63.63% Traversing Worlds (Multific) / Chapter 6: Ch.6

章 6: Ch.6

Faith looked at me wearily before backing away. I held up a hand sighing. "Relax, I just came from meeting Buffy Summers, the slayer in Sunnydale. I figured I'd meet another slayer since I can't judge them all by one example. Well, potential slayer that is. It doesn't look like you're a slayer just yet."

Faith seemed to relax a bit but was still on edge. "I'd better call my watcher Selena."

I nodded and handed her my phone. "Sure thing. I'm not a demon or anything so there shouldn't be any issues there."

She frowned. "You're human then?"

I nodded. "Well, enhanced human I guess and from a different dimension but yeah, human all the same. I just have a few perks I guess you could call them and some knowledge on magic."

She looked me over with a light frown before nodding and following me outside. I sat on the hood of my car. "You like? I just bought it yesterday and tuned it up."

She rolled her eyes and called her watcher while smiling a little at my antics. When her watcher answered I ignored their conversation and laid back watching the foggy clouds. When I felt my phone being tossed on my chest, I grabbed it and sat up. "So?"

She sighed. "Selena said she'll call around to check out your story, but that I should hear the full thing before judging and making an informed decision. Some sort of slayer training thing."

I chuckled. "Watchers really are weird. Pop a squat and I'll tell you my story."

I patted the metal black glossed hood and she hopped up to sit next to me. I started telling her everything about my life from my parents and grandparents to the training I received and the world government of my world and on to my time as a pirate sailing the seas. The fights, wars and deaths of those I called friends in the war. The man I called Pops and saving my cousin from execution.

I went on and on while describing the differences in pirates and marines as well as the good pirates and the bad ones. I told her what I knew about the world nobles and even devil fruits. I demonstrated my rings basic functions to her and showed her some of the treasure I'd collected from my time as a pirate and described coming to this world and meeting Buffy and the Scoobies.

It was morning by the time I finished and she was a bit tired it seemed but had definitely been paying attention. I sighed and finished. "After I read all the books on spells and stuff I decided to track down a potential slayer and see the difference between the two. I used a simple tracking spell and found several, but decided this was the farthest from a hellmouth in North America and as such a probably smarter move especially since I didn't want to practice magic near that place. So here I am!"

She laid back on the hood of my car and sighed. "Damn that's some trippy shit."

I chuckled and laid back next to her. "So, what's it like being a potential slayer and south Boston girl?"

She smiled and came to her own decisions before telling me about her life. For the most part she was an unfortunate child. Abusive parents, drug addicted mother and horn dog father who spent all their rent money on whores only to get drunk and beat on her and her mother.

That is until one day she met her watcher who took her away from them using a child services cover. She gave her a small apartment and some pocket money for food each week while she trained her off an on at odd times. I sighed and she asked attempting to change the subject. "Want to scratch an itch?"

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head before smiling. "I don't want to be a one off sorry. I want something real. Being on the seas all that time and seeing the lonely life of pirates made me realize I want something more. Something like my parents and grandparents had. Granted my grandpa isn't the best example but he did try at least."

She sighed. "In that case care to give a girl a lift home?"

I shrugged. "Sure, though do you want to get some food before hand?"

She nodded. "Sure thing, I'll order some Chinese takeout and pay for it when we get back to my place."

I chuckled and agreed before passing her my phone and getting in the car. I started the engine and my baby roared to life purring as she slid in the passenger seat. She gave me directions and we took off while she ordered our food. When we got to her apartment she showed me around before the takeout place delivered.

I paid and she asked about the cash. I told her I found a demonic exchange place that took my gold for cash as well as set up my fake ID and stuff. We ate in silence while she contemplated something and after a bit, she leaned over and kissed me.

I growled. "No one night stands."

She shuddered before nodding and we were off to the races. I took her and surprisingly her first time, right there in the dinning room table. We became rabbits after that and luckily I remembered to add a contraception spell the moment she agreed.

We went at it everywhere from the table to the couch, counter and floor before making it to the bedroom and ending up under the sheets. Several hours later we were both tired from being up so long so we conked out around three. I woke up to the annoying sound of arguments being had and grabbed a shower before meeting both her and her watcher, Mrs.Selena Cambridge.

The older woman tried staring me down but I ignored her in favor of giving Faith a kiss and telling them both. "I'll order pizza while you two continue whatever this is. When you're done arguing over whether I'm a bad guy or not we can talk."

I ordered up a couple large toppings and sat at the table while the watcher extraordinaire stared me down. She finally broke her silence. "We can't confirm where you came from though I have spoken to Rupert Giles about your arrival. He seems to be under the impression that you're exploring this world."

I shrugged. "I did on the way here. And no, I didn't tell him I was coming here. All the watcher chronicles of old stuffy people stated that you all were sectioned off on a need to know or whatever and I had no idea whether this particular potential would even have a watcher."

She frowned. "What spell exactly did you use to find the potentials to begin with?"

I smiled and wrote down a particularly powerful elemental tracking spell before saying. "I added that plus my ring here and the aura I felt from Buffy to perceive all potentials and slayers in the US. It took some doing to augment my observation haki or perception as you all might call it to encompass such a large area and narrow down what I was looking for but it seems like a basic enough spell for me."

She frowned after looking over the spell and asked about my rings. I went into detail about them and what all I could and couldn't do as well as my estimated full strength with them which was still growing as I was in the process of building up a well of magic inside myself so I didn't need to rely of the rings so much.

They were both stunned but were only mildly shocked when I told them I was about even with a full powered slayer physically. Selena gulped. "And you're certain you have full control over these artifacts?"

I nodded with a smile. "Easily. In a matter of wills mine wins out every time. Demons don't actually seem that bright or mentally strong from what I can tell, but that might just be because of the difference in realities or dimensions and my own augmented mental capabilities."

I took my rings off and told her. "You can try using them but they're locked to only work for me so even at the worst all you'll be able to do is poke around a bit."

She sighed after refusing. "And the magic tomes and scrolls you didn't leave with Rupert?"

I smiled. "They're all inside my space ring but I'm not bringing them out. They're dangerous even in the right hands. Some of the magic's inside are pretty gruesome and most are in demonic languages. Though I do have one in enochian."

I slid my space ring back on and summoned a scroll to show her. She looked it over and asked. "What does it do?"

I chuckled. "It's a spell or more like a rune spell. You carve those runes on something and it'll prevent anyone from scrying or using higher and lower dimensions to look in on you. It's a sort of perv be gone for the weird witches and demons that like to look at people from afar. It stops even the powers that be and the old ones supposedly. They have to actually know where you are to peek past it and that's each time they try so it's safe to say no one can see me right now. It even works on security cameras and recording devices."

The watcher lady looked over the scroll and muttered something about it being to dangerous for me to have. I immediately put it away and frowned at her. "I paid six billion dollars for that and threatened what I think are three old ones backing the Wolfram and Hart law firm for it and I'm certainly not giving it up to the watcher's council."

She gasped at me and Faith whistled. "Damn D, you got some serious cash on you."

I chuckled. "Only twelve billion left but by your world's economy I should be one of the richest men on this planet besides the three old ones at Wolfram and Hart. I've no idea where they came up with the money to pay me with it either."

Faith nodded and looked at her watcher before starting their own conversation on whether I should be trusted. I looked at them both in mild amusement as they talked to each other like I wasn't even here. The door buzzer went off and I went to pay for the pizza.

After I set the boxes on the table Selena gave me a stern look before sighing. "You can stay so long as you're not a hinderance to Faith's training."

I nodded. "Thanks for the permission I so desperately lacked. Now that my life is fulfilled shall we eat?"

My sarcasm wasn't lost on her which made her smile for some reason. Faith grabbed a slice and went to shower while Selena asked about my past. I gave her the full run down in cliff notes version and other than the war she didn't seem to care about much else except maybe the devil fruits.

She gave up on that line of questioning though when I admitted that I didn't have any more on me which was true. I'd left them all for my crew to use. I didn't need anymore anyways. I have plenty in the three rings I have now. Perhaps only the light-light fruit would've been an extra boon here either way it's a moot point now.

Faith came back in when we finished with my interrogation which she deemed me powerful and dangerous yet within control parameters, whatever that means. Faith sat across my lap and grabbed another slice of pizza before kissing me and ignoring Selena's insistence on appropriate table manners.

After a while Selena had Faith do her training regimen and I joined in for a few spars and to act as a training dummy. When we finished Selena gave Faith some training advice before leaving and promising to come by in a few days.

She went to leave cash for Faith and I waved her off. "I have plenty of funds and I'm not apposed to paying whatever Faith needs money for."

Faith smirked. "Look at you, a bonafide sugar daddy."

I rolled my eyes and handed her my credit card. She took it and gave me a kiss before waving goodbye to Selena. We spent several hours enjoying each other but she had to stop because her body wore out before mine did. I held her while she rested beside me and like that three months passed in a blink of the eye.

In that time I helped her train, bought gear and studied various martial arts to help us both improve. I helped her on occasion with her slaying scenarios while Selena watched from a distance so that Faith would be less reliant during her official training.

Even without the slayer perks Faith was a decent vampire hunter. I even saw her fight a vampire while nude after running out of our motel room to save a bus full of nuns. I had to intervene when the cops tried to take her in and paid off a lawyer to get her out of jail.

Then came an unfortunate incident. After a particularly brutal slaying, her watcher disappeared. We found her hours later with my tracking spells and found the vampire Kakistos had brutally raped and skinned her alive. I held Faith while she cried and when she got herself together, I unleashed a torrent of lightning, dusting every vampire in the vicinity.

It just so happened to be at that time that her slayer powers awakened as well so it was a double whammy. We buried the body and spent three days in Boston where we slaughtered everything demonic or vampiric in origin.

We swept the city like a plague and destroyed the demonic underground. We packed up and left Boston after that and headed towards Sunnydale. Along the way we cleaned out every city we stopped at between Boston and Sunnydale.

It was like a reverse apocalypse and for a while things became tense because of the countless amounts of demonic creatures we slaughtered. Faith got the anger out of her system along the way and when we arrived in Sunnydale, things were different between us.

We were closer and I could tell she was far more dependent on me to stay with her as if she was afraid to lose me like she lost Selena. When I bought us a house by the college campus that used to be a fraternity, she didn't even ask which room was mine and instead insisted we shared one room.

I retrofitted the basement into a training gym and placed wards all over the house. I tied the magic's to nature and ensured they'd stay up that way. Add to that the invisible ink tattoos she got to match mine and I wasn't surprised the first thing she wanted to do was go clubbing for our first night here.

We headed to the Bronze and danced for a while until she signaled to me that she found a vampire. I nodded and went to grab some drinks while she lured the vamp outback to dust it.

I saw the scoobies heading outside in worry as well and decided to follow. I smiled as she introduced herself to Buffy and the rest while beating of the vampire. When she borrowed Buffy's stake to dust it and told them her name, I chuckled, catching their attention as Faith continued. "And I'm sure you all remember Damien. He's my sex toy. Better than a dildo and he doesn't even need batteries."

I snorted at her description. "Thanks luv, I'm sure all dildos out there are jealous. Now, I ordered us drinks inside if you're done playing?"

She skipped over to me and wrapped her arm around my waist while I draped my arm over her shoulder and nodded to the rest. "I ordered you all drinks as well. Nothing alcoholic this time for y'all."

We turned and walked back into the club and found a booth area. Smirking, I listened to Faith tell her slaying stories and one in particular that had Xander practically drooling.

She went on. "So there I was without a stitch on fighting this vamp and when I managed to take it out this priest walks over to me and hugs me while saying 'bless you child'. Next thing I know the cops show up and arrest both of us and the whole time the nuns are praising Jesus. Damiens on the ground laughing his ass off in between promises to get me a lawyer and barking out laughing at the priest whose gone red in the face."

I chuckled as she leaned back across my lap against me. "Hey, I got you the lawyer and I even warned you not to run out side without clothes on."

She kissed me before Xander commented. "Wow they should film that story and show it every Christmas."

I chuckled while Faith grabbed a muffin. "God I could eat a horse. Isn't it crazy how slayin' just always makes you hungry and horny?"

Everyone looked to Buffy who replied. "Well, sometimes I crave a non fat yogurt afterwards."

Cordelia burst out. "I get it."

We turned to her and she continued. "Not the horny thing, yuck. But the two slayer thing. There was one but then Buffy died for like two minutes so then Kendra was called me then when she died Faith was called."

Willow asked. "But why were you called here?"

Faith leaned into me and I answered. "She wasn't. Her watcher was killed a week ago and we only knew one watcher so I brought us here.....after slaughtering several thousand demons and vamps along the way."

They looked sad for her and Faith bucked up. "It happens or so I'm told. No use crying now."

Buffy asked. "How did he die?"

Faith froze up so I answered again. "She and it's not something even I would like to talk about."

Xander changed the subject and asked Faith. "So what was the story about that alligator? You, uh, said something before."

Faith seemed to come out of her stupor. "Oh, there was this big daddy vampire out of Missouri who used to keep them as pets. So he's got me wrestling them ok, the thing must've been twelve feet long and I'm-"

Xander cut it. "So was this um ahem, also naked?"

I looked to Xander before sending a jolt of electricity to him, making him yelp and piss himself ass he twitched on the couch. Faith continued. "Well, the alligator was."

Oz looked good Xander before turning to Faith. "Something occurring, now you both kill vamps and who could blame you, but I'm wondering about your position on werewolves?"

Willow announced. "Oz is a werewolf."

Buffy spoke up. "It's a long story."

Oz continued. "I got bit."

Buffy retorted. "Apparently not that long."

Faith shrugged. "Hey, so long as you don't go scratching at me or humping my leg were five by five you know."

Oz replies. "Fair enough."

Faith turned to Buffy. "The vamps though. They better get their asses to defcon one. Cause you and I are gonna have fun. Damien's a bit of a softy unless I'm in some serious danger so it's just you and me B. We're gonna send them all packing back to wherever it is they go when they're dusted."

Buffy smiled a little and I tapped Faith who got up while I stood. "Well, I'd say it's been fun at least so we'll see you all at the library tomorrow so that we can talk to Giles and see about what's to be done for Faith now that she's officially a slayer and she needs a new watcher. We need to grab some serious food because the snacks here aren't going to tied us over."

I turned to Xander and shook my head. "I'm not apologizing for the shock and all that fun stuff so you'll have to get over it yourself. You have a girl and I get that Faith is sexy but if you insist on hitting on her, just remember I am the jealous type that does believe in killing the messenger, because it sends a message."

With that Faith apologized. "Sorry Xan, but my mans a bit of an asshole when it comes to others flirting with me. I don't mind it much but let's just say you got off lucky. If you were a demon or a vampire well, he's done a lot worse for less."

The others hadn't said much about Xander and preferred to ignore it as he'd sort of deserved it. The damage wasn't permanent and had been no worse than a light tasering that lasted for a couple seconds, but Xander had instead kept quiet for his own safety and humility because he'd actually pissed himself.

Faith led me outside where we drove home only stopping by the Big Belly Burger joint for some decent food along the way. The next morning I was focused on training Faith to harness her willpower and let her attempt to use the lightning ring. I'd already awakened it's power and with some caution and a lot of preparation she was able to replicate my speed learning and reaction time abilities while using the ring.

With that I showed her the compressed hard drive of all the information I'd gathered in this world. Unfortunately Slayers couldn't utilize magic like witches and were instead focal points. They could use magical artifacts, sure. But they themselves were limited to spells used on them or artifacts that carried their own magic's.

That being the case she skipped the magical studies and instead worked on demon and magical artifact recognition. All that along with a college level information download of sorts led to her being ready for her masters degrees in most subjects except the hands on experiences.

When I took my ring back she was mentally exhausted so I gave her a massage and ran her a nice hot bath. While she soaked and relaxed I set to work setting up a way to get her a GED and for my own fake diploma to be transferred from Wolfram and Hart so we could at least have a decent time here.

I then spent a bit of effort remembering exactly where every mystical artifact in Sunnydale is located. It took some doing but by the time Faith was dressed and ready, it was time we visited Giles.

I told Faith about her GED and license set up I'd gotten prepared for her and promised it was still up to her along the way to the school. She seemed cool with it and in fact she was a lot more laid back now that she'd learned so much. I could feel her aura was much more calm now as if something she'd learned or come to realize had put her at ease.

When we arrived at the school library the scoobies were already there talking to Giles about our arrival. Giles nodded to me and asked for the details. He and I went into his office and talked about what all had happened and what Faith and I had done since Selena's death.

When we came out he asked to speak with Faith alone and I shrugged it off, giving Faith an encouraging nod. She agreed and I sat with the scoobies in silence before Xander spoke up. "Look man, I'm sorry if I crossed the line. I didn't mean anything by it. It was just some teenage hormones."

I chuckled. "I get it but you need to be more careful next time. Hitting on someone else's girlfriend when you clearly have your own is a sure fire way to piss people off. I'm more surprised Cordelia hasn't castrated you for that stunt."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow and turned to Xander who shuddered. I chuckled and turned to Oz. "So werewolf huh?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

I chuckled. "I think it would be interesting. I've killed a devil fruit user werewolf before. He was a bit of a pervert but it wasn't infectious. He was an assassin though so he had to die."

Oz raised an eyebrow and I elaborated. "It was him, a wereleopard and a few others. Good times. They were all assassins working for the world government which was a bunch of racist slavers that would put bomb collars on their slaves and make anyone a slave at their whims. I slaughtered their base and sank the island to the bottom of the sea."

He nodded. "So what was it like being a pirate?"

I shrugged. "It was more about the thrill of adventure than anything else. You'd of course fight other pirates and get chased by the marines, but all in all it was a great deal of fun just exploring and finding treasures!"

He looked intrigued and Willow asked. "Did you find a lot of treasures? I mean, for a pirate that is?"

I chuckled. "I found the city of gold! There was already a pirate there slaughtering people and pretending to be a god using his devil fruit powers, but I took care of him and kept the gold. The people there had no real use for it and only cared about land instead. It was all rather funny. An island in the sky and a pirate pretending to be god using the lightning devil fruit!"

I rubbed my third ring and they looked at my hand. Smiling I told them. "When a devil fruit user dies their fruit would appear from the closest fruit available that was the same type. I got his gold and devil fruit in one go. It wasn't even a challenge since he relied only on his observation haki and devil fruit to cull the masses. I made a portal and brought him to me before using another to tear his heart from his chest."

Willow looked pale and I looked her over before sighing. "Relax girl, I'm no more inclined to fight than you are anymore. I had my fill of killing in the war to save my cousin. Besides, death means something different to someone like me."

Buffy asked. "What does it mean to you?"

I smiled sadly. "Survival."

She frowned and I continued. "From the moment I was born my full name was forbidden to use because of the infamy of my grandfather. He was the first mate to world's greatest pirate Gol D. Roger. His name is Silvers Rayleigh. In my world the family name came first but here it's backwards. Anyways, if I were to ever have used my full name, I'd have been hunted down and enslaved or butchered no matter my age or innocence."

They all flinched and I nodded. "So I was forced to grow stronger because in fact my own parents had been captured when I was younger and turned into slaves for the world nobles."

I looked far off as I told them solemnly. "The world nobles are what you'd call sadists. They raped, tortured and enslaved anyone and anything but their own because they saw everyone not a world noble as less than human, less than deserving of rights. My parents suffered at their hands because my father found a particularly powerful and special devil fruit. They hadn't known his name then, not his real one anyways."

Tension began to build as I continued. "My grandfather in his rage laid siege to Mariejois, the city of a cesspool that was the world nobles playground. World nobles aren't particularly strong but their dogs the Navy and the CP0 the group of assassins serving under the leader of the world nobles, are really powerful and defend Mariejois with a passion."

I cleared my throat and sighed. "My grandfather was able to get them both out but they were both scarred from their time there. They couldn't drop in nor live any sort of peaceful normal life after the tender mercies they received at the hands of those animals. So one day when I was seven, they went back there after training under my grandfather for five years and they slaughtered their way in."

The scoobies held their breaths and I sighed. "My grandfather went with them in secret to hopefully protect them. He wasn't able to but he did bring the devil fruit back at their insistence. The head fleet admiral of the navy at the time was said to have killed them rather than let my grandfather save them. They were slaughtered for their crimes against the world nobles and not being grateful for becoming their slaves."

I was twisting my first ring as I sighed. "Anyways. When I fought in the war, I killed over a dozen vice admirals, all three admirals and the current fleet admiral. He wasn't the one that killed them but it was enough. I'd laid waste to their top brass and slaughtered sixty thousand marine soldiers by the time their strongest marine, a vice admiral that refused to cater to the filth that is the world nobles, got to me. I expected to die and when I got a chance, I escaped using my parents devil fruit I'd made into my first ring."

I held up my finger and showed them which one. "This devil fruit has rules. You normally can't open a portal without knowing the destination first and picturing it in your mind. But a certain wizard in this world or chaos mage as it were, had changed the rules using the power of a god of chaos via another powerful sorcerer that used a summoning spell which connected to the portal I'd made in sheer desperation and here I am."

I smiled sardonically. "So yeah, I've had my fill of killing and no, I don't regret doing any of it. I just hope my old crew used the devil fruits I'd gotten them to grow stronger. I know my old Captain had given the ancient weapon design I gave him to the revolutionary army so they'll definitely use it in the final battle. I'm sure it'll be a bloody one but with luck and hope, the world government will fall and the world will truly change for the better."

"Damn D, I hope so to."

I turned to see both Giles and Faith standing by the counter listening to my reasons for not minding killing. Buffy frowned. "It still doesn't make killing right."

I shook my head. "True, but when it's them or me, I have no problems making sure it's them that die so I can live. Call me what you like but when it comes to survival, I fully intend to be the fittest. I ain't dying on anyone's terms but my own and it's not like I go out of my way to kill people. Sure a pirate with a god complex here or some assassins working for my parent's murderers there but the average Joe doesn't even warrant my attention unless they're holding a gun to my head. Then the kid gloves come off as it were and I stop being nice."

I turned to Faith now. "Or if they try to harm someone important to me. I don't care about laws or what's right then. I'd kill God and slaughter his angels if they tried harming Faith. Love is funny that way."

Faith smiled genuinely before smirking. "Damn D, I didn't know you cared."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I care Luv, you're all I care about in this world. In my home world I care about my crew and my grandparents but here I have you. The rest of the world can burn if they try to take you away from me. Barring that I could give a rats ass about some laws or two bit vampires. If I'd known those minions belonged to Kakistos I'd have gone after him before he could go after Selena. Then you wouldn't have been so hurt at least."

Faith shed a tear and walked over to me before giving me a deep kiss that made everyone else turn away embarrassed. I held her until she dried her eyes and turned around in my arms to face the Scooby gang. "Giles here has some news. Break it to them nice and gentle big G."

I smiled as Faith leaned back into my arms and held my hands in place while Giles talked. "Well, yes, yes, Um, I've spoken to the council and after reviewing all the details and facts as well as the massive amount of demons and vampires these two have slayed on the way here, the council is willing to look the other way with Damien being here in this dimension as well as his relationship with Faith for the time being. Right now they've assigned me to look after and guide Faith until another watcher can be assigned to her."

I snorted. "Not like they have a real choice on any of that."

Giles smirked a bit before sighing. "Yes of course, well, it helps that you've fought a great deal of demons on your way here as well."

Buffy asked. "What's a great deal? How many demons?"

Faith laughed. "My man's wicked powerful. He fried at least several thousand along the way and he has this sense thing that makes them hiding rather pointless so we pretty much slayed every demon and vamp between here and Boston."

Willow looked faint and Buffy's eyes went barn owl big while Oz just sighed. "Oh. That's impressive."

Faith nodded. "Yeah, you wouldn't believe how many vamps were in Texas either. And Louisiana had this demon cult that worshipped some old demon they were trying to bring back. Anyways, it was a simple fun time with tons of slayage and rock hard sex. That's why it took us a week to get here instead of the two days on the road. Even then he went without sleep the whole time. I still don't know how he did it. My man's an animal in the sack and he runs on jet fuel or something because damned if we didn't make it here in a week after emptying out every state in between."

I coughed. "I sort of cheated and made portals while she was sleeping to speed up the journey. As for the demons and vamps, after I used my observation haki, added to my lightning ring, well, I could feel everyone in a full state as we blew through. Added to a spell to narrow down the evil out of everyone else and I was able to tell what was demonic and what was simply corrupt humans."

Faith smirked. "He says that but I still don't get it. I mean, he even has me trying to do that stuff and best I got is I can read those around me for evil intentions. It's not perfect either cause I can't do the magic that lets him tell what's human or not so I gotta rely on good old fashioned gut instinct."

I chuckled and Giles asked me. "Do you think you'd be able to teach Buffy the same thing?"

I shrugged. "I don't see why not but she'd have the same limitations as Faith. I think it has to do with Slayers not being able to harness personal magic for themselves for some odd reason. I mean sure, they can use artifacts and runes if they learned how but the rest is a big nope. The magic has to come from somewhere else."

Giles nodded. "That's quite alright. Though I'd like to look into that more. There's some theory that supports that claim in the old watcher's chronicles."

I nodded and Faith chuckled. "Good luck B, you're going to hate it. The training method is a real headache."

I smiled and kissed Faith's head and she rolled her eyes at my antics before turning and capturing my lips for a kiss. Soon enough I was chewing bubble gum and Faith was grabbing another stick of gum for herself. The scoobies looked at us uncomfortably just like she meant to make it while I sighed and patted her ass while she practically purred at me.

She took my seat and I grabbed a wooden training sword from the cage area and a blindfold. I tossed the blindfold to Buffy. "We might as well get started now."

Faith winced in sympathy. "Just don't swing as hard as you did with me, I think B's got classes today."

Thirty minutes later and Buffy called it quits for evidence of a migraine and possible brain trauma as she called it. I sighed and tossed her some Tylenol. "Take two and we'll begin again tomorrow after school. We'll practice every night after school until you can dodge more than you get hit."

Buffy frowned rubbing the knots on her head. "Is this really a thing?"

Faith nodded and stepped up to her while closing her eyes. "Take a swing B."

Buffy for her efforts didn't even hesitate and threw a punch. Faith dodged it and socked her in the mouth. They got into it but for all her efforts Buffy couldn't land a solid blow even with Faith's eyes closed the entire time. Finally Faith called it. "Alright, that's enough of a demonstration. See, soon you'll be doing it to B. Then no vamp not old as dirt will be able to touch you. Consider it a license in badass."

I chuckled and grabbed an ice pack for Buffy from Giles's mini fridge in his office while Faith went to talk with Oz about using our basement for his wolf issues. "Sorry about that, Faith can take her sparring really seriously but she doesn't mean any real harm. She's just excited to have someone like her to hang out with. Sure I'm as strong as an average slayer but I don't rely on just strength or speed. I have magic and powers so she sees me as sort of a support role. You, you're more of a sister type and one she can relate to."

Buffy groaned. "I'm starting to think I was lucky being an only child."

I shrugged. "Well, we all are but take it from me, when you find people that will stick with you no matter what, don't let petty small things get in the way of what's important. She means well and she's just as nervous as you are about making this work out. Trust me, I can tell. She talked about possibly meeting you for the first time a lot on the way here."

Sighing I continued. "That and her recent loss has her looking for an anchor in uncertain times. Selena was old and a harsh task master but she was kind and important to Faith in her own way. She's just trying to get a solid footing after the ground shifted beneath her feet so rapidly. If I could ask a favor, I'd like you to be that stable support that she needs. I can only be so much for her and frankly she deserves more."

Buffy looked me over and asked. "You really love her don't you?"

I nodded. "I do."

Buffy sighed. "I'll do my best just ease up on the head trauma will you?"

I chuckled lightly and handed her the ice pack. "I'll do my best."

While Buffy rolled her eyes and walked away, Giles came over. "I'd like to speak with you regarding Faith's education and future."

I smiled. "It's alright. I've already set her up to get her GED and to start learning to drive though I suspect that the driving part is going to be a nightmare. Once Faith is ready I'll set up her college entrance exams along with mine and we'll work towards getting our degrees. As for her studies in slayer duties, I've got her ahead of the curve but I'm hoping you'll smooth out the rough edges."

He nodded. "Well in that case, I'd like to see what you have set up for her training room."

I smiled. "It's in the basement of our new house. I bought it for a song because some snake demon was rotting in the basement. I cleaned it out. It was supposedly a frat house before that and it will take some cleaning and a fresh coat of paint but it'll be ready for suitable living conditions soon enough."

He nodded before frowning and saying he suspects he knows the place. I gave him the address and told him to stop by in a day or two after I've had time to clean it up. Buffy and the rest went to classes and Faith and I went home to make our house livable again.

After two days of cleaning, painting and replacing the wood floors and carpet, the new furniture showed up and an hour later so did Giles and the Scoobies. They looked over the new place in wonder while I cooked dinner and Faith showed them around.

Her new training gym set up in the basement was completed now with the last shipment of weights and sparing mats. I was actually in the process of building a runic cage to hold demons for some interrogation or Oz in a full moon thanks to his werewolf nature.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


