91.3% The Walking Dead: Survivor / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

章 20: Chapter 20

Wall Construction: 20th day.

Logan has helped and overlooked the building process of the wall, piece by piece it starts to become longer everyday. At first the daily results were slow, but slowly they started to accumulate some experience. 

Women joined in the guarding duty since all they do mostly is take down walkers that are stuck in the spiked barriers using some primitive bows they made. The bows were made to replace firearms usage against walkers.

 At first, the bows and arrows they made were horrible, but as they kept trying and improving, the quality improved. But that wasn't the only thing that improved, they also improved the usage of close range weapons aka Knives/Machetes…etc

While in the building process, they had some trouble along the way, like walkers popping up more often, but they also recruited more survivors. Since they started doing regular expeditions, while being careful.

They managed to recruit 37 more people! 23 of them are men, with 20 being capable men, and 3 kids between the ages of 6-10. 

"Rick, I will let the place in your capable hands." Logan said checking his weapons as he is about to head to the prison along with a group of 9 more to clear the place.

"I would love to accompany you, but people here would need someone who can look after them." Rick said with an apologetic look.

"Hey, all of us are doing something important for the group, yours is more important than ours. Protect the place, while we take that prison." Shane said from the side wearing an anti-riot gear without the helmet, a handgun and machete on his waist, shotgun in the back. 

"Do we really need that place?" Daryl said with two tactical knives on waist and crossbow at hand. He, like Logan, doesn't wear the gears.

"Alright, take care out there, the farm is safe with how many people we have here." Rick said pointing at everyone a little further, "We got guards around, and patrol teams to make sure nothing sneak in, we even installed traps in unexpected areas." Shane and Rick looked at the one who came with all their defenses. 

"I like to be prepared. Let's move on." Logan shrugged, he knows they think he is overprotective, but he'd rather be like that than losing good men because they weren't well prepared. 

Logan and Shane will be driving the anti-riot trucks to the prison, the others who are coming are Logan, Shane, Daryl, the four firefighters, Liam and his two cops. friends. A team of ten is enough to clear the place in a few days, especially with their equipments.


The two armored trucks stopped on the side of the prison. They intend to cut a hole in the fence to get inside.

"Alright, here we are." Shane said taking out his Machete, Daryl loaded his crossbow, and everyone took out their melee weapons.

"Remember to cover for each other, I and Daryl will take down the ones further away using my bow and his crossbow." Logan took his bow in hand with a quiver filled with 30 arrows.


He could clear the place on his own, but it's better to let the others do it to acquire some experience in clearing large groups of walkers. 

Everyone nodded and started taking action. The ones with Melee weapons entered first, they started moving toward the inner fence which was filled with far more walkers. 

Everyone would strike walkers that came close, while Logan and Daryl would take the ones that were far until they made it to the inner fence. 

Logan inspected inside and noticed a fenced yard filled with a lot of walkers.

"This place must have fallen early in the outbreak. A riot probably happened, which resulted in the place getting overrun from within." Logan deduced since the only walkers inside belong to inmates and guards. 

"Is that supposed to mean anything?" Liam asked without turning around, killing another walker that came close.

"It means that this place still has supplies left, the infirmary, Armory, and Cafeteria." Logan said, which made sense to the others now that he explained. 

"Man, you know how to motivate others." Shane said, piercing a walker to his left, while Daryl went to retrieve his arrows. 

"Well, I hope you're motivated enough to take down the walkers inside too, especially in those Dark corridors." Logan pointed at one section with 'C Block' printed on its wall. 

Logan isn't afraid they can't, everyone knows they can take this place, their armors provide them a lot of protection against walkers. Plus they have all the equipment they need to deal with the situation here.

After clearing the outside of the prison, they brought the vehicles in, from the gate and closed it afterward. 

Afterward they went into C block and found inmate walkers possibly starved to death inside their locked cells, it made taking them easy, just pierce and move on. 

After finishing all of them, they took the bodies to the outside. Logan communicated with Rick to send three men with a Dump Truck to take the corpses away. 

While it's coming, Logan and co. decided to search the places they cleared. Weirdly the Armory didn't have firearms, but it did have a few sets of riot gears. They also found the Prison 

Logan while checking the place noticed another fenced yard with only a few walkers in it, but there was a door that leads inside. He formed a plan and called the others to explain.

"Alright everyone, the initial plan was to venture inside the dark corridors with flashlights and our weapons, but I saw there is a fenced yard with a door that leads inside." Logan said.

He took out a siren, a small one that won't make too much noise; that walkers beyond the fences would hear, but enough that it would echo inside the mostly silent corridors.

"We will put this on above that door, attract most of the walkers inside to the fenced yard, then deal with them." Logan proposed an easy plan.

"We still need to find the infirmary and cafeteria before the day is over. Andrew, you watch the gate for when the truck comes." Logan gave his orders and everyone obeyed.

Shane, Michael, and Liam jumped the fence and took the five walkers that roamed the yard, then pinned the siren to the door using duct tape and left it open.

When they were done the others jumped in too, Logan and Daryl also took out their melee weapons. Seeing everyone ready Logan activated the siren.


After waiting for a short while Walkers began to emerge from the door, the group started taking them down, as more kept on coming from the door, the team handled it well. Some of them were grabbed by walkers from time to time, but their gears proved their usefulness and they were spared from being bitten. 

After half an hour, nothing was coming from the door. Logan shut the siren, and turned to the others.

"Alright, let's get inside and start cleaning the ones that are left inside." Logan started walking between the walkers before he noticed one that was down but no wound in the head so he crushed it's head.

"Don't ignore downed corpses, always double tap if you find any." Logan turned to the others and advised.

As they moved in the corridors with flashlights, taking down any walkers that came in their direction, checking behind every door they came by until they reached a door that was locked with handcuffs.

There was a sign that said this is the cafeteria.

"Is it possible someone survived being locked inside?" Liam said, looking at the handcuffs that locked the door.

"If there is food in there? Yes, they can survive." Logan nodded, he took his axe and told the others to back away.


He broke the handcuffs with his axe, then kicked the door open. Walking inside he noticed some inmates from their clothes behind the counter. 

"Holy sh*t." One of them said.

The others who were outside heard the voice and took their guns and walked in pointing them toward the five inmates. Who didn't have any choice but to raise their hands, one of them had a gun in hand which he hesitated to put down.

"Step out here." Logan ordered in a cold voice, face betray nothing.

"Okay! just don't shoot." The short guy with a mustache said clearly scared.

"Shut up, Axel." The second shortest guy said.

"Shut it, and do what he says." Shane barked at them.

"You, drop the gun." Logan pointed at the hispanic guy with long hair, the guy glared at Logan who continued to give him a cold look.

"Who are you people?" The guy instead of doing what Logan told him asked.

"None of your concerns, you obey or we're gonna shoot all of you." Logan said.

"Just drop the gun Thomas! Or we're gonna be dead." The scared guy shouted again.

"F*ck off dumb*ss" The guy Thomas glared and lashed out at the shorter guy.

Logan snapped his fingers loud to bring their attention back to him, his other hand was on the gun on his waist. "Don't ignore my orders, drop the gun or you're gonna drop dead." 

Logan knew the look in the guy's eyes, he also saw him loading the gun when he came in. Logan is sure the guy was a killer, the others didn't have a similar look which means they weren't killers like him.

Thomas glared at Logan and started pointing his gun around, still ignoring Logan's order clearly not intending to give up the gun.

"Not until you tell me what the hell is happening." 


Logan shot the guy between the eyes, the four other inmates jumped in fear as Thomas lay dead in the cold ground.

"Anyone else?" Logan said looking at the others who were scared more now, one guy was less scared than the others. 

"Names or anything I can refer to you by?" Logan asked.

"Axel, Sir." The most scared one answered first.

"Andrew." The guy who tried to shut Axel at first.

"Oscar." The guy who was less scared

"Big Tiny." The largest guy said. The guy was a bit bigger than Logan himself.

"Alright, you're gonna come with us outside." Logan instructed Shane, Michael, Liam and Hank to take the lead, followed by the inmates, then the rest behind them.

When they reached outside, the inmates who apparently didn't see the sun for more than 2 months were blinded by its light.

"Sir, can you tell us what is happening?" Axel asked with a respectful tone, not wanting to offend the guy that ended Thomas.

"You've been stuck in there from the beginning of the outbreak." Logan said which made them confused.

"Outbreak? Some kind of pandemic?" Oscar asked.

"Heh, pandemic he says." Shane snorted from the side.

"This is far worse than a pandemic." Michael helped.

"What is it then?" Big Tiny started to become more confused.

"It's like doomsday." Liam informed from the side.

"To explain it properly, a virus named Wildfire spread worldwide, which caused the dead to raise as mindless flesh eating monsters, the spreading method is death, or getting bitten by one of them." Logan gave them a proper explanation.

"Is that why that guard locked us there?" Andrew asked, looking nervous.

"You were the lucky ones, the rest of the people here were infected, and we took them down." Logan added.

"Can we return to our families? I kinda miss my mother" Big Tiny asked with concern.

"I also miss my wife and kids." Oscar nodded to Big Tiny words.

"Have you heard nothin'?" Daryl scoffed from the side.

"There is no civilization left, few people survived, there is only them." Shane added from his side as he pointed toward the walkers beyond the fence

"Listen, the moment you get bitten by one of those, or you simply die. You become one of them, those are only corpses with a virus moving them and using them as a shell to feed. The only way to take them down is by damaging the brain." Logan pointed at his head as he explained.

"Ugh, can we return to our cell block?" Andrew asked from the side clearly getting uncomfortable, probably decided that going out is a bad idea. 

"After you help us clear the rest of this place, afterward we will lock you in your cells.." Logan said, which made them turn toward him.

"Ugh, What?" Andrew Asked.

"Oh, you heard me. You are still inmates, criminals, you won't be allowed to walk around unsupervised. Or maybe you want to end up like your friend Thomas?" Logan gave them a cold look which they all shivered from.

"Alright man, we will do what you say." Axel hurriedly said.

Afterward the group plus inmates moved to clear other block cells, then the rest of the Prison. 


It's almost sunset, Jim, Phil, and Harry came earlier and with the help of the inmates they cleared all the bodies from the prison, Logan who was with Daryl went to check the back of the Prison, while Shane and the rest of the team toured inside the corridors for a second time to check if there are any walkers left.

Logan stood with Daryl beside him overlooking a large hole in the back building with a part of the fence being destroyed.

"Do we need to rebuild that?" Daryl asked while looking at the destruction.

"For now, we will close that gap, and later we will fix it." Logan said, then left Daryl there and went to bring a tool kit from the trucks, he will need wires to close that gap and a post to support that bent section of the fence.

Lunarian_King Lunarian_King

[Word Count" 2348]

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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