Race to the
Chapter 8: Money is Power
The distance between Huangyi (the capital city where Mc is) to Jinyi (village area) is around 10 hours or a day ride
Hao Jiazhi has clearly said to Mao Xue, Fu Yu, and Meng Bai that they should first collect information about the area and then make a move
Also, never allow other gang/bandits to steer any type of problem in their turf as they will be the one who will rule Jinyi District
The total amount of people that were brought by these 3 (Mao Xeng, Fu Yu, and Meng Bai) is around 30, total 33 men are there in the group right now
These 33 people are ex-convicts, some are their friends and some are just local thugs
They all are not really strong but over time, with some training, they all will become strong for sure and off-course they are more than enough to scare weak people
You know, weak people are like sheep and if one sheep goes in a certain direction… all other sheep follows that one sheep
Scaring people is much easier than killing someone
Hao Jiazhi knows all the tactics of putting fear into the mind of humans, so his plan will for sure complete with no hiccups
Jinyi District-
It has been a week since the 5 shadows have made their small appearance in this village area and they have started bullying the weak and collecting money
One thing Hao Jiazhi said strictly to everyone is that they should only collect money one time and then go underground from the place/ no longer disturb them
Hao Jiazhi clearly knows that once someone gets a taste of power, he will surely try to bully the weak to the extreme
Thus he made one thing clear to Mao Xue, Fu Yu, and Meng Bai that if someone tries to hurt anyone after taking their money, either beat the shit out of them or he will kill them (those 3)
And as predicted, one of the members did try to hurt an old man/farmer
"Fucking OLD MAN!!! You don't want to live?" A man asked an old man who is down on the ground while beating him
"Someone stop him, please!!!" an elderly lady asked the people around her as she tried to protect the old man/her husband
But the young man (who is beating the old man) didn't stop there and kept on beating them
"STOP" A man said as he came near the scene on his horse
He is Mao Xue, with his 5 underling
"Boss?" The young man stops beating as he looks at his boss, Mao Xue
"What is going on, Gu Su?" Mao Xue asked the young man named Gu Su
"Ah… Boss… Nothing, this old man is not paying the tax and is trying to fight with us" Gu Su said to Mao Xue
At this, the elderly women spoke up and said "NO my lord, we have given the tax fully but he is asking for more and more"
She wanted to speak something more, but her words were cut by Gu Su with curses
Gu Su cursed the lady and told her to shut up or else he will kill her
To make sure that there is no cheating; HaoJiazhi had made a stamp
Every time someone pays the tax, a stamp's mark is put on a paper and given to the person who had paid the money
And the money regulation is under Meng Bai's (blacksmith departments head) control with his own 10 men who handle the whole money flow
Meng Bai handles this whole money flow personally as he knows that if he makes mistake, he will be killed or haunted by Hao Jiazhi to the death of his life
So, he won't make any mistake for sure
Thus, there is no room for any doubt that Meng Bai will make any mistake, also, because the money department works anonymously, they don't tell the details to anyone about the tax collection
They only speak, when someone doesn't give the money
So, if the old man had paid the tax then he must have that stamp's mark (which is the image of a rice plant)
"Stop it, Gu Su
*looking at his underling*
Go and see if he has the stamp mark" Mao Xue told his underling
His underling followed his command and asked for the stamp
The old man and his wife nodded and then took a small paper out of their pocket which had the mark of their stamp
"Its FAKE!!!" Go SU shouted as he knew that he Fucked Up
After all, there is a rule in the gang that says that if someone doesn't follow the rules set by the head of the gang, the only punishment they get is death
"By the rules set by the head of our organization, you are no longer part of our gang…
Kill him" Mao Xue gave his command to his underling
His underling took their sword out (Mao Xue hold the main fighter department so he and his team do have weapons) and walked towards Gu SU
"Oye… I am your friend…. We are in the same gang!!!" Gu Su said as he steps backward with a face full of fear
Blood falls on the ground with a body, Gu Su is dead
The farmers that saw this scene just stood petrified on their spot as they couldn't believe what they saw
Someone killed his own gang member with no hesitation, to all of them… he has become a tyrant
"Let's go…" Mao Xue said and left with his people as if nothing happened
To be true, Mao Xue didn't want to kill Gu SU but he has to do it as he also loves his own life
The scene he saw that night had left a deep mark in his heart and he doesn't want to end up like Liu Lim, who is being fed to dogs on the street by Hao Jiazhi
This same fear was put to his underling and thus, they also didn't hesitate to kill Gu Su for saving their own life
No doubt, if you take a look at the numbers… it's an easy win for farmers against 5 shadows or those 30 men against these 3 men, but…
The human mind works differently you know….
Mc's House-
In dream of Hao Jiazhi-
"Hey KID, WAKE UP!!! Or I'll take you, girl, away… HAHAHAAA"
A man tied on a chair opens his eyes and looks at a scene in front
His vision is all blurry but still, he could hear thing loud and clear
Suddenly someone, in a black suit, grabs the face of the man who is being tied on a chair and says "What did I tell you???
Money is Power…
And because I have money, you can't do shit to me…. HAHAHAAAA"
The man laughs in front of his face
"Wake up, my lord"
Suddenly, another voice falls inside his head (the man who is being tied) and he looks around for the source
"wake up my lord"
*Hao Jiazhi wakes up from his dream*
'What is it?" Hao Jiazhi asks Han Yachun who waked him
"Someone is here to deliver money" Han Yachun replied to him
"Ok, talk to him, I am coming," Hao Jiazhi told her, and she leaves the room
Hao Jiazhi stands up from his bead and starts changing his clothes
While he changes his clothes, he keeps on saying something in a very low voice
"mo….. is…. er"
"m… s…..r"
"mone… is...wer"
"Money is power"
. . .
To be continued-
Race to the
Chapter 9: Letter
A month has passed by since Hao Jiazhi's plan has started
"This is the collection of one month" Meng Bai said as he puts down a mall square box on the study table of Hao Jiazhi
(Hao Jiahi's mansion is small, so there is no guest are. Actually, rather than saying mansion, we should say it is a small house)
Han Yachun opened the small square box and inside, there were total of 6 pouches and inside these pouches were money
2,000 in each pouch
Hao Jiazhi counted the money and it was full 12,000 ban liang
Here is 2,400 ban liang, distribute 800 among you, Fu Yu and Mao Xue
Also, take these 6,000 ban liang and distribute 200 in each person working for you 3" Hao Jiazhi said as he hands out a big share of money to Meng Bai
8400 – 12000 = 3600 ban liang
The amount of money remaining with Hao Jiazhi may seem quite low but it is only the beginning so he is happy with this much
After handling money issues, Hao Jiazhi started talking about the next step
"Make sure to keep the money flowing and just bring my share after cutting all expenses
Also, now that we have a proper source of money, start training all those people who are working for us and also try to find someone who excels in the field of administration (and information collection)
You have time till New Year
You can leave now" Hao Jiazhi said as he stands up and leaves the room
Meng Bai bowed his head and then leaves the place
Hao Jiazhi clearly knows that there will come a time when his small organization will fight some people, they could be anyone
And right now, they only have a numbers and small amount of weapon
Which is useless if they ever come across someone who is really good at fighting or martial arts to be particular
This is not earth where numbers will give them an advantage
Here, a martial artist could fly in the sky as he used to see in those dramas, and also these martial artists are fucking too strong
He needs a good amount of manpower if he ever wants to fight a martial artist
So, for this very reason, he wants his gang to be really strong and now Hao Jiazhi will also stop moving around much as he will start taking some martial arts training from someone who is well experienced
After all, the Main Boss should never be weak, or else his own people will try to throw him out of his throne
Hao Jiazhi don't want to make mistakes that he did in his past life, thus he starts his training
3 months passed by-
New Year is here and Hao Jiazhi has completed his basic training in Martial Arts
The training of martial arts seems to be much harder than Hao Jiazhi has asked for; it's really tough as he had only completed the basic so far
"Being young is sure a gift in its own" Hao Jiazhi said as he looks himself in the mirror and then steps out of his room
It's new year time and also the season of winter
Snow could be seen around the yard/garden of Hao Jiazhi's house
In these 3 months, few things have changed
Hao Jiazhi has fired all old maids/servants and hired new maids or more particularly, he hired those maids that were selected by Zheng Zhen
Zheng Zhen is the 5th shadow and the head of the administration department
According to him, these new maids are much better and well tamed as their family is in Jinyi. So if there is any mistake committed by these maids, they will have a very bad future
Not just them but their family also
This makes it easy to control them, rather than having people who we don't know
Thus, Hao Jiazhi hired those maids
As for how Zheng Zhen was selected,
It was done by Meng Bai personally when he was testing the skills of all men working under him and other 2
He is really good in the field of administration, but not so good in the field of collecting information. But he will understand things and improver more and more in the future
Zheng Zhen has made a visit to Hao Jiazhi in past, so there is nothing to worry much
There are now a total of 6 new maids that are paid by Hao Jiazhi personally, not by the Imperial palace or central government as they only pay those servants that are hired by them
By firing all old servants, Hao Jiazhi had cut his all ties with the central government and there is no room for any spies in his house
It's almost because Hao Jiazhi still have guards by his side and because this property is owned by the royal family, these guards are also paid by them
No doubt, these guards are loyal to him and he also pays them money but if he really wants them to cut their ties with the central government, he has to shift to other place and then make them leave their old position
But right now he doesn't have the money to do so, so he will just stick with things like this. At least he has new maids
The amount of money he has right now is around 20,000 ban liang
Today, there is a special guest who has come to his house
It's a middle-aged man with golden-colored armors around him; surely he is from the central government
The man handed a small letter to Han Yachun and then left the place without wasting any time to enter the mansion
His attitude clearly showed that he doesn't give a shit about Hao Jiazhi, something Hao Jiazhi don't like it but didn't bother about it much
In the letter-
"Your birthday is coming,
Come visit your mother's palace, as you will now finally be in-line for the throne of the emperor
You Mother"
'Ahhh, OK…. So it is from my new mother huh?' Hao Jiazhi said in his mind as he looked at the letter
It was short and to the point with no extra stuff or any unnecessary thing
It was like, someone is ordering him to come here which somewhat made Hao Jiazhi giggle a bit
"Seems like this new year will be full of work" Hao Jiazhi said as he looks around
. . .
To be continued-