xp+++++++++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
We need more chapterssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Was gonna give this a try since title Sounded good but synopsis says MC having X amount of wishes, system, and also seeing the tag Harem killed it. Will mot even try.
Honestly its a great read! There are various elements that really added to the overall reading experience. Only flaw I’d talk about is slight errors here and there. They arent very frequent so it doesnt affect the reading experience much! Btw the slight mistakes can be explained; the author writes this on a phone so autocorrect can be annoying!
exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , v
ネタバレを明かすFuck the haters and all who say this story is bad I enjoyed it and want it to continue so i hope you contine it as it is a good read and don’t let other people tell you otherwise!!!
esperando mas capitulos para ver en que linea de tiempo de harry potter llego ,seria interesante si fuera en la linea de tiempo de la madre de harry potter , donde se convierte en el padre del protagonista de la pelicula y de otros personajes canon.
good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good ,
irs pretty good but it be good if he really loved his family not just his mother and daughter and he'll truly love his wives and more povs from the other gods would be great and real romance
Interesting but could be better. The olympians gods are turned into a joke. Inventing monopoly when there isn’t even proper currency. Cards games would have been much Where did he get the Marvel ores? What about the other pantheons? The way they went from 6 villages/towns/cities to 6 kingdoms is weird. They should have gotten 1 holy kingdom/empire and spread the faith to the surroundings countries and further. Where are the kingdoms located? What countries did they replace? With magic being taugh and encouraged, and their faith remaining strong, how did they fare against christianism/islamism? What about technology? What about the f*cking timeline of the world? The altered history? The reincarnated guy see the phoenix force in another new goddess and doesn’t question it. The reincarnated goddess knows that her father is a reincarnated guy and has no questions about it. It’s supposed to be a Percy Jackson fanfic, but there is barely any Percy Jackson and other demi-gods. When they finally appear, they barely got 1 chapter worth of screen time.
chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? ,
more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters ,
love this story must read ✌👍 ◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅ ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
he is the same as the other Greek gods i.e fucks women abondons his children it's disgusting . everyone hates Zeus because of this and you just made character similar to Zeus
please don't make an idiot mc like zeus who fucks one and then leaves her and adds others, it can be difficult to put Hera in the harem after all she is married and she is the goddess of marriage, fertility, etc. and putting her in the harem can be kind of forced then my idea would be that she fell in love with the mc because the mc treated her with "affection" so let's say instead of zeus that treats her more like a maid or an object to discharge sperm when no other woman appears to **** so please for love of God puts ivy in the harem
exp exp exp , exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,
more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please ,
Loving it this novels so new and unique the author made my day can't wait for more. P.S: With all the copy rewrite going on in webnovels i'm so happy that i found this fresh new idea
xp+++++++++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
We need more chapterssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Was gonna give this a try since title Sounded good but synopsis says MC having X amount of wishes, system, and also seeing the tag Harem killed it. Will mot even try.
Honestly its a great read! There are various elements that really added to the overall reading experience. Only flaw I’d talk about is slight errors here and there. They arent very frequent so it doesnt affect the reading experience much! Btw the slight mistakes can be explained; the author writes this on a phone so autocorrect can be annoying!
exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , exp , v
ネタバレを明かすFuck the haters and all who say this story is bad I enjoyed it and want it to continue so i hope you contine it as it is a good read and don’t let other people tell you otherwise!!!
esperando mas capitulos para ver en que linea de tiempo de harry potter llego ,seria interesante si fuera en la linea de tiempo de la madre de harry potter , donde se convierte en el padre del protagonista de la pelicula y de otros personajes canon.
good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good , good ,
irs pretty good but it be good if he really loved his family not just his mother and daughter and he'll truly love his wives and more povs from the other gods would be great and real romance
Interesting but could be better. The olympians gods are turned into a joke. Inventing monopoly when there isn’t even proper currency. Cards games would have been much Where did he get the Marvel ores? What about the other pantheons? The way they went from 6 villages/towns/cities to 6 kingdoms is weird. They should have gotten 1 holy kingdom/empire and spread the faith to the surroundings countries and further. Where are the kingdoms located? What countries did they replace? With magic being taugh and encouraged, and their faith remaining strong, how did they fare against christianism/islamism? What about technology? What about the f*cking timeline of the world? The altered history? The reincarnated guy see the phoenix force in another new goddess and doesn’t question it. The reincarnated goddess knows that her father is a reincarnated guy and has no questions about it. It’s supposed to be a Percy Jackson fanfic, but there is barely any Percy Jackson and other demi-gods. When they finally appear, they barely got 1 chapter worth of screen time.
chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? , chapter=? ,
more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters , more chapters ,
love this story must read ✌👍 ◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅ ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
he is the same as the other Greek gods i.e fucks women abondons his children it's disgusting . everyone hates Zeus because of this and you just made character similar to Zeus
please don't make an idiot mc like zeus who fucks one and then leaves her and adds others, it can be difficult to put Hera in the harem after all she is married and she is the goddess of marriage, fertility, etc. and putting her in the harem can be kind of forced then my idea would be that she fell in love with the mc because the mc treated her with "affection" so let's say instead of zeus that treats her more like a maid or an object to discharge sperm when no other woman appears to **** so please for love of God puts ivy in the harem
exp exp exp , exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,exp exp exp ,
more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please , more chapters please ,
Loving it this novels so new and unique the author made my day can't wait for more. P.S: With all the copy rewrite going on in webnovels i'm so happy that i found this fresh new idea
Hope you continue writing this.🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🎁🥺🥺😎🎁🎁🥺🥺🎁🥺🥺😍😍😍😍🥺🎁🎁🎁🎁🥺🥺🙏😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏