
Chapter 1:

"H-huh? Where the heck am I?" Shouted Adrian tries to look around but all he sees is darkness.

"What the hell!? Why can't I see anything? System!?"

[System has been successfully integrated to being #C137]

[Host has been reincarnated as a…?????]

"What does that even mean?"

After spending what felt like hours trying to see and move around, yet not mankind any progress, he gave up.

"Alright, now that I've calmed down...System, what are your functions?"

[System has a total of 5 functions, Status, Inventory, Shop, Quest, and Travel]

"Hmmm...alright, System, what functions can I use so far right now?

[Host can currently use Status, Inventory, and Quest functions]

"Alright, System, show me my Status!" Adrian was excited to see if the system here was the same as the other novels he read about in his other life.


[Adrian Folas]

Race: ??? (Mortal-1 Rank)

Titles: Reincarnator, Blessed by ???, Error.exe

Level: 1 (0/1000)

Hp: 1/1 (0.5 per hour)

Mp: 1/1 (0.5 per hour)


Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Vitality: 1

Dexterity: 1

Defence: 2

Wisdom: 1

Spirit: 1

Free points: 0



(Locked) Error-Devor, Extract, ???

Inspect (1/10)

Self-Evolve (Max)

Adaptation (Max)






"Oh? When did I have all of this? I wonder what's the scale for these stats, and if anyone else has this. And what's with the question marks, am I not high enough level to know or something? Hmmm, it also looks like I'm not human anymore huh...System, are there any tasks I can do currently?"

[Ding! Host has received a quest!]

[Unlock Magic Control to see and move around your surroundings]

[Rewards: Magic Control, 500 exp, Unlock Shop feature]


"Better than doing nothing I guess, time to get to work! Wait...I have no idea how to even start or what to feel out...do you give any hints, System?" Adrian asked.

The System was quiet for a few moments before speaking again. Though the way it spoke this time, felt a little more, human?

[Host should begin to feel sensations...try to memorize them]


As Adrian starts to feel a slight sense of pain on his "head", but he also feels warm and numb all over his "body" after a few seconds of pain. He started to memorize the feeling, also taking note of how it cools down when it deactivates.

"I see, I can do this...about a day or two give or take." Adrian sighed while saying.

After training his crude control of activating and deactivating magic for about a day and a half he got the notification he wanted.

[Host has completed the task "Unlock Magic Control"]

[Rewards have been given accordingly]

[Bonus reward has been given for completing the task before 3 days]

[+750 exp, Magic Control (2/10), Shop feature unlocked]

"Oh nice! Bonus rewards! Guess they are a thing...maybe maxing out my magic control would be better for moving this body." With this in mind, Adrian began to do other methods to improve control. He started by speeding up the process of activation and deactivation and improving the overall flow of power coursing through his body. After about 2 days he was exhausted, although he spaced out his Mp consumption, it still got to him after it hit 0 several times during these 2 days. After a few more hours of practice, Adrian heard multiple notifications and checked them out.

[Host has maxed out Magic Control (10/10)]

[Reward for maxing out skills: +1250 Exp]

[Level up!]

[All Attributes increased by 1, received 5 free attribute points]

[Do you want to Evolve Magic Control?]


"Finally! Alright, first I'm going to put 1 point in Vit, 1 point in Wis, and 3 points in Spirit. Alright, now I'm ready to evolve Magic Control. Yes!" Adrian told the system. A bright light surrounded Adrian as he felt an invisible barrier on his control and surrounding mana break.

[Magic Control has Evolved into Main Skill Path The One That Controls Magic]

[Effects are weakened as Host is too weak...

[All Magic Elements are now learnable]

[First Skill Evolution Rewards: +3000 exp]

[Level up!]

[Host may now choose 2 Magic Elements below to have an Affinity with]

[Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Darkness, Light]

"Choices, choices...I guess I will choose air and light for mobility and sight purposes for now. For stats, I guess I'll just put 2 points on Vit, 2 points on Wis, and 1 point on Spirit." Adrian pondered.

[Host has chosen Air, and Light affinity (Sealed)]

[Current Wind Spells: Levitation, Wind Bullets]

[(Weakened)Current Light Spells: Lumination]

'There we go, now I can go and see where I am right now.' Adrian thought

[Lumination], [Levitation]!

Finally being able to see more clearly and moving around the area while also finally being able to see using Magic Control is very refreshing. The area is a big cave full of clear, magic rich, shining crystals all over the place. It was actually quite bright with the light reflecting off of most of the crystals. Adrian then used Inspect on the crystals to see if he could get any information about the place.

[Searching caves of "Crystals"]

[1 Star (Blue) Magic Crystal]

[2 Star (Green) Magic Crystal]

"Hey system, what's with the rating system here? Can you show me the list of tiers?" Adrian asked

[Item tiers: 1-9 Stars, Trash (Cracked White)Common (White), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Purple (Epic), Orange (Legendary)]

"I see...I guess I got lucky then! System is there anything I can do with thes-WOAH! What the hell is that!?" Adrian asked the system.

[Level 10 Horned Snake]

[Host has received a Quest!]

[Kill the Horned Snake]

[Rewards: 2500 Exp, Fighter Title]


"W-what? Kill? A-alright, calm down, you can finally test your strength on something now…" Adrian said as he started to calm down a bit.

[Wind Bullet]!

[Wind Bullet]!

[Wind Bullet]!

As the invisible bullets fire at the horned snake, it dodges the first bullet, but the second one hits it's horn, screeching and losing a bit of its power, it starts staggering, but then the third bullet hits the snake right between the eyes, making a hole in the head, killing it.

[Host has killed a Mortal 1 Star Horned Snake]

[+1500 Exp]

[Quest Complete!]

[Rewards: +2500 Exp, Fighter Title]

[Bonus Reward: Unlock Shop Points, +100 Sp]

"That was easy, maybe a bit too easy...I should hide before its pack comes." Adrian starts to float away, with its light glow slowly diminishing as he goes back into the darkness of the cave.

Ch. 1 End

Solstice_Guardian Solstice_Guardian

Criticize me, I need this for practice. This is a practice novel, for now? IDK

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


