Getting back to Ignus's village was a very fast process. Due to his annoyance that the enforcers were carrying Gil slowly, Ignus had directly grabbed them with his claws and carried them all the way there. It was something that made Walker think higher of Ignus because the excuse was too forced.
"Alma, tell me what you saw and why things were like that?" Walker wanted all the information. Gil was resting since he had overexerted himself. It was clear that Walker had rushed in causing a lot of drama without knowing the full story.
"When we went in to their city Gil noticed the spirits. Zephyr was even acting protective of him. The more we looked we felt off. Everything was too perfectly set up for us. Even the elves walking around were too perfect. None of them were working. Just walking around." This was very unnerving since it could have been someone using a magic skill.
drop those golden tickets!