"You want to wrestle?" Afton asks while rubbing his face in exasperation. If he hadn't noticed what was up before, he certainly had now... After all, sticking your 'assets' out as far as could wasn't a wrestling technique he recognised...
"Yeah!... Unless you don't think you can beat me?" she cockily taunts.
"Fine, but we're done as soon as you tap out." Afton states as he drops to his knees and readies for combat...
The subsequent fight could only be described as Erotic, Painful, and very humorous... Afton quickly charged Josie like a bull in a china shop, putting every kind of lock, choke, and hold in existence on Josie as she pushed herself not to give in...
Afton wasn't willing to actually hurt her, so he just took the opportunity to test every technique that was stored in his memories... His Unarmed skill had pumped so many into his mind yet he'd never actually tried most.
While this was all going on, Josie did her best to try to grind into him, yet Afton ignored all her attempts at seduction and just moved onto the next technique. It'd gotten so funny to watch that everyone else had stopped their own fights to observe, some of them even beginning to cheer Josie on whenever she managed to push her assets into Afton...
Afton had just swapped into a rear-naked choke when Josie had finally had enough, forcing his hands down onto her breasts and causing him to stop in place... "Look, if you just wanted to have some fun you didn't need go about it like this..." he mutters while giving her a firm squeeze, getting a light moan out of her before she quickly covers her mouth in surprise.
He glances around at everyone who was watching and leans into her ear, "Besides, if this is what you were after, I could show you A to Z in the Kama Sutra."
Josie blushes at their closeness but furrows her brows, Afton was wondering if he'd done something wrong when she finally speaks up, "What's the Kama Sutra?"
"Huh... Never mind, just forget it." he mutters while standing, "Alright... Unless you guys want to stop, we should probably swap partners..."
Veronica dramatically covers her breasts, "And let you grope us too? I thought you saw me as your sister Afton!"
"Piss off." Afton simply retorts, getting chuckles from the others.
Tamia ends up stepping forwards after a moment of collective indecision, "I don't think we've ever fought before now. Maybe I won't beat you but, it'll be harder than whatever you just did with Josie." she shrugs.
Afton rolls his shoulder and grins, "You're on."
The others all back up as the duo size each other up, a put out-looking Josie blows some stray hair out of her face as she watches with crossed arms. She couldn't be too upset though, Afton's earlier comment didn't sound too bad if she were honest...
Afton cracks his knuckles and steps towards Tamia in a light stance, his opponent doing the same in a boxer's stance. Suddenly, they clash, Tamia throwing a jab at Afton's face and following it up after it's blocked with an uppercut to his liver.
This is easily avoided though, Afton stepping to the side while throwing a kick at her right leg. It hits and Tamia stumbles slightly due to her knee bending at an awkward angle. Afton follows this up with a slow spinning back kick towards her temple, which forces her to back away to avoid it.
"What's wrong? Not as confident now? I'm a bit disappointed..." he taunts, which seems to achieve its purpose as Tamia leaps at him, sending punching from every which way in a flurry of blows. Afton easily defends against them though, eventually grabbing her wrist and stepping into her guard and trying to knock her to the ground.
Tamia retaliates with a brutal-looking headbutt but Afton reciprocates, meeting it with his forehead. He's obviously the winner out of this, and the impact leaves Tamia disorientated as if she'd just slammed her head into a titanium wall.
Afton takes this chance and delivers a couple uppercuts to her stomach, forcing the air from her lungs before throwing her heavily to the ground... Only for her to roll backwards and spring up, kicking both feet at his face, it connects and he steps back, grinning at the surprising improvised attack.
"Hah! Still disappointed?" she says as she gets to her feet.
He shrugs, "We'll see..." he retorts before charging at her with his full speed, her eyes widen momentarily at his sudden increase in speed and is unable to do anything as his fist connects with the side of her head, the force of which throwing her clean off of her feet. She'd have instantly been knocked out if she were anyone else... Even still, she'd been rocked, and didn't think she would be able to stand if she managed to get up.
Afton flexes the hand that'd just hit her, "You're pretty tough, but you can be better..." he says, not willing to admit she'd probably kick his ass if he didn't have the system... "You wanna continue, or have you given up?"
"Yeah, just give me a minute..."
The group continue to watch the duo spar for a couple more hours, their own training completely forgotten as they watch these two impressive combatants slug it out.
Afton would've been worried about giving Tamia permanent brain damage if Stimpacks weren't able to heal any recent damage done. Still, he was making sure to keep the knocks to her head at a minimum to prevent anything from happening...
What he hadn't noticed throughout their fights was the blush on her face as they fought... He'd thought it was just a flush from exertion, so he wasn't aware of Tamia's strange arousal to the rather vicious beatdown she was receiving...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
Soon enough the group ended their training and headed out to get some food. It was fun and relaxing but Afton still has work to do, so he ended up leaving earlier than most anyway. He heads to the Think Tank laboratories and delves underground, only to find Dala floating over Shani who was currently lying on an operating table.
He takes a quick shower in the provided room and puts on some clean clothes before entering the lab. "Alright, Dala, remember what I told you... Only biopsies and chipping, otherwise I'll be taking you apart as well." he states. The only real reason he was here, after all, was to make sure Dala doesn't go overboard with her duties. If she wasn't so deranged he'd have left her alone to do it herself.
"Mmhm." the scientist acknowledges and starts the operation, getting biopsies on every relevant organ that may or many to be involved in Psyker physiology. Of course, this meant doing some of the more dangerous organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, etc. Still, it wasn't as dangerous as it would've been in his old world primarily due to the existence of Stimpacks and Cybernetics. If something ever went serious wrong he could just replace the organ entirely.
Everything was going as planned until halfway through the procedure Shani's eyes began to glitter open... "She's almost awake, sedate her." Afton calmly states, somehow hiding his worry... He himself would be very distraught at finding himself suddenly being operated on... Shani hadn't even been informed this was happening to prevent her from trying to escape again.
He also wondered why Shani was even awakening... Had Dala purposely not given her enough sedatives? Or had her Psyker biology made her more resistant to it?... Shaking his head, he grabs the chart and quickly finds the problem.
Indeed, Dala had applied minimal sedatives. This was the minimum required for a young female, meaning either she was trying to avoid using too many resources, or it was purposeful... He'd have to ask her after this.
Shani was wide awake at this point, rapidly looking around the room while hyperventilating. Her whole body was trembling and a ton of adrenaline was being pumped around her body. She scrambles to try and escape the bed, but Afton jumps into action by locking her in place with his Plant arm, trapping her head, body, and limbs with many root-like appendages.
Shani would have screamed had she not been wearing a ventilator, she appears to panic further once she'd been trapped in place. Finally, though, Dala manages to pump her with enough sedatives that her adrenaline can't keep her awake any longer. Her eyes flutter, and despite all her attempts to resist, she falls unconscious again.
Afton retracts his plant arm while sending a glare towards Dala, "Did you mean for this to happen?" he accuses.
"Not at all... Consider this more of a test... To see if these 'Psykers' are more resistant to sedatives than regular teddy bears... As you can see, my theory was correct."
Sure enough, she had done it on purpose... At least there was a valid reason for it though?... Afton couldn't really argue against her methods, at least, not without arguing for Shani's sake. Which, considering she'd been trying to break out since she got here, he wasn't all that inclined to do.
"Whatever. Let's just get this done so we can send her back." he states, urging her to continue the operation.
Half an hour later everything was done, all the samples had been collected and Shani had been chipped to make sure she wouldn't try to escape anymore. All that was left was to ship her back to her room and get some sleep to prepare for tomorrows expedition into Tunnel territory.
Afton throws off his medical gloves and walks towards the showers, "Dala, send Shani back, and no additional experiments." he warns.
Dala watches him leave and then looks down at her manipulators, contemplating whether or not to listen to his last order... Eventually, she just decides to leave it as is, there were always opportunities in future... At least, as long as she didn't piss Afton off. Not to mention the fact Glados was probably watching her right now...
The next morning Afton was already up and standing fully geared outside the railway tunnel. He was backed up by Tamia, Veronica, Christine, and Scorpion-Man... The latter of which was the only one not wearing Power armour.
The only reason Scorpion-Man was even here was his Psyker status, for anyone else it would simply be too dangerous. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't outfitted in top of the line armour.
He was currently wearing the newly created Bulwark Ranger armour, which sounds exactly as the name implies... They'd used the Ranger armour they'd received from the Van Graffs and created their own variant. This one had Light saturnite plating, saturnite under armour mesh, Deathclaw leather coat (This one not going past the hip due to Scorpion-Man's abilities), and the highly advanced Ranger helmet.
Scorpion-Man already had fairly good low-light vision, but in the tunnels it'd most likely be pure darkness, so night vision was required, plus infrared vision would help identify the enemy. It also came with communication systems, targeting systems, and many more add-ons they were able to fit.
Last but certainly not least were the weapons he'd been allowed to start using... An Ultra Chainsword, and a silenced SMG which would support his style of combat, and aid in infiltration when he is eventually sent out on such missions... The only thing he was missing for the gear he'd 'officially' be using was a Stealth boy... Which, probably wouldn't be all the useful against Tunnelers anyway.
Behind the group was also a large contingent of robots, Cyberdogs, and a couple Deathclaws. The Deathclaws were more of a test than anything else, using large numbers of them together was a disaster waiting to happen.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David