Hekate was down to just one head now. This was going to be the final part of the battle. This was going to be the part that brought it all to an end. Finally, we could end this whole ordeal. Finally, I will be able to get home. And, curiously enough, it was all thanks to my father that I had been able to do all of this. Who would have thought that I would be working with him like this? Who would have ever thought that Gannon Cornelius Edmond would have been able to be trusted and relied upon like that? I never would have thought that at all. Not for one second.
While I thought about these things that I basically used to think were impossible, I saw that Hekate was starting to get angrier than before. Her wings were beating faster and faster as she hovered in the air above the hall.
Hey everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I am going to drop back down to 1 chapter per day starting in February. I have had some medical issues lately and I will be having surgery for it soon. I need to have a stockpile for the time that I take off for that surgery so I hope that you all understand. When I can I will go back to releasing 2 chapters per day for this story. I am so sorry to be doing this to you all, and I hope that you understand that it is a necessity at this time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Happy reading,
Deni Chance