0.66% The School Prince is My Beloved Pet / Chapter 2: Changing schools?!

章 2: Changing schools?!

Gabby continued to feed Nara and still ignored her friends. They lowered their heads, waiting for Gabby to finally forgive them. Suddenly, the only girl apart from Gabby spoke, "How about I buy you lunch tomorrow?"

"Agreed." Gabby said enthusiastically. After being friends for more than five years, Gabby's friends already know the best way to win her over, that is by buying her food.

"Okay, tomorrow I will pick you up." Her friend replied quickly.

Not long after, a distant piano sound could be heard. The sound startled them, making some of the teenagers shudder and look at each other, "Hey, is there a ghost in your house?" Asked one of them.

Gabby hit her friend's arm saying, "Are you crazy? That's my new neighbor playing the piano!"

Hearing this, the teenager breathed a sigh of relief and then returned to eating the cake in his hand.

"Oh yeah, my mother said someone just moved into that house! She said his parents work in America, one of them is a famous music player." The teenager took a deep breath and then continued speaking, "His house is also the biggest in this area! There is a swimming pool and also a large sports field in the backyard!"

The atmosphere on Gabby's terrace became bustling at once. Nara finished her meal and sat next to Gabby quietly.

"I've met him." Gabby interrupted.

The group of children immediately stopped talking and looked at Gabby, "My mother also said only a maid and someone our age live in that house. Do you think that kid is handsome or not?" The other girl in her group asked in a low voice.

Gabby thought for a moment, stroked Nara's body then answered, "Not really." According to her, the boy looked like a girl.

"Oh, I see." Her friend wearing a pink skirt replied in a disappointed tone. After that, Gabby's front porch became silent. Only the sound of a piano playing from a distance accompanied them in quietness.


Gabby spent the week pissing off her mother in many ways. First, she trimmed Nara's fur on the head and also the wild cat which caused them both to go bald. She made the hot weather as an excuse, "The air is so hot mom! It's a pity they got hot too!"

Second, she invited her friends to play basketball and broke the neighbor's window glass. After that incident, stray cats and dogs immediately ran into hiding every time Gabby played outside. Whenever she made a mistake, Gabby's parents always fixed the problem quickly. Like coming to their neighbor's house and then paying for the damage Gabby caused, and not forgetting to bring a package of small cakes in the hope that they would forgive their child's behavior.

At first ,Gabby's parents were still patient, but over time, her mother felt tired and decided to send Gabby to a private high school.

"I think Gabby should just be transferred to a private school." Agnes blurted in annoyance while having lunch together with her husband at a restaurant.

Daniel was surprised by his wife's idea that he stopped chewing and put down his fork, "Why with the sudden move? You know it's hard to get along with Gabby."

Since childhood, Gabby had never had many friends. The number of her friends probably could be counted by fingers.

"I know, it's just that maybe her friends at school right now have a bad influence on our daughter." Agnes replied, frowning.

Daniel wanted to refute her but when he saw his wife's eyes that seemed to say, 'Do you no longer believe me?' the man could not continue his argument anymore.

"Okay, I trust you. Do whatever you want." Daniel replied and then continued his lunch.

Agnes smiled then drank the orange juice, put it on the table and continued, "Later this afternoon we'll discuss this with Gabby."


Gabby already knew something was wrong when she got summoned by her mother to the living room. Her mother gave her the excuse, "There is something important I have to say."

After changing into her house clothes, Gabby lazily walked into the living room. She saw her mother sitting in front of the TV, and her father beside her reading a newspaper.

Gabby was supposed to be playing basketball on the court this afternoon with her friends, but her mood was ruined when her mother told her that she would be transferred to a private high school.

"So, this is your last week of school there. Mother has taken care of everything." Gabby's mother casually said as she rubbed Nara's head.

Gabby heard her mother mutter but still didn't want to make eye contact with her. Gabby knew precisely this would annoy her mother and that the woman must be thinking how insolent she was for not looking her way and pretended not to hear what she said.

"You can't do whatever you want, please!" Gabby replied irritably, "I'm comfortable with my current school!"

"Your father has agreed. After all, I only told you. I don't ask about your opinion." Her mother replied in a cold tone.

Gabby could only exhale her frustration loudly and replied, "I'll go up first, there's a lot of schoolwork to do."

Ignoring her mother's calls, Gabby left the living room feeling disappointed, her eyes burning as if tears were looking for a way out.

The girl then heard the sound of small footsteps running after her. Without turning her head she already knew for sure that Nara would follow her and tried to comfort her. And sure enough, she felt Nara's smooth furs brushed her left leg.

Looking at Nara, Gabby thought, 'Ah, Nara really knows me better than my parents.'

One week later.

Initially, Gabby wanted to go to school using an online taxi service but her father insisted to drop her to school on the grounds that he didn't want his child to get lost, and enter the wrong school. Finally, Gabby was escorted to school by her father in a black car.

Gabby wore a white and gray uniform, her long hair was left loose. She sat in the front seat next to her father, who was driving and looked out blankly.

Today's weather was humid because yesterday the city of Bandung was hit by heavy rain but somehow Gabby felt hot, and so hot as if she could finish two bowls of mixed ice at once.

It took about 20 minutes to get to Gabby's new school. The streets that morning were so congested that Gabby wondered if people were all excited to do their own activities or Bandung had always been this busy.

Arriving at the high school gate which was white in color, Gabby could feel her hands sweat because she saw many foreign faces getting off the online motorcycle taxi, some walking, and some other from their own cars.

Gabby's dad parked the car and got ready to get off too. When Gabby wanted to get out of the car, a white Alphard came parked next to their car.

Her gaze followed the driver that got out quickly and opened the passenger's door. For a moment, Gabby thought to herself that whoever sat at the backseat must be spoiled rotten to not open the door themselves. After the door opened, Gabby's eyes widened when she saw a familiar face.

At first it was only her hands that were sweaty, but after she saw that face, Gabby felt she could take a shower with her own sweat.

Gabby's father whispered, "No wonder your mother is sending you here." Gabby turned to look at her father and asked in surprise, "What?!" But her dad didn't respond to her as he had already opened the car's door and walked out to greet Michael.

"Michael! You also go to school here?" Gabby's father asked in mock surprise.

Michael shook Gabby's father's hand and then confirmed the dark blue school bag that was on his shoulder, "Ah, yeah. I happened to go to school here."

Today, Michael looked so cute. His black hair was neatly combed sideways over his forehead, his lips were plump red as if he was wearing lipstick, and his uniform was neatly tucked into his pants.

"Oh, what a coincidence! Gabby is also attending school here starting today." Gabby's dad smiled broadly while showing his white teeth. Gabby stood beside her father and looked around, trying not to see Michael's face.

"Oh." Michael replied briefly, "Then excuse me first." He then turned around and walked into the school.

"Yes, I'll leave Gabby with you!" Gabby's father said, but received no reply from Michael.

Gabby looked at her father and said, "I'll come in first, see you later." She didn't forget to kiss her father's hand.

"Alright. I want to go to the principal's office first." Her father replied while smiling.

Gabby nodded and turned to leave her father. She walked behind Michael, about ten paces away because she didn't want to be near the boy. It was not that she felt threatened by the beauty of the teenage boy's face, it's just that being close to him made her heart feel awful.

While she walked, Gabby could hear screams of a strange name followed by laughter from several students. 'Michelle? Who is that?' Gabby thought to herself.

Once inside, Michael immediately walked straight leaving Gabby alone. Grabbing the straps of her school bag, Gabby got up the courage to follow Michael. Suddenly, a woman came out of a room which seemed to be the teacher's room, and greeted Gabby.

"Good morning. New student huh?" The woman kindly asked. She was wearing a light brown batik top and black cloth trousers. Without waiting for an answer the woman continued, "Come with me. I'll take you to your new class."

"Yes ma'am." Gabby answered with a nervous smile.

Arriving in the class, the woman told all the students to be quiet, stood in front of the class and said, "Today we have a new friend." She then turned to Gabby and continued, "Come on, introduce yourself."

Gabby stepped towards the front of the class and introduced herself, "Hello. My name is Gabby, I hope we can get along well." She hoped that her voice wouldn't crack.

Some students nodded their heads, some others didn't pay attention. The woman tapped her on the shoulder and said, "I am Mrs. Angger, your new homeroom teacher. Please sit next to ..." Mrs. Angger's eyes looked around the class and continued, "Michael, he's sitting at the front table."

Suddenly, Gabby's eyes widened in surprise and immediately looked at the table where Michael was sitting. Almost all the male students were clapping their hands and some were whistling loudly.

"Wow, congrats, Michelle! Finally someone wants to sit next to you!" Exclaimed one of the students in a loud voice.

"Richard! Behave yourself! How many more times do I have to remind you?!" Mrs. Angger yelled at him in a loud voice.

Richard then stopped mocking Michael but chuckled with his seatmate. After Mrs. Angger motioned for Gabby to take a seat next to Michael, she dragged her legs heavily towards her new table.

'Great, we're friends now.' Gabby thought.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


