34.95% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 43: Chapter 43 Blood and Family

章 43: Chapter 43 Blood and Family

What Harry had not expected once he arrived at the infirmary was a standoff. Rogue was staring dangerously at Xavier and her hands were glowing red with Wanda's Hex Magic.

Dr. McCoy was standing to the side looking very concerned.

Harry stated, "What's going on?"

Before Xavier could answer Rogue quickly summarized, "The Professor wants to wipe Jean's mind of what happened before she wakes up."

Harry immediately Paused just to stop himself from overreacting to that. Perhaps Rogue left something out or misunderstood or perhaps it was as she said. In either case he had let his emotions run wild once today so it was best not to let it happen again. Harry mentally took a few moments to calm himself and unpaused. He looked over to Xavier and asked, "Is this true?"

Xavier hadn't expected Harry to ask that so calmly but that actually worried him more than if he had reacted in anger. It wasn't until tonight that he realized that both Rogue and it seemed even Wanda had somehow developed layered mental defenses. He could still knock them unconscious if he forced it, but both appeared ready to fire those Hex Bolts he knew were disruptive to mutant abilities meaning it was a stalemate. Harry's own presence here further worsened his stance forcing him to negotiate.

Xavier stated, "Jean has obviously been through enough tonight and recalling it will do no good for her powers."

Harry took in a few deep breaths without pausing in an attempt to stop himself from ripping Xavier a new hole.

After centering himself Harry flatly stated, "Xavier, the next time you prioritize a student's powers over that student's mental health, we will have words you are not going to enjoy. Do you understand me?"

Xavier realized that the way he worded that did indeed sound like he was prioritizing Jean's powers. He quickly tried to defend himself, "That's not what I meant. You know I care about all of my students. I would never-"

Harry had a Smoky Quartz crystal in his hand before Xavier finished and was looking at the man with unreadable intentions. The crystal wasn't glowing but the threat of it remained. Harry said, "I know you think you know what is best. I want you to accept that in this situation you are wrong. Jean is not her powers. Her ability to control her powers is not how you should measure her mental health just because she is a telepath. I know you think you have experience in this field, but what may or may not work for you won't necessarily work for others. Unless you can convince me you are secretly a fifteen year old teenager girl, I think the others in this room have more of a say for what will and will not help Jean mentally."

Xavier wasn't unaware that from the position of Rogue and Wanda, he had overstepped his bounds. However he was not able to argue against Harry's dispassionate logic. What was most disconcerting for him however was that Harry was alluding to the fact that he knew Xavier had done things to his own mind and Harry was even indirectly telling him not to assume what he did to himself will work in others. In fact he actually implied that what he did to himself didn't even work for himself. That was what shocked Xavier the most.

Still, he knew that Jean's powers would definitely manifest in a negative fashion if this was left alone which was why he had been set on helping her.

Harry said, "I can guess what you're worried about. I will take full responsibility for helping Jean with her powers should an issue occur. I think my track record in this speaks for itself."

Rogue spoke up, "Not just Harry. Jean's always been sweet to everyone and I'll be there for her if she needs it."

Wanda added, "Count me in. I know what it's like to have powers that are overly affected by past traumas."

Xavier gave it a moment of silent thought before nodding. "Very well. I shall entrust this matter to you three. I do however ask if anything happens you seek my help."

Dr. McCoy let out a breath of relief that everything had been resolved peacefully. He said, "Excellent, now onto the important matters. At the moment Jean is asleep and her vital signs are normal though I can tell she was under a lot of stress until a few moments ago. May I ask what transpired?"

Harry said, "Because I didn't have any of Jean's blood I wasn't able to track her easily so I asked for Rogue and Wanda's help. Using a ritual I made, Wanda strengthened the connection between Rogue and Jean which I was able to track and locate Jean. She was bound to a table and it looked like someone was about to stick a needle into her. She was crying for help but no one in the room seemed to care. They all wore lab coats and had equipment that looked suited towards experimentation. I used a Smokey Quartz to knock them out and get Jean out of there. I had Rogue take her to the infirmary and I cleaned up the ritual area with Wanda and we came back."

Xavier asked, "You made a Portal in Cerebro didn't you? Was that how you accessed her location?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, but that uses Dimension energy which I can only access by absorbing a big Diamond. Those are harder to make synthetically than a big Smoky Quartz which allows teleportation. However Portals have almost no impact on the tech around them so I could use it in Cerebro without damaging the place."

McCoy confirmed, "Well, at least you made it in time. Nothing seems to have been injected into her system so I expect after she wakes she'll be fine."

Harry nodded and said, "If you don't mind, I'd like to stay in the infirmary until she wakes."

Wanda spoke up, "Me too." Rogue added of course, "And me."

McCoy and Xavier smiled. It was early morning so there was no real issue with not going back to bed.

Xavier said, "I'll cancel the classes for today. There is much that the teachers and I need to discuss."

McCoy nodded and looked back at Harry. "Now you mentioned something about blood and tracking her. Is that to say, if you do possess someone's blood, you can find them?"

Harry answered, "Not directly with their blood. My powers don't work that way. There is a way however to turn someone's blood into a gemstone. I can't exactly absorb one, but I can use something similar to magic to use a blood gem to track any person."

McCoy asked, "That is to say, if we kept a stock of blood gems for each student. You would be able to use them to track the students down if they were kidnapped?"

Harry nodded. "That is correct."

McCoy gave Xavier a look that Xavier understood. Xavier was reliant on Cerebro to find people but the number of ways to hide from Cerebro seemed to be growing lately. It was something to consider.

Rogue said, "I'm up for it."

McCoy said, "Can the way to make a blood gem be done here? I'd like a demonstration if you would be so kind."

Harry answered, "No problem. It's just a bit of esoteric chemistry."

Harry explained the process to Dr. McCoy who got to work prepping some of his equipment. If they could make them without Harry, they could store them for emergencies.

While McCoy was setting things up. Harry was going over the knowledge he had stolen from Sinister. Harry actually wanted to make a blood gem for Sinister and use that to kill him, but he understood from what little he had already gone over that Sinister was no longer close enough to human for that particular ritual to have an effect. Unfortunately the knowledge Harry's attack was able to copy from Sinister's mind was random and it would take a while to process it all.

Harry also hoped Forge wouldn't kill him for suggesting blood gems.

The creation of a blood gem was not exactly dark magic itself but many, many, many forms of dark magic could use a blood gem. Having your boss use your blood to make a blood gem basically guaranteed your loyalty as if you betrayed him, there would be nowhere to run or hide. He'd be able to track you down, track your descendants down, and cast powerful curses directly on you through the blood gem.

A little after sunrise Jean woke and felt someone was holding her hand. She opened her eyes and saw Harry was at her side and Wanda and Rogue were smiling back at her with the latter saying, "Well good morning sugar."

Jean noticed that for some reason she felt more connected to Wanda and Rogue than she had before and she could feel their concern and care for her. She thought it was just because they had decided to stay with her until she woke up which was a real show of care from them. Jean felt that she should hang out with them more often, they were great friends.

The actual reason for the feeling of closeness was the ritual Harry used to locate Jean. It had a permanent side effect of strengthening Rogue's connection to Jean and it created a connection from Wanda to Jean as well as it was Wanda's power that strengthened that connection.

This connection would last for their entire lives which was why Harry would not have used that method to find her if he had another choice. Both Rogue and Wanda knew enough about magic to understand that as well and both accepted it when they chose to help with the ritual. Harry's connection to her was strengthened as well but Jean already felt so close to him she didn't notice it.

After remembering what she had just been through, Jean started crying. The worst night of her life was over and now she was surrounded by those she could really feel cared for her and she just wanted to let it all out. She cried into Harry's shoulder and Rogue and Wanda put their arms over her to comfort her.

McCoy watched from the side and smiled. He left the infirmary and headed upstairs to meet with the rest of the teachers to discuss what had happened and what steps they would take to prevent it from happening again.

Once Jean had calmed down, she told the trio what had happened from her perspective. A group of mutants had ambushed her, defeated her, and taken her away via teleportation. She shouted with her mind for someone to help but they placed something over her head to cut off her telepathy and telekinesis.

Harry took her hand in both of his and told her how he heard her cry and went to Xavier who heard it too. Cerebro was not able to find her, but with Wanda and Rogue's help, Harry was.

Out of earshot of the security cameras Harry also whispered, "And steps were taken to ensure that place no longer exists."

Jean could hear the fire in Harry's voice and she telepathically thanked him.

Harry walked the girls upstairs and began making breakfast. It was actually Bobby's, Jubilee's and Domino's turn but the latter wasn't there to prevent the former two from destroying the food due to the staff meeting so Harry took over. He knew what everyone would be discussing and wanted a lighter atmosphere so he practically emptied the walk-in fridge and covertly brought a few things out from his inventory.

Once the first couple of students saw Harry at the stove instead of Jubilee, they ran back upstairs to tell the other students. Days Harry cooked were treasured in the Institute and the difference between food cooked by Jubilee and Harry was as great as the difference between black and white.

Jean enjoyed a warm meal sitting between Rogue and Wanda who talked with her about small and silly things to get her mind off her ordeal.

Jean wasn't happy with what the Professor had tried to do and knew he meant well, but she still felt that leaving her to Harry, Rogue, and Wanda was better for everyone.

It didn't take long for Scott Summers to learn what had happened to Jean and race over. Jean assured him she was fine and that Harry rescued her before they could do anything terrible.

Scott walked over to Harry and said, "Thank you man, just, thank you."

Harry smiled back, "She's not just your family Scott. Remember that."

Scott nodded and went to get some of the hunger inducing breakfast plates.

A few hours into the day, Forge came looking for Harry. The fact that he did not appear to be wielding any kind of disintegration cannon was something Harry took as a good sign. The 'we need to talk privately' expression seemingly carved into his face, less so.

After finding a spot not to be overheard, Forge said, "I looked for you in the lab and was almost surprised not to find you there. When I realized you were probably sticking close to Jean to help her through this, I decided to put down my Ion Disintegrator."

Harry tried not to look nervous.

Forge continued, "I'll make sure the staff knows exactly what a person with enough know-how can do with a blood gem. I won't suggest you will do anything, but I will imply that if someone else got their hands on one, what they could do."

Harry nodded, "Reasonable. I brought it up full accepting that the entire suggestion might be rejected. However if someone gets kidnapped or taken, I don't want to feel like its my fault because I could have done more and didn't. I at least want to give you the choice."

Forge sighed. "I figured as much. Can't say I wouldn't do the same if I was in your position."

He walked away and Harry rejoined the group. They asked what happened and Harry answered.

Jean was shocked by what a person could do with a blood gem but Wanda said she knew all of that already and already made one and gave it to Harry for safe keeping. Thanks to that, if anything happens to her, she knows Harry will be able to find her.

Jean looked conflicted at that and decided to wait and see what the teachers said.

The eventual outcome was that the students were told a small amount of blood could be taken from them and used to find them if anything happened, but the giving of blood was voluntary only.

What surprised Harry the most however was when Logan showed up.

He asked, "Just to be clear. You use these blood things to find the person or find their blood?"

Harry answered honestly, "Their blood. It can even be used to find relatives."

Logan said, "Alright then. Make one for me. I got a favor to ask."

The pair went to the infirmary and took some of Logan's blood. Dr. McCoy wasn't around so Harry handled the procedure alone and added a few bits of magic to improve the quality of the gem since it looked like Logan was interested in using it for something.

When finished, Logan took a look at it and said, "A while back I lost all my memories. I know I got experimented on and I know they took my blood. Wade Wilson, Deadpool. His abilities came from my blood. If they got more of my blood. I want it found and destroyed."

Harry nodded and went to his room to get a few things. He returned and made a proper locator that could use the blood. Logan didn't even twitch when Harry assembled it using magic without taking out a gemstone.

Once finished, he started the Locator and cleared his mind.

Thirty seconds later.


[New Quest: Blood Ties

-Destroy every sample of Wolverine's Blood at Site A.

-Rescue X-23 from Site B.


-Rescue X-23's mother from Site B.

-Don't get identified.]

Harry sighed. He said, "I got five matches from the tracker. The first is you, obviously. The second was a larger bodied blonde guy with shoulder length hair, larger than normal incisors, and a wild, almost bloodthirsty aura. He seemed to be a direct relation. Likely brother or half brother."

Logan's eyebrow shot up. "Sabertooth? Hmm. That explains a lot."

Harry continued, "Next was... Deadpool. Ok, don't ask me to look for that guy in the future. I could swear when I saw him, he turned around and waved back at me."

Logan grunted and didn't seem surprised by Wade's seemingly impossible actions.

"Last two are what you're looking for. Two large facilities in Canada. One contains lots of your blood, but it's the other which has me curious. There is a little girl there I'd say is twelve or thirteen years old with half your DNA. She's being kept in a locked cement room. I couldn't see more details than that."

Wolverine's claws shot out on instinct at that.

Harry continued, "Obviously we're going to get her. However we need to be smart about it. You also have to decide if you want the help of anyone else or if we should just do this ourselves."

Harry could get a general sense of the area and a more detailed sense of the exact location which were enough to make portals, but he couldn't see the rest of either facility.

Logan retracted his claws and began to think. He knew what Harry was really asking. Do you want to go in with or without killing them all? If they took the X-Men, they wouldn't take any lives. If they went alone, well, Logan already knew Harry didn't have issues with permanently dealing with some people.

Logan decided to ask, "Got any suggestions?"

Harry nodded. "If it is just the two of us, I can get us in and out easily enough. If you want to go in loud that is fine. However we can also go in quiet. Besides, in addition to your blood, the first place might have other things that need dealing with. The second place could also have others there beside your supposed daughter. Give me a day to scout the locations and do some prep work and we can figure out the best way to do this."

Logan flatly said, "You sound like Gambit."

Harry smiled. Gambit was another member of the Original X-Men team but unlike the others he was not a teacher at the institute. Instead he was Charles' eyes and ears in many places and go-to fixer for many situations.

Harry added, "Now if we're going to do this, we may need to use a different skill set and use disguises. Besides your claws, can you use anything else to fight? Preferably something distinct."

"I'm good with a Katana."

Harry smiled, "That works."

Harry spent the next two days in two places at once.

He went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 4am. Via Portal he went to his Workshop and used the Time Turner to go back five hours. He then spent the next ten hours working on various projects and at 9am he would use the Time Turner to go back to 7am and start his classes. At 2pm he would leave the Institute and go back in time five hours and then spend the next ten hours on outside projects which currently included scouting and prepping Sites A and B. Harry would then Time Turner back five hours to 2pm and return to his classes. When classes were over around 5pm, he'd head over to the study group and help Jean and the others until about 8pm. He then spent four hours in Battle Meditation and went to sleep at midnight.

In this way he added eighteen extra hours to his schedule which opened a lot of possibilities.

The following Saturday morning Harry brought out several maps of both sites. Much of it he'd explored using astral projection and some viewing spells. Logan of course directly asked why not get in and out with portals, but Harry said that it was better to leave a false trail.

First, Harry made a portal to an unmonitored area near Site A. Harry wasn't wearing a mask and had taken a Polyjuice potion to look like someone whose blood he'd taken in the seventh century so Harry felt it unlikely even the most advanced facial recognition software would recognize him. Logan was harder to conceal. He was shorter than average yet had broad shoulders and weighed several times what a normal person did. Harry gave him an Invisibility Potion and an invisible Katana he'd made. He also cast a Featherlight charm on Logan which, although did not make him as light as a feather, did reduce his weight.

Harry himself would be using psionics and spells which looked like Psionics to make people think he was a telepath.

Harry checked his watch on arrival and the pair waited another five minutes for Harry's prep to start working. At 11am exactly, the enormous ward Harry had painstakingly set up around the location activated.

Harry and Logan ran for the gate at the signal. Harry's Psionic skill was enough to make weak people sleep on command which was how he dispatched the guards. Harry also got close to each one and cast a powerful Obliviate that would permanently erase any knowledge the guards had about this place other than the fact that they worked there.

The main entrance to what looked like a bunker was locked with a keypad so Logan slashed through the lock with his sword. It wasn't adamantium but with all the spells on it the thing could cut just as well as his claws.

Guards opened fire the moment the door fell so Harry hid behind the entrance until the shooting stopped. Logan swiftly entered and disabled the guards with the back of his blade and they were all unconscious before they noticed the invisible samurai. Harry used Obliviate on them as well. He was making himself appear to be a nuisance of a telepath as wiping memories was one of the most troublesome things a telepath could do. And since he was removing them with magic, another telepath wouldn't even be able to recover them.

The pair encountered more guards and dealt with them all. A number of them were strong minded enough not to be put to sleep by Harry's psionics so Logan had to deal with each of them.

Their goal was to take out and erase the minds of as many of the employees as possible. Harry's targets for Obliviate were not the guards. In fact he even cast an overly weak Obliviate on a number of guards so they would remember Harry's uncovered face and give details of what happened. No, the true targets were the researchers. When Harry encountered one of them, he didn't just erase their knowledge of the facility, he erased their education. Everything they learned working there and all the education required to get there would vanish from their minds.

The main reason Harry had decided on such a ruthless outcome was because of how he felt about X-23 and what he discovered during his scouting. He decided there was no reason for this place to continue existing and this was the best way to thoroughly destroy the essence of the place without killing anyone.

The ward around the site had a number of effects. First, it would completely cut off communications. Next, it would prevent those outside from coming inside using a basic muggle repelling field. And last, it was set to saturate the entire place with magic through a magical implosion when Harry was done with it.

Harry and Logan made their way to the main control station and Harry plugged in every sort of hacking tool after he incapacitated and removed the knowledge of everyone inside. He would make it look like this place was his goal and everything else was secondary.

Once the servers were downloaded, they made their way to the place where all biological samples were stored. Harry removed a backpack he had brought with him and set it inside before closing and locking the door. By this point all of the faculty were either hiding or incapacitated so the pair left returned to the entrance and made their way out.

No alarms, even through hard-line communications, could get through the wards. A few of the trucks on their way to the site suddenly remembered they had forgotten something and turned around without entering. Once the pair were out, Harry released a signal which caused a massive surge of magic he spent the last few days charging the ward stones with to implode in on itself. The backpack in the room holding the blood was set off and the explosion shook the whole of the base. Every computer and camera was fired. As the offsite security feeds were cut by the ward which meant no digital recording of the pair entering the location existed.

Harry got out the Time Turner and placed it over his own and Logan's neck. It was time for part two.

Logan was more than a little surprised that Harry's plan involved time travel to hit both sites at the same time but decided he'd seen stranger things. Harry already told him that it couldn't be used to change the past, it only let you be in two places at one. Such a thing was only useful to someone who didn't age so he didn't mind Logan knowing about it.

The point of much of the plan was to throw suspicion off themselves and onto something else with false clues and breadcrumbs. X-23 would likely be attending Charles' school so they would know it was Logan who took her no matter what they did. Because of that Logan wouldn't be using the sword or an invisibility potion at Site B and would go in claws blazing. The point was to make whatever group was behind them to think Logan was working with a large, skilled organization and make them target that group before trying anything to Logan. Maybe they'd figure it out one day, but by then Harry would be even stronger.

Harry had another portal take them outside the grounds for Site B. Surprisingly, Harry was not able to find any other mutants at the location meaning X-23 was the only one they needed to rescue while taking the place down.

Harry used yet another Polyjuice potion to shift into yet another face from the seventh century. He'd run out of it eventually but until then it was a waste not to use it. This time he was going to use telekinesis and magic to move things and make shields. Harry's psionic shields were too weak to stand up to bullets but he knew how to make a Dimensional energy shield that kinda looked like a psionic shield which was good enough for him to take a more active role in the combat.

Site B was more than double the size of Site A and Harry had to spend a few hours on top of a leyline to recharge himself while charging the ward stones required to cut this place off. The reason this place was larger was simply because it needed to be. If site A was where the safe tests were done, Site B was where the dangerous tests were done. There was also a large number of enhanced guards using advanced weaponry within and even if they didn't have backup it wouldn't be easy to take them down. Well, not as easy.

This site was two time zones over from site A and they waited until 1pm for the wards to kick in and charged forward.

A dozen or so fully armed guards started firing at the pair but Harry used an overpowered banishing charm to throw them back. The few out of range of his charm continued firing but a shield appeared over him which blocked the shots. Thankfully they used energy weapons which were far easier for his shields to block over material weapons as the former was closer to magic.

A few of the guards that had hidden behind cover before Harry sent the others away popped out once the pair got close but Wolverine slashed through their weapons and backhanded their faces hard enough to knock them out.

Once the guards were fully taken care of Logan used his claws again to slash the door but this time it seemed too thick to penetrate with his claws. Harry destroyed the cameras with Telekinesis and then conjured the Kestrel Key of Kraken which fired at the door and caused it to open. Logan actually took a moment to give him a look that implied even he thought, 'what the hell?'

Harry shrugged. The key was weird, he wasn't going to deny it. He was just glad he could still use it after his wizard and sorcerer magics merged. It was very useful magic.

When the doors opened Harry had his arms raised to make it look like he was opening the doors with telekinesis. He made a shield to block the barrage of gunfire that greeted the pair and Wolverine charged forward directly into the mob. Those who targeted him Harry threw back with either a banishment charm or with telekinesis. To shake things up he'd occasionally use a summoning charm on the armor of the armor plated guards to drag them into the line of fire.

Turrets would occasionally drop down from the ceiling or rise up from the floor but Harry would break them either with telekinesis or magic. Some of the heavier duty turrets were not as easy to break so Harry just threw an invisible surge of magic at them to fry them. It was his own version of Wanda's Hex Bolts.

The location had about fifty guard total and seven minutes into the intrusion they had taken care of half of them. Earlier that morning Harry had snuck into the place with a portal and placed a tracking and monitor spell on X-23 and the woman he was pretty sure was her mother.

Both mother and child were in the same room at the moment with a man who brought two guards with him. Harry had chosen this time for the extraction because this was the only time of day the pair were in the same room.

Thankfully the guards seemed to be pointing their weapons at the door rather than at the mother and child pair.

Eventually they reached a hall where Logan went left and Harry went right. X-23 was in Logan's direction, the main computer terminal of the base was in Harry's. According to the backstory Harry cooked up. A group had found Logan and told him they intended on breaking into this site and stealing all the data before erasing it. They invited Logan to come after telling him about X-23. Logan didn't know anything else about the group and didn't care.

Of course Harry had monitoring charms on Logan as well so if anything happened, he'd be able to get over there fast enough to help.

Much of the remaining security was in fact on Harry's route including several guards in what appeared to be over-sized mechanical outfits. Harry couldn't break or even move them with telekinesis, so he pretended to use an overpowered TK Throw while sending another surge or magic at the suits. Unsurprisingly, the suits stopped working and Harry moved on.

Every once in a while Harry would encounter someone who demanded to know who he was as if he was obligated to respond. Even when he made it to the computer terminal and pulled out his hacking tools, the people standing to the side he hadn't bothered with because they hadn't drawn their weapons were giving impassioned speeches about how Harry would never get away with this. A few of the creative ones described the manners in which Harry would be dissected. A few of the ones who thought they were clever tried to stab or cut him. Not to kill him, but to make him bleed so they could get some of his blood. Harry was tempted to give some to get their hopes up, but decided against. He'd save that prank for another day.

From his observation of Logan, the old man slashed his claws together.

That meant he needed help. X-23 was also looking very mad and her mother appeared terrified. The important looking man in the room seemed to have something in his hand which had everyone worried.

Harry cast a sleeping spell on those in the main room so they wouldn't unplug his hacking tool and he teleported into the room behind the man and grabbed what he was holding.

Logan had been expecting this and used the moment they were caught off guard to take out the guards and punch the man's face in.

Harry, still holding the metal thing asked, "What's this?"

The woman next to X-23 said, "That's Laura's trigger scent. If she smells it, she won't be able to stop herself from killing everyone in the room." The woman looked down and said in a quiet tone, "Including me."

The man Logan had knocked down wasn't out cold and glared at Harry. Logan had told the man the fake backstory and the man said, "I don't know who you are but we will find you. And nothing you do will change the fact that she is a weapon. Even if you take her, we will have her back."

Harry smirked and said, "Nothing I can do? Is that a challenge?" He turned to the woman and asked, "Are there many of these trigger scents?"

She frowned but nodded.

Harry walked over to X-23, Laura, and pointed a finger at her and cast a silent Obliviate. Laura frowned and felt something, but she didn't know what it was. It didn't seem like anything changed.

Harry then opened the can in his hand and tossed it to her.

Laura's eyes widened in shock and the woman almost screamed.

And nothing happened.

Harry turned back to the man and said, "You were saying? If she is a weapon, why isn't she doing anything?"

The man said, "That's, that's impossible. What did you do?!"

Harry smiled and said, "That would be telling." He then cast a Stupefy at the man and knocked him out. Once out cold he cast a light Obliviate to remove the last few moments of memories and then cast the False Memory spell to make him remember opening the scent container himself and nothing happening before being knocked out by Logan.

Laura picked up the can and said, "I don't recognize this scent."

Harry nodded. "Sorry, but I had to remove your memory of all scents. Whatever conditioning they did to you is still there. But now you won't remember which scents were conditioned to which reactions meaning your brain won't recognize them as triggers. You'll have to relearn your scents but it's a small price to pay, don't you think?"

Laura's mother froze in shock at the implication. Laura was trained to be completely incapable of resisting her trigger scents, but now they were all ineffective. That meant Laura wouldn't lose control and could live a normal life.

Harry said, "Escort the pair to the entrance, I'll meet you there," and teleported back.

Harry actually woke the sleeping staff members and used a Confundus charm to prevent them from noticing they were asleep meaning they went right back to rambling on as to the consequences of his actions there.

Once finished Harry unplugged the hard drive he'd downloaded everything onto and left, ignoring the rambling staff. A few tried to shoot him but Harry threw them back to the wall with telekinesis the moment they grabbed a weapon which put a stop to that. All of them saw Harry's 'face' but none heard him speak as he had not responded to any of their provocation.

Harry met Logan, Laura, and her mother on the way back and made their way to the entrance. They met a few stragglers on the way but were taken care of without issue. Harry made sure a few of the guards spotted them running from the entrance into the woods before he set the wards to implode and fry everything. This site mainly focused on weapons and tech. Removing the memories of the researchers wouldn't have as much of an effect since tech was tech. As long as all the computers at the site were fried and the data was lost, it was good enough for him.

Once they were clear of witnesses, Harry opened a portal to the Institute's infirmary.


[Quest Completed: Blood Ties

Reward +4 Warrior Path Rank.]

Dr. McCoy was quite surprised and asked what had happened and who the girl and woman were.

Harry casually answered, "New student and her mother. They both need a check up though." And with that he left the infirmary.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C43
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


