56.14% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 160: Jhoto - New Bark Town

章 160: Jhoto - New Bark Town

The rest of the journey to Professor Elm's laboratory was without any disruptions and trouble allowing them to sigh in relief. The Pokemon were still wary but once they reached the town became less tense and relaxed a bit. Max had bounced back to his chipper and happy self after a while and was embarrassed about being carried easily like a baby by Ash. He got down and started to tell them about facts and research that Professor Elm worked on while fighting back the blush on his face.

Brock grinned, 'Just like having a little sibling.'

Ash, "Sounds like you did a lot of research."

Gou, "Yeah."

Max puffed up, "It was a good read that's all."

Gou, 'Cute!'

Ash, 'Precious!'

Brock, 'Adorable!'

Lucario, 'Must proteccc!'

Cinderace and Venasaur nodded in agreement with what the rest were thinking and Brock returned Steelix as soon as they entered the town gates. Sandslash and Golem stayed close to Brock not wanting to leave yet and the Doctor in training just smiled and let them stay. At first glance New Bark town looked like any other town out there but on a closer look anyone could notice the wary stance of the towns people. They went to the Pokemon center first, but Nurse Joy directed them to the lab instead, citing it's important.

Brock frowned but smiled, "Thank you Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy gave a tired smile, "Just be careful. Things have been pretty rough around here."

Ash mumbled as they left the center, "She looked extremely exhausted."

Gou nodded mumbling, "She probably was."

Max looked worried, "Will she be alright?"

Brock, "Don't you worry guys! Nurse Joy is tough. She'll be fine. Now come on let's go and see what's going on here."

They trooped through the strangely quiet town towards the lab and reached the lab located at the end of the town. It looked very peaceful to live in with the large forest and mountains on the background. However there was one problem, back at Professor Oak and Blaine's lab they could hear the Pokemon making a lot of noise, battling and chattering. Here, there was a quiet rumbling in the distance which was truly very odd for a Pokemon lab. Ash, Gou and Brock looked at each other in worry before ringing the bell at the gate, it was opened by Leaf of all people.

Ash was shocked, "Leaf?"

Gou shrieked, "Sweet Mew what happened to you?"

Brock was barely keeping his anger inside, "Who hurt you Leaf?"

Leaf raised her hands, "Calm down guys! You should have seen the other guy. This is nothing."

Ash gently grabbed her face, "Your left eye is swollen black Leaf. This is not nothing. You were hurt, is Green here?"

Leaf teared up a bit before swallowing, "No she's with the Rangers and Gold hunting the assholes who attacked us."

Max, "Um... Miss Leaf, hi, I am Max. Could you tell us what happened? We were attacked by Team Rocket on the way here. Was it them?"

Leaf blinked at the young boy before she blanched, "You were attacked? Oh Mew! Get inside and let me check you all. Please!"

A man with an arm on a sling came in, "Who is it Leaf?"

Leaf, "Professor, my friends are here. Guys this is Professor Elm."

Professor Elm gave a smile, "Hello boys, Leaf and Green had told me a lot about you. These two over protective Pokemon here are my Meganium and Incineroar. It's nice to meet you."

Leaf, "Professor, these are Ash, Brock, Gou and Max. They were attacked by Team Rocket on the way here."

Elm, "Oh dear! Are you OK?"

Ash, "Don't worry Professor, we are fine thank you. The two of you however... "

Brock, "Leaf, Professor Elm, why don't you both sit down and let me have a look at your injuries. I am training to be a field medic for both Pokemon and human."

Incineroar and Meganium perked up at that and Venasaur introduced himself to the two of them. The Pokemon slowly got acclimatised with each other and started to chat about what happened while giving looks at their human partners. Leaf's Pokemon were tense but relaxed as they chattered with their old friends as their human partners got themselves settled. Ash looked around and frowned when he saw a certain Pokemon was missing from the group.

Ash, "Leaf, where is Wigglytuff?"

Gou, "She is never away from you."

Leaf became quite and started to tear up again, "She's..... she's.... hurt and.... and in a coma."

Brock, "Oh Leaf, kid, come here."

Max, "Group hug?"

Ash nodded, "Group hug."

The group hugged Leaf as she sniffled and cried before calming down and explaining to them what had happened. Two days before they came here Leaf and Green had been helping Professor Elm when they were attacked by Team Rocket. Green had gotten her hands on a slab that depicted Entei and the organization wanted it for themselves. It had turned bad a day before when some of the members took out guns and started shooting at them. Green's Alakazam and Leaf's Gardevoir used their shields to protect them from the bullets when one of the new soon to be trainers entered the lab.

He was shocked and would have been killed if Leaf had not ordered Gardevoir to protect him instead of her. Gardevoir kept the trainer safe and got him out while Leaf took out her own gun and started to fight back. Things were going fine till one of the members snuck behind her to shoot her only for Wigglytuff to take the shot. Leaf lost it and shot the member at point blank range between her eyes killing her on the spot. Ash hugged her as she cried again as she explained Wigglytuff was hit near her heart and recovery would take a long time.

Leaf mumbled on Ash's shoulder, "Green and Cleffable were furious and they have gone to hunt."

Ash tightened his hug before relaxing, "I don't blame them. I would go too, but I am not leaving you like this."

Pikachu nuzzled her, "Pika pikapi."

Gou, "Neither are we. Before I forget, I got the data you requested from Professor Sakuragi."

Professor Elm gave a tired smile, "Thank you Gou. I am glad you all are here."

Brock who was sitting with Leaf and Ash nodded, "We are friends. Of course we would be here."

Venasaur nudged Ash, "Saur vena venasaur."

Ash, "What is it buddy?"

Venasaur nudged at Leaf, "Saur."

Lucario, -You wish to help her? Are you sure?-

Ash, "That true bud?"

Venasaur nodded, "Venasaur."

Leaf wiped her face, "Thank you big guy, but I'm not sure what you can do to help her."

Venasaur wrapped his vines around her waist and gave a comforting squeeze before nodding towards her. Leaf got up and walked to the healing room located in the laboratory where Wigglytuff was currently situated. The Pokemon centre had done their best now it was up to Wigglytuff to wake up on her own, which would take time. Venasaur sat down near the comatose Pokemon as he inspected the physical wounds, which were disturbingly taking a long time to heal. The grass type frowned at that before turning to Gardevoir and asked her a few questions.

Leaf looked between the two of them nervously, "Is it bad?"

Gardevoir was frowning and used telepathy, -The bullet that was meant for you had poison in it. They meant to kill you slowly and painfully.-

Leaf shook, "Wha... Oh no! Wigglytuff!"

Ash, "Calm down! Wigglytuff is strong. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you have a plan Venasaur?"

Venasaur nodded, "Saur. Vena venasaur."

Lucario looked at the Professor, -Venasaur is asking if he can use your rotom and computer for a bit.-

Elm, "Oh sure! Why not, this is fascinating."

Venasaur and Professor Elm's rotom conversed before the rotom flew to the computer in the lab. The screen opened to different pages showing different leaves, berries and plants. Venasaur nodded before looking at Leaf and using vine whip to bring her forward and giving her two printed copies with the list of items. Leaf looked at the two copies bewildered before realizing one copy was talking about the poison while the other was talking about the anti poison.

Leaf, "This, this is, I'll have to go to Hoenn to get half of these items."

Ash, "May I?"

Leaf gave him the list, "Here."

Ash looked over the items, "Max do you recognize them?"

Max, "Yeah, some of them. You can get the silver root flower in Oldale town, in fact spring is best season to get them. The oval tamarind you can get at Mauville city and the rest of the plants around the forest area across Hoenn."

Leaf looked up determined, "I'm gonna go and find them. Ash, I know you planned on traveling Jhoto with Venasaur but, I want to make a request."

Ash lifted a hand, "Venasaur is a healer, I know what you want to ask for. You should ask him directly. He knows medicine better than I ever would."

Leaf blinked and looked at Venasaur who nodded, "Venasaur would you please watch over Wigglytuff and make sure she's okay while I go collect all these items?"

Venasaur gave an eye smile, "Saur vena vena."

Gardevoir, -I'll stay back too, Leaf. Wigglytuff is like an older sibling to me.-

Leaf nodded, "Of course, Gardevoir."

Gou, "Will you be ok?"

Leaf, "I'm not the one in coma. I will do this for Wigglytuff."

Brock spoke up, "If you are going to Hoenn, take your strongest with you."

Max nodded, "My sister is with my mom in Galar region right now. My parents think they are being clever but we know the reason they sent us to different places."

Elm, "Team Magma and Aqua."

Gou, "Keep your phone with you always and keep us posted."

Ash, "And remember we are here to lend you a hand always."

Leaf, "Thank you, everyone. I think I'll leave tonight."

Brock nodded, "We'll explain it to Green. I get the feeling she's gonna be just as occupied."

Elm, "You lot are welcome to stay here."

Max, "Thank you Professor."

Ash, "Speaking of, just how bad is the damage?"

Elm, "Quite a lot of Pokemon were hurt and half of them are at the Pokemon centre. That's not even considering the property damage around the lab and town."

Gou, "The town was attacked too?"

Ash frowned, "That explains why Officer Jenny was very tense when we called her. I need to make a call. Excuse me."

Brock, "Who are you calling?"

Ash, "Someone who can help."

Ash walked outside the lab to a quite part of the many fields and sat beside a small stream, "What a start to another region."

Jessie picked up on the other side, "Hello Jessie here."

Ash, "Hey Jess, I... We need your help."

Jessie, "What's wrong Ash?"

Ash, "We ran into Team Rocket here today. We handled it, we are fine but Professor Elm was attacked too and Leaf was attacked as well, while she was helping out at the lab. Her Wigglytuff took a massive hit and she's in a coma right now. While Venasaur knows how to help her out, I am honestly very wary about the Team Rocket faction here."

Jessie was quite before she started to curse, "Where are you? Still at New Bark town?"

Ash, "Yeah, Leaf is leaving for Hoenn tonight though and we plan on leaving day after tomorrow after making sure Venasaur is settled in."

Jessie, "I'll meet her at Hoenn. Things are really not that great out there."

Ash gave a sigh of relief, "Okay that makes me feel better."

Jessie, "James will meet you from time to time in Jhoto. He won't be able to get away from work much but Meowth will be joining you. Before you ask he has been trained by the best, he can handle himself."

Ash, "Meowth is always welcome to join us."

Meowth, "That's good kit, I'm not taking a no for an answer. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

Ash, "Yeah, see you. Good night!"

Ash put his phone away and gave a sigh as he looked up at the dark sky and the stars that were starting to appear. Lucario, Pikachu Eevee, Abra, Phantump and Gengar joined him after he put the phone away and sat beside him enjoying the quiet night of Jhoto. Tyrunt and Lapras released themselves from the pokeball and the rest of the Pokemon filled them in on what happened. Tyrunt climbed Ash's lap while Lapras nuzzled his cheek getting a soft laugh from the teen. Ash pat them and wondered how Jhoto would turn out for them, they were already upto a bloody start.

[A. N.: Despite being sick I'm happy to see the 1M reads on my story.

Thank you so much dear readers for liking my story. A story I write during free time.

I love you all.]

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C160
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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