
Battle Of Tønsberg (1)

After news arrived that the frost giants had begun to invade Midgard / Earth in order to conquer it, Odin immediately gave orders to the generals to prepare the army and prepare a suitable strategy before they were gathered near the vast square near Bifrost Bridge.

But before that, each unit of the army was given a role to play in the battle, the berserkers would be the vanguard of the army, while the soldiers would be behind the berserkers, the Valkyries would attack from the sky, and the enforcers would raid the enemy's army from the side in order to confuse them.

Simple strategy, yet useful and effective against enemies like frost giants.

The reason why Odin intervened immediately was not just because he wanted to ensure peace in the Nine Realms, If the frost Giants attacked any other world, Asgard would not intervene until after the situation worsened or after the inhabitants sought Asgard's help.

The reason for this immediate intervention is because the frost giants have violated the previous peace treaty, which stipulates that no one should attempt to invade or threaten Midgard, and this is because humans are not as strong as the inhabitants of the rest of the realms, and they do not live long either, nor They possess any great magical talents, too.

Also, the Asgardians are gods of the earth and humans, so it is only natural that they will protect them, even if the Asgardian religion on earth weakens.

In addition to that there are other kinds of gods that would be angry if a large number of people were killed, the Asgardians were not the only gods of the earth, and for the Earth to be attacked by Norse creatures, it might spark a war between Asgard and other deities.

Currently, more than 10,000 gods have been collected in the square of Bifrost Bridge, of course, it was me, Valli Trigevson the great, one of those 10,000 gods.

Odin stood on a high ground and his spear hit the ground several times in order to draw the attention of the entire army before starting to speak with the use of the sound-amplifying runes " Asgardian soldiers, we have received news that our enemies, the frost giants have attacked Midgard ..."

Odin started off with his talk, I think this was supposed to be a motivational talk, but I didn't listen to him and got into a conversation with both sif and Brynhildr next to me.

"Frost giants, huh?"

"I have read that in the previous War of realms, their King laufey could have caused an earthquake with only his physical strength, do you think this is real?" sif said suddenly.

"Yes, my father told me that the reason why Jotunheim is an icy land is because the first giant ymir has turned it into what it is now, even after more than a million years have passed and its temperature has never risen," Brynhildr said while looking at me.

I think it is my turn to speak, "That's right, even the weakest frost giant possessing physical strength similar to an asgardian, it is not surprising that the strongest of them can shake mountains, but they are much stupid of us and can not use even simple battle strategies and tactics, and for this reason we were able to defeat them repeatedly over And over and over through various wars. "

"That's right ..." said sif and Brynhildr together.

"Usually, the bigger the frost giant gets, the more powerful it gets, and while most of them are stupid as I said, my son, some of them are more intelligent and cunning." A voice came from behind us and I turned to see both my father and mother in their battle armor, the person who spoke He is my father.

"Princess," they said as they tried to bow to Brinhilder, but she stopped them.

Oh my self, they are embarrassing me in front of my friends! They stood up, but my mother started winking and pointing her eyes at Brynhildr, oh my self! Don't try to pair me up with girls! You are embarrassing me in front of my friends while I act high and important in front of them!

"Anyway" I spoke while trying to hide my inner feelings and thoughts, "You will be with the rest of the army, right?"

My parents was only normal soldiers so they would be in an area far from me, so I offered them enchanted equipment in order to help them survive, after all their abilities are very average among other soldiers even though they know some basic runes.

"Yes, you guys (enforcers) are going to raid on the side, aren't you?" My father said.

"I heard you guys are few so you'll face more giants, watch out, okay?" Mom said concern.

"Don't worry about me, but ..." I said while I hesitated a little "... If you are in danger, just run away, well? No one will judge you. "

Upon hearing I saw that they were a little upset, but my father joked, "Then we will never go to Valhalla."

I looked at them for a moment and was about to say something, but Odin suddenly announced the end of his speech.

From where I was here, I could see heimdall (due to the kenaz rune that enhances eyesight) holding his sword and operating the Bifrost Bridge, apparently using his entire divine and magical energy to transport the entire army to the designated location in Tønsberg, Norway, in order to block the path of the frost giants, without any crossing on the other side.

The Bifrost crossing in Midgard was located in what would become Germany, so transporting more than 10,000 people to Norway was considered a challenge.

The_High_Father The_High_Father

hey, this is the mc's first war.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

and yes, give me your ideas!

if anyone have and kind of questions just ask and i will do my best to answer it properly, don't be shy!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


