46.87% Stuck in a white room for years / Chapter 14: Funny summer vacation and helping a depressed kid

章 14: Funny summer vacation and helping a depressed kid

1-A could be seen on a bus going towards the training camp.

Ochaco:'' Who do you think will be the helpers?''

Izuku:'' Mhhhh, there are a lot of heroes that usually help in these things, so the possibilities are vasts.''

In the truth Izuku already knew, he had hacked in the UA's servers and saw who would be the helpers, but he didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Izuku:' The Wild, Wild Pussycats… I just hope they aren't cougars.'

After 20 minutes they arrived, everyone got out of the bus only to see a group of 3 women and a man.

The first one was Mandalay a woman with brown eyes and red hair styled into three bangs going across her face. Mandalay wears a red version of the Pussycat's hero costumes and as part of her costume, she draws red markings beneath her eyes, which resemble cat whiskers.

The second woman is Pixie-Bob she wears a light blue version of the Pussycat's hero costume. She draws two blue dots on her cheeks whenever she wears it, her costume also includes a tinted visor.

The third one is Ragdoll a young woman of medium height with long, emerald green hair and big round yellow eyes that are almost always open all the way, three small eyelashes located toward the top of each eye. As a part of her costume, she draws pink marks on her cheeks that resemble whiskers and a pink circle around her right eye.

The last one is Yawara a tall, muscular man with short brown hair and a small triangle shaped beard. He has blank white eyes with black markings surrounding them. Tiger wears a brown version of the Pussycats' hero costume.

They all began a strange dance and presenting themselves and when they ended they took a strange pose

Izuku:' Are they the Ginew team?'

Aizawa:'' Well this will be the place where we will stay for the next week, here we will train your quirks and your body.''

After presenting themselves selves they were led towards the place where they would sleep.

While walking Izuku saw a small boy who stands at a height comparable to Minoru Mineta. He wears a white collared shirt with buttons, dark shorts, and black boots. He has short, spiky black hair and wears a red hat with two golden, spike-shaped horns on the front.

Izuku felt an immense sadness coming from him, he began nearing him wanting to see if everything was alright.

Izuku:'' Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya I will be staying here for a while I hope we can become friends.'' He said with his usual god-like smile, and pointing his hand towards the kid, with the intention of a handshake

The kid looked at Izuku's eyes for 3 seconds, then he raised his fist and aimed for his crotch.


Kid:'' AHHHH.''

The hand of the kid was red and his knuckles were bruised.

Izuku:'' Sorry kid…'' He moved his hands towards his crotch and then knocked on it.


Izuku:'' It's reinforced.''

Izuku predicted these types of scenarios so he had reinforced his underwear with vibranium and mana making them almost indestructible and they would absorb any type of attack to a certain level.

The kid had tears in his eyes and began running away towards the forest.

Mandalay seeing the kid run away neared Izuku and began talking.

Mandalay:'' Did something happen?''

Izuku:'' Oh nothing… Did something happen to him?''

Mandalay:'' His family was killed by a Villain.''

Izuku's eyes closed, his usual smile became a more sadistic one. (Gin's smile)

Izuku:'' Ohhhhh. Can I know the name of the Villain?''

Mandalay being a veteran hero had felt that something was strange but she didn't see why she shouldn't tell him his name

Mandalay:'' His name is Muscular.''

Izuku:' Kevin find everything you can about him.'

Kevin:'' Ok.''

Izuku:'' Thanks for the information milady if you need anything just say it.'' He said while doing a gentleman bow and showing off his god-like smile

Mandalay cheeks became red, she then said that Izuku had to follow Aizawa so that he would receive his schedule.

Aizawa:'' Ok, everyone listens, from today onwards we will stay here for the next week, in the morning and afternoon you will train the evening is free so that you can relax, and one more thing you will have to cook for yourself.''

That made everyone tense, why? Almost no one knew how to cook.

Izuku:'' We can cook anything?''

Aizawa:''… You know how to cook?''

Izuku:'' More or less.''

Everyone looked towards Izuku's direction looking at him as their only hope, the girls had already tasted his cooking and they were already salivating( from which lips?).

Izuku went towards the kitchen ready to cook for everyone.

Everyone listed what they wanted, some of them were impossible, for example, Shoto wanting Soba.

Izuku began cooking, his hands were teleporting from spot to spot taking all the ingredients needed.

A god-like smell filled everyone's noses.

Izuku then began serving everyone students and teachers.

Everyone had their favorite food even Shoto, no one knows where Izuku took the soba from.

When everyone took their first bite, all the boys had the upper part of their dress explode and all the girls moaned due to pleasure.

Izuku:'' It seems like I am still good.''




It had been a week since the beginning of the forest training, most of the time Izuku would help everyone by cooking or giving a hand during training, he also trained a little, one time Kirishima, Shoto, and Bakugo asked if he could train with him… after 5 minutes they fainted due to exhaustion.

It was evening, Izuku had just finished cooking for everyone, well apart from Kota, he usually spent most of his time on a mountain alone, so Izuku was taking his share of food to him.

Izuku:'' Oooooooy Kota I have your share here.''

That made Kota's ears twitch, it wasn't the first time he ate Izuku's food, and he could say that it was the best he had ever eaten on the level of his mother. (a mother is a mother)

Izuku during this week was able to crack the outer shell of Kota, mostly because of his cooking and his funny jokes.

Izuku then began making small talks with Kota waiting for him to finish.

Izuku then turned around, in front of him a man was wearing a mask and a long black coat.

Izuku:'' Kota go away, now.''

Before Kota could even move, the man removed his coat and his mask, a man with a large, bulky, and extremely muscular build with short, spiky blond hair and small black eyes. He has a large scar going across the left side of his face, his left eye replaced with a prosthetic one, and he has another, a smaller scar on the right side of his forehead.

Izuku immediately recognized him and so did Kota.

Kota:'' N-N-N-N-NO IZUKU RUN NOT PLEASE NOT YOU TOO.'' Kota began crying scared that he would lose Izuku because of Muscular.

Izuku:'' Kota, don't worry just close your eyes, and cover your ears for 1 minute.'' He said while smiling and patting Kota's head.

Kota's closed his eyes, Izuku turned towards Muscular, his smile disappeared, his eyes cold completely losing the previous green and now being only pure crimson, he began emitting all of his bloodlusts not holding back even a bit(all of it is directed towards Muscular, or Kato would already be dead) Muscular fell on his knees, in his eyes, there was pure fear, at the moment he wasn't looking at a kid but at his executioner.

Izuku teleported in front of Muscular, he positioned his hand in front of his head, he firstly recreated his eye, but he made him felt all of the pain while doing it.


Izuku:''Why? Oh, that's easy…because I don't want you to lose even one second of what is about to happen.''

Izuku began the torture, he used mana to create an illusion where time would be 1.000.000 times slower and every time his heart would beat all of his body would feel a pain equal to, his skin being torn off, his muscles being torn apart and all of his bones break.




When the minute ended Muscular was fuming from his mouth, Izuku didn't kill him because that would end the torture.

Izuku then went towards Kota and patted his head, when Kota felt the touch he removed the hands from his ears and opened his eyes.

Izuku:'' Hey everything ended so now we can go back.''

Izuku then took Kota in his arms and dashed towards the training zone, he had felt other unknown auras from there.




When he arrived there he could see Aizawa fighting with a young man, he is fairly tall, pale and slim, somewhat-lanky build, looking in his early twenties. He has dyed black that spikes upward around his head, hanging low over his eyes, which are thin, turquoise in color, and heavily lidded.

His most striking features are undoubtedly the patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that cover much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone, below his eyes, and on his arms and legs. These appear to be attached to the rest of his skin by multiple, crude surgical staples or hoop piercings, making it impossible to tell if these scars were accidental or self-inflicted.

The young man was producing a blue flame, the flame had almost hit Aizawa more than one time.

Izuku then teleported in front of Izawa using his body to block the flame.

The young man was stunned.

Young man:'Did I just kill someone so easily?'

Izuku then went outside the flame, he didn't have even a scratch, the thing that showed the fact that he was hit was the smoke coming from his clothes.

Izuku teleported in front of the young man and…

He put his hand on his shoulder and said.

Izuku:'' I am sorry for what you have been through.''

He then made him faint and began using mana to heal his mind and body

Izuku:' Now I will surely bitch slap that asshole.'

Izuku then went towards Aizawa seeing if he was alright.

Izuku:'' Everything alright sensei?''

Aizawa:'' Don't care about me the students are in danger.''

Izuku immediately disappeared searching for his classmates, only to see everyone stunned and looking towards a spot.

Izuku:'' What happened.''

Ochaco:'' Bakugo was… kidnapped.''


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


