Race to the
Chapter 49: Hero
[Note: I will be changing the name of Liaohua to Liahua, as the name is quite a tongue-twisting and I always fail to remember the spelling. So, its now the Liahua Kingdom]
The Dongping Kingdom-
A month before, a new or rather, a unique type of mark was seen on the thighs of a small kid.
At first, no one thought much about this but within a few weeks, more than 100 people had the same mark on their body and soon it spread throughout the whole district
Lu Long is the 2nd prince of Dongping Kingdom and also the governor capital city/district of the kingdom, which means that he holds much more power than other governors in other districts
Also, he has a good amount of influence among the ministers of the imperial palace and has a good reputation
As for his big brother (we will know his name later on), the chief head of the military of the kingdom and his position is just 2nd to the Grand Combatant
Both of them are strong individual that excel in their own field and both of them want the throne
But, the rode to the throne is not that easy as this new problem has arisen
His big brother has long sealed the whole district where this new disease has emerged and now just waiting for medical elders to find the cure
As for Lu Long, he is also trying his very best as this is almost like a god-sent opportunity for both of them.
If any side's medical teams are able to find the cure, it will be like a stamp on paper that he will be the future emperor for sure
As for this new disease, so far the information they have right now is that it spread through some physical contact and when a person catches this disease
White ring-like marks appear on his body
They call this disease, Ring of Death as if the person is not cured within a month of time… he or she will die
So far, more than 100 people have died and still, there are people who are dying every day
And in this situation of crises, the 2nd prince of Dongping Kingdom has decided to take a trip into another kingdom?
People are really angry right now
The Tengyuan Kingdom, Yuanzou District (capital)-
On his horse, Hao Jiazhi made an entrance in his military outfit and stops at the entrance of the Imperial Palace
Around Imperial Palace, thousands of Civilians were chanting his name "Lord Hao Jiazhi" "Lord Hao Jiazhi"
Hao Jiazhi nods to the crowd and then goes inside the palace
For the first time, Hao Jiazhi is inside the imperial court and truly, the whole place is quite cold
Various ministers and their assistants are standing in the court, including some big nobles and other officials. And yeah, his brothers also
In the center are the emperor and his wife
Hao Jiazhi walked to the front of ministers and then bowed his head and cupped his hand, showing his respect for the emperor
And the begins the talk about the war and what he did there
After hearing the full report, a minister raised his question "Why did you kill all those soldiers of Liahua Kingdom? We could have used those soldiers to get some back up from some big kingdom"
To his question, Hao Jiazhi said "Do you really think they will help us?
To those big kingdoms, our small kingdom is nothing more than a bucket full of various glittering items… They won't dare to start a fight with a kingdom that is equal in terms of strength and combat capability just for a small piece of land"
Then another minister said "Small piece of land? Noooo….
It was a small dry land for them but now it's a big land which is full of various resources, especially herbs that can only be found there
I don't think that the Liahua Kingdom would have invaded our land if they knew just how resourceful our Province Kuwon is, as they would fear that other 2kingdoms will fight him for the land
Only if 4th prince would have been kind enough to tell us just what work he is doing"
You will always find these types of people in every world
Hao Jiazhi remain silent and could hear people talking behind him
He said "I never hid the fact that I am developing Province Kuwon… it's just that no one was interested in knowing it, after all, how could have those merchants know what is going on when ministers of imperial palace don't know"
This made various ministers angry and they all wanted to say something but Grand Combatant interfere and made the situation calm
Finally, the emperor spoke
"Minister of Imperial Clan, what is your take on this whole situation, is 4th Prince worthy to be rewarded?" The emperor asked the Minister of the Imperial Clan who is responsible for giving titles and also announcing rewards for people who do good work
He is one of the 9ministers and is chosen from the royal family/clan
Minister of the imperial clan (he is an old man) looked at Hao Jiazhi and remained silent for a few seconds
Then he said "4th prince should have told us about the development of Province Kuwon as it could have helped us in defending our land from the enemy but still, at the end of the day he was able to protect our land
Not only that, but his exceptional skills and response made sure that there is as minimal damage as possible, and the result was the death of 30 - 50 people, as for soldiers it is around 100 only
Something, which can't be overlooked by any means
Also, the fact that he made a law where the governor can give his all powers to the Military in time of crises and those emergency signals, shows that people living in Province Kuwon believe in the skills of the 4th prince
And the result is in front of you
So, in the end, I will only say that what 4th Prince Hao Jiazhi has done is truly worth the reward and praise
As for asking for the help of other kingdoms, as the Liahua Kingdom won't remain silent, 4th prince can talk about this situation to any minister or officials from the imperial court"
With this, Minister of Imperial Clan also announced that Hao Jiazhi is now promoted from his position as a colonel to General of Province Kuwon
And also, he will be known as Hero of Kuwon
The ceremony of giving title and name ended with various gifts and now Hao Jiazhi is having a chat with Lu Long
Song Xia told Hao Jiazhi to come to her mansion for rest but Hao Jiazhi said no as he had things to handle
Right now in the carriage towards Province Kuwon-
"So, the hero of Kuwon… I hope that you haven't called me here just to show off your title" Lu Long said with a smile
Hao Jiazhi also gave smiled and said "Take a rest, when we will reach Kuwon, you will know it that your wait is worth it"
Lu Long nodded silently
The next day, both of them reached Kuwon and Hao Jiazhi took Lu Long directly towards his Zhanyi District and then to a big barn where resources are store
He took Lu Long inside while leaving all servants out
Inside, there were various medical herbs that Lu Long has never seen and various bottles filled with some strange liquid
"What are these?" Lu Long asked
"Cure of Ring of Death Disease" Hao Jiazhi replied
. . .
To be continued-
Race to the
Chapter 50: The evil mind of Lu Long
2months before Lu Long came-
District Jinyi, the base of 5 shadows
Current earning- 90 million Ban Liang per month
"Is everyone here?" Han Yachun asked as she sits on a chair
Around her are all 5 shadows, after the leave of Hao Jiazhi, it's her who lead the whole organization all by herself as only few time Hao Jiazhi gave her commands
"Yes, Miss Han Yachun" All 5 shadows responded
"So, how is the work for new medicine going on?" Han Yachun asked the medical team's head, Fu Yu
"It's going alright Miss Han Yachun, by increasing the number of herbs I have somewhat come closer to curing this 'Ring of Death' Disease" Fu Yu replied
With the help of spies in the Dongping Kingdom, Han Yachun had long come to know that there is a new disease that has spread in some tribal people and now it's inside the Dongping Kingdom
When this information was given to Hao Jiazhi, he said that this could be the best thing that he could put to make sure that Lu Long will assist him in future
After all, right now both of them have a business type relationship
Thus, the work for new medicine has been started
It's not just this, but Fu Yu with his medical team has found out the various cure for many types of disease that not even the imperial medicine team couldn't find
The reason behind them finding a cure is not because they are some genius, but rather they have more brains to work on
As compared to the imperial medical team where each doctor thinks of himself much higher than other doctors, they don't share their knowledge with them and the result is they do research in something that one doctor has long done
But here in 5 shadows, they 5 head or leader excelling in their field and with their men, they helped each other in making their goal nearer and nearer
And because they all share their faults and discovery so far, they are able to make progress much faster than any other
Han Yachun nodded in satisfaction and then asked Meng Bai, head of the blacksmith team, about a new weapon he has been working on
"hahaa, here is the prototype of the upcoming weapon" Meng Bai said as he puts a crossbow on the table
"it's same as usual" Mao Xue said as he looks at the crossbow
Meng Bai shakes his head and said "No-No-No… it looks like the usual crossbow but it is not the same as the bow area is a few centimeters bigger and also, it's a little heavy
*everyone nods*
As for its feature, hehehee…
This baby now shoots much faster than the older crossbows and also the range of arrows you can shoot has also been increased
Not only that, as compared to old models where the rope breaks when used at a high speed, this time I can guarantee that this bow will last way longer than you could imagine
The reloading speed as also been improved with a new mechanism"
Mao Xue picks the crossbow and asks "How strong will be the arrows launched from this?"
This question is really important, as everyone knows that traditional bows are much stronger at the speed of arrows as they have a wide area to take the pressure but crossbows used to break when the bow or the string was pulled too much
Also, the speed of reloading was also slow
Making traditional Bow much more preferred by the fighting team or the unit that provides support as it was much more reliable
Meng Bai gave a wide smile and said "Enough to pierce your shield and also if I put my new arrows, it will be enough to pierce some thin metal sheet also"
This made everyone all shocked as piercing metal sheet is not an easy thing
"I guess I have to try this new toy" Mao Xue said as he holds the crossbow
Meng Bai smiles at him and says "Off-course, be my guest"
Han Yachun gave a smile as she looked at the 5 leaders, after all,
All of these people were picked by Hao Jiazhi and he had put some good amount of fear in them to make sure they don't betray him
But look today, these leader/peoples are no longer what they used to be
All of them have stayed here for so long that now they all think of this organization as a home where they got a chance to live and improve their skills
At first, it was just Hao Jiazhi's dream to make his organization big, but now it is not just his dream but everyone in this organization
Everyone wants their organization name to be spread throughout the world
Present time at Zhanyi District, border of Kuwon
"I'll make sure to send these items to your border and the rest will be done by you" Hao Jiazhi said to Lu Long as both of them came outside of the barn
Lu Long is really in a happy mood right now, he said "I never knew that my blind investment would help me this much"
Hao Jiazhi smiled at his words and said "It's all for our good relation, after all in this small dangerous world, one needs to hold the back of another one. That's how one can survive"
Lu Long understood what Hao Jiazhi meant, so he said "Yes, you are right. That's why, I, the 2nd prince of Dongping kingdom will make sure to provide some good assistant to you and your kingdom when the times are rough"
Both of them silently smiled and then left the place
Lu Long had some various question in his mind regarding the medicine, like how did he know about the disease in his kingdom and how did he know the cure of it, etc-etc
But to all these questions, Hao Jiazhi said that he can believe in his medicine and also that the disease is not man-made but natural (or something else?)
Right now Lu Long is on his way back to his home/kingdom-
"This Hao Jiazhi is not the person I thought him to be… He is much more useful than I predicted. I guess, this kingdom can have his time of peace for a few more years
*looking at his attendant Xu Yijun*
Tell our sleeper soldiers to remain asleep and also our friends in the Liahua Kingdom that it's not the time to attack them yet
This kingdom still has various secrets that are still unknown, just like those herbs that can be only grown there" Lu Long said to his attendant
. . .
To be continued-