25% HP: Wizards and Demigods / Chapter 1: The boy who reincarnated

章 1: The boy who reincarnated

The wizarding world, also referred to as the magical community, was the society in which wizards and witches live and interact, separate from non-wizarding society.

The two communities were kept separate through the use of charms, spells, and secrecy.

Wizards were forbidden to reveal anything about magic to Muggle society due to the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

Each country has a form of wizarding government to oversee magical affairs in their territory, such as a Ministry of Magic or a Council of Magic.

The International Confederation of Wizards serves as a wizarding intergovernmental organisation.

Malfoy is the surname of a wealthy pure-blood wizarding family and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

They live in Malfoy Mansion in Wiltshire, England and have good relationships with many pureblood families.

Inside the luxurious Manor, a man with long pale blond hair and cold grey eyes approached a tall and beautiful woman, with blue eyes and long blonde hair.

In her arms, she held a recently born baby, who they had decided to name: Draco Lucius Malfoy.

As the couple began discussing plans for their firstborn son, the child had his mind completely lost in his thoughts.

The boy, now named Draco, questioned how he came into this world.

He remembered, before that day, that he was once living as a young adult in a world that considered his parents fictional characters.

But, instead of fretting over what the implications of being reborn as one of the antagonists of the story he once read as a child, he set his infant mind into becoming as strong as he could possibly be.

Mostly to avoid the fate of the original owner of his current body, but also to get some enjoyment out of it.

Draco Lucius Malfoy was born on 5 June 1980, to Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black), who were both born into old, wealthy pure-blood families.

The Malfoys spoiled their son, giving him the best of everything as far as material possessions went.

Years went by, and the boy, now named Draco, got used to his new life better than he was originally expecting.

That probably had to do with how much his new parents insisted on spoiling him, but also with how incomplete were his memories about his previous life.

He remembered most of it, but relevant details such as his own name or appearance continued to slip past him, no matter how hard he tried to recall them.

Fortunately, since he started living again all over as a kid, everything was explained to him in a detailed manner.

From the most common knowledge matters regarding the Wizarding World, to the subtle (and sometimes, not so subtle) pureblood propaganda that his parents taught him.

Contrary to what he expected, his parents also showed signs of respecting his independence and caring for his well-being.

Not that it wasn't canon, he just had never paid much attention to it.

Speaking of canon, after Voldemort's failure, regret that the Wizarding community wasn't ruled by the purebloods took over Lucius, making him wish that someone would rise to take his place.

He had once considered that the child that survived the Dark Lord's attack would grow up to become the next pure-blood champion, but changed his mind after finding out that his firstborn son was a prodigy.

'Yes, that ought to be my son's destiny.' Lucius told himself everyday.

To Draco's delight, that was the catalyst that allowed him to learn everything he wished to.

Narcissa wasn't initially keen on having her first child practicing advanced forms of magic that could very easily harm him if not performed accordingly.

But after talking with Lucius about how beneficial for both their family and for Draco that would prove to be, and that they shouldn't risk having another weak leader taking over their cause, she agreed with the idea.

At first, Draco was mostly taught theoretical knowledge of spells, charms and potions.

But after taking the mission of upbringing the next Dark Lord, Lucius Malfoy (once a member of the Slug Club that gained recognition for his potions in his school years) passed on to his son a profound understanding of potions.

Not to mention the countless study notes from Lucius's father (Abraxas Malfoy had once been a Potion Master in Hogwarts), who tested Draco whenever he came to visit them.

Lucius was the one that taught him the basic concepts of potions, what tools to use, why they were used and such.

He even went in depth to why it was needed to be specific when stirring clockwise or anti-clockwise.

By his sixth year, Draco was already brewing basic potions with his eyes closed and could describe the progress of making intermediate (and some advanced) potions without stuttering or pausing.

Though he did refrain from creating and testing new formulas, since he wasn't capable of personally conjuring magical protections, and refused to have the help of another wizard so as to not risk revealing his thought process.

Draco even took his time to burn through books on Wizard Law, Pureblood ancestry and the Theory behind Mind Magic (occlumency being the key to unlock eidetic memory).

Having a few plans brewing from such a young age, a lot of them would rely on exploiting Wizarding Law.

From his previous life memories, he remembered that the Books and Movies portrayed the Ministry and Wizengamot as a joke, concluding that it shouldn't take too much effort to abuse for his benefit.

Voldemort really went about taking over the wrong way.

Even Gringotts Bank rules and regulations caught his interest.

He was skeptical about the goblins, not wanting to risk having enemies in the possibly ruthless and cutthroat group of bankers.

Not that he had any racial discrimination with them (despite their long history of warring against the wizards), it's just that he understood that there was no place for emotion when money was involved.

As for Mind Magic, occlumency had always been neglected by most wizards, the few that took the time to learn it only did so to combat legilimency.

Everyone completely forgot that it was actually the mastery of one's emotions and memories, not just putting mental barriers.

Draco wouldn't dare to waste such a valuable magic system that effectively operated from willpower and was strengthened by emotion.

The ability to organize memories so that they could be recalled immediately was the dream of every academic (and every self-insert).

He remembered being pretty lazy in school during his past life, always preferring to do anything else but study.

As the years went by, he remembered regretting not learning more as a child.

Although it might not seem like it, learning another language, advanced mathematics, science or computer skills were very handy (and in some cases even life-changers).

Since the now named Draco had learned his lesson, being now armed with a magical way to perfectly recall everything, he wouldn't hold back.

And that was without considering everything he could accomplish if he also mastered Legilimency.

Both parents (and grandfather) were proud of Draco's growth, but agreed that he also needed to learn how to socialize, so he would know how to carry himself publicly.

So, they had the sons of their friends be friends with their son.

The first kids Draco was introduced to were obviously Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

It seems they had been airheads since a young age.

But Draco wasn't one to refuse lackeys, especially ones this young that could easily be shaped into whatever he saw fit.

Finding some usefulness in the fact that they were physically strong for their age, he trained them to become effective body guards.

At least against non-magical and physical opponents.

Not that Draco was slacking off with his body, mind you, he trained his young body to its limits every opportunity he had, especially when his parents weren't watching.

But with Crabbe and Goyle becoming his punching bags, not only helped him with training, but helped them build some pain tolerance.

Besides, by giving them potions that helped increase their pain tolerance and letting them fight back, Draco made sure that their respect (and possibly fear) of him wouldn't turn into hate or any form of grudge in the future.

He had them both care more for their physical training and nutrition.

Crabbe slowly lost his fat and showed great results in the running department (becoming a good challenge for Draco), not to mention a better haircut that wouldn't shame Draco to be associated with him.

As for Goyle, despite being just as large as Crabbe, he wasn't as much of a runner as him.

His shtick was more in the fighting department, which would've allowed him to leave some marks on Draco if not for him knowing how to easily produce minor healing potions.

Draco was tempted to nickname them as his right and left hand, but part of their respect for him came from him never openly disrespecting them, so he refrained from doing so.

Besides the physical training they practiced together, Draco also tested his teaching skills with them.

If he managed to make these two understand a quarter of what he had learned up till then, then he could consider himself competent enough to become a teacher in Hogwarts.

Not to mention that, by learning he would teach and by teaching he would learn.

Due to all of this, the duo end up basically venerating him and continue to visit his house every now and then.

Even though Draco made no secret to them that they would be his lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle willfully accepted it after they acknowledged him as someone superior to them.

Other than his two bodyguards in the making, Draco managed to have a decent relationship with the house elves of his family.

Even without treating them all that different, the house elves became very thankful for his 'kindness'.

Especially the one named Dobby, who he ordered to go search for any 'free house elves' that might be interested in serving him (without telling his parents).

He definitely wasn't expecting that Dobby would return to him in less than a week with fifty elves accompanying him.

Once you looked past their ugliness, their tremendous potential could be noticed.

Draco decided to exploit that opportunity.

A magical race not allowed to use magic to harm their 'masters' sounded like all bases had been covered (especially when you factor in their lack of physical strength and enslaved mindset), but the sneaky little bastards could literally pop behind anyone and slit their throats before they even realized they had pissed of such useful creatures.

Draco couldn't believe his kind was stupid enough as to leave such a massive loophole from the little magical ninjas.

Luckily for wizards, house elves were as dumb as them.

Perhaps a sign of how magic affected one's logical thinking.

He made multiple notes to constantly check his.

And for god's sake, why hasn't anyone done anything about their appearance?

Be it by illusion, transmodification or any other method known to the Wizarding World.

Purebloods have so much repugnance for anyone that didn't have both parents being magical, but still insisted on being served by ugly beings like these house elves.

He settled with masking their ugly appearance with some minor illusions for now (not to mention proper hygiene), and had them training in surveillance and stealth arts.

Constantly practicing a doctrine of worship for him, Draco had them as his devoted minions after making a contract with them.

During his 8th birthday, Lucius Malfoy gave him a black briefcase that had once belonged to his father, and his father before him.

Draco barely managed to control himself after recognizing the magical item.

The executive briefcase had been bewitched with an undetectable extension charm, similar to Scamander's suitcase he used to house a vast number of fantastical beasts while he traveled.

And just like it, he could hide its magical property by simply flipping a switch on the case.

The suitcase contained its own magically expanded world with many different Atmospheric Charms placed in it.

Inexplicably to Draco, his briefcase's dimensions had large extensions of fertile soil for planting.

He would take the opportunity to make his own plantation of ingredients, so he could brew large stocks of potions by himself and save somewhere safe to store them.

Now the first thing you should know about the different types of herbs you will find for brewing potions, is when making a potion, the ingredients one add will have different effects, both magical and physical.

The ingredients one uses usually have the effect they desire.

For example, wolf's bane is harmful for wolves, and it is used to make the wolfsbane potion that allows a werewolf to maintain their consciousness when transformed.

So you see, the wolfsbane is a very important ingredient, but it is lethal to the werewolf.

That's not the effect desired.

So, one adds other ingredients to tune the potions towards the effect we desire.

Draco quickly set out to categorize the potions and their effects.

There were five categories.

The first being extremely effective, basically ingredients that had a lot of impact on a potion, either by effect or because they would explode if not treated properly.

This included things like lion's teeth and frog eyes.

Then there were the mildly reactive items, things that would react well with any potion, but won't necessarily push it's effects into a potion.

These were mainly used to make a potion more bubbly, give things a kick start if you will.

They mostly included herbs and other greenery items.

Then came the basic items, items that didn't really do anything except support other things.

This included things like water or coffee beans.

Yes, for some reason coffee beans were potion ingredients.

Lucius and Abraxas mentioned something about making them taste better.

The fourth type were submissive ingredients.

These were the most common as they were the most well used.

They were very reactive and were used to dilute or reduce the reaction rate of other items.

They also however pushed their own magical properties into a potion, this made them useful, kind of like a wild card.

And the last type were unreactive ingredients.

They basically had a lot of magical potential, but to get to them you basically had to burn them with acid or cause a near explosion for anything to happen.

Back on track, about his briefcase.

Drago did also consider making his collection of fantastical beasts in the future.

After turning 9, Draco had already gained enough knowledge and practice with magic.

Since he would only get his own wand after making 11, he made due with using some of his ancestors' wands.

Despite the impressive rush of mana he felt wielding them, all wands gave off the same reaction.

Perhaps he would feel an even stronger connection with a wand that was made specifically for him.

But that gave him the perfect reason to try performing wandless magic, especially after reading multiple books about an African Wizarding School that (differently from Britain) regarded both wandless magic and animagus as regular occurrences and not as signs of mastery.

With weeks of continuously meditating and concentrating, Draco finally recognized an energy flow inside his body, and came to conclude that it was his own magic.

Though harder to channel it without wielding a wand, the sensation being similar to attempting to hold water with his hand, Draco took it as the perfect chance to practice his control over his own magic.

And deducted that it would make his skill with the wand even greater.

Having mastered basic charms like 'Unlocking' and 'Levitation' with that technique, Draco received permission to go through all the books and magical artifacts in the Malfoy Manor.

Taking the chance to pursue anything related to Occlumency.

According to most sources, it was supposed to be quite complicated and would take decades to gain any form of mastery over it.

He read that to perform it, a person had to rid their mind of all thoughts and emotions.

With a quiet mind, a person could then repel the Legilimency attack by disarming, shielding or hexing their opponent.

Apparently, Occlumency would also depend on personality (after all, this was magic of the mind).

Draco found that, despite it being hard to start the process, it was extremely easy for him to organize his mind.

After getting used to constantly having to meditate to feel and manipulate his personal reserves of magic, clearing his mind came naturally to him.

The following step involved imagination, something an avid reader of fiction and great enthusiast of the concept of fanfiction had plenty of.

The book told him to design a defense system.

Draco wanted to make at first, his own mind palace like the Mentalist, or at least an attic like Sherlock, if not a simple library.

But he recalled a fic he once read that spoke of borrowing Fallout's themes and having a vault hidden under an apocalyptic ruined town, with tight security everywhere and countless traps.

He would take a similar route, but wouldn't allow his secrets to be learned by anyone else, so he refrained from narrating it any further.

Paranoia was a trait he had kept from his previous life.

He took the chance to expand his understanding of Runes and Arithmancy.

Runes were essentially magic spells and words given a written form.

They were very powerful, if you know how to use them.

Arithmancy was the study of magic and spells using numbers to quantify everything from the amount of magic used to the movements a spell needed.

Astronomy was also a magical subject.

You see, magic has a connection to everything.

It is most attuned with Earth, the very planet we live on.

But the other celestial bodies out there, the planets and the stars, also have an effect on us as well.

That said, Lucius and Narcissa were shocked with his rapidly learning curve as a result of successfully making his own 'mind palace'.

However, both Draco and his parents agreed to save learning Dark Arts for his time at a Wizarding School, under the supervision of a specialized teacher.

Interestingly, Magic acted very differently than Draco initially thought it would from his previous life; to use it to perform spells or charms one would need to grasp the concept of what they are trying to accomplish.

For example, to use the 'Unlocking charm', one would need to first understand how magic would interact with the lock's segments and how they functioned as a system.

He found out that, with correct imagination and a fundamental understanding of science, simple spells and charms weren't that hard to master.

Unfortunately, the understanding of magic hasn't been further explored nor developed, despite it being a reality for these people for ages.

The wizards and witches only seemed to care that it worked, not really interested in how it did so.

So Draco came up with his own interpretation of it, favoring the idea that it functioned similarly to how Mana acted in rpgs and video games.

Feeling the limits with his own pool of mana, Draco searched every method that he could find with the intention to increase it.

With the concepts of magical systems from different works of fiction in mind, he made a massive breakthrough by trying to absorb Mana from the environment.

By stuffing himself with as much magical energy as he could, while still paying great respect to his personal limits, Draco succeeded in enlarging his 'MP bar' many times over as a result.

And by constantly burning through his reserves, while absorbing mana from the environment, he felt its quality and his control over it improving even further.

Magic was used for mostly everything in this world, including cooking, cleaning, travelling, communicating, child rearing and medical treatment.

Although on the surface, magic appears morally neutral, the benevolence or malevolence of a spell's nature was tied to the intention behind it.

For instance, the Cruciatus Curse cannot effectively torture a victim with pain unless the caster desires to do true harm to the victim.

The 'Levitation charm' (A.K.A Telekinesis) was undoubtedly one of the most underestimated and overlooked magical skills in the Wizarding World.

Who needs a tedious (and possibly traceable) old killing curse when anyone could mentally control knives to shred their enemies into pieces?

If Voldemort used a blade, then the Harry Potter saga would have ended before it even had the chance to begin.

He still had a long way to go, but for now, he was already capable of controlling objects with the 'Levitation charm' and moving them in basic patterns.

And it was becoming more practical by the day as he gained more refined and precise influence over it.

Draco was now challenging himself with attempting to 'levitate' multiple objects at the same time, and even on himself.

Perhaps one day he might be even able to brew potions from afar.

He continued to make progress, and despite it taking its time, he knew that it was already several times faster than it would've been without his 'Mind Palace'.

He had even taken him to train his personal security force that had continued to grow as a result of having larger scouts looking for 'free house elves' willing to serve him.

Draco was amazed that Wizards were that much indifferent to the free house elves roaming around.

Since he was provided with everything by the house elves of his family, Draco had all the elves loyal to him trained into becoming ninjas inside his briefcase.

Perhaps the more accurate version of them, since the Wizarding world was practically trained to ignore house elves as most places weren't even warded against them, making spies even more effective than assassins.

Not that he wouldn't have them becoming deadly vanishing entities that would backstab anyone he wanted dead with high quality enchanted weapons, just that they would be primarily his eyes and ears everywhere.

And if the occasion called for it, his gossiping mouths as well.

Draco made a set of guidelines and laws for them to live by as well as give them a deep sense of unity in regards to serving him.

Always hammering out the idea that he was their savior and ultimate master through their training, so not to risk having them rebelling against him.

Though multiple contingency plans were set just as precaution measures, especially against giving room in his orders for misinterpretation or mischief, always covering as many loopholes as he could find.

Like the idea that anything that wasn't forbidden was 'allowed' as a result.

That did end up helping him improve his imagination and challenge his logical thinking even further.

And for the next following years, he would have them mapping every inch and cataloguing every residence in London.

Of course, with enough training and knowledge so not to break the Statue of Secrecy due to a pesky camera or visual witness.

Their first missions ended up being simple capture and looting from criminal storehouses.

He almost didn't believe the results he received in the first month.

His elves had effectively subdued dozens of criminals and placed them deep sleep charms for him to practice his Legilimency, his main goal being returning them as his ignorant sleeper agents in the criminal underworld of the muggle world.

Soon enough, without anyone suspecting a thing, Draco began amassing his own fortune of muggle money by taking small fractions of what his elves had brought him, and having them return the rest back to its place as if nothing had happened.

And also collecting an arsenal of modern weaponry of that age from some interesting souvenirs he acquired in similar fashion.

Draco went even as far to prepare for one day robbing Wizards by having his multifunctional army of elves building isolated bases where he could store magical goods, while not risking to acquire anything that could be traced or become dangerous if stolen.

Better be safe than sorry.

Draco's fame as a prodigy/genius was kept under tight security since both Lucius and Narcissa understood that the secrecy was necessary to avoid having their son targeted by forces worried about the next Dark Lord.

A few months before his eleventh birthday, Draco celebrated his almost mastery of the mind arts.

With the constant influx of test subjects to practice, he could now read both surface thoughts and hunt for specific memories.

With his occlumency set to to store information like a computer, it became easy to file, retrieve or delete them at will.

Not to mention a natural form of defense against the Veritaserum.

Draco finally reaped the benefits of having his own plantation and storage of ingredients inside his briefcase, and began mass producing every potion he could.

Focusing especially in having Veritaserum and Felix Felicis to spare if the occasion demanded.

He even reassured his control over his hidden growing army of elves' minds, and also over his personal bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle, who had grown to become both very athletic and somewhat intelligent.

Draco by then, a very athletic boy with elegant white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion. He was described by everyone to have good looks, and noted to strongly resemble his father.

When the time came, after he completed his eleventh birthday, Draco had a discussion with Lucius about his future.

The patriarch of the Malfoy family said. "I want you to go to Durmstrang Institute. The school closely follows our beliefs and one of my acquaintances is the Headmaster there."

"I understand your reasoning, father. But I do believe Hogwarts will suit me better, especially if our goals haven't changed in the last years." Draco replied with a respectful tone.

"You can't be serious, Draco. That school has mud-bloods lurking around at every corner. Durmstrang on the other hand, only allows entrance to pure-bloods and half-bloods." Lucius argued with his calculative expression.

"I beg to differ, father. Despite you having a friend as the Headmaster in Durmstrang, my position will be much more assured with my Godmother as potion teacher and with you as chairman in Hogwarts board of governors." Draco told him, without stuttering or pausing. "Besides, it would make mother very happy if I stayed close to home."

Lucius seemed troubled for a moment. "But, those filthy mud-bloods…"

"Won't affect me in the slightest." Draco intervened, before giving him a grin. "Perhaps I might find some usefulness for them."

"Don't joke about these matters young man!" Lucius told him.

"I wouldn't dare, father." Draco replied, without losing the grin on his face. "Besides, I believe it's in our best interests to have me meeting and befriend the heiress of house Potter."

Lucius widened his eyes, not understanding how he could have forgotten about the 'girl that lived'. "I-I… You are right, Draco. So Hogwarts it is."

The young Malfoy simply nodded.

And soon enough, the famous letter, most kids his age from his original world always dreamt of receiving, arrived.

'Dear Mr Malfoy, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

'Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.'

'Term begins on 1 September.'

'We await your owl by no later than 31 July.'


"Congratulations my dear son." Said Narcissa while hugging him dearly.

Lucius simply nodded with clear expectation in his eyes.

"Thanks mother, and don't worry father, I won't dishonor our family." Draco said.

Both parents nodded in agreement to him.

"I already have the books and equipment, so all I need are the uniforms, an owl and my wand." He informed them after reading through the letter.

"So the time has finally arrived." His mother said with a prideful smile while stroking his long hair. "We shall not postpone it any further, this afternoon you will go buy your uniform and wand."

"Agreed." Lucius said ordering his house elves to settle everything.

Later that day, Draco was sent to buy what he needed in Diagon Alley.

Only thing is, he didn't go alone.

His two lackeys (Crabbe and Goyle) and childhood friend Theodore Nott were also in need of buying some supplies for Hogwarts.

Not to mention the daughter of his father's friend, Pansy Parkinson.

Both Theodore and Pansy were from the same social standing as Draco, so for that reason their parents felt it was only fitting for them to become friends.

While Nott had a tall lanky figure, he and Draco shared great interest with brewing potions.

His lone wolf personality struck Draco as odd at first, but they soon became close friends, and Theodore's competive spirit increased as he tried to compare his skill in brewing potions with Draco's.

As for Parkinson, Draco knew from the books that she had a sadistic, mean-spirited, and petty personality, but could now confirm that she wasn't all that hard on the eyes and was also fairly athletic as well.

But despite it being the first time she and Draco met one another, her infatuation with him quickly became obvious, especially with Draco's insistence of acting as a chivalrous knight.

He had the looks, the charisma and belonged to a very influential pureblood family.

Not to mention he wasn't a push over in neither magic or hand to hand combat.

But she didn't know that yet.

For now, Pansy was still behaving shy, her trademark snappiness will probably emerge eventually.

Diagon Alley was a cobblestoned wizarding alley and shopping area located in London, behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron.

Inside the alley was an assortment of restaurants, shops and other sights.

Being very large, the area was essentially the center of Wizarding in London.

The five of them arrived together and Draco took the lead to guide them through the stores.

While Crabbe and Goyle shield the group led by young Malfoy from both sides, Pansy looks at Draco while Theodore looks all around the place.

They first passed by Madam Malkin's shop to get some robes for everyone.

As his personal bodyguards were having their measurements taken, having difficulty with finding adequate robes that would fit their learner and taller frame, Pansy took the opportunity to hold Draco's arm.

"So Draco, I heard you're a genius at basically everything subject of magic that we will be studying at Hogwarts."

The young Malfoy looked at the cheerful girl with a charming smile and said. "As much as I would like for that to be the case, I still fall short with the subject of Dark Arts."

"But that means you do know everything else." She smiled. "Will you be willing to teach me? I'm not that good with all that theory." Pansy said while getting closer to Draco.

Before he had the chance to reply, Theodore suddenly interrupted them. "Don't bother with him. I'm much better than he is." He told her with a smug expression.

"Hmph! I wasn't talking to you, rabbit face." Pansy called out looking at Theodore.

Clearly not expecting that reaction, Nott took some time to recover from his shock, but after he did he said. "What did you call me, pug-face?"

"Have you been inflicted with dragon pox or did you always look like that?" Pansy snapped back quickly.

"Better than being constantly mistaken as a Boggart by the Ministry of Magic." Theodore quickly came back with his own killer insult.

"Alright, enough you two." Draco spoke up, having them both turning to face him with apologetic looks.

Draco then finished paying for all the clothes after his bodyguards were finished with looking for adequate robes.

But before the group left to somewhere else, a thin girl with baggy clothes and broken glasses walked in.

"Another Hogwarts student, I see." Madam Malkin said. "Please, do come in."

The five of them looked at the girl who looked very awkward, Draco had a guess to who she was, so he approached her.

"Well met fellow student." He said to her.

"L-likewise." The awkward girl replied.

Making a gesture of respect, Draco decided to introduce himself. "I am Draco Malfoy, the pretty girl there is Pansy Parkinson and he is Theodore Nott." He gestured to his close companions.

Pansy was looking at the girl with an annoyed look, wondering if she was a muggle born or not, and Theodore didn't have any interest in her at all, so he casually waved.

Draco took the opportunity to also introduce his personal lackeys. "Oh, and these two gentlemen are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle."

The girl was kinda shy, not used in meeting so many people, but she managed to shake Draco's hand. "I am Harriet Potter."

Immediately after she said that, everyone turned to look at her, Theodore and Pansy being the ones that actually approached her.

"The Harriet Potter?!" Theodore asked with a curious expression.

"Idiot, look at the scar on her forehead. She is the real deal." Pansy remarked.

Harriet, who had just been out of the Leaky Cauldron, was sort of used to this kind of reaction by now, but she didn't expect that kids her age would show the same reaction as well.

"Please, don't bother Ms. Potter." Draco said while pulling both Theodore and Pansy out of Harriet's face. "Apologies, they are just interested and don't mean any disrespect."

Harriet shook her head. "It's okay, I have been getting the same reaction all morning."

"Let me help you with that." Draco smiled and snapped his fingers while holding his arm forwards. "Oculus Reparo."

Harriet's broken glasses were magically repaired.

She even took them off as she inspected it with amazement.

"Wandless magic?!" Pansy remarked to herself just as amazed while Theodore rolled his eyes.

Crabbe and Goyle didn't react since they already knew how much of a genius Draco was.

"So, Potter, do you know which house you'll be in?" Pansy asked.

"No." She replied a little confused at the question.

"Well, no one knows until they get there, do they." Draco said.

"Mnn…" Said Harriet, wishing she could understand what they were talking about.

Draco sighed. "Apologies again, Ms. Potter. We all forget that you were raised in the 'non-magical' world, so you probably have no idea what we are talking about." He said in hopes of disarming the awkward atmosphere, while still picking more comprehensible words for Harriet.

Both Theodore and Pansy made apologetic expressions.

"Don't worry about it. Do you mind telling me what all this matter of houses in Hogwarts really is?" Harriet asked while looking at Draco with a thankful look.

"Oh, of course. There are 'houses' in Hogwarts named Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff." Draco told her in a polite manner. "Each one of us, students, will get sorted into a house after we enter Hogwarts."

"I see." Harriet pondered. "Thank you for the information."

"Don't mention it." Draco told her with a casual smile before pointing at the window. "I believe that gentleman is looking for you."

Harriet turned to look at the window and noticed Hagrid, smiling and waving at her.

"See you at Hogwarts, Ms. Potter." Draco said walking out, not giving her the chance to speak.

Crabbe and Goyle simply nodded at her and followed Draco out of the place.

"See you."


Both Theodore and Pansy follow the group.


"Where are we going now?" Pansy asked Draco as they walked through the alley.

"To the Wand Shop." He told her.


The shop was narrow and shabby, peeling gold letters over the door read: 'Ollivanders: Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C.'

A single wand lay on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window.

A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as the group stepped inside.

It was a tiny place, empty except for a single, spindly chair.

"Good afternoon." Said a soft voice, startling Draco's company. The source of the voice was an old man, standing before them, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop.

Draco had theorized the old bastard had a satisfaction in scaring his own customers.

"Hello." Draco said, being the only one that didn't get spooked. "I am Draco Malfoy, these four are Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. We've come to buy our wands."

"Oh, yes, of course, of course!" The old man replied. "I remember like it was yesterday when your parents came in for their first wands as well." Without stopping, he pulled out a silver tape from his pocket and approached them. "Ok, let me have a look."

Draco gestured for him going first.

"Please, raise your arms." Ollivander measured him, starting with his shoulders to his fingertips, and from his wrist to elbow, knee to armpit and finally his height and started to explain things to all of them. "Each Ollivander wand has a strong magic core, which is its essence. I usually use Unicorn hair, Phoenix tail feather, and dragon nerves, each and every Ollivander wand is unique because there are no two identical Unicorns, Phoenix or Dragons. Of course, if you use a wand that belongs to other wizards, the spells will never be as good as they would with a more appropriate match." He made some expressions of being calculating something before continuing. "Please remember, the wand chooses the wizard! Or witch!"

Draco had already heard that, but he never really felt any differences between his ancestors' wands, perhaps after getting his own wand, he would come to understand the difference.

The old man disappeared into the packed shelves and quickly came out with multiple boxes. "Mr. Malfoy, which hand do you use?"

"To be honest, both hands always felt the same to me." Draco replied.

"Let's try your right hand first then, it's the most common amongst wizards and witches." He told Draco. "Try this one, Beechwood and Dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave."

Draco took the wand, waved it around but stopped after hearing the gasp of Ollivander.

"Incredible!" The old man stated. "All my years of making and giving wands to people, it's the first time I've witnessed a perfect match! And in the first attempt!"

"So Beechwood and Dragon heartstring it is." Remarked Draco more to himself, a little underwhelmed since the wand didn't feel any better than the ones from his ancestors.

"But wait, that can't be a mere coincidence. The only thing less probable than this would be if…" The old man came to a complete stop. "No, it can't be." He then proceeded to take the wand from Draco's hand and gave him another. "Maple and Phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try it."

Draco tried the wand and felt the same sensation he ever felt whenever wielding a wand.

"Mesmerizing! It cannot be!" Ollivander stated before taking the wand from Draco's hand again and offering him another. "Here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight inches, springy. Go on, go on, try it out."

Draco tried the third wand, as he was finally beginning to understand what was happening, Ollivander shouted. "By Merlin's beard! For all my life, I had never heard or even considered such a thing to be possible. A wizard that has been chosen by every wand he wielded!"

"So what your saying is that…" Draco began saying while his friends gathered closer, fascinated by what was happening. "It doesn't really matter what wand I use?"

"Oh no, far from it!" The old man said while gesturing to all the boxes that filled his shop. "Each wand is unique and is extraordinarily effective in its own manner and style. Some excel in performing spells while others do so with charms. Duel, transfiguration, curses, alchemy, blessings and every other peculiar field of magic."

"Wow! Draco… I knew you were amazing, but this is really something else." Pansy tried to compliment him.

"Show off!" Theodore snickered.

Even his bodyguards gasped at the implications of what the old manufacturer of wands was saying, thanks to Draco's teachings, they could actually understand what was being said.

"Mr. Malfoy, would you like to choose your wand?" Ollivander asked him, as if he waited his whole life to make that question.

Draco pondered for a moment, letting the anticipation build for his next words, and asked. "Do you accept requests?"

The old man gave a wide grin. "I believe there's a first time for everything."

"I will have you perform an unbreakable vow, hope you understand, regular customer secrecy won't be enough for a matter like this." Draco pushed his luck.

The old man nodded rapidly. "Of course, of course!"


The month after the shopping quickly passed.

Draco had a wand specifically made with his mysterious condition in mind, but ended up altering his friends' memories, making them believe that he had just gotten himself a powerful wand.

The wand Ollivander crafted specifically for him was similar to a normal wand, the only obvious difference for Draco being that it consumed a minuscule sliver of mana when he casted spells.

The old wand manufacturer told him about what he considered to be his 'masterpiece'.

Supposedly, despite its regular appearance, he had put his best effort into harmonizing and blending several cores into an intricate vessel.

Draco hoped the results would grow more relevant as he progressed with his study of magic.

Other than that, both Pansy and Theodore started coming more often to his house, alongside Vincent and Gregory.

Most of his time, he spent either preparing for the Philosopher's Stone or spending more time with his parents.

Then, September 1st finally arrived, and so Draco went to board the famous train.



*Hey there! Thanks for reading my work! I hope this chapter is of your liking. I tried getting done with the prologue arc. Sorry if you expected more of the MC past.

I might include something during a flashback in the future if I find it really necessary.

Any ideas for powers, adventure arcs and girls is more than welcomed. I might not use anything, but you will have my gratitude for trying.

If this chapter is a mess of grammatical errors, please wait that I'll promptly try to fix it. But for that I need your feedback.

I do recommend on WebNovel "Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin" from Sonet and "Dark Lord Dumbledore" from Chado_Sama, they both had been great inspiration for this fic.

Thanks as always for your time, hope you have a fantastic day and please stay safe.


Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


