82.85% Looter System In Anime Multiverse / Chapter 58: Chapter 58

章 58: Chapter 58

Yami picked up the now ownerless Kiba and grinned because this damn sword was too sturdy. There was not even a scratch of it even after taking the shockwaves of his punch head on. The whole ground forward had exploded except this sword and headless body of its former owner.

Yami had a vicious idea and he suddenly looked at Mangetsu who instantly went pale after noticing his gaze but showed a determined look after a second. Yami was impressed and decided to implement his awesome but painful plan.

Yami immediately turned all his chakra into pure lightning release chakra and sure enough he was assaulted by piercing pain all over his body. Black smoke started appearing from his burnt muscles but Yami did not care and channeled insane amount of chakra into Kiba.

Hum.. Hum..

The blade in his right hand started vibrating and Yami pointed it towards Mangetsu after arriving only three meters before him in an instant. Mangetsu was so shocked that his vision started blurring but no voice could be leaked from his throat .

Yami ignored the twitching guy and fired a lightning cannon which instantly pierced his heart and ravaged his whole body. Mangetsu died in a second but his body was charred black by the pure lightning. The sword still did not even have a crack which greatly impressed Yami because he knew that he had imbued chakra compared to three S rank jutsu combined into it before.

" Hahahaha.. you wanted to explode my head right ? Now do you still think that you can do it?"

Yami looked at the vicious bastard who was scared shitless clutching the handle of his weird sword which had insane amount of explosive tags on it. He could not help but grin as he chased after the guy who managed to wake his feet up and started running. Such an embarrassment for a battle hardened shinobi ..

Dai had already started battling the rest of the seven swordsmen who wanted nothing but to escape from here because they were intelligent enough to know that it was courting death if they dared to stay here.

Yami had stopped converting his chakra into lightning and his black burnt muscles were already visibly healing thanks to the insane vitality which comes from his sage body and pure uzumaki bloodline. Yami was sure that he could survive even if he opened the eight gate but he was not crazy enough to risk it..

Yami managed to keep up to the exploding tags guy in a second and blasted a hole in his stomach area from his back with a stab from his hand knife after dodging his exploding sword by a quick duck to the right side. These guys were severely underestimating his reaction speed which far surpassed even third Raikage.

Now only four of the enemies remained so Yami decided that he should not test his techniques leisurely anymore because his body was experiencing a lot of pain right now. He flashed in between Dai and the four remaining swordsmen. He caught the needle guy's needle sword with with his right hand and Samehada with his left in crossed arm position. The ground under Yami cracked from the pressure but Yami did not even feel a thing from their attacks.

Yami pulled their weapons with full force and their two arms were ripped rudely from their bodies along with them..

" Ahhhh.. "

Yami frowned because the shout from fat and orange haired guy was too uncomfortable so he decided to end him first with a kick which blasted his fat stomach after Yami landed it by spinning his whole body once in the air.

Dai finished the needle guy who was wincing in pain in the meantime with swift barrage of punches. Yami was impressed with Dai's battle sense and flashed a thumbs at him. Dai was feeling tired already but his smile was cheerful as he returned a thumbs up in return too.

Yami just grinned and fired Daytime Tiger at the remaining fleeing two swordsmen. A huge solid apparation of white tiger fired from his punch which was actually compressed pocket air . The forest and ground in front of him was totally destroyed as the white tiger razed it from existence. Even Yami was surprised by the sheer amount of destruction as he saw the changed terrain of tens of kilometers ahead much less Dai.

Yami started laughing loudly as he say Dai lying exhausted on the ground. Yami was feeling truly thrilled because he got to let loose for a bit for the first time after he had started hiding his strenght from others. He too deactivated his 7th gate and winced a little from pain but was fine in a second.

Yami immediately summoned a shadow clone from his shadow clone seal and dispelled it. His body was filled with chakra immediately and Yami converted it into medical chakra which contained the qualities of his wood style and yang release chakra. In just few seconds his internal injuries dissapeared but the feeling of exhaustion was disappearing very slowly compared to it.

Yami of course wont even bat an eye with just little exhaustion so he headed towards Dai with wide and confident steps. He reached there in seconds and started healing Dai by sending his extremely potent medical chakra in his body.

Dai was astonished as his injuries completely dissapeared in few minutes including even his old hidden injuries. Yami was growing though because the healing process was very slow compared to him. He sighed in the end after realizing that no one else was a vitality and stamina monster like himself after all.. Yami could not help but laugh heartily once again as he realised he was referring himself as a monster and felt even good about it..

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C58
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


