my gaze on each of them, grinning at myself when I realize everyone has red flaming hairs.


"Oh. Hi." I greeted back at the only girl in Charles's siblings.

I shake her hand and that's when I notice how the happy conversations died momentarily down.

I smile sheepishly and bow my head at them. Charles stands to my side, and I'm telling you, I can't get any more embarrassed when he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"This is the first time you brought a girl in the house, dear." Charles's mother, Molly, I think, runs her eyes on me and smiles widely. "She looks lovely."

"Isn't she, Mum?" I lift my head to stare at Charles and he only grins down on me.

"Is she your girlfriend, Charles?" This time, it was their youngest boy. I bet he's the one who sent Charles the letter about the Norwegian Ridgeback.

"Not yet."

"Not... yet?" I trailed, slowly pushing my way out of his arm.

He looked at me and let out a sigh. He looks around him before scratching the back of his neck.

"I am planning on proposing to you to be my girlfriend tonight... But I was planning to do it later after dinner. Before we sleep, but Ron beat me to it."

I look at Ron and he just shrugs at me. Looking back at Charles, I watch him walk towards me and lean a bit closer.

"I've ignored every attempt of the girls in our work to get me because I was waiting for you. Unfortunately, you never came and confessed your feelings. I thought you didn't like me at all. Though, I was proven wrong by your actions. The stares, the longing looks, the caring and even the unintentionally kisses."

I graze my lower lip between my teeth and clench my fists on the hem of my shirt, before looking back at his eyes. Feeling something weighing on my chest. He like me, all this time.


"I love you. Okay? You're the first girl I've ever feel this... this tugging feeling on my chest every time I look at you. I want to give you something and that is me. My time, my love, and my heart. Be mine."

Can he get any more straightforward?

I held back my tears of joy, and instead, I hit him in the chest. Everyone was taken aback at my action, aside from Charles who grins knowingly at me.

"You idiotic fanatic of dragons! Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that?!"

Everyone laugh when I started hitting Charles again who only grab my wrists and pull me into his body. He softly snakes his arms around my waist and leans closer to me.

His lips brushing softly against mine, and I quickly melted. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I kiss back, feeling his arms tightening around my waist.

"Okay! Okay! Before anything happens, let's eat first."

Charles and I pull away from the kiss and look at his mother. We laugh at each other and follow them into the table.

"I love you," Charles whispered right beside my ear, wrapping his arm around my waist once again.

"I love you too," I answered, wrapping mine on his waist too.

Molly scolded us for kissing again in front of the table.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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