15.3% Human Cultivation / Chapter 30: Chapter 30: A Dangerous Choice

章 30: Chapter 30: A Dangerous Choice

The ambulance screeched to a stop. Layla and Nick both unable to avert their aghast gaze from Zane. Zane's eyes twinkling with tears as he stared at the figure of his little brother.

"Zane..? What did you just say..?" asked Layla in a soft and worried tone.

Zane threw his hand onto the door handle. He was ready to run out towards his brother. Nick quickly jumped onto him wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Zane! No bro! It can't be him!"

"Let me go Nick!! You don't know that!"

Zane threw his head backwards slamming into Nick's nose. Nick let out a short groan as his head bobbled backwards. Zane took his opportunity and threw the door open. Layla grabbed onto his arm desperately trying to keep him inside.

"Layla! Let me go! The Apocrypha are gonna take him if I leave him there!"

Layla was panicking, she didn't know what to say to Zane. She knew it had to be hard to see his little brother so suddenly.

"Zane! Please listen to me! W-We have to be cautious just in case!"


By this time Almarie and Serenity had also dived onto him trying to hold him down. Zane kicked and screamed like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Damn it! Let me go!"

"Zane please no! It's a trap and you know it! Listen to your intuition!" cried Serenity.

Zane refused to listen; he was too overcome by his emotions. He had been keeping everything bottled up inside of him for the past few days and now seeing his little brother had released all his built up pain and stress.

"Layla! Step on the damned gas!! We'll be ambushed if we stay here any longer!" ordered Almarie.

Layla looked between the figure of Mason and Zane. There was always a possibility they were wrong but was it really worth the risk?

"Get his feet back in! I don't want him falling out when I start driving!" screamed Layla.

She cared about Zane but she was not the type to let emotions dictate her actions. In reality, Zane's life was more important and even if she was wrong she still couldn't allow him to take the risk.

Zane however kept on fighting. Nick was upset as he got back up, draped Zane's collar and slammed his fist into his jaw.

"Zane you fool! Calm down or you'll get all of us killed!"

Zane clenched his teeth as he looked up at Nick with a very sorrowful expression. He looked angry but tears filled his eyes like a river.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?? My little brother is seemingly right in front of us and you want me to just leave him there!!"

Nick wanted to argue but Zane's emotions were painfully evident. Nick thought about how he'd feel if he had seen a family member suddenly appear before him as a potential Apocrypha.

"Zane bro... I still consider you one of my best friends dude but you allow your emotions to dictate your actions a bit too much. We'll all end up getting killed if you contine like this."

Zane knew Nick was right but even so he couldn't just turn his back on his little brother. If he was around then maybe his mother or father was nearby as well. Maybe they had been looking for him like his father had said before;

"If it's the case that I rescue them then I will come find you..."

His father's words filled his heart with sorrow, "Let me do it by myself then... I-"

Before Zane could even complete his statement, he felt the cold blade of a knife being pressed against his throat. He moved his eyes around to see Elio smiling at him like a maniac. He had a surgical knife pressed calmly against Zane's throat.

"Elio! What the hell are you doing??" screamed Layla.

Elio placed a finger to his lips indicating them to be quiet; "If this continues we'll all be killed. All of us plus humanities last hope of survival. That would be so lame... Isn't it better to simply get rid of the one most likely to get us all killed? We'll still have Layla; she's smart, calm and knows what she's doing. Protecting one is easier than protecting two, am I wrong?"

Everyone froze in terror as they looked into the psychotic eyes of Elio. A cold and dangerous feeling emitted from him like a serial killer.

"No! We're not doing that! Zane's a human being just like any of us! He's not perfect but the same can be said for all of us here!" cried Serenity.

"Look, We'll handle Zane... Just get that knife away from his throat." ordered Layla.

Elio frowned and gave a dull sigh. He slowly removed the surgical knife from against Zane's throat.

"Fine then, but what are you going to do about his little brother?"

Everyone looked forward to see Mason walking towards the ambulance with a sad expression across his face. He looked as if he was about to break down crying. Layla averted her eyes not wanting to be drawn in emotionally, especially if it turned out to be a Rank 4 Apocrypha in disguise.

"Please guys, at least confirm whether or not it's Mason... Once I confirm this then I'll stop making a fuss. Please!" begged Zane.

No one dared to answer. It was too risky. A risk that could lead into another fatal mistake.

"Okay fine... this is honestly so lame." declared Elio.

Zane's eyes became as bright as the sun, "Thank you so much! I really appreciate this Elio!"

"Don't thank me. I'll be the one to go out there and check for myself."

A silence drifted through the ambulance like a graveyard. Elio had just proposed to go out there by himself? That was risky beyond imaginable.

"Are you crazy?? We have no ammunition or even enough guns to back you up if things go south!" noted Almarie.

Elio opened the door to the back of the ambulance as he began to exit. He swirled the surgical knife around his fingers like a trained assassin. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll teach you all a bit about survival. You need to outsmart the Apocrypha before the Apocrypha can outsmart you."

"Damn... this guy takes eccentricity to a whole other level." stated Nick a bit creeped out.

Carefully, they watched as Elio approached Mason. Mason was crying with snot falling from his nose.

"Big brother! Help! There are monsters trying to kill me!" he cried as he looked up at Zane through the windshield.

Zane was tempted to run and go hug his little brother in his arms but Layla refused to let him go. She remained silent shaking her head disapprovingly.

Elio stooped down and looked into the eyes of Mason.

"Sir! Please take me to my brother! I-I really miss him!!"

Elio slowly began to stroke the hair of Mason softly. He gave an enthused smile as he watched him cry;

"There... There... There... It's okay. Hmm... You don't have the gaze of a Rank 4 so I guess that means you're a Rank 3 then. I'm sorry I have to do this little one."

Zane watched as Elio raised the surgical knife in the air. He swirled it like a toy and came down with a powerful jab into the head of Mason. He wailed like a banshee kicking and screaming. Zane felt like his heart and exploded into his chest;


Zane bashed against the dashboard as he tried to get himself out. Horror was gripping his soul like the devil. The others struggled to keep him in place as he screamed trying to get out of the ambulance to help his brother. Elio had seemingly killed his little brother.

"Let me goooo!!! Noo Mason! Please!!"

"Zane! Calm down and look!" cried Layla desperately trying to get his attention.

Zane threw his eyes around to see Mason's skin slowly melting away revealing a small Rank 3 Apocrypha. Zane froze in horror as he looked on. The turn of events hadn't made Zane feel any better. All it had done was confirm that his family hadn't made it out alive. His little brother had defintely been eaten by the Apocrypha and it was evident that the same could be said about his mother since she was taken with him. Zane didn't know how to react or feel.

He felt like the world was crashing down onto him like a meteor. His heart felt nothing but despair and a deep sensation of agony. Pain made itself known within him.

He slowly slumped his head against the dashboard. His eyes widened and spelling nothing but disbelief.

The others felt terrible. To have such a fact revealed to him in such a gruesome way was anything but pleasant.

Almarie and Serenity covered their mouths in a horrifyingly-dramatic way. Nick averted his eyes as it pained him to know this too. He had never really interacted much with Zane's family but he knew that they were all kind and hardworking people. Such a death was undeserving of them.

Layla felt a deep feeling of angst. She trembled as she went in to pat Zane's back to comfort him.

"Z-Zane... I am so sorry you had to witness that..." comforted Layla in a soft and careful tone.

Zane didn't answer. He was too lost in depression to process such words. They simply came through one ear and exited through the other.

In the meantime, Elio was running back towards them as fast as he could. He was actually sweating and had a slight expression of fear across his face. He jumped into the back of the ambulance and slammed the door shut without hesitation.

"DRIVE! We're in some deep shit!"

Layla looked forward as Nick slammed the passanger seat door shut. They looked up to see two horrifying human sized, never before seen creatures flying towards them.

Their heads were like that of a rotten human's. Their eyes were as black as the night sky. Their faces had sunken jaws bearing dozens of small prickly teeth. Filthy strands of white hair fluttering in the wind behind them. Their bodies like that of a malnourished human with a slightly grey skin color. Their arms and legs having black nails extending three inches long. Their legs were more like that of an eagle and seemed very adapted to handling heavy objects. They had a long slender lizard-like tail and large wings that looked extremely similar to that of a bat.

"What the hell are those??" panicked Nick.

"I've only encountered them once but I think they're what you call Rank 3 Chimera." explained Elio in a hurry.

Serenity and Almarie screamed deafeningly. Anything with wings was definitely bad news. Layla didn't waste another moment to hesitation. She slammed her foot down on the gas pedal enslaving the engine to do her work. The tires screeched as the ambulance shot forward running over the dead body of the small Rank 3 Apocrypha. The ambulance bounced as it crushed it's body. Zane looked up desperately trying to fight back against the pain. Layla would need his eyes as well to help her drive. He had to deal with the pain that clutched his soul.

Out from the darkness came two more Rank 3 Apocrypha laying out some sort of trap in the middle of the road. Zane immeadiately realized it was the same machine that was used to sever the wheels of Bob's car.

Zane opened his mouth to say something but Layla was already prepared. She swung the ambulance off road dodging the Apocrypha's weird machine.

Their bodies jumping on the inside like kangaroos. The tires screeched as Layla forced it back onto the road. She floored the gas pedal as the engine cried for mercy.

"Did we lose them?" asked Almarie hopefully.

Elio laughed childishly, "Nah! Maybe the Apocrypha but those Chimera fly as fast as a Brazilian free-tailed bat!"

No one had any idea just how fast a Brazilian free-tailed bat was but Layla was almost clocking 100mph. Just then a sudden thud was heard landing on top of the ambulance followed by a loud irritating shriek.

"That's ridiculous fam!" cried Nick.

Sharp black nails suddenly pierced through the ceiling of the ambulance ripping it open. Serenity and Almarie continued to scream as if they were being murdered. Elio quickly tossed the surgical knife to Nick wanting him to deal with the Chimeras.

Nick wanted to huddle up and cry but he had to do something or they'd all end up being food.

The Chimera reached into the ambulance with it's arm trying to grab onto Serenity. Nick slashed at it, slightly cutting its arm. It came out with a very sharp shriek as it cried in rage.

The second winged Chimera then appeared helping its brethren grabbing onto Nicks arm trying to pull him up out of the ambulance.

Elio and Almarie desperately grabbed onto his feet trying to prevent him from being taken.

"Layla!!" screamed Nick signaling her to do something.

Layla began to throw the steering wheel around. The ambulance danced on the road shaking everyone inside. The Chimeras were forced to release the hand of Nick as he fell back inside with a huge thud. Unfortunately, due to this the ambulance had lost a lot of speed.

The Chimera's quickly latched back onto the top of the ambulance. Layla couldn't afford to throw the ambulance around again. It was taking away too much speed which meant the Chimera's would only continue to latch themselves back onto it. They had to find a way to deal with it themselves.

Zane threw himself out of his seat and dived into the back with the others.

"Zane be careful!" cautioned Layla.

"These damned things killed my brother! I'll kill them! I swear!"

Once again the Chimeras came flying down shoving their arms and feet through the roof. Serenity laid herself flat on the ground avoiding their limbs. The others fought desperately kicking and stabbing at the Chimeras but they were just too swift. One grabbed after Zane's shoulder trying to pull him up with them. Nick pounced Zane knocking him out of the way as the Chimera latched onto his shoulder and began pulling him up instead.

Elio lunged forward hooking his arms around his legs as Nick bashed at the Chimera. Zane hurried himself back to his feet. He had to hurry or his friend would be taken. He grabbed onto the second leg of Nick overpowering the Chimera completely.

"Nick!" he screamed desperately.

For a moment things seemed to be working until the most unexpected thing happened. The second chimera flew into the ambulance and latched onto Almaries hair pulling her up out ouf the ambulance.

She screamed like her voice box was about to explode.

"Help me!!!!! Please!!!"

"Almarie!!!" they screamed in worry.

It was too late. Both chimera flew up high into the air with her. She was out of the reach of help. Zane climbed up on top of the roof hoping to save her but she was already gone. He looked back to see her wailing and fighting in their clutches as the gap between them increased significantly. The chimera bit down into her neck ripping out her windpipe. Blood gushing from her like a river. They sank their claws into her back ripping out her spine and severing her in half feasting violently as if they hadn't eaten in years.

Nick quickly pulled Zane down off the roof. He couldn't allow him to see anymore of the gruesome scene, especially after confirming his families death.

Serenity laid on the floor crying her eyes out in despair. Layla clenched her teeth in rage hating how she was unable to be of any help. Zane fell to his knees in despair.

If only he hadn't made Layla stop the ambulance then maybe this could have been avoided. His thoughts stifling him with guilt and pain.

Nick and Elio with a look of remorse and helplessness across their faces. They had failed to save her.

Death had once again made itself known.

Prince_nonchalant Prince_nonchalant

Hello all! Thank you for reading!

I know not everyone might find the MC easy to deal with given his naive decisions, but this will all lead to some very good character development. So don't lose faith in Zane!

Happy Weekend!

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


