Afton groggily wakes up after having spent the entire night sleeping in a chair next to the Vertibird. He looks up at what was earlier just barely put-together parts and spots the almost completed Vertibird. All that was left now was to fit it with equipment, defensive things like flares and reinforced hulls, and offensive things like Railguns, missile launchers, and Gatling Lasers.
Of course, he'd either need to be quick about installing all of this or ignoring it for now and doing it later... Today was supposed to be the day they finally found Christine after all. Veronica was already aware of it, and should already be up and ready to leave at any moment... If anyone was more eager to see Christine than Afton, it'd be Veronica.
The only other problem would be the fact that only Afton and Veronica knew how to actually fly a Vertibird, the Brotherhood of Steel's simulations allowed them to pick up the skillset, despite their covert mode of operation and complete lack of Vertibirds.
Afton still wasn't sure who he'd be taking with him... He still needed people operating in the Mojave to make things work after all. Taking Anja and Veronica while leaving the rest should work, the conditions they were headed were still completely unknown, so Anja's status as a ghoul could be incredibly helpful.
Josie could've come if she'd picked up how to operate Power armour quickly enough, but that sadly wasn't the case... So, unless she wanted to come while wearing full hazmat hazard gear, she'd be left behind... Even if she complained about not getting to ride in the Vertibird on its first flight.
Yeah, he wouldn't name it yet, partly because there was a big chance of it being destroyed, and partly because it wasn't actually completed yet... It was simply a Brotherhood of Steel quality Vertibird right now, nothing more, nothing less.
Though, now that he thought about it... Didn't the West Virginia branches have automated Vertibirds?... That might be something to look into.
He leaves the workshop for a moment while calling Glados to him, her drone floating next to him as she updates him on the progress she'd made during the night. Apparently, she'd almost cracked it, but still had to get through some limited last defences.
While she does this, Afton gets some Spiderbots to gather his companions so he can give them a review before he leaves. He wouldn't want to leave them confused and bumbling around alone after all.
After half an hour everyone was gathered, Karl, Tamia, Boone, Josie, Anja, and Veronica. Karl looked a little confused at being present, but didn't raise any concerns as he knew Afton wouldn't try and send him back onto the field in his current condition.
Afton stands from the desk and tosses them each a copy of everything he'd compiled on Christine, Elder Elijah, and the Sierra Madre.
As the group reads through them Karl raises a brow and looks at Afton, "So you're going on vacation to a casino?" he asks semi-sarcastically.
Afton shrugs, "I'm not sure how much of a vacation it's going to be, but as long as I get to crush Elijah's skull I think it'll be worth it." he says, getting a flinch from Veronica.
Despite all the evidence towards the man being a complete and utter bastard, she still held a soft spot for him... He was her mentor once upon a time. Regardless, he'd made sure to beat into her head and psyche that he needed to be put down, if not for his crimes against the Brotherhood, Afton's parents, and everyone who died at Helios, than for his crimes against Christine.
His words had given her a determined look, but he didn't know if that would last if face to face with the man... They'd just have to wait and see.
Afton coughs into his fist, "Unless anyone has any disagreements, I'll be taking Veronica and Anja for this mission, for the reasons already listed." he explains with a gesture a the files before them.
Tamia raises the paper and points at it, "Wait, so the Think Tank sold technology to this place? Isn't that, like, super dangerous?" she asks, having seen the many monstrosities hidden around Big Mt. She was also aware of the fact that Afton had destroyed most of the dangerous shit before they'd arrived.
Afton slowly nods, "Ah, that... I tried to ask the scientists about it, but apparently most of the information about the stuff they sold was destroyed during the Great War. It's only because of the Z-38 Laboratory that we know the Sierra Madre had any contact with the Think Tank at all..."
"That's... Unsettling. To not know where the technologies of this place might be is ominous to say the least." Veronica mutters.
Afton shrugs, "Trust me, I've already gotten rid of most of the worst shit this place had to offer..." he's about to continue when Glados' drone floats down beside him, "We have found the Sierra Madre." She states in her typical robotic tone.
Afton grins, "Where?"
"The Sierra Madre Casino is... In the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico." she states, causing Afton's grin to disappear.
"There's a mountain called the Sierra Madre?... I feel kind of stupid not knowing and checking it now..." he mutters.
"Mountain Range, but yes and no... Its name suggests its location, but that doesn't mean it would be there, or if it would be easy to find." Glados corrects, "Additionally, most evidence of the Sierra Madre mountain range has been removed from most databases from a third party... I have yet to discover who is responsible."
Afton glances at Veronic and Anja, "Alright, get your shit, we goin' to Mexico!" he exclaims as if they were a frat house looking for a thrill.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Once Afton, Veronica, and Anja were all suited up they left for the Sierra Madre. It'd take a couple hours of straight flying but that wasn't really a problem. Afton and Veronica were both suited up in Power armour while Anja was wearing her usual recon armour + Deathclaw leather duster and hood.
The flight itself wasn't all that difficult... Afton was in the pilot's seat flying in a straight line after all, so unless a secret Enclave or Brotherhood base wanted to shoot them down, it'd be smooth sailing from here.
They'd left fairly early in the morning, meaning that when they started to approach the Sierra Madre Mountain range it was already the afternoon. Fortunately, there were already signs that their target was close.
"Afton, what's that?" Veronica asks from beside him, pointing down at a sloped in mountain passage. It was your typical wasteland desert environment, with dead, mutated, or barely surviving plantlife decorating it... Though, unlike most places, there appeared to be a heavy thin red fog lingering near the ground.. No, scratch that, it seemed to be spreading at an incredibly slow rate.
Afton halts their flight and has the Vertibird float over the cloud to get a good look, all of them grimacing at what happens when the fog touches the wasteland plant life... As soon as the red fog flows over it, smoke starts being emitted from the organic matter as it rapidly decomposes, quickly turning into mulch before disappearing...
"What... Was... THAT!" Veronica exclaims, horrified at whatever the fuck the red fog was. Afton was asking similar questions, it wasn't its corrosive properties that worried him, but the sheer amount of it that seemed to be ever-increasing... That's not even mentioning the big likelihood that wind and weather could start moving the fog around at random.
"No idea, but I'm not getting caught in it, that's for sure." he states, knowing he'd probably end up like those plants, regardless of his healing factor. It would essentially be like falling into a vat of powerful acid, there wouldn't be anything left to heal!
"Let's keep moving... We should get to the Sierra Madre before the wind picks up, sir." Anja adds, all of them worried that the fog would be able to corrode the Vertibirds machinery should it make contact with it.
Afton lifts the Vertibird higher as they continue flying, the group noticing far more of the fog the further into the mountain range they get... In fact, after a while even the sun starts becoming difficult to see due to the cloud of fog hovering over the entire area...
The group were close to shitting themselves at the fact that any moment a 'cloud break' could occur and annihilate them all from existence via an agonizing and torturous death. The entire mountain range was covered in the fog, and was honestly beginning to get difficult to avoid all of the floating pockets of it in the air.
Fortunately, Afton finally spots their destination... Or at least, what should be their destination. Over at the top of a mountain sat a towering building that was completely covered in the red fog... There weren't any lights visibly coming from it however, instead, the only sign of lights or some sort of civilisation existing at all was from the village below the mountain where the building sat.
The town was strange, to say the least, Spanish-looking buildings with small pockets of fog scattered here and there. It seemed as if the fog was actively avoiding it, as the area around the town was completely untraversable.
Veronica points down at some sort of town square with a dilapidated and empty water fountain. "I think we can land there, it looks clear of fog." she states.
Afton nods in agreement and slowly lowers the Vertibird there, careful to make sure they're easily able to retreat and fly away should shit really hit the fan... The group steps out of the Vertibird once they touch down, each of them cautiously looking around the eerily silent area.
"Fuck, this looks like the start of a horror movie." Afton mutters, already wielding his Anti-material Rifle in preparations for any aggression. From his shoulder, a small but powerful light appears and begins illuminating their surroundings... It isn't completely dark, but the cloud lingering overhead stopped most sunlight from reaching the ground, allowing a few alleyways and corners to potentially hide enemies.
Veronica and Anja had their weapons out as well, Gauss Rifle and SMG respectively. "So... Any ideas where Christine could be? It might take days searching this entire place, maybe weeks if we include the big ass building on the mountain." Veronica gestures with a nod at the towering shadow in the distance.
Afton shrugs, his armour releasing a metallic clank as he does so, "Er... Maybe if we ask some of the locals?"
She scoffs, "You think people would actually live in this place?"
He shakes his head, "Not willingly... But when has Elijah ever been so merciful." he states.
The group walk over to the fountain and Afton picks up a strange coin from it, someone previously having tossed it in to make or wish or something. "Coin, or Casino chip?" he mutters to himself, not sure due to how expensive it looked...
Above the fountain a hologram of Elder Elijah appears, shocking the group momentarily as it begins to speak, "A chip, to answer your question... Now that I've alleviated your curiosity, wouldn't it be polite for you to reciprocate?... What are my former colleagues doing here? The Brotherhood shouldn't know of this place." the man asks, his voice echoing in the familiar raspy, almost manic tone.
Afton scowls and taps his chest where the Bulwark insignia sits, "Have you become blind, old man. We don't belong to the Brotherhood." he states.
The hologram flickers, "Ah, a fledgling group that's completely out of their depths... I'll give you this one opportunity to leave as an older, wiser person. If you ignore my warning then, I apologise for the fate that awaits you." he says solemnly.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem