

It's been 3 weeks since I received the book on chakra control, it didn't really help me as I already knew them but at least this'll give me an excuse of how I know it.

During the break all I've been doing is practicing my chakra control, the book gave me all the basic chakra control exercises; Leaf sticking, tree walking and water walking exercises were all described in the book. I've already mastered the leaf sticking exercise and I'm proficient in both tree and water walking. I'm able to do them but I still need to work on multitasking, if I can't fight during sticking then I don't consider them mastered, once I'm able to do so, then I'll move on to other things.

I'm thinking of trying to make chakra strings next, it's kinda like telekinesis especially if I manage to make the strings invisible, this'll give me experience in working with threads for the future and also it's an extra superpower.

In canon Kakazu was almost 100 years old, I'll have all the time in the world to master different ninja arts. I'll be the most versatile ninja out there. I'm planning to learn puppeteer for the heck of it. Puppeteering did always interest me back in my old world. It'll also make me learn how to use poisons, but that'll be a long time from now, right now I need to get my foundations up to snuff.

My 5 chakra natured d rank jutsu are pretty much at their limit, I reduced the hand seals to 1. The reason I've practiced these weak jutsus so much is because In the future I'll be using 5 different chakra nature jutsus because of the hearts I will acquire. It doesn't hurt to start practicing now.

My taijutsu is high academy level, the classes don't really focus on taijutsu just yet but we do have physical education, just some running and basic exercises like pushups and sit-ups, but other then that nothing else; But since I'll be moving to the 3rd year class they'll teach me a lot more then the basics. I was a practitioner of taekwondo on my old world. Taekwondo is a martial arts that focuses on kicks than punches. My old world experiences kinda helps me, I know how to kick properly and I know the importance of staying in balance, may seem like nothing but a lot better than the rest of the kids there.

Tomorrow is the first day of class and I'm trying to make some chakra strings, at first I try to remember all the fanfictions I've read that explain how they did it, at first I tried just imagining a stop coming out my fingertip, it works but it's hard to maintain when it gets longer.

I try to imagine it spinning and lo and behold it's a lot longer than my previous attempts. It's not that long but it's a lot more firm then my other attempts.

'This is fun! Chakra is so much fun to play with; the people here just think it's nothing but from an earthling chakra is something impossible.'

I depleted most of my chakra reserved. My chakra reserved are above average compared to other kids. And with me always emptying reserves before going to bed, my chakra capacity is gonna keep increasing.

I go to bed exhausted, once my head lands on the pillow I'm immediately asleep.

-scene change-

Im here at the academy, in front of the door of my class, I slide the door open and I'm greeted with kids 2 years older than me, I'm 8 right now so they're about 10 years old.

I look around for a empty seat and find one near the back. I go towards it.

Everyone is looking at me in confusion wondering why I'm in this class.

I make it to the seat and I sit down and wait patiently for the class to start. The kids are still looking at me but I just stare straight ahead not bothering with the stares.

"Huuuuh! What the hell is chibi doing here!?" A boy says

He walks towards my seat and looms over me.

I tilt my head up so that I'm staring straight at his eyes. He flinched a little

'Probably because of my eyes, hehehe'

"My sense I deemed me good enough for this class and so he decided to move me up. Is that a problem?" I say calmly and evenly and raise a brow at the end of my statement.

"Yeah it's a problem you're not allowed in here wait outside!" He says haughtily

'What an annoyance, I'm gonna enjoy beating this kid up one day'

"Oh really go ahead and ask the teacher then, but I'm gonna wait right here, if u don't like that then you wait outside the door" I say without losing eye contact


"Enough!, Kakazu-san is right, he has earned his spot here and anyone who has a problem with that can take it up to the village head!" My teacher says sternly.

"Since we have a new student Kakazu san why don't you introduce yourself?"

I nod and stand up

"Hello my name is Kakazu, I'm eight years old and hope to one day become a strong shinobi for the village. Nice to meet you." I say and end it with a bow.

The class starts clapping and I sit back down.

"Alright since we have a new student let's start this class with some light taijutsu sparring. Follow me to the courtyard.

-cut scene-

We arrive at the courtyard, the ground is all first and a few patches of grass here and there. There are 4 circles that's outlined with stones, they're probably used for matches.

"Alright let's do a few sparring matches, I'll evaluate each one of you and rank you to best to worst, we'll be doing this every class in the beginning. I'll post the results every Monday."

"First match Deira and Tami!"

Matches pass by and I observe each one, they're good for kids, honestly if was in my original world these kids would be prodigies. But I'm assuming from my teachers expression they're common.

'Chakra in this world probably boosts physical and mental capabilities'

My name is finally called.

"Next is Kakuzu and Ryou!"

I go in the circle and face my opponent

'What a coincidence, it's the kid that called me chibi....he's dead.' I inwardly smirk, on the outside I'm perfectly calm.

"Che! Why do I get the chibi, I want someone to challenge me!" He says with a smirk on his face

I say nothing and just wait for the signal to start.


General POV:

Ryou dashes forward with a right straight aiming at Kakazu's head, but Kakazu slips his head to the right and he's suddenly in Ryou's guard.


Kakazu wastes no time and does a right hook! Ryou turns his face to the right to dodge Kakuzu's right hook, but it still manages to graze his cheek!

Ryou backs up to get some space, but Kakazu doesn't let him and follows up with a left round house kick aiming at Ryou's ribs.


It lands! And Ryou leans forward slightly, the air in his lungs are forcefully exhaled. His hands rub the spot where he was hit.

But that was a mistake as Kakazu goes for the finish, once Kakuzu sees Ryou lean forward, Kakazu is close enough to land a flying knees towards Ryou's face!


Ryou's head forcefully goes back and he's knocked out


"Good job Kakazu, excellent use of your legs, when you noticed Ryou about to back off you used your legs for the extra range!"

"Thank you sensei" Kakazu says and leaves the circle and goes towards his previous spot.

"Someone grab Ryou and take him to the nurses office, he looks like he has a bloody nose and maybe some bruised ribs." The teacher says

The kids since slightly at the description of what happened to their classmate and they look at Kakazu, some with fear, some with awe and some with hatred.

Kakazu POV:

I go to my previous spot and stand there and wait for the next match up.

'That was easy, but that was expected, they're just kids.'

I move my eyes to look around and see some looking at me in fear, awe and even hatred.

I don't mind them and look towards the circle waiting for the next match.

AN: Hello people, my first time writing a fighting scene tell me how I did. Please comment of what you think about this book and chapter, not sure I want to continue...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


