Race to the
Chapter 28: Advice
After ending the life of all those people who were staring at him for the past few days, Hoa Jiazhi cleaned his hands and then walked towards Chen Hu
He didn't say anything but rather he called out someone
A female came with another female that had her eyes blinded by a piece of cloth
It is Chen Yun, Chen Hu's wife
"uhmmmmmm!!!" Chen Hu tried to shout but nothing happened as people around him made him stay on the chair
He can't do anything except just watch the show
Hao Jiazhi grabbed Chen Yun and pulled her towards himself, then he touched her cheeks and neck with his finger but didn't go down anymore
She also had her mouth covered
Chen Hu became all restless and wanted to free himself but he can't do so. He is helpless right now
Hao Jiazhi just gave a small smile and then told his servant to take Chun Yun back
Then he brought a chair and sits in front of Chen Hu
"The one who is responsible for all these things is not me, but you" HaoJiazhi said to him in a serious tone
Chen Hu's eyes became all wide as he didn't understand what Hao Jiazhi was saying, he clearly saw that everything has happened so far is all thanks to HaoJiazhi
But Hao Jiazhi is denying it
"Let me explain it" Hao Jiazhi said and stands up
He starts moving round around Chen Hu and said "You are the one whose greed made soldiers of enemy kingdom come to this land…
It was you who made those innocent people a spy and sent inside the place where royal heirs live
It was you who made a report to the enemy and told things about me
It was you who forced me to take some strong steps and do all these things
It was you…. Who made me want to touch your wife
And it can be also you, who will force me to do something to your wife and son…"
Hao Jiazhi right now is playing mind games and making sure he completely brainwashes Chen Hu with fear
He is just making sure that in the future Chen Hu would be a loyal pawn that can be used by him whenever he wants to
Chen Hu, at first didn't believe Hao Jiazhi's word but as the talk continued
He realized that it was him who began all these things and due to his greed, his wife and son are now in danger
Hao Jiazhi clearly noticed the confusion on the face of Chen Hu and made his next move, he said "But, I am not a bad guy
And that's the reason why I didn't hurt you,r wife or son, as they haven't done anything.
As for those servant's, they tried to always hear some confidential things like some royal secrets, so their death was necessary"
Hao Jiazhi made his move and stated that he is innocent and the only people he had killed were those who heard something highly confidential
And he didn't try to hurt his wife because she is innocent
Making Chen Hu believe that his wife and son, or any other dear person, is safe till they don't do anything
Only those are hurt who try to hurt Hao Jiazhi
Hao Jiazhi was making Chen Hu believe that he is an innocent person and the one who really is a victim, is not Chen Hu and him (Hao Jiazhi)
And as planned, Chen Hu started crying and nodded to Hao Jiazhi's word
Xu Hai, standing on another side, became all shocked by the skills of Hao Jiazhi
She never believed that with just a few words, Hao Jiazhi is able to make Chen Hu believe that it is not him who is the victim but rather Hao Jiazhi
'Words are sharper than the sword and more dangerous than poison… seems like it is true' Xu Hai said in her mind
Hao Jiazh then opened the mouth of Chen Hu and said "Its ok… till you know your mistakes… everything is fine
From now on, my people will help you in your work and also make sure that you repent for your mistake as a good man
Now go back to your house, I will send you wife and son back with full respect later on"
Chen Hu just nodded and said "I am sorry"
Hao Jiazhi nodded and then sends him back to his house
Later that night, Chen Hu gets his family back
. . .
Hao Jiazhi had made plans and told Hao Tai what to do
His 4-year plan has now initiated and now that the governor is also under his control, HaoJiazhi has indirectly gained control over the whole province of Kuwon
At first, Hao Jiazhi thought of removing Hao Tai from this place but then he thought to leave this till she doesn't do something that will make him angry
A few days passed and Hao Jiazhi is ready to leave the place of Hao Tai, as he has the stuff to handle in his province (Jinmen) also
But before going back HaoJiazhi had something to say to Hao Tai
"Big sister, I have something to say to you…. I hope you will give me some time" Hao Jiazhi said to his big sister, Hao Tai
She nodded and asked what he wants to talk
Hao Jiazhi took a long breath and said "Big Sister Hao Tai, I'll be clear to you
I know that you can't walk and I know that you feel inferior to others but let me tell you one thing…
This whole war thing was all possible because of your stupidity"
This made her attendant angry but Hao Tai calmed her down
"Continue" She said to HaoJiazhi
"Because of your foolish inferiority complex, you never learned any type of economics skill or political skill, and this led to the current condition of Province Kuwon
If you really think of me as your brother, then please learn something useful. You can't walk, but at least you can still think…
Don't be stupid" Hao Jiazhi said and then bids his farewell to Hao Tai
Hao Jiazhi himself doesn't know why he gave her this advice, but it seems that he really has some big soft spot for her, something he himself doesn't know
Hao Tai's attendant became all angry with Hao Jiazhi but only she knew that her brother's word is right
She is his big sister and she should be the one giving advice to him but here, it is she who is getting advice from her little brother
"I'll try my best" she said in a low tone as small tears came from her eyes
. . .
To be continued-
Race to the
Chapter 29: Business Deal
It's been a few months since Hao Jiazhi is back to his home and yesterday, he wrote a letter to a friend who lives abroad (Lu Long)
Now, the big question
How did, Hao Jiazhi outsmarted the out smartness of Lu Long with his smartness
Its simple,
The moment Hao Jiazhi came to know that Lu Long had seen his real nature and only faking it, Hoa Jiazhi knew what Lu Long has in mind
Tengyuan Kingdom, the golden parrot, is desired by everyone but no one can have it as they don't want to start a big war against the other big kingdoms
But it is a different story if the parrot chooses to side with someone
Right now, Tengyuan kingdom has only taken a neutral pact with all 3 major kingdoms as they don't want to offend any major power
So, according to Hao Jiazhi's calculation
Lu Long would sure be willing to help him become a king/Emperor and somehow make the whole kingdom a part of his Dongping kingdom
Only Lu Long knows and for sure Lu Long also knows how to use the fake image of Hao Jiazhi for his need, and because he also knows the true face of Hao Jiazhi he could predict things about Hao Jiazhi
Does Hao Jiazhi care about it?
Hao Jiazhi don't give a shit about how Lu Long is planning to use him as at the end of the game, it will be him (Lu Long) who will have nothing and him (Hao Jiazhi) who will have everything
After all, Hao Jiazhi has long sent half of his servants (those captives) to Dongping kingdom to start their own business
And because these servants had their life saved by Hao Jiazhi, they won't betray him
Thus, Hao Jiazhi has long penetrated the Dongping and also had started gathering information about Lu Long and the power/connections he holds
But one thing still troubles Hao Jiazhi, and that is 'why Lu Long chose him?'
Lu Long had only seen him once so why?
Does he know about his 5 shadows?
Or is he just playing a blind game and putting his bet on him?
"I'll find my answer when I visit him" Hao Jiazhi said as he read the letter sent by Lu Long which says that he can come anytime
"I guess I'll take a trip abroad" Hao Jiazhhi said as he looks outside the window of his room
District Jinyi-
The population of 5 shadows has increased by a lot, around 200, and so far they have fully gained control over the whole Jinyi and Xingyi district
Also, they have gotten somewhat control over the officer's around the place, and now,
Everything that is done in these 2 districts is done by the control of '5 Shadows', from selling a simple thread to paying taxes to govt. officers
Over time, the locals who used to be angry on '5 Shadows' somewhat became happy about them as because of them, the crime rate has literally decreased as no one is allowed to any illegal stuff until they pay a good amount of tax
And thanks to them, the tax rate has become stable as in old times these government officers used to collect tax according to their own wish
But now, they have to take the amount of tax that has been decided by '5 Shadows' making the corruption literally zero
The reason why they are doing so many good things is that Hao Jiazhi wants them to do it as this will give people more money in their hand and the more money they get, they will pay protection tax with no bullshit
Not only that, but because they will have money, they will buy more new stuff and the more they will buy the more merchant will ear and the more the merchant will earn, the more he will pay to '5shadows'
So, its like a mind game
Hao Jiazhi is making people feel safe and secure but in truth…. They are nothing more than a Hen that lays a golden egg to him; he is just taking care of the hen so she could give him more golden eggs
Mo Xinyi (governor of Province Jinmen) is quite angry right now as the thing is not so good
For the past few months, he didn't see any significant change in the tax collected by officers in District Jinyi and District Xingnyi
Something which is not normal by any means as there is no way those corrupt officers had a sudden change in their heart and now only collect the tax that is legit
So what is going on?
To know the situation more clearly, Mo Xinyi sends one of his inspectors to check the whole situation (last month) but so far nothing happed
The inspector never returned
What did return was a new inspector that is appointed by the imperial court by some minister (don't forget Song Xia)
"Something is going deep" Mo Xinyi said as he clenches his teeth and through the window looks at the new inspector who is now working under him
Mo Xinyi made up his mind to check into the matter by himself and sets off towards the District Jinyi all alone and he didn't even contact the officers there
Today he exploring the district as he explores the farms around the place
'Something is weird for sure' He said as he roams here and there
Mo Xinyi is a smart guy but today in his hurries, he made a big mistake
He didn't change his clothes and is still in his government clothes which tells everyone about him
He moves around the place and came near a mutton shop, it is a usual one so he didn't care much and tried to move on but suddenly he saw something at the end of this mutton shop
Something was shining on the ground and when Mo Xinyi looked at the object, he found out that it was a token that represents that someone is an inspector
"The Hell" Mo Xinyi became all shocked as he also discovered some human fingers on the ground
Suddenly, someone grabs the shoulder of Mo Xinyi and throws him on the wall of the mutton shop
And then that person takes his sword out and puts it near the neck of Mo Xinyi
The man is not alone as there are more than 10 people around him, he smiled and said "Governor Mo Xinyi… why bother about small things?
Everything is peaceful in this district and the other one also…
So Don't go around poking your nose in holes… who knows someone may cut that nose and also this neck"
The man took his sword back and said "Your wife and your 3 children are good peoples. So, don't do anything stupid that could hurt them. OK?"
Mo Xinyi was stunned, the man in front of him and others seems to know everything about him. He is just speechless
All he did is a nod
The man and his group then took a step back and started spreading/moved in a different direction but before they go, they said "if you follow us, we will make sure that you live a great long life but if you don't… then just don't try to come here no matter what…"
It's clear to Mo Xinyi that he has long lost control over his province
He is just a governor in name, and now he is much more worried about his family
. . .
To be continued-