77.77% Bio-Mechanical Monster / Chapter 14: Spider-Man

章 14: Spider-Man

Kane woke up on the couch and said "Megan, what time is it?" Megan said "10pm~" Kane sat up and sighed before folding the blanket and placing it down carefully before stretching his back and leaving saying "Time to go catch an itsy bitsy spider~"

A while later

Kane was standing on top of a building in Queens, watching the streets for the so-called hero. Venom said "Maybe he's not here?" Kane frowned and said "He should be.." a red and blue blur swung by and Kane grinned "There he is. Let's go."

Kane leaped off the building and dug his claws into a building before chasing after the red and blue man in front of him.

Kane got closer and closer before lunging at the man and kicking at his back. The man shot a wed and dodged Kane's kick, he crouched on a building and said "Who are you?" Kane dug his claws into the building and said "We are Venom, and you are ruining our business!"

The man quipped "You're the guy selling those weapons!? They're really dangerous!" Kane shot forward and swiped at the man saying "That's the point!" the man jumped out of the way and Kane smashed the building.

The man said "Aggressive, aren't cha." Kane growled and said "That's annoying.. Who are you?" The man said "Just your friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man!" Kane chuckled and said "I'll be sure to write it on your tombstone 'Spider-Man'!" as he lunged at Spider-Man, attracting metal to his right arm and clawing at him.

Spider-Man shot a web and dodged the swipe, before shooting forward and kicking Kane in the chest, but Kane turned to the side and shot his knee up. Spider-Man twisted in the air saying "Woah!"

Kane clicked his tongue and liquified the metal in his palm before repelling it forward, shooting molten metal droplets at Spider-Man, who did his best to dodge but inevitably got his with a few drops.

Kane shot forward and punched Spider-Man in the chest, smashing him into a building before chasing after him. Spider-Man shot out two webs and pulled himself towards Kane, twisting over his punch and stomping at his head, Kane tilted his head and spun around, shooting his left elbow out, hitting Spider-Man in the ribs, bouncing him into the air.

Kane lifted his metal arm and slapped Spider-Man down to the ground. Spider-Man shot out his webs and pulled himself to a building, Kane landed on the ground and charged after Spider-Man.

Kane chased him to a roof top and liquified all the metal in his arm to form two molten metal gauntlets with sharp claws at the ends before lunging at Spider-Man, clawing at him. Spider-Man dodged all the swipes and said "What kind of powers do you have?! Did they have a sale on superpowers at the market?"

Kane replied "Yeah, you should go get some. Maybe, you'll get 6 arms." As he repelled molten metal on the rooftop secretly.

Soon there was nothing left of the metal and Kane decided to fight with just Venom. The rooftop was coated with a metal sheen, Kane attracted the metal to his feet and repelled under them, shooting forward faster than before and catching Spider-Man off guard, not expecting Kane to suddenly speed up.

Kane's fist turned black and he punched Spider-Man square in the chest, sending him flying off the building. Kane repelled under him and shot towards Spider-Man, he lost the metal on his feet and landed on Spider-Man's torso as he said "Every slammed into the ground off a 10 story building before?"

Spider-Man punched at Kane and said "Not on my bucket list, unfortunately." Kane caught his fist and said "You should be a comedian instead, Spider-Man." Spider-Man used his other hand and sprayed webbing in Venom's eyes, too close for Kane to dodge.

Kane groaned and ripped the webbing off his face as Spider-Man twisted over Kane and stomped his back as they fell from the air. Kane spun around and grabbed Spider-Man's arm before throwing him forward and slamming into the ground, Kane landed on top of him, feet first.

Spider-Man groaned in pain and Kane grinned, revealing the sharp teeth and long tongue as he said "Let's see who's under the mask~ We are very curious~" Kane tore off the red cloth and goggles to reveal a teenager underneath.

Kane frowned and said "Peter Parker?" Peter said "You know me?!" as he covered his face with his hood. Kane chuckled and said "I do, but that doesn't matter~" his hand formed a spike and Kane said "Good-bye Spider-Man!" before he could move he heard a voice "Are you sure you want to do this, child?"

Kane looked up and Peter covered his face in webbing, concealing his identity. Kane saw a bunch of people, along with police, but the man who talked was a bald man in a wheelchair.

Kane said "Who are you." The bald man smiled "I am Charles Xavier. I also am talking to you directly separate from everyone else, though it is quite difficult to manage from a distance, with the proximity I can speak directly into your mind."

Kane frowned and said "What do you want." as he looked around him at the dozens of police officers in swat uniforms and the multitude of different people behind Charles.

Charles said "Nothing, just making sure you don't make a mistake. What has this young man done to you? I thought you didn't kill innocents, what changed?" Kane sneered "The world changed. My childish ideas of being a hero changed. I started alone, I will end alone. Look around, if I don't take care of myself who will? You? Anybody else?"

Kane chuckled "Nobody, all I have is Venom and that's all I will ever need. The rest are just fabricated false relationships built on a give and take deal. The world is ugly and I will change it." Charles said "Oh? By killing those who refuse to change or that get in your way?"

Kane said "If that's what needs to happen, then so be it. Let me ask you a question, if everyone has powers, who will be a super hero? The answer is simple. When everyone's special, no one will be." Kane dropped Peter and jumped to the building before scaling it and escaping as the police fired their weapons but failed to hit him.

Charles frowned and said "Hank." Hank, the giant blue ape man, said "Yes, professor?" Charles said seriously "Call Shield, this is getting out of hand.. Extremely quickly." Hank got serious and said "You saw something?"

Charles turned around and wheeled away saying "I hope what I saw, wasn't true. I really hope so..."

A while later

Kane came back to his base and collapsed on the couch, his face white as a ghost. He turned on the TV and curled up with the blanket in his arms, he slowly stopped trembling and fell asleep.

The next morning

Kane woke up and folded the blanket neatly before walking into his lab. He looked at the giant tank of orange liquid and started working.

a few days later

Kane finally finished perfecting his Extremis Ultra. Kane strapped the giant tank to his back and left the base in the dead of night. He scaled the tallest building and started setting up his machine, he set the machine to change the liquid to a gas form and fall onto the entire city, transforming everyone into an Extremis user.

Kane originally had the idea to use it for himself but he changed his mind. Too many people to keep tabs on, too many variables, but if EVERYONE was the same then that eliminates the problem. Truthfully, Kane had changed completely at this point, slowly losing his mind almost creating a split in his psyche. He originally didn't think the constant torture was a problem but his subconscious mind had twisted severely.

The night when he came back from talking with Charles, he questioned himself for the first time. He felt like he was wrong and making a terrible choice, but at the same time felt that everyone should suffer the same pain as him. Their annoying complaints, their 'expert' analyses on hero matters, it all made him angry.

They complain about everything but do nothing when they see a problem of their own. Kane would give everyone a fresh start, everyone is equal, everyone has power, everyone can fight back!

Kane's mind was twisting a warping his moral code and sense of justice, ceaselessly. Churning and festering as it grew more and more cruel and evil, the desire to entice chaos and spread suffering growing in his mind with every passing moment.

Kane chuckled evilly and was about to push a button, when he was kicked away from the machine. Kane smashed into the railing on the top of the building and looked up before narrowing his eyes, all the avengers, minus Tony, along with Spider-Man and a group of people Kane had never seen before.

Steve said "I don't know what's going on with you kid, but this is not the right way to deal with it." Kane said "What do you know about me? Nothing, keep your mouth shut Mr. Hydra." Steve's face turned ugly and Kane added "Who are you all?" looking towards the new group.

Hank said "Professor Xavier sent us to help. We don't have to fight, you're a mutant just like us, we can help you." Kane sneered "Sure, that's why I have never seen you before today. Seems like when there's a danger, suddenly everyone wants to help."

Kane stood up and the metal started shaking near him as he snarled "Everything I have, I only got through suffering! What about you!? How could you possibly understand! Go help someone who needs it, because I refuse your false kindness!"

The metal around him floated up behind him but didn't attach to his body. Kane roared and the metal behind him flew towards the group, forming arms along the way and punching at them. Purple arcs of electricity crackled off him and Kane himself floated in the air, his eyes turning a dark purple with purple electricity wisping off the corners as he reached out and clenched his fist.

Hank's pupils shrank and he said "It's just like him!" he turned to the rest and said "Attack! Before he can fully control his power!" the group attacked Kane's body.

Kane waved his hand and a metal hand covered in front of him, blocking the attacks. When the hand drew back, Kane revealed himself with Venom covering him. Kane screeched, only relying on instincts as he had completely lost his mind at this point.

Kane shot forward and punched Steve away before whipping his leg out, kicking Peter, as he ducked under a swipe from Hank. Kane controlled the metal arms to keep most of the group busy as he locked fingers with Hank.

Kane growled and slowly lifted Hank off the ground before slamming him into the roof and kicking him back into the group before lunging at Steve and tackling him into Natasha, he stomped on Steve's chest and blasted him through a group.

As Kane was fighting the group of heroes..

A man with short hair and a five o'clock shadow was spending time with a green haired woman. He suddenly looked in a certain direction and the woman said "You sense that too, dad?" the man nodded with a frown and said "Extremely similar to myself, Lorna.."

Lorna hummed and said "Do you think it's a clone?" The man waved "No. It's different, immature, uncontrolled, weak, but extremely chaotic and angry." the man rubbed his chin and mumbled "Could it be... That shouldn't be possible.." Lorna looked a little bitter and said "Another sibling?"

The man frowned and said "That's my best guess, but it shouldn't be possible.." Lorna rolled her eyes and said "How so?" The man said seriously "Because he wasn't a mutant before and his mother was a normal human." Lorna frowned and said "Maybe, you just never knew?"

The man muttered "It's possible... Let's go." Lorna nodded and they flew away.

While they were flying

Tony grabbed a syringe of light blue liquid before flying out of his lab carrying Elizabeth on his back.

Kane was still fighting the group of heroes and most of them were out of the fight already with only Spider-Man, Steve, and Hank left. Kane screeched and the arms slapped into Hank and Steve as Kane shot forward and punched at Peter.


Hank smashed through the metal arm and tackled Kane to the ground, Steve jumped over the other arm and pinned Kane to the ground and Peter shot a bunch of webbing, sticking Kane to the ground.

Kane writhed in the web and his body heated up, starting to melt the web around him but Peter kept shooting webs, keeping Kane bound. Venom said "Kane. You have to escape." his tone somber, Kane said "I can't!" Venom said "I know. I'll give you the opportunity..." Kane trembled and said "Venom, what are you-" Venom cut him off saying "So long, buddy. You're my best friend."

Venom came off Kane and covered the webs before latching onto Peter as Kane shouted "Venom! Come back!" Venom ignored him and covered Peter, who was trying to get him off, becoming a black suit with a white spider logo, losing the purple flame-pattern arms.

Venom controlled Peter and shot webs at Hank and Steve saying "GO KANE!" Kane went forward towards Venom but jumped back, dodging a red laser beam as the rest of the group started to get back up and target Kane.

Kane grinded his teeth and tears pooled in his eyes as he jumped off the building and controlled the metal to make a surfboard under him, shooting off. Venom watched him go and stopped, Steve ripped Venom off of Peter and stuffed him into a glass container before saying "Go after him."

Kane ran until he suddenly lost control and his vision blurred as he fell to the ground with a thud.

Charles wheeled over and said "I'm sorry Kane but it must be this way." Kane grinded his teeth and Tony landed on the ground, he pointed his palms at Charles saying "Who are you?!" Charles raised a hand and said "Fear not. I am not the enemy."

Tony didn't let up and said "What did you do to the kid?" Charles said "Merely incapacitated him. He will be fine." Tony slowly put down his palms and Elizabeth ran over to Kane saying "Are you okay?" before Kane could answer Tony took out a syringe and injected it into Kane saying "There you go. All better."

Kane's eyes faded from golden to black before becoming a strange tinge of purple. In reality, if not for the Extremis, Kane's eyes would have turned purple because of he unlocked a portion of his 'mutant' abilities. Kane felt his body cleansing as the Extremis was destroyed inside of him, returning him to his Venom modified state.

He still had super strength, and agility, but his heat powers disappeared and his mind cleared up. Kane felt like he was fresh and Tony said "I analyzed the stuff you brought back with you and it turns out, not only did it give you all those abilities but it heightened your aggression and negative emotions to the peak. I fixed it but also removed everything else it gave you."

Kane turned to Elizabeth and said "You're back. I missed you." Elizabeth was startled and before she could ask what he meant, swat police surrounded Kane and locked a collar around his neck. Elizabeth shouted "What are you doing?!"

The police said "Taking him to the Icebox. He's a threat." before jerking Kane off the ground and dragging him away. Elizabeth shouted "You can't just take him! I-" the police cut her off and said "Unless you want to be brought in as well, I suggest you step back!" Elizabeth grinded her teeth and said "I sug-" Tony grabbed her and said "Leave it. We'll get him out, he needs to think about what he was going to do. Whether he was influenced or not, it was still his choices."

Charles wheeled over and said "Exactly. It seems this serum, just augmented his negative desires. Am I correct?" Tony nodded and Elizabeth said "But-" Charles cut her off saying "Would you like to help him?" Elizabeth choked her words back and nodded, Charles added "Then you can help him by letting him sort himself out. It's the only way."

Elizabeth teared up and broke free from Tony before running away. Charles sighed and the police took Kane, who was watching Elizabeth's departing back, away.

Tony watched the police van drive away before Steve and the rest showed up. Steve held up Venom and said "Got the goo alien." Tony took it and corrected "Klyntar." Steve nodded and said "Yeah, that."

Hank went to Charles and said "His power is exactly the same as 'him' but it seemed more powerful at a base level." Charles nodded and said "This might be complicated... Where's Colossus?" Hank's face turned a bit strange as he said "He sent a kid and that other guy to the Icebox today.." Charles smiled a bit and said "'He' went there too?" Hank nodded and Charles chuckled before wheeling away saying "That's interesting."

The group separated with the mutants going back with Charles and the Avengers going back to Shield HQ, Tony went back to his lab with Venom, and Peter was left alone, scratching his head, wondering what he was supposed to do.

As Kane was being transported

Elizabeth got back into the base and walked inside to see the couch had a blanket neatly folded on it. She was confused and walked over to the couch, Megan said "Oh, you're back." Elizabeth nodded and said "What happened here?"

Megan was silent before connecting to the TV and replaying the footage from the past couple of days since Elizabeth left. Elizabeth sat and watched the footage, dumbfounded, and Megan said "He got significantly worse, since you left."

Elizabeth covered her mouth and said "I went to get help.. I didn't think that..." she looked at the blanket next to her and held it tightly in her hands as she continued to watch. After it was finished. Elizabeth wiped her eyes saying "Oh, Kane... I'm so sorry..." Megan spoke "I tracked when he was sent."

Elizabeth silently wiped her eyes before saying "Where is it."

(Author's Note)

Upset? Confused? Angry? If you have any or all of these emotions at the moment, you may have been infected with Keith's Extremis and should call your local super genius for a cure.

ALSO~ I switched it up on ya! More so to incite conflict and grow Kane a little bit, he went from warm to below freezing, now we gotta get him to room temperature AND I have just the person to help with that!

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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