87.36% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 249: Jhoto - Blackthorn City

章 249: Jhoto - Blackthorn City

Brock man handled them after they reached the City, "I do not want to hear any protest from the two of you. No, I do not care if you are the Gym Leader and the Champion. You will listen to what I say and let me take care of you."

Ash, "Yes Brock, of course."

Claire, "Yes Doc."

Brock muttered, "Honestly Ash, attacking them yourself. You used your aura to augment yourself, didn't you?"

Ash, "Yeah, I just felt fury like no other. I can't explain it but I just wanted them to stop."

Tyrantrum whined from outside the room, "Rnnnn."

Ash, "I'm okay big guy. Do not worry. Just feel exhausted."

Brock frowned, "I think you were feeling what the wild Pokemon were feeling. Unlike me and Misty, your Aura is more on the empathetic side which allows you to monitor and boost Pokemon to more stronger levels."

Claire, "You mean like a Mega stone? Are you calling Ash a Mega stone?"

Lucario, -That is the crudest of explanation, yes, that is what Meema is essentially. It is also very dangerous and I would prefer it if you rest the next few days.-

Ash, "No more Aura training, got it."

Brock, "Good, aside from strained muscles and bruises you are both fine. Thank Mew."

Claire, "We are fine though I cannot say the same for our trouble makers."

Brock nodded, "Your Pokemon are being healed as well. Aside from small ailments they are okay. A good amount of rest will heal most of them."

Ash released a breath, "Thank you Brock."

Claire turned to Ash, "Come on! I did promise to explain what the murals meant."

Ash perked up, "Yes please."

Claire smiled and after thanking Brock, she took Ash to one of the hidden libraries of Blackthorn City. Ash saw a few members from the Dragon clan around the library nodding at him in respect. Claire explained, since they worked with Dragons, who contained nature's raw aura, the older members could easily sense he was an aura user. Ash's eyes were wide when Claire said that and followed her feeling like a kid in a candy shop through many shelfs filled with scrolls and books.

Ash, 'They look so old. Bet they are older than Professor Oak too.'

Lucario, -Meema, this, look at this.-

Ash, "That's a Mega stone. Not just any stone, but a Lucarionite. How did?"

Claire, "Figures you would guess what it is."

Ash, "How did you find one?"

Claire shook her head, "We did not. It was actually one of the treasures exchanged between Aura users and our clan. It marks our years and generations of friendship."

Ash, "That is really cool."

A man with dark red hair approached them, "Claire, who is this young aura user? And why have you not introduced him to everyone?"

Claire, "Why, hello there cousin Tyson. Long time no see. How have you been?"

Tyson rolled his eyes, "Do not deflect Claire."

Claire sighed, "He is still a beginner and I was hoping to ease both him and his friend into it."

Tyson, "There are two aura users? Invite them Claire. I have no doubt everyone would be happy to meet them both. By the way, I'm Tyson. What is your name?"

Ash blinked, "Ash, Sir. My name is Ash Ketchum and you don't have to. I mean I'm mostly here for my badge."

Tyson, "But since you are here in the library instead of the gym. I can confidently say you are curious about the past, are you not?"

Ash nodded slowly, "Yes sir. I am very curious and fascinated. I didn't know there were past relations between Aura users and the Dragon clan."

Tyson, "The best source of information is our clan. Bring your friends along. You can stay at our compound for the night. I bet you will both have questions."

Claire, "Slow down Tyson. You are coming on too strong."

Ash, "Umm.. Can I talk about it with my friends? Even if they don't agree I would still like to visit."

Tyson clapped, "Of course Ash. May I call you that?"

Ash, "Sure. I don't mind."

Tyson, "Great, I expect to see you there at least."

Ash watched him go, "He is like a hurricane."

Lucario was watching as well, -He comes, he goes.-

Claire sighed, "Sorry about him. You don't have to agree."

Ash, "No, he has a point. I am very curious about the past relationships."

Claire nodded and showed him the very first manuscript that the first Aura user signed long before Sir Aaron became famous. Claire explained the manuscript was around one hundred and fifty years older than Sir Aaron and Ash could not help but marvel at the priceless treasure. It was written in very old Terranoim script, it was even older than Jhoto and Kanto before the regions were officially born. The manuscript was fixed to the wall covered in dragon crystal to keep it from being destroyed.

There have been more agreements and changes added to the initial one over the years but the baseline remained the same through everything. The Aura users and Dragon clan would help each other during times of need and crisis. Claire mentioned there was another copy of the manuscript in old Rota language, yes, that Aura Kingdom was that old. Ash and Lucario's eyes were sparkling with interest as Claire talked about the many team ups her clan and Aura users did over the many years. Claire then abruptly turned to Ash eyes serious and spoke in a no joking tone.

Claire, "You know what this means right? If you need any help, I expect you to call one of us to help you. No matter where you may be in this world."

Ash nodded, "Yes ma'am. I will... I don't have your numbers though except for Lance."

Claire, "We can exchange numbers tonight when Brock joins us. I hope he will agree to come to dinner."

Ash nodded and they continued their tour with Ash learning about how much influence the Dragon clan and now he had over the politics of both region. Ash blanched at the idea and firmly protested against getting involved with politics, he did not need that extra work, thank you very much. Maybe after he grows old and is not able to move around much anymore, he will consider it but at the moment, absolutely not. Ash returned to the Pokemon Center around evening and shared what he had learned and the invite.

Max, "That sounds so cool."

Gou, "Yes, I agree. It will be enlightening to learn."

Casey, "We should go."

Brock, "Maybe there will be information about Aura healers."

Ash beamed, "Yeah, let's get ready. The dinner is at seven and it's five at the moment."

They agreed and started to get ready, first they gave their Pokemon a thorough wash and massages then took baths. It took around two hours to clean up all their Pokemon on hand then they started to get ready, since it was one of the oldest clans in the region inviting them, they decided to dress up. It was Casey's idea to dress up in kimonos, she insisted Ash and Brock dress up in sky blue ones as they were aura users and the main guests. Brock had an exasperated look on his face but let her pick a decent rental kimono, their disguise kimonos were out of the question.

While Brock was wearing a blue and brown kimono, Ash wore a black and blue kimono with wooden sandals. Casey was wearing a black and yellow kimono with a green Obi that had Chikorita designs on it. Max was wearing a light green kimono that Ash and Casey helped him wear, he looked very adorable. In the meanwhile Gou came out wearing a red and white kimono grinning at them. Ash then realized they somehow matched colours with their Pokemon which made him snort. They informed Nurse Jim, they would be out for the night returning the next day which had Nurse Jim smiling at them telling them to have fun.

Lucario, -Thank Mew we don't have to dress up.-

Cinderace snickered, "Ace cin."

Ash stood in front of the clan gate, "Here we are."

Brock showed his ID to the guard, "I knew this place was large but never realized how large."

Casey, "I think I see Claire over there."

Max, "Guess she was waiting for us too."

Gou, "She looks good in that Dragonair style kimono."

Claire was smiling as she saw them, "You all came, I am glad. Welcome to the Ryuu clan!"

Ash, "It's good to be here."

Lucario, -We have been looking forward to this.-

Brock, "Thank you for the invite."

Casey, "Yeah, we really appreciate it."

Max, "It's awesome to meet you Miss Claire."

Gou, "Yes, your home clan is larger than we had thought."

Claire grinned, "Please call me Claire and it is a pleasure to meet you all too. Come in all of you."

Ash noticed many people inside, 'So many. Oh Lance is here too.'

Lance smiled as he approached them, "I am glad you took my suggestion to visit."

Brock laughed, "I am pretty sure we would have visited out of curiosity even without the invite Lance."

Tyson, "Oi! Stop hogging them you two, let us meet them too."

Lance sighed at his cousin's antics but introduced them to the rest of the clan which were filled with Dragon trainers. Though not all of them received Dragon Pokemon yet, they were pretty rare after all. Ash noticed the were all looking at him with anticipation which made his friends sweat drop as well. Lance the troll that he was took his sweet time slowly introducing them to all the members in the clan. Oh! That red haired man knew what he was doing, he was enjoying the impatient looks being sent towards him.

Lance finally turned to Ash, "Now, I believe you have noticed they are interested in meeting your dragon type Pokemon."

Ash gave a smile, "Yeah, is there an open space where I can release him?"

Lucario, -Since he is an Alpha, he is bigger than the other Tyrantrums out there. We checked their heights and weight.-

Tyson spoke up, "Of course there is. Come this way."

Lance sighed, "Tyson, relax."

Tyson, "Bah! Don't act like you are not fond of the young lad, Lance. I have seen how protective you act over him."

Ash raised an eyebrow, "Um... What?"

Lucario snickered, -Oh really?-

Lance glared at his older cousin, "Nothing, it is nothing."

Kailey one of Lance's aunts, they were introduced to snorted, "Lance, it is no secret you pushed for the highest punishment everytime whenever the young Aura users gets involved with Team Rocket."

Brock was amused, "Really? Why we are flattered."

Ash, "Thank you Lance. We appreciate it. Now, come out Tyrantrum."

Tyrantrum roared before looking around for his trainer, "Rnnnn?"

Ash smiled, "No battles yet, we were invited for dinner though."

Max, "Is it just me or does Tyrantrum look a little bigger?"

Casey, "Not just you."

The clan members were waiting as Ash spoke to Tyrantrum and then turned to introduce him to others. Tyrantrum eyed the dragon clan and the nodded in respect to which everyone beamed and welcomed him. Claire then showed them to where the food for Pokemon was set up so that the Pokemon could eat anytime they were hungry. Banette who had joined Phantump after hearing what happened took one plate and returned to Ash's shadow getting curious looks from everyone.

Ash, "Ghost Pokemon despite their very mischievous nature are very protective of those they care about."

Tyson hummed, "Ah! Interesting. Anyway you wanted to learn about the past relationships between Aura users and the Ryuu clan. Come here, both of you, Elder Kohoko can explain it more."

Brock, "Thank you."

Lokoko, -May we join?-

Meowth, "Nyarth is curious too."

Tyson blinked, "Of course, your Pokemon will learn how to speak with Aura too. Come along then, let's go bother my grandma."

Claire was amused, "Should we stop him?"

Lance laughed, "No, let them be. If Tyson does not satisfy his curiosity he will go out of his way to bother Ash and Brock. You know that."

[A. N.: Network is being weird again.

If I am unable to update on Sunday it's because I'm unable to open the app.

Just a heads up.]

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