66.66% Éllinete (Obscured Darkness) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Glimpse

章 2: Chapter 2: Glimpse

( τμήμα δυο: Glimpse )

"W-who... is she...?" Qil asked weakly.

"Man, she's Trouble Sauvettere. And she's indeed Trouble."

Trouble halts on her steps as she hears it. It's always been connected to her name, yet it feels unfamiliar to her. For a split second, pain crossed her beautiful face, but it was immediately replaced by her usual bored expression.

Her phone vibrated so she took it out from her black leather jacket. Her forehead creases when she saw she received two messages from an unregistered international number.

+30 6985561862: You are commanded to return home. Your family's private airplane will pick you up, so be at the airport at exactly 7 o' clock AM. It's your father's order.

+30 6985561862: You can't say no or you'll lose your condominium and credit cards. But we must admit, you were very good at hiding.

After she read both messages, her expression changed, various emotions were visible on her beautiful face. Dissapointment, anger, sadness and longing. But it was immediately replaced by her sarcastic expression.

"Ain't scary enough though. Well maybe it's time I show myself and slap some reality on them."

She turns off her phone and hops into her sports bike and drives it away like a mad man.

She tightens her grip on the hand clutch as she reminisce the text messages.

I'll make sure every single one of you will pay.

She arrived at her luxurious condominium unit. She turned on the lights and her condo's pitch-black interior welcomed her. Everything inside is black and pitch-black.

She slams her body on her king sized bed. She feels so drained that she didn't bother taking a shower and changing her clothes. She falls asleep immediately.

It's nearly dawn when a blue smoke popped out of nowhere following a man wearing an elegantly folded dark blue ionic chiton. His deep blue eyes turns bright blue as he stares at the sleeping Trouble. She seems to be having a sad dream, tears were streaming down her naturally pinkish cheeks.

Trouble is standing in the middle of darkness. Her eyes wandered, she can't see anything else aside from the seemingly infinite darkness.

Then she hears familiar voices.

"Come here Trouxy!"

"Come on sweetheart!"

She turns to her left where a blinding light appears. She covers her eyes for a second, then she went near the light. It looks like a portal to another place. Without any hesitations, she entered.

There she saw a familiar place. A deep blue sea where two people she once loved and loved her are swimming.

She was about to speak but she can't. Despite, a little voice answered.

"Mom, dad I can't! The waters too deep! There are sea monsters lurking in there!"

She turns to her back. There she saw a very familiar little kid. She is wearing pale pink from head to toe. Her black shoulder length curls were braided into two sides. She is standing on the shallow part of the water, crying as she watches her parents on the deep part.

Her mom swam close to her and holds her pinkish cheeks."It's okay dear. Listen, there are no monsters in that water and if there is such, you should learn to be brave enough to face the monsters. It's not all the time you can ran away from them."

The little girl sniffs and wipes her tears. "Really mom?" She asks innocently.

Her mom smiles at her. "Yup. Now, you still don't wanna come?"

The little girl's eye sparkled in delight. "I want to mom! I'm gonna kick those sea monsters butt!"

"That's my girl!" Her dad exclaimed while laughing.

The two ran towards him.

Trouble follows them with her gaze. She wanna come too.

The man smiled mysteriously before he disappears again with his blue smoke.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled. She turns to her back and saw the black portal again.


She gets up catching her breath, it was just a bad dream.

She turns to her digital clock above her bed table.

The time is 8:15 am. And then something hit her, "Oh right, I remember. Well who cares about being late."

She hasn't eaten anything yet thus she fished for her phone inside her pocket. She uninterruptedly taps on its screen for about five minutes before she turn it off and throws it on her bed.

She went to the kitchen and took out two Devil Springs Vodka from the refrigerator loaded with the same brand and prepared the dining table as well. A minute later, the door bell rang. She went to open the door.

"Emely's Pizza House's delivery! Here's the 3 boxes of pepperoni pizza you've ordered ma'am."

She handed the guy a roll of dollar bills and close the door.

Her payment's too much but he didn't argue anymore. Well he once tried and he eventually regretted it.

The smell of the pepperonis makes the monsters inside her stomach go wild. It smells so delicious. Even though she always eat it, she can't seem to have enough of it. She even requested the dart bar to sell her the same brand of pepperoni pizza so she won't have to deal with so much trouble from ordering while playing.

After finishing her breakfast, she prepared herself a rose petal bath. When she's done, she did a quick rinse and the rest of her morning rituals before heading to her walk in closet. She wore red short sleeve cutout waist cross wrap crop top, black high waist cargo pants with chains and black ankle boots. She also placed a black denim crop jacket on her shoulders.

She picks up her luggage right beside her closet. She unhanged a couple of clothes and folds it neatly before putting it inside. She went back to the bathroom and collects some toiletries she's going to bring as well.

She sits in front of her vanity table and tie her hair into a messy bun. She applied thin layer of make up on her face, eyes, eyebrows, lashes and cheeks. Just to enhance her beautiful features. Then she applied a matte bold red lipstick on her lips. She sprayed some perfume and pull one of the vanity's drawer and took out the black cat-eye sunglasses. She glance at herself in the mirror for the last time before pulling her luggage with her and carrying the two boxes of her all time favorite pizza as she passes through.

"Woah dude, a chic!"

"Is she a model?"

"Why you asking me? Come on let's go near her."

Trouble can't use her sports bike this time since she can't bring it with her too, so she hailed a cab instead. As soon as it stopped in front of her, she opened its trunk and puts her luggage inside before sliding herself in.

She arrived at the airport so late than expected. She stops a few distance away from a luxurious private airplane wherein three flight attendants and two pilots are waiting for her outside. Their faces lighten up as they saw her. They thought she wouldn't come after waiting for about 3 and a half hours for her.

"Good morning, miss Sauvettere! And welcome to Sauvettere airlines!" They greeted her in chorus with a big warm smile, trying to show her that they didn't mind all the waiting and didn't bad mouth her at all for being such a so called spoiled-brat for using alone a whole plane just to go home.

She took off her cat-eye sunglasses, looks at them with her signature stone-like stare, rolled her eyes and grimaced before taking a step on the airplane's stairs.

The three flight attendants looked at each other, trying to talk using just their eyes. While the pilots just sigh. They seemed used to the Sauvettere family. Since they already met and drived for every single family member.

She is nearly reaching the plane's door, when suddenly one of the flight attendant speak.

"Miss Sauvettere, let us handle your luggage."

She turn to them just to raise an eyebrow before turning her back again and preceded inside the private airplane, straightforwardly ignoring their offer.

Are these b*tches kidding me? They could've asked it before I could even reach the door.

She halts as she saw the gray and black interior.

He still loves this color huh.

She placed her things on the coffee table in front of the sofa before seating on one of the executive seats near the window. She took off her black crop denim jacket and folds it neatly into two before putting it on the seat's arm rest.

The flight will take about 9 hours, so she placed her black airpods on her ears and played Taylor Swift's reputation album.

This is gonna be a long ride.


The room's interior is a mixture of gray and black color, the same goes for the things inside. The room is dim. Thick drapes prevents the sunlight from entering the room from the floor-ceiling glass window. But that doesn't hinder it from screaming its overflowing modern luxuriousnes, consisting big and old bookshelves, sofa set, soft fluffy rugs and an office table in the far right corner. A man about his early 40's is seating on a swivel chair, facing backwards.

A knocked on the door made him flinch.

"Sir, miss Selinofoto is here."

He sat straight and turns his swivel chair. His hunter green eyes met her harbor gray eyes.

"G---" he was cut off by the woman's widening of eyes.

"Miss Selinofoto---"

"Cut the chase."

He pursed his lips while looking at her modestly.

The woman called Miss Selinofoto sat at the edge of the sofa, located a few meters away from the man's office table.

"Until when are you gonna make me wait? Blaze." She looks like the nice and approachable type of person. Her voice also sounds so soft and soothing in the ears, which is suppose to make the people around her comfortable. But that's not the case with the man she called Blaze.

He was about to speak when a knock on the door interrupts him. He looks at the door aggravated, but still managed to make his voice sound cold and distant.

"Later, I have a gues---"

"Let him in." She says and smiled warmly, still it didn't make Blaze any less uncomfortable.

"But Sele---"

"It's really fine, I can feel it's something important."

Without any much choice, he spoke. "Come in."

A man whose about a few years younger than him enters. He walked straight towards him.

"Sir, she took the flight already. However, she made the flight attendants and pilot wait for about 3 and a half hour. So basically, she'll be late." He stated.

Miss Selinofoto's eyebrow raised. Looking interested.

Blaze closes his eyes in frustration. "As if we have other choices now. You can leave."

The man seemed to be confuse to his boss' respond. It's not what he is expecting. But despite of his confusion, he chosed not to butt in. "YAH-soo, sir." And take his leave instead.

"Is he referring to Trouxy Blein?"

Blaze composed himself before facing her.

"No, just business related. Don't worry, I can assure you'll get to see her tonight in supper."

It is nearly 8 in the evening.

Trouble looks outside the window. Everything is dark, everything that was once colorful and vibrant in the day disappeared.

Gone was the stunning deep blue sea, only the sound of its waves reminds her it's a beautiful sea without the darkness.

But actually, she loved how darkness ruins its so called beauty from being seen. Afterall, she feels the same seeing the deep blue sea. She still feels suffocated.

Soon enough, she saw lightd.

They were coming from the different buildings below. It was suppose to be breath-taking, but with her history in this place, she can't seem to appreciate it.

During the day these are seen as white and blue buildings Literally just this two colors because the in 1974 the government made it a law that all houses must be painted in the beautiful Greek colors of white and blue. Furthermore these buildings, surrounded by numerous big green trees and small mountains are sitting in a peninsula.

On one of those small mountain's slope is where a three story luxurious modern mega mansion, mainly made of glasses is sitting. On the frontyard is a wide circular driveway wherein there is a beautiful Albizia Julibrissin tree at the center.

Meanwhile on the backyard stood an LED lighted infinite pool.

Going on the upper part of the mountain is a private airport owned by luxury mega mansion owner as well. Wherein, this private airplane is going to land. She reached for her crop denim jacket and placed it back on her shoulders before standing up.

The private airplane landed. She walks to the door while pulling her luggage. As the door opens, the cold ocean breeze embraced her, blowing away her loose bottom curls at the same time.

Memories from the past flooded her thoughts. She closed her eyes for a moment to get rid of the chips on her shoulders. And when it did, she opened her eyes again.

As soon as she lands her feet on the ground, a tan unfamiliar man about her age, came towards her direction.

"Welcome back to Greece young lady. I am Andre. I am your driver for today." He greeted politely.

She took off her sunglasses and eyed him boredly.

His expression changed, as if he's mesmerized by her.

D*mn straight.

"Now what?" She asked and follows it with her rolling of eyes.

He rouses from his reverie. "U-uhm, this w-way, young lady." He gestures his arms to a black Rolls-Royce Phantom EWB car.

"I'll handle your lugga---" Andre suggested.

"I can handle my things myself dummy." She said flatly and entered the limousine's private suit, dragging her luggage with her.

Andre shakes his head in disbelief.

"Justo como su hermana. Pero ella parece peor que ella" he murmured then went to the driver's seat.

It didn't take long before they reached a black modern aluminum sliding gate. On both sides are laser security scanners. After it scanned the limousine, the gate opened automatically.

Andre stops the limousine in front of the main door.

A butler and three servants were waiting for her. She smiled sarcastically to herself before stepping out of the limousine confidently.

"Good evening, young lady and welcome back." They all greeted in chorus. Resulting her to grimace and roll her eyes.

Two of the servants positioned on the side of the glass main door to keep it open since it's also automatic. The other servant went to her side.

"I'll handl---"

"Get your filthy hands off my things." The servant looks a bit taken aback. She gestures her hand like shooing to make her step backward before she walks inside the house.

Trouble took off her cat-eye sunglasses and roams her eyes.

The interior looks luxurious as much as the exterior of the mansion does. The white theme inside gives a bright and neat vibe to the place. From the grand foyer entrance, a set of couches and a coffee table is located on the right side while a floating glass stairs and an elevator on its side is located on the left and a corridor at the center going to the other rooms such as the kitchen and dining.

"Young lady, everyone's waiting for you on the dinner table."

She raised an eyebrow. "Since when did they learn to pay so much attention to me?" She sarcastically said.

The butler was silent. She roll her eyes. She walks to the elevator, leaving everyone behind.

She gave them one last bitchy smirk before the elevator door closes.

She took out her phone, and taps on it for a couple of seconds. The whole mansion is technology operated, so it was so easy for her to do what she wants to. Another thing is this is the most effective way to do things on her own without the help of others.

She saw it's located on the left wing of the mansion on the third floor.

She made her way there as soon as the elevator door opens. The suite's door isn't lock and it opened automatically leaving her in rage as she saw the room's interior. She dropped everything she's holding and marched to the dining room.

She inhaled deeply as she reached the dining room's door. I should compose myself. I won't give them the satisfaction of insulting me.

She slams the door open although she can let it open itself automatically.

The servants all around the dining room were shocked with her sudden violent entrance. Three people were currently eating in the dining table. Everyone she loathed for. A man and two women. The man and the other woman is in their early 40's yet they still looked young for their age. While the other woman is about her age. They we're all looking so elegant just like how a wealthy family should.

The woman about her age turned angrily the moment she heared the slamming of door. Her eyes bulge in shock after seeing it was her who did it, choking on the red wine she is drinking at the same time.

"W-what the hell are you doing here?!" She spatted.

"Surprise b*tch?"

"What?! Are you trying to start a fight?!"

"You think I'll stoop that low? Cocktail drink."

"You bitch stop calling me tha---!"

The man on the end of the dining table cleared his throat. She looked at him and smiled bitterly.

"Enough. Sit. Down." He said firmly.

Trouble shifted her bitter smile to a sarcastic one.

"Well, well, well. Is that the proper way to greet your only biological child?" She said as she sat down.

"How dare you! Are you trying to insult me and mom?! That we---"

"What now cocktail drink? Defensive?" She said then smirk. She looks at the luxurious foods served in the long dining table. "Gross, don't you have any Emely's pizza---"

"You're vividly insulting us! Why? Jealous that you never experienced life? And how cheap of you---!"

The woman she keeps calling cocktail drink screamed, pissed as Trouble throws wine on her.

"Ops, I find that dress cheap, oh maybe its not the dress, but YOU."

The other woman tightens her grip in her fork and knife. She is holding herself from butting in. She knew too well her husband won't like it. She looked at her husband seating on the end of the table right beside her. Silently asking him to do something. Probably to Trouble. He always does.

Trouble smirked when she saw it from the corner of her eyes.

"What?! I'm one of the richest girl in this country and you call me cheap?! You and your mother---"

"ENOUGH!" Their father slammed his utensils on the table.

"After all the efforts we made for your homecoming you still managed to be ungrateful?!" His voice echoed in the four corners of the dining room.

She clenched her fists.

"Is that the result of your independency? Then you're staying here again at the mansio--"

She slams her hands to the table with so much force.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! Stop trying to act like you're such a great father! You're not even close to being good! You should know by now you're the root of this mess!"

That made her father shut up.

"What? Effort? Oh come on! You sent me three freaking flight attendants wherein I don't even need one! I hate it now! I hate staying with people in the same room anymore! And I can handle my godd*mn self now. You even made them served me all those boring foods I used to eat during lunch! I don't love those foods anymore! I hate eating luxurious foods anymore! And lastly I hate pale pink color! I loathe it as much as I loathe you! I hate everything you decorated inside my room which reminds me of mom and your fake affection! You know what's my point? It's to wake you up! I'm not the same weak kid you used to know! So leave me the f*ck alone. Stop messing with my life!"

"Trouxy! Did you really lost all your respect---"

"Stop butting in! If there's someone who deserves respect, it's no one in this dining table! You all suck!"

She harshly stand up and gave everyone a glare.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. And I'll be glad to see the back of this family."

She turns her back at them.

"Trouxy Blein!!!" His father shouted her name but she continued walking out.

Her step mother was speechless while her step sister is glaring at her back. Her father leans on his chair and massages his temple.

"Why is she ain't still here..." He murmured. "Follow her this instant before she creates a bigger mess."

Trouble saw a male servant coming out from a personalized tiger detailed Sián FKP 37 in the driveway.

"She bought a sports car yesterday too." The servant murmured.

"Geoff! Block her!" Someone shouted.

It alerted the servant.

Trouble smirks as she rans towards him.

He positioned himself to block her, from afar she saw how two security guards runs towards her direction too.

Too bad I can't play too much.

As she came face to face with the male servant, he tried capturing her arms and hands. But she is really skilled at avoiding evrything and rather, with a swift move, she managed to snatch away the Lamborghini keys from his hands and slid herself to the driver's seat before locking the door.

"Hey! Young lady it's young lady Rita's---! "

But Trouble don't give a d*mn. She maneuver the sports car. She took out her phone and hacks the gate's system. She knew too well they'll try to block her using technology. Fools. She managed to do it without sweat and escaped successfully.

She is driving so fast, not minding what might happen to her.

Because of that, she ended up to a place where she shouldn't be.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


