Yuxian blinked his eyes, the pink ceiling met him with a sweet aura. The walls were painted in light colors like pastel. The cabinets and windows were in a sky blue design, he was like in a doll house. It must be Ling Ling's room.
He tried to move but felt the heavy thing on his other half, he looked down and saw a little girl sleeping peacefully with her head on his arms. On his other hand was an open story book. He adjusted his body because the bed was big enough for two, slowly transferring the little girl's head on the pillow.
He remembered playing with her a while ago until both of them lay down on the bed, reading stories until they fell asleep.
When he finally let go, Yuxian swayed his right arm in the air, letting the numbness go away. He circulated his head around the room, there he saw puzzles, books and color pencils scattered on the floor.
Yang was so determined.!! Let's see where this story is going...