/ Anime & Comics / Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment オリジナル

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Anime & Comics 47 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: Balthizar_Blake

4.19 (24 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Poor John gets Killed in an unfortunate accident, meets god, and is given the chance to reincarnate. His body however is mostly a creation of a very famous mad scientist from the hidden leaf, and while stewing inside his test tube the guy said " What if I add this? " And thus a monster was born! Meet Haruko, John's new body. Adventure awaits as he learns his body's powers, and trys to survive inside of naruto.

With that out of the way this fic was created on a whim, and will be updated semi regularly like evry other day or so. I'm just a dude, and this is my first fic so if there are any gramical issuues, or spelling or lore things wrong just let me know, and I'll fix it.

Beyond that please review, comment, and let me know what you think. I'd like to interact with the audience as while I know alot about both fictional worlds I'm pulling from I don't know everything.

I don't own the cover art lemme know if you want me to take it down.
I don't own anything from Naruto only original idea is my OC this is a fan-fic.
I don't own anything from the protosype games.
Updates when I feel like it.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Balthizar_Blake
    Balthizar_Blake 貢献した 176
  2. WereWolf1987
    WereWolf1987 貢献した 49
  3. skizrim_3
    skizrim_3 貢献した 21


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Some experiment is created but the creator abandons it without any explanation or reasoning? Then the Hokage,finds this dangerous child that survived an explosion without the use any chakra, and He just tosses it into an orphanage like it's meaningless. The child was created with no brain but it's not suspicious at all. It follows with the typical protagonist reincarnation where 'God gives wishes to the protagonist'. The protagonist's actions and thoughts are completely unnatural, the first thing he does is assume everyone's strength and come up with numerous ideas, theories, and assumptions. This guy has no personality of his own, so he decides to protect the neglected Naruto and become best buddies with him, And if you're expecting anything remotely realistic or serious from this novel, you'll be sorely disappointed, instead the plot is filled with goofy interactions.

12 の返信を表示する

Good stuff would recomend to read becouse it good and stuff so

4 の返信を表示する

I'm seeing A LOT of potential for the this story. The Mc isn't some edge lord and seems genuinely nice and he doesn't just see the world as some game or book. Please give it a read.

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Overall I give the story a 2.6/5. If I were to ignore the fact that this is the authors first story, this would be the result. However for a first try I would personally rate it a 3.6 or a little bit higher as its main flaw is the authors inexperience with creating storylines that are coherent and sensible, and characters that feel believable. The author seemingly has potential as long as they properly think out the development of the story. The story has average writing quality, generally unnoticeable mistakes unless you look for them, but a few issues here and there for legibility. Generally the story doesn't captivate or immerse the reader well enough to warrant the full five.(4/5) About two chapters a day, 12 hours between each post. I suspect there will be a hiatus eventually, but that is just a suspicion. (4/5) The story development follows an awkward and sometimes bizarre path of logic, while managing to follow tropes poorly in some cases. An example being the commonly found evil second personality trope, this is done pretty poorly due to the fact that it comes along out of nowhere and isn't developed in a proper way. Another example being the jump in logic Sarutobi makes when sending the protagonist to the orphanage.(1/5) The character design is poor at best, Kakashi doesn't feel like Kakashi, Naruto feels like Generic Charismatic Character Number #612. The main character is also bland and unappealing, in the chapters I have read there has been no underlying goal or ambition set for the protagonist. (2/5) World background unfortunately isn't much better, uses fanfiction tropes for Naruto. Tropes like him getting stoned as a child, which is done especially poorly due to the fact that this is explained when they are four, by which most children even if as strong as a normal adult would have broken bones or dying if hit in the head with a stone thrown by an adult who would probably not hold back. (2/5)

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Shameless 5 star review. As mentioned in the synopsis this is my friet sttempt at writing a fan fiction. As such please be gentle, and help me along the way

16 の返信を表示する

the best fan fiction I've ever read, it's a good idea, fast paced, and the amount of updates makes me very happy lol

9 の返信を表示する

Naruto if it happened in North America .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

0 の返信を表示する

It's a great Naruto fanfiction!! I like it!!! 😁👍👍 It have a great story/plot and great english/translate.. I like that MC/Haruko have an interesting power.. He can absorb others to get their memory and skill, he also can absorb bio mass to strengthed his body.. Hope he can get stronger soon and change many thing like Uchiha massacre and maybe kill Danzo sooner.. Can't wait to see next chapter.. Keep up the good work author san 😁👍😍😍

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I won't slim it for the readers I'll just say that the fanfic hooks you up and had nice speed of development, oh and question for author san who'll be the love interest/interests? because I do hope there's a bit of romance even if soft one

1 の返信を表示する

Very good. Everything is great 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 and please take care of yourself Author.

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its definitely a nice start. i really like it. please dont drop this

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It’s good so far, can’t say much since there’s only 6 chapters atm. Grammar is great for Webnovel though so you won’t get a headache trying to read it lol.

1 の返信を表示する

good fanfic .........................mmmmm.

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LV 4 Badge

usually I wouldn't write a comment on any kind of fanfic , but this deserves one . The pace is really good it's smoothand flows without hurting my brain ,the backroung is great we have an overview about a lot of things that are interesting , our MC is likeable and doesn't act like a moron and if he does its because he's still a kid (and for me it's understandable ) we also have a picture of hiruzen which describes him perfectly as he's neither a bad guy nor an overly loving gramps , he's just incompetent like really . I know a lot of people won't like this FF because it's either "not fast enough" or there's no " harem" or no "romantic interest" let me tell you this is not a fiction written by some kid , don't try to corrupt the Story with your infantile mind.

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Writing Quality- 4 ✧✧✧✧Obviously not perfect, but it's great, unnoticeable, uncommon mistakes. Sometimes there are odd moments where there's huge walls of text or times where a paragraph could be better broken up, and also the lack of indicators of who is talking sometimes when mc and Naruto talk, but over all good enough for me.Story Development- 5 ✧✧✧✧✧I like the route it's going, but admittedly it's not for everyone. I like the realistic twist we have on the character development. But again, not for everyone, with the recent depression coming up, some people *cough* insecure incels *cough* can't take it when the mc isn't a gigachad megamind edgelord cucking harem overlord. So obviously that on top of the slow paced slice of life will turn some readers away. But I personally like it.Character Design- 5 ✧✧✧✧✧I like John's -Now Haruko- character design. Again, a bit more realistic, not some "Self proclaimed loser." who just so happens to have moments of "Oh, I forgot I used to do this!" moments at convenient times. Nope, it's just a normal guy learning and experiencing the world in a normal manner. Again, the design of the character will obviously not be everyone's cup of tea, since even though he has powers related to killing, he isn't a murder hobo. A few have even refered to him as a "goody two shoes." I wouldn't go so far as to say that, but I will say that he is a generally good person. Childish at times, and overly mature at others. Whether this was intentional or a writing mistake is unknown, but I'm inclined to believe it's the former. Update Stability- 5 ✧✧✧✧✧A solid 4 or 3 chapters a week in accordance to the authors bi-daily upload schedule that he's only missed once up until know. Very satisfactory Overall - 4.8 ✧✧✧✧✧I enjoy the story and I personally have no complaints at all. I enjoyed my binge read, and I'll be awaiting the next update.

2 の返信を表示する

only 4 Stars for Update stability since you made me an addict and don't have enough chapters :PWell tbh 1000 wouldn't be enough.if you were wondering I love it so far. nothing is better than an op character who actually has a character and his own problems.

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great book i found it and caught up to it ,which doesn't happen often.

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I like this book. Simple as that.

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