
C15 Fateful Meeting

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 2 chapters ahead at chapter 17. I'll probably be writing and posting at least 2 more chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones. I'm too lazy for anything today. Enjoy the chapter!)

"Tom, this is Professor Dumbledore. He's here to speak with you about the school he works for." The Matron introduces Dumbledore with a smile on her face.

The Matron would be more than happy to send Tom to this mans school, as he would be away for the majority of the year. She wouldn't have to worry about the other children's safety as much with Tom in a boarding school. Tom pretends not to notice Dumbledores probe and smiles towards the Matron.

"Oh, does it have anything to do with the letter I received?" Tom asks curiously.

"You received a letter? I don't remember you getting one." The Matron looks confused, but simply shrugs it off. 'Maybe I forgot' She thought.

"Would you mind giving us some time alone? I wish to speak with the young Thomas about what the school offers. Among other things as well." Dumbledore asks and the Matron looks to Tom to see what he wants.

"Would you like me to stay?" She asks out of courtesy.

"No, I think I'll be alright. I'll call if I need you for anything." Tom says and the Matron leaves the room to attend to the other children.

The room falls into an awkward silence as Dumbledore sits on a spare wooden chair. He looks at Tom for a moment before speaking, but as he was about to open his mouth, Tom spoke first.

"So, are you a wizard?" Tom asks, pretending to not already know everything.

"Why would you think that?" Dumbledore asks with a fake grandfatherly smile.

"You have a long beard. Your wearing robes. You have a big nose. Witches have big noses, don't they? Oh, and the letter said it was from a place called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you're here on behalf of the school, then you're most likely a wizard. Either that or you're some oddly dressed pedophile that tricked the Matron into getting into a young boy's bedroom." Tom says innocently but smiled inwardly at the shocked and appalled face Dumbledore made at his last words.

"I can assure you that I'm a wizard. The letter should have informed you of my arrival. I'm here to answer any of your questions, and take you to purchase supplies for the school year." Dumbledore says, trying to ignore and brush past the pedophile comment.

"Oh, that's good. I can't wait to start learning magic! Hey, the letter says first years can't have brooms. Why would we need brooms? Are we supposed to clean with them or something?" Tom asks.

"No, in the magical world, flying on brooms is a way of transportation. They are mainly used in a game called Quidditch. You'll learn about it when the season starts at school." Dumbledore explains.

After a long session of Tom asking Dumbledore a lot of dumb questions to annoy him, Tom agrees to attend Hogwarts but first asks a majorly important question. He asked Dumbledore to show him a 'magic trick' as Tom called it. Dumbledore looked visibly offended that Tom would call real magic spells 'magic tricks'.

Being compared to an average muggle magician didn't sit well with Dumbledore, but he still showed him a bit of magic anyway. It is his job to explain the wizarding world to Tom, and showing a bit of magic is a part of that explanation.

He pulled out his wand and cast a simple Lumos, which is a spell that produces light, and a bright light appeared above his wand. Speaking of Dumbledore's wand, it's a simple wand. Nothing to write home about. Although, Tom knows that he is supposed to get the strongest wand in the world when he defeats Grindelwald.

'Maybe, I should find a way to get the wand instead? It would be such a waste to allow such a fine magical focus to fall into a lesser wizard's hands. Although, at the moment, I'm the lesser in this scenario. I'll have to get powerful enough for when Dumbledore and Grindelwald duel.' Tom schemed inside his head as he conversed with Dumbledore.

Another fairly important question pop into Toms head, so he voices it to Dumbledore.

"I have to buy the supplies right?" Dumbledore nods to Tom's question. "You do know that I'm an orphan right? I have no money. Also, does attend school cost anything as well?" Tom asks pretending not to be the richest man in the magical world. Well, maybe the second most rich person. Nicolas Flamel has a stone that can turn any metal into gold. Tom can't compete with that just yet.

Dumbledore then went in to explain that orphans get free schooling and supplies. Everything would be charged to the school, so Tom has nothing to worry about. After answering all of Tom's questions, Dumbledore escorted him to the Leaky Cauldron. Of course, they inform the Matron on their way out. Tom got to ride the infamous knight bus, which was more of a roller coaster than a bus ride. When they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, Tom was escorted through the pub and into the back where the entrance to Diagon Alley resided.

Dumbledore tapped the brick wall five times, in five different places. The wall opened magically and the busy street of Diagon Alley appears before us. Witches and Wizards were bustling through the Alley from store to store. Tom stares at the view with a bit of fake wonder. Not that the place wasn't marvelous, but he's already seen the Alley when he went to Gringotts. No one on the street pays much mind to them as Dumbledore leads Tom through the packed crowd.

Dumbledore isn't famous at the moment, as he'll gain most of his fame through defeating Grindelwald. The Second World War hasn't even started yet, so Tom doesn't have to deal with a politically strong Dumbledore, which is why he was so happy he wasn't born as Harry Potter. Having a powerful enemy is one thing, but having an enemy that has tons of followers that hang off of his every word, is a completely different story.

"Alright, the first stop is to get you some proper wizard's robes." Dumbledore says and leads Tom to a shop titled 'Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions'.

AlienWarlord AlienWarlord

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


