100% The Melody And The Beat / Chapter 4: Taking It To The Skies... Oh Boy

章 4: Taking It To The Skies... Oh Boy





"Why did you want to do this?"

"Because I want to see how a battle feels like with a trainer!"

"You are difficult..."

Beat sighed as he along with Snivy were facing off against another male who appeared to be around the same age as Beat, in human form at least as Beat was already transformed. Snivy was standing on the ground in front of him with his arms crossed as he held a confident smile on his face.

On the other side, the male that was facing him had straight blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes. He wore a rather casual set of clothing and was commanding a rather popular pokemon among the community, that being none other than a Gible.

It seemed that this kid was either not from this region or had managed to get lucky and snatched himself a gible, or maybe he got it as his starter through some kind of upbringing or maybe through childhood. It didn't matter to Beat, he wasn't going to lose.

This was going to be his first battle, as a trainer at least, same going for Snivy as he was going to be commanded by the young singer.

They had met this kid not too long ago through complete accident, Snivy had wanted to test what it was like to be commanded by a trainer. So, naturally, the one he turned to help him with that was Beat as he could trust the guy and he was technically Beat's pokemon.




"Why are we hiding?"

"Because I heard something, lower your voice." Beat had whispered to Snivy as he made himself transparent, though not completely invisible so that Snivy could still see him. They were both up in a tree as they were looking down towards the grassy field.

Snivy was blending in with the trees to hide as Beat was safe from being spotted due to his transparency. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed that if he made himself transparent and not invisible, he was still invisible to the human eye, but not to the pokemon.

If he made himself invisible, he wouldn't be able to be seen by either parties.

Snivy and Beat heard rustling as they watched as a young male walked out from the bushes while pulling off a number of leaves and twigs from his outfit along with his hair. Beat could easily tell the guy was a trainer, perhaps a novice one as well as he could see the condition of the trainer's clothing and equipment.

Either the kid had just completely restocked on some new stuff or he was just starting his journey, he was hoping for the latter as he didn't want to deal with an experienced trainer too early right now, especially one that was either Elite or Champion level.

He was confident in his strength, but he wasn't arrogant or overconfident.

They both observed as the trainer had a Gible hanging around on his shoulders, they both appeared to be looking for something. Judging by how the trainer was using his hands to move aside the tall grass and was looking down at the ground.

He was either looking for some kind of item they lost or were wanting, or were looking for Pokemon.

"Hey, Beat." Snivy voiced as the singer rose an eyebrow and turned his head slightly to look at him. "How about we battle that trainer?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because why not?"

"Even so, they'll probably try to catch us, which they can't unless they have a net and adequate strength, which I doubt as they seem pretty new." Beat frowned slightly as he said this. Snivy smirked before pointing at the Pokemon on the unzipped backpack next to them. Seeing this, Beat deadpanned. "You want me to be your trainer...?"


"Ok, fine. I'll do it. Also, quiet your voice."

"Oh, sorry..."


[Flashback End]


"So, your name is Brian, right?"


"Well, my name is Beat. I hope we have a fun battle." Beat nodded his head as Brian nodded back. Both Gible and Snivy staring one another down, Gible appeared quite confident as Snivy was the same, though Snivy was calmer about it. "I'll let you take the first move."

"Very well. Gible, use Tackle!"

'Definitely has to be a beginner trainer.' Beat thought upon hearing the command. It was most likely that pokemon in the anime world remember all the moves they know, trainers just choose not to use weaker moves due to them gaining stronger ones later on. "Snivy, dodge with a roll."

Beat's simple command was instantly obeyed as Snivy quickly rolled to the side as Gible charged right past him. They could both tell Gible was not yet battle-hardened in any way, it probably didn't have nearly as much experience as Snivy had.

"Don't let up, use Metal Claw again and again!" Brian ordered. Gible complied as Gible's claws were coated in a shiny metal material before continuously slashing at Snivy, who smoothly and elegantly dodged the slashes with ease through the use of various serpentine movements.

Beat was surprised though, Gible here may have been born from some powerful parents. If he remembered correctly, Gible could only learn Metal Claw through breeding. Perhaps the Gible was recently hatched as well, that would speak volumes about its battle experience. Either that or it was sheltered.

'Hmmm, this kid is just calling out Gible to use moves without any form of strategy...' Beat mused to himself as this was something every trainer did at the start. Veteran trainers do the same, but not nearly as much as they would normally soon utilise moves for a more strategic purpose other than just causing damage.

The same could even be said for gamers who first play a pokemon game or are just starting one. If they are only just starting pokemon games, they just use the strongest moves to finish the battles. Experienced gamers usually start using boosting attacks and more strategic and analytical methods in battle when they gain the moves and items necessary.

There were those who were experienced players but still just yet moves with power out there, but to reach their own. It was their decision to decide how they battle.

'I could finish this quickly... but, I don't want to crush this guy's esteem. I'll drag it out a small bit.' Beat smiled slightly as he was not the type to just destroy someone quickly and brutally. He didn't like causing others to lose their self-esteem and confidence, while it may help some, it causes most to either quit or fall into despair. He didn't know Brian enough to know which he would be.

"Gible, Dragon Breath!"

"Snivy, use Leaf Tornado to counter it!" Beat commanded as Snivy nodded before jumping forwards as blast of blue energy fired from Gible's mouth towards the grass-type. Snivy formed a tornado of wind and leaves on his tail before swinging it forwards.

The two attacks clashed before exploding, the explosion caused Snivy's rather small and light body to shot back towards a nearby tree as Gible had dug a small hole in the ground to keep itself stable as Brian had to cover his eyes. Beat didn't flinch and stood tall.

"Use Vine Whip swing back!" Beat sent his command as Snivy then unleashed two green vines from near his shoulders that soon wrapped around one of the branches of the tree he was heading towards. He used them as a swing to shoot himself back towards the field and into the air.

"Gible, use the chance and use Draco Meteor!"

'Draco Meteor too?! This gible has crazy potential!' Beat blinked in surprise. This gible had quite the move pool, Draco Meteor was a move that could only be taught and not learnt at random times. Gible was weak now, but he was sure it could become quite the powerhouse in the future.

Snivy narrowed his eyes as he saw Gible open up his mouth before an orange sphere seemed to be forming slowly in the dragon-type pokemon's large mouth. Beat noticed how slowly the attack was being formed, it was obvious to him this Gible was yet to fully master the move.

Not surprising.

"Snivy, let's finish this! Use Leaf Blade onto Gible and stop its attack and finish this off!" Beat ordered as Snivy flipped a few times in the air as Snivy's tail glowed a deep emerald green. Snivy then began falling towards Gible while spinning like a wheel.

"Oh no, Gible! J-Just fire it!" Brian panicked majorly as he had lost his cool quite early in the battle seeing how his constant use of moves was easily being avoided. A very bad mistake, if you lost your composure, you've gained a large disadvantage.

It was too late though as Gible was then smacked right on top of the head with Snivy's attack, thankfully he was holding back though as it would have caused major injuries if he had utilised all of his power against this rather newborn pokemon.


"Oh no..." Beat's eyes became black dots, along with Snivy's, Brian's and Gible's eyes as they saw Gible's mouth had been forcefully shut with the attack midway firing. They were all quiet for a second before Beat shout. "It's about to go kaboom!"

"Whoops!" Snivy shouted with a comical look on his face.

"Umm, help?" Gible requested with purple lines running down his face, his voice being hard to understand due to his mouth being shut. None of them could respond before a massive explosion occurred, causing a large wind to stir up, along with a large smoke cloud.

"Ahh~!" All of them were heard shouting as they all felt themselves having been blasted away far due to the force of the attack. It seemed that Snivy's attack caused the control Gible had over the attack to not only block its path of attack, but also his control over its contained energy.

Resulting in an uncontrolled explosion...

Snivy and Beat were flying across the sky from the attack as they both flailed in a panic in the sky as both Brian and Gible were doing the same as they went far away into the complete opposite direction to them.

"That wasn't what I meant to do!" Snivy shouted as he had crocodile tears running down his face.

"What are these physics?!" Beat couldn't help but shout as an explosion like that would not send someone just flying like that, but also in the form of blood and guts! What was with this illogical world?! "I mean, I'm not complaining! But, why?!"

"Uh, Beat!"

"Huh?" Beat heard Snivy's voice shout to him as he managed to control his flailing to some extent and looked behind to see what Snivy was looking at. Beat widened his eyes as he saw they were about to land on the ground in what he assumed was the backyard of a house of some sort! "Oh, crap!"

"What do we do?! What do we do?! What do we do?!"

"Come on, I gotta change back!" Beat shouted as he needed to focus to transform back into his pokemon form. He wasn't certain if hitting the ground as a human in this world would be enough to kill him, but in the real world, it definitely would! His pokemon body was stronger than his human form, and could also fly, so he needed to change! He at least wanted to reduce the damn pain!



Currently, on the battlefield of a certain villa, a large group of pokemon alongside a few trainers were currently conversing with one another happily, most of them at least. They appeared to be greeting one another and inspecting each other with curious looks.

The large group of various pokemon belonged to the trainers that were currently talking with each other. The trainers being more than your average ones though, they were the protagonists of the anime series.

Well, a select few of them at least.

The list of them goes as follows, the first two were Cilan and Iris, two companions of the main protagonist of the anime series who travelled with him across Unova. The next was a female named Dawn, the female protagonist of the series that travelled with the main across Sinnoh.

The final human was none other than the main protagonist of the anime series, it was none other than Ash Ketchum! The kid who somehow got his Pikachu defeated by a starter pokemon at the beginning of a trainer's journey... a simple Quick Attack should have done the job.

Plot convenience...

Anyway, aside from that. As the group were all conversing with one another, their attention was soon caught as their ears twitched at a strange sound that was slowly getting louder and louder as every second passed by.

"Do you guys hear that?" Ash asked curiously to the others as they all looked around the source of the noise. The pokemon doing the same as they all could hear it as well. Dawn was the one that answered the question belonging to Ash.

"Yeah, some kind of screaming..."

"Where could it be coming from?"

"Ahh~!" The screams were loud and clear this time around as it was easy for them to hear where it was coming from. They all turned their heads at the exact same time towards the sky, only to widen their eyes as they saw two small figures rocketing down.

They didn't even get to say anything before the two figures suddenly crashed into the battlefield only like two or three meters away from them. They all stared with widened eyes at the small dust cloud that had formed due to the impact.

"Oww~, my back..."

"My everything...!"

The pokemon understood the voices as the humans just heard a familiar type of speech coming from one of the figures while the other was unfamiliar to them. They all waited in silence as the dust cloud slowly began clearing up.

"Huh, did we survive? Alright!" Snivy, the male one, shouted as he got up to his feet while still in pain. The trainers and other pokemon gawked as they saw the different coloured Snivy, especially a certain female one in the group. The male snivy completely didn't noticed them though. "Beat, get up!"

"I'd rather not... kind of in major pain right now after flying across the sky at lightspeed."

"Get up, buddy! We're alive!" Snivy shouted as he bent down and grabbed Beat by his shoulders and began shaking him vigorously. The trainers and their pokemon couldn't see who this Beat was, the trainers didn't know what his name was but the pokemon did since they could understand Snivy.

They sweatdropped though as they saw Snivy shaking a barely visible pokemon from within the still present dust cloud.

"Alright, stop shaking me!" Beat comically yelled as he rubbed his head and sighed before forcing himself up onto his feet. He gave a small groan as he did so. When the dust cleared and his body was in view, he looked at Snivy. "How are we alive?"

"Who knows? It hurt though!"

"That much is obvious..."

They both then heard loud gasps and blinked before turning to see the large group staring at them with dumbfounded expressions on their faces. Could you blame them? A shiny snivy and a pokemon that looked very much like a certain mythical pokemon with them had suddenly appeared in front of them!

Both sides stared silently at one another as Snivy and Beat just had calm yet surprised expressions on their faces. Beat easily recognised the humans along with the pokemon in front of him, he recognised them from the games, except for Ash. Though, he knew the kid as you would definitely know his name and face at some point if you played pokemon.

Within the group, the ones that were staring in the most shock was a certain musical pokemon that eerily looked similar to Beat and was staring at him with widened eyes. Snivy, the male one, being one of the most shocked. He stared at the long-haired music pokemon with his mouth agape.

The silence was soon interrupted though as Snivy, on Beat's side, along with Piplup and Oshawott on the trainer's side began to raise their right hands and/or flippers towards the opposite side before all three of them yelled.

"A female Beat/A male Meloetta!"

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


