
Chapter #4: What A Nice Day to Suffer.

The first thing this PERSON (Cerise mind be melting already) did was just toss them into One Piece without telling him to get ready. Now Cerise is flopped on the ground on his stomach, kind of feeling like throwing up from dimension hopping. All that he knows is that this is too much for one day, and too stressful for his beauti- Ehm... For his brain. Yep, that's all there is to it in his life. He can for sure check this off from his bucket wish.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, my name. Well anyway, my name is GL, the system your stuck with until you die." The man, now revealed as GL, just waved him off, as he was looking around the island they are located on. Cerise's eyes twitched.

"Do you know where we are, with the exception that we are in One Piece right now." Cerise said, as he shakingly stood up from the ground. Feeling a little better, as he gets used to the world he is in currently right now.

GL ignored him, using some type of system power, he pulled a map out, mumbling about something as he done so.

Finally, GL said, "Apparently we're located in the West, to be exact, in West Blue Sea of One Piece. This is a randomly generated island, I have made. Don't worry about the people of this world being suspicious, I have altered the world before I met you, to know that this island existed somewhere in the West Blue Sea. So right now, this island is called 'Red Island'."

You would be worried as Cerise is as, why is the island called the 'Red Island', is it because there are many things dying here? Is it not survivable here?! Why-

"Also, you don't have to worry about why its name like this, it's just that there are many red trees around the place. Also, there aren't many things that can kill you, so you're good as long as you train to become strong." GL said, interrupting his thoughts while side glancing at him from the map.

There are times Cerise wants to question GL, on what abilities he has. Though he has a feeling GL would just say 'I would only use my abilities, when necessary, I won't tell you until it is deemed necessary enough to tell you', and just went on with getting information.

Deciding to look around the island like his partner (Not sure about how I feel about that) is doing, he noticed that it is indeed a red island, or it's just that there is a lot of red.

The trees were red, the grass was red, heck even some plants are red. There's certainly a lot of red, huh. Did GL make the island red for a reason? If so, why make it like it's only red, why not with any other colors?

There was also something else he wants to know, how come they have yet to encounter any critters?

"Hey GL?" Cerise turns to where GL was only, to find him looking at a batch of flowers?... "What is it, Cerise? It seems that all you have is questions, so can you just spit it out with what you want to say."

GL slightly turn, tearing away from the flowers, seemly reluctantly to do so. Cerise decided not to question why GL was looking at the flowers, so he decided to ask the question he has in his mind right now. "Why is the island you made red, and for what reason have we yet to encounter any animals?"

GL blankly stared at him; body fully faced towards him. It seems something had snapped him back to their current situation, as his eyes seem to not be empty, "The animals won't attack on your first week, so you won't be seeing any animals for a while. Though some will be daring to attack you here and there, other than that, the island is red cause, it calms me down."

GL turned to walk towards where, Cerise presumes, the ocean is located at. GL stopped, then turned his head towards Cerise, "Also please, gather some firewood, I'm sure you don't want to freeze to death. Your training starts tomorrow, I'm going out to 'fish' some sea kings." Concluding that sentence, GL resumes walking towards the directions he was heading at.

Cerise sweat dropped at his behavior, sometimes he wonders if the system is Bipolar. Maybe a tsundere, though he won't say any of his thoughts out loud, GL would probably strangle him. At least he's getting some food...

"Well, got to follow what the man says, yosh!" Cerise fists pump the air, reminding anyone who see him, that he looks like a child at that moment.




It was late at sunset, did GL came back with a large chunk of a Sea King. Cerise has already gotten a good amount of firewood and is already having the fire going.

"Yo." GL calmy said as he put one of his hands up, the other was holding the Sea King meat.

"What took you a while?" Cerise tilted his head to the head, GL already showed that he can wrap through dimensions and being able to create and island, manipulating the mind of- Okay you get what I mean.

"Just planning some training exercises for you, as well as some conditions." Shrugging of the Sea King meat to the ground. Cerise won't question the part of, when there was a large sheet on where the meat landed, but okay.

"Okay? Can we eat now~ Please!" Okay so, hunger had already consumed Cerise while he had waited for GL. The system was right, that he won't encounter any animals, heck he thought he could find some berries. Apparently, he was wrong, it doesn't even make sense, THERE ARE BERRIES THAT ARE RED, HOW COME HE CAN'T FIND THEM ON AN ISLAND CALLED 'RED ISLAND'-

It seems that GL just started cooking the meat already, seeming to know Cerise's turmoil, but still does nothing about it.

"As your system, it's my job to support you, it's your choice to die early if you want. I'm not here to watch you whine and question everything, though it's good to be curious, there are times you shouldn't open your mouth. Do you understand...-" GL was cut off from Cerise grabbing the stick of the cooked meat and eating straight up starting to eat it like a savage. All in all, GL just watched him eat with a deadpanned look.

{A little smacking on the head later~}

GL looked at Cerise, as Cerise looks at him. "So, I have don't have an option to have a normal life anymore, huh..." Cerise at that moment looked like a kicked puppy, though GL didn't seem to care about his expression at all as he went on to explain.

"Yes, also you can't be a pirate." GL said to him, Cerise eyes widened. "How come?! Why can't I be a pirate-" GL smacked him with a stick on the head.

"The number of times, my previous hosts become a pirate, so many of them had been captured, tortured, enslaved, or just plainly dead." Once again GL cut him off.

"This world is not you think of, I told you before that you don't have the shield of a protagonist. Even if you encounter the main characters of this world, you think they will accept you. Of course not, it's not the anime you watch and read, this is real life to them. Same goes with being a marine, the World Government will be suspicious of you, if I try to hang around you and help you. They will think you're a burden, a nuisance. Then they will kill you." GL said to him, as he sat down on a fallen log.

GL sure knows how to crush hopes and dreams. Way to be blunt to a person who loves One Piece to death.

"So, what can I even be?" Cerise stared at him. He was curious as well as disheartened from what GL said. It was true, that this world has become a reality to him but, have he ever thought of what would happen to the world because of the butterfly effect? He was in this world, so it already had affected One Piece.

"A merchant" GL said.

"A merchant... Huh?!" Cerise repeated what he said, until he realized what GL said.

"Why a merchant of all things, won't I just get killed by overpowered people, and be poor in the end?" Now this got Cerise attention, he can't be a pirate or a marine, but a merchant?

"Well, you won't be a regular merchant, think like a pirate group for example. They have powerful people that are able to fight, so will your group but, as merchants." GL crossed his leg on top of the other.

"Your goal is to get at least 5-7 people in your little merchant group, money is power, get powerful both physically and economically. Mentally for the plans you'll need in the future, as well in the present." GL said seriously.

Cerise nodded his head. Then what are the other plans for him?

"Oh, and you'll stay at this island to train for 6 years. As it's 6 years before the protagonist, Luffy, would then adventure out to the sea for the first time." Said GL as he waved his hand.

Cerise stared at GL blankly, he's too tired to deal with all this.

{What Cerise didn't know was that he would meet his first comrade of this world sooner than he thought}

Lolix Lolix

Word Count 1618, AYY. Anyway, hoped everyone had a nice Christmas day yesterday!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


