3.06% Human Cultivation / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Bad Decisions

章 6: Chapter 6: Bad Decisions

Zane and Layla arrived safely in the suburbs of Jericho. However, Layla was quickly becoming anxious. She was now only a few minutes away from finding out whether or not her father was still alive. The thought of him being dead was almost enough to drive her to tears.

Her father was the only one she had left. The rest of her family had either died from illnesses or terrible accidents. Due to this, whenever Layla's father had to leave for work, she was always left with her father's friends!. This continued until she was old enough to start college and rent an apartment.

"We're going to have to park the motorcycle. I want to take my time looking for dad without pulling too much attention to us," muttered Layla.

Zane didn't argue. Instead, he was beaming with guilt. He had allowed her to travel all the way to Jericho without telling her about the dead soldier which was potentially her father. Zane didn't know what to do. If he told her the truth then not only would she be upset but there was a chance she would kill herself. Due to this, he decided to remain silent, holding onto his guilt.

A second later they parked the motorcycle before Zane handed the submachine gun back to Layla. They then took their time exploring the area. Damaged buildings lined the street as far as the eye could see. Broken glass, concrete, and other debris were scattered everywhere. The air smelled like dust and there wasn't a single person in sight. It was like a ghost town.

"Hey, Layla..." Called Zane softly.

"What is it..?"

 "I'm just wondering... What'll you do if your father doesn't show up..?"

Layla came to an abrupt stop, almost causing Zane to bounce into her. She then turned her head with tears filling her eyes. She didn't need to answer Zane's question. Her saddened expression told him everything. Due to this, Zane quickly changed the topic.

"Uh- We should probably head to the coast and find a boat for now... That way, if- when your father shows up, we'll be ready to leave..!"

Layla sniffled, "But what if he shows up around here..?"

"You said that your father wanted to get a boat too, right..? There's a possibility he's already at the coast searching for one so he can leave as soon as he meets up with you..."

"I guess that makes sense..."

Just then, the sound of a powerful car engine interrupted them. Layla and Zane quickly looked behind them to see a beautiful white American Muscle approaching. They had been so caught up in their conversation that they had forgotten to be wary of their surroundings.

If the contents of the car were the Apocrypha or someone who meant them harm then they'd be in serious trouble. To make things worse, it was too late to run as the car was about to pull up beside them.

The car's window then slowly rolled down revealing a man looking in his thirties. He had dark-brown eyes, a bald head, and a very rough black beard. He had quite a chubby figure but he was slightly intimidating.

"Hey there, young people!" He greeted in a western accent.

"Who are you? We don't want any trouble..!" Warned Layla, wrapping her fingers around the hilt of her knife.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Calm down, little missy! My name's Frank! I couldn't help but notice that you two were carrying some heavy luggage. It must be hard carrying that around so I thought I'd stop and give you a lift..!"

"I'm sorry, but we didn't ask for your help! Kindly take your help somewhere else!" 

While Layla argued with Frank, Zane peeked inside the car to see if anyone else was inside, trying to catch them off guard. Thankfully, Frank was the only one inside.

"Look, I promise you I'm trustworthy!" Continued Frank. "I'm heading to the coast to grab a boat and sail off into the sea with my friends. I know how dangerous it can be around here with all the crazy stuff that's been going on so I thought I'd give you a hand, I swear!"

"Okay, you said you were going to the coast? That's where we're going too to see if we can find a boat," interjected Zane.

"Zane, what the hell?! Don't tell him that!" Reprimanded Layla.

"Layla, your dad could be there. It speeds up this entire process. If he isn't there then we can simply come back here and start looking somewhere else. But if it turns out that he's waiting at the coast then it's best not to keep him waiting for too long."

"Your dad?" Asked Frank with a raised eyebrow. "Hell, I'll even help you look for him while we're there if I must!" 

Layla bit her lip as she thought about the situation. Even if it turned out that her father wasn't there then she could steal Frank's car and use it to look around. It seemed worth the risk.

"Okay, fine! But don't try anything funny or I'll kill you!" Warned Layla.

"Haha! Don't worry! I'm a good guy!"

A second later, Layla and Zane got into the car before Frank drove off towards the coast. However, the engine was a little too loud which made Layla uncomfortable.

"This car is way too loud! The Apocrypha will be on us before we know it in this thing!"

"The Apocrypha? Is that what y'all call those things?" Asked Frank.

Layla ignored Frank's question. She didn't want to reveal too much to a stranger.

"Yeah, they eat people it seems..." Answered Zane.

Frank then adjusted his rare view mirror, looking at Zane who was in the back.

"So where have you two been through all of this?"

 "We were hiding... We barely escaped the Apocrypha..."

"I see. It makes you wonder how the rest of the world is dealing with this. It's hard to believe we're being attacked by fricking aliens!"

"So what about you, Frank? Where are you from?" 

Frank gave a nostalgic sigh before answering, "Ahh! I'm originally from Texas but I came to New York to visit some friends. It's only been a few hours since the attack but it feels like a year since I was living my normal life. Partying and drinking with friends and banging hot chicks! You know what I mean, right kid?"

Layla scowled with disgust. Frank's idea of a normal life made her want to kick him from his own car.

"If that's what you call a normal life, you must be some kind of pig. Partying and having tons of sex isn't all that great! That's just disgusting! Men need to have restraint too. I never even expected a fat slob like yourself to be able to lift his gut to bang in the first place..!"

Frank laughed, "Ah, I love your type, girly. You're the type that thinks they're too good to be touched unless it's by some prince in shining armor! Your type is the f**king best!"

Frank then paused before turning to Zane with a smirk.

"Hey, kid! Make sure to keep this one close to you! When you finally get them to submit, they end up begging for more!"

Zane gave an awkward laugh to avoid answering Frank. He didn't have time to think about such a lifestyle. He was more worried about Layla's father and the aftermath that would follow if he turned out to be dead.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the coast before Frank pulled the car to a stop. They then exited the car before Layla quickly prepared to look for her father.

"So what did you say your name was again, little girl?" Inquired Frank.

"I'm called, none of your business!"

"Layla, he's helping us look for your dad here. Maybe you should try being a little nicer to him..." Argued Zane.

"Yeah, right. He's probably just trying to gain our trust so he can stab us in the back later. Just know that when he does, you're the one responsible since you told him our plans."

"So it's Layla, huh? How does your father look, sweetheart?" Interrupted Frank.

"He has chocolate-brown hair, grey eyes, and he's much more handsome than you are!" 

Just then, Frank's face brightened as if he had come to a shocking realization. He then began laughing heartily before continuing.

"No way! Layla, I think luck's on your side! Just earlier, I got a phone call from one of my friends telling me that they found a guy matching the description you just gave to me! He was even asking to come along on our boat but he said he was waiting for someone. I told my friends to wait until I got here but I had no idea it was your father!"

"Wait, are you serious?!" Exclaimed Zane in shock. "Layla, that means your dad is alive!"

"Of course! This must be fate, kids! I can't believe this!"

However, to Frank's surprise, Layla wasn't happy. Instead, she took out her knife before pointing it at his throat with a terrifying look in her eyes.

"Layla, what are you doing!?" Queried Zane in shock.

"Zane, shut up!" She shouted. "Have you already forgotten? The Apocrypha sabotaged every means of communication. How could he have gotten a phone call when communications are disabled? I never trusted him from the start but this just pisses me off!"

Zane was left stunned. He had forgotten that the Apocrypha had sabotaged communication. This meant that Frank was lying without a doubt.

"Little girl, it seems I've underestimated you," began Frank. He had even dropped the fake western accent. "You're much smarter than I gave you credit for. Not that it matters anyway."

Just then, Frank let out a loud whistle before ten men, all armed with guns, stepped out into the open. They were all a part of Frank's crew.

Layla and Zane were left petrified. They couldn't believe their eyes. They had walked right into Frank's trap.

"You fat shit! Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have allowed you to take us here!" Cursed Layla.

Frank then took out a cigar from his pocket before placing it can't against his lips.

"From the moment you got here, you were already in checkmate kids. My men have been watching this area the entire time, waiting for my arrival."

"You son of a bitch!" 

Zane stood silent with a deep look of regret. His bad choices were the reason they were in such a terrible predicament. If he hadn't trusted Frank so easily then they wouldn't have come to the coast. If he had just told Layla the truth about the soldier in the elevator then they might have not needed to come to Jericho in the first place. Though he had good intentions, his decisions had sent everything to hell.

"You should have listened to Layla, Zane," continued Frank with an irritating smirk. "Honestly, if she wasn't with an idiot like you then she would have never been caught up in this mess! She was smart enough not to trust me but you decided to tell me everything like a jackass! Must suck to be you, kid!"

Zane clenched his teeth in frustration. He couldn't even look Layla in the eyes. He knew Frank was right. He was too naive and stupid. However, to Zane's surprise, Layla wasn't angry at him. Instead, she tried to reassure him that everything would be okay despite being paralyzed with fear.

"Zane, don't panic..." She trembled. "Um- I-I have to find my father..! So p-p-please try to stay calm! I don't hate you no matter what Frank says, okay..?"

Zane was frustrated with himself. He was the reason they were in such a bad situation in the first place. He couldn't depend on Layla to think of a plan. He had to find a way to fix things on his own.

This was when an idea flashed across Zane's mind like a bolt of lightning. He remembered he had taken the gun from the dead soldier back in the elevator. The gun had become so comfortable in his waist that he had completely forgotten that he had taken it in the first place.

Quickly, Zane pulled the gun from his waist before pointing it at Frank's head. This sent a wave of alarm through Frank and his crew.

"Don't move or I'll pull the trigger! Order your men to drop their guns or I'll blow your head off!" Warned Zane.

Frank looked at Zane dumbfounded. The last thing he had expected was for Zane to be concealing a weapon.

"Don't worry, Layla! I'll get us out of this! I promise!" Reassured Zane.

Zane didn't know why but for some reason Layla didn't respond. He then quickly looked over at her to see that she was staring at the gun in his hands with a horrified look on her face. Her body quivered and sweat ran down the side of her face like a stream. It was as if she had seen a ghost.

"Layla..? Is something wrong? You don't have to be afraid! I'll handle this, I promise!"

"W-where did you get that gun..?" She trembled.

Zane froze like a block of ice. He then took a good look at the gun in his hand, only to realize that it had a unique pattern. It was neatly designed in a green and black pattern, making it evident that it was a custom-made pistol.

"That's my father's gun, Zane! Where the hell did you get my dad's gun!?"

Zane began to shake as if his hands were about to fall off. It was confirmed. The soldier he had seen in the elevator was Layla's father without a doubt. His mistake had now come full circle. Guilt, anxiety, and frustration plagued him like a swarm. He didn't know what to do.

"I... I'm sorry, Layla... I didn't know..."

Tears flooded Layla's eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She felt as if her world was falling apart.

"You're sorry..? What do you mean you're sorry, Zane!? I don't understand!! Where did you get the damn gun!!!??"

Zane couldn't answer. He was at a loss for words. There was nothing he could say that would make the situation any better.

Just then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Frank began to laugh, realizing what was happening.

"Man! Zane, you really are a pathetic loser! Look what you did! Don't tell me you killed her father and have been trying to cover it up this entire time?! Hahaha!!! You're such a f**cking loser, bro!! This is hilarious!!"

"Shut up, you fat bastard! I'll pump my clip into your head if you don't zip it! Do what I say and order your men to drop their weapons! Do it now!" Ordered Zane.

Unfortunately, Frank ignored Zane's orders. Instead, he moved closer to him, ready to steal his gun.

"I mean it!!" Shouted Zane.

"You can't do shit, kid! I commend you for keeping your composure but that's about all you can do!"

Zane then took a short moment to weigh his options. It was shoot or be killed. He had never killed another human being before but he knew he had to do something.

Zane then pulled the trigger, sending a bullet zooming past Frank's head. This frightened everyone except Frank.

"Nothing more than a warning shot to try and intimidate me," frowned Frank. "I'll commend you on that though. Maybe if your hands weren't shaking like such a sissy, I'd be a little afraid of you."

Zane tried to steady his hands but it was to no avail. He was far too nervous. Despite this, he refused to yield.

"Shut up! That might have been a warning shot but the next one goes between your eyes! If I have to kill you to save me and Layla then I'll do it!"

"Zane, even if you have the balls to kill me, you won't do it. Do you want to know why?"

"Just shut the hell up!"

"You won't do it because it's stupid! You're not in some movie where just because you kill the boss, the crew members are going to run away. As soon as you shoot me, my men will tear you and the girl to shreds! Your best bet is to give me the gun and yield. All I want are your supplies. Once I have those, I'll leave you behind and let you live. You've already embarrassed yourself enough for one day."

Frank then yanked the gun from Zane's grasp. It was Zane's only option for survival. However, as soon as Frank took the gun, he slammed it into Zane's forehead, knocking him to the ground. Blood gushed from the newly created injury as Zane laid in the sand, holding his head in pain.

Frank then brought up a lighter to his cigar before lighting it.

"At first, we were just going to rob you and leave you to die at the hands of the Apocrypha. However, this little bitch here dissed me. I can't let that slide so I'm going to take her with me."

Frank then called one of his men to take Layla and their luggage away. Layla was much too broken to even fight back. As she was being pulled away, she was unable to avert her eyes from Zane. She wanted to know what happened to her father. She needed the truth but her spirit was far too broken to even ask.

"Hey, none of you touch her!" Ordered Frank to his men. "That bitch is mine! She asked how a fat slob like me was able to lift my gut to bang, so I'm going to show her how it's done tonight! She better not be a virgin!"

Frank then took one last look at Zane before firing off a few shots to attract Apocrypha to the area.

"Be of good nutrition to the Apocrypha, Zane!"

Prince_nonchalant Prince_nonchalant


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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


