After an hour of rest, Apple started shooting again and everything went well, although she didn't find a chance to discuss the matter with Ivan from before any longer.
But, according to Apple, it was better if she didn't mention the matter at all, because that would only make Ivan wary and of course that was the last thing Apple wanted.
"Ah, Ivan, can I borrow your cell phone for a moment to call Adrian?" asked Apple as she approached the man, while he was checking today's output. "My phone is dead, out of battery." Apple lifted her phone and showed its dark screen.
"Of course." Ivan then took his cell phone and unlocked it before handing it over to Apple. "Here."
"Thank you." Apple then walked a little away from Ivan and started fiddling with the phone before she put it to her ear and waited for someone on the other end to pick up the call.
Meanwhile, Ivan continued to follow Apple's movements from the corner of his eyes.
Edited by: Anshu_Bangaram