Home had been Hawi's greatest achievement, especially when she had trained the warriors to be as lethal as her. She had made them into war machines and had known that they could hold their own.
So, when she had gotten that letter, she just couldn't understand what the fuck had happened along the way. Her sister had been fine, with the magic she had cast on her, and she had been healthy as well.
It just didn't make any sense, and that shit angered Hawi so much, especially when she got to Sicario in the afternoon to see worn out warriors. She couldn't even blame them for being tired because she herself knew how much of a spin it was to fight with the Russels.
"Oh goddess," Hawi whimpered as she took in the sight before her. She couldn't sense any magic at all with the warriors and it got her wondering what the fuck they had been thinking.
yup, no doubt there lol