17.39% The Walking Dead: Survivor / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

章 3: Chapter 3

Logan sat on his van while in though, trying to figure out how to scout the area without getting the attention of both walkers and survivors on himself.

"Maybe now is the time to put that theory of camouflaging myself to be recognized by walkers as one of them, if it works I can walk that area a bit more easier, although I risk being shot by the shooter earlier but I don't think he will target a single 'walker' and attract the attention of the others,from the look of it ones who shot that walker shouldn't be many, because if there is many of them they could take it out without using a gun,

I could be wrong, but there is nothing 100% absolute, but let's test that first before putting it to use, if I succeed it would increase my chances of survival." Logan, trying to be positive even if the fact that the world went down to shit made his mood sour in these few days, finally decided to try that trick on walkers before trying to investigate that neighborhood.


After getting a bit away from that area Logan used his trusty ax to gut one of many walkers he killed in this area, he took a raincoat he has in the van, put on gloves and proceed to rub the smeared rotten flesh and guts of the walker on the raincoat, and after he was done he wore it.

"Ugh, ew sh*t may smell like… a perfume compared to this…alright, I have my outfit let's see if if it works on those ugly f*ckers" Logan face cringed from the smell, he hides a handgun inside his raincoat sleeves while the other hand has the ax in it, lowering both hands down he began to walk away but in slow steps to find an area with fewer walkers to test his trick.


'It worked! F*ck yeah b*tch!! I made a Camouflage to trick this dumb motherf*ckers, but I have to work on details later, for now let's get back to that place, choose an empty house to spend the night in, inspect that area if there is anyone there. They may need to go out to search for supplies.' Logan's mind went into deep thoughts again. He returned to his van and removed the raincoat and put it on the roof of the van and drove back to the parking lot. Leaving his car there, he proceeded to put on the raincoat, noticing about four walkers coming toward him, he easily dealt with them, walking toward the neighborhood with dozens of walkers around.

"Alright, let's put the plan on motion. Walk there, pick a house, probably get in from the backyard, spend the night, and keep watch on any survivors that may appear." Moving with slow steps to not make any surprising moments walking by some walkers whom only turned toward his direction, or walked close to him but ultimately he was ignored by them, not forgetting to keep his eyes on the windows of the houses around for any movements, he did catch movements from three houses around but those were walkers with how the culprit was limping, one of them was even banging on the window.

'Finally a house! This is a decent one to hide in, less windows, door probably functioning, if not I can block it with heavy things like a couch, fridge…,all that is left is get inside and hide properly and keep watch on the area from the inside. Lucky me, I have my telescope, a can of baked beans, a lighter, and a multi-purpose tool.'


Logan POV:

I was lucky I managed to secure this house before nightfall,otherwise I'd have to go back into my van, find a spot and park there to sleep for the night.

"Right-o, it's 8PM now and I have to pay more attention to the surroundings since the walkers numbers seem to have almost doubled in the area."taking my telescope I looked from the second floor of the house I am occupying, as I watched until one of the many walkers bumped onto a blue car and apparently it's alarm was set off as the car alarm noise drew even more walkers toward it, after a few seconds the noise died down, that's when I noticed a walker whom like many other look like a normal woman mostly, she was going toward a house which was on the other side of the road and was the last house on the street.

IS that?...

I zoomed my telescope in and noticed a tiny bit of light in the house she was walking toward, in all honesty I might've missed that light if not for that female walker walking toward it, I finally noticed after I zoomed.

"That house…all the windows are covered, perhaps so the light inside does not reach the outside? Highly possible. Which also means that the shooter may be inside that house… all I need now is to see how many there are of them, see if I should approach them or not." Logan whispers, excitement and anticipation filled his mind as he hoped for some company, he was never much of a loner, sure he can survive better than most on his own, and sometimes the option of going on solo expeditions…

POV ends:

Afterward, Logan slept after he double checked the entire house for anyway someone may sneak in without making any noises, after he found that if someone want to sneak in the only way to through breaking the windows which is very noisy, and he is capable of reacting to noises since he is a light sleeper, but he didn't forget to put some screws on the stairs for extra protection from any intruding survivor, since even if a walker broke in they can't open doors and he locked the door of the bedroom he stayed in.

"Time to sleep, since I have to wake up early to keep watching the place, and wait for whoever in that house to come out." Logan laid in the bed as he sighed as he dozed off before closing his eyes to sleep.



Logan was sleeping in the bedroom of the house he stayed in last night after he found a house which is most likely occupied by survivor(s). Suddenly he opened his eyes. It took a few seconds before he looked at his watch, the time was 6:22AM. He stood up, approached the window, standing beside it and peeked in the direction of his target.

"Seems like most of them moved out, there is only one which is weirdly laying on the wooden fence. Let's eat first and keep watching today too." Logan took the can of baked beans he ate from yesterday, it was half full, heated it and ate some and left the rest for later today, not because there is nothing in house since he scavenged a good amount of food cans, the family which lived here either loved canned food, or stayed and survived for while in the town before they either moved out or simply got eaten/bitten by the Walkers.

Three hours later, Logan who was bored from watching but still did it nevertheless finally saw the door unlocked and squinted his eyes as he saw a man walk out first, he was a bit tall, had a plastic mask on his head probably to keep the blood of walkers from spilling on his face, he got a baseball bat on his hand, then followed by a shorter guy and a kid, who is most likely the son of the shorter man noticing. The two men were talking about something before the guy with the bat approached and the walker noticed and stood up to attack, the guy bashed its head a few times before both fell.

"He hesitated and held back on the first hit? Maybe someone he knows? Or maybe think the walker is still a person? crazy thought but still viable, but a big maybe he never killed a Walker before." Logan deduced, Noticing them walking toward a house he passed by yesterday with the door fully open, the walker that was shot yesterday was close to this house.

"Time to move, let's sneak into theit house first, then the gunpoint. People's nature is often revealed when their lives are in the line." Logan stood, collected his stuff intending to follow them toward the house.

Lunarian_King Lunarian_King

[Word Count: 1425]

Next Chapter will be Logan meeting people for the first time, I guess any Fan of T.W.D could already tell who. Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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