/ Magical Realism / I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Magical Realism 完了 642 章 2.7M ビュー
作者: Blind Leek

4.32 (272 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


As the owner of an ordinary bookstore, Ling PingAn’s biggest wish was to muddle through life and do absolutely nothing.
However, customers that were right in the middle of their pubescent crisis kept visiting his store in the dead of night.
For the sake of his business, Ling PingAn had to mimic their childish tones, sparing no effort to promote the books in his store.
When he finally managed to sell his books after going through a great verbal tug-o-war, each and every one of them said that they don’t have money, and that they wish to use various tools that were seemingly divine artifacts as pledge.
Looking at these customers, Ling PingAn could only agree to them resignedly.
But little did he know that every single book that these customers purchased from him had altered in appearance.
“Secrets of Cosplay” became “Lower Abyss Research Report”
“Stellaris: Settings for Synth Ascension” was in fact “Gospel for Synthetic Beings”
What’s more, in the eyes of these customers, he was actually a horrifying ruler of Diablos, an indefinable entity that held the reins of all realms.
In this regard, Ling PingAn said, “I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense.

  1. Kitty_Sky_1
    Kitty_Sky_1 貢献した 13652
  2. trulyjustandrew
    trulyjustandrew 貢献した 13420
  3. vancenick
    vancenick 貢献した 12440


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Good Book. It features an op mc BUT he doesn’t know he is OP. This book seems to incorporate themes of fantasy(his bookstore is connected to other worlds), mystery(he doesn’t know yet that he is OP, we, the readers will read along to find out why he’s OP) and myth (gods and demons exist within his world). The author also seems to be rather respectful to foreigners, at worst, he has a neutral opinion. Only con is idk what the plot is. It seems like we are just following the mc’s ‘discovery’ (like i said he doesn’t know he is OP neither does he know about other worlds and gods, he’s basically in the dark but somehow connecting the worlds together.) of fantasy and sci-fi elements.

    31 の返信を表示する
    LV 10 Badge

    I went into this not expecting much and walked away incredibly surprised. In just 60 chapters, I've been hooked on this story more than any other novel in recent times. The main character doesn't seem like a main character at all. Ordinary man doing an ordinary job. But everyone else sees something completely different from him and that is what turns him into the main character. He's a very relatable character too I think because he sees himself as ordinary. There are a few side characters that are main characters in their own stories as well and I love the dual perspective we see when they interact with the main character. We see the perspective of the ordinary man, who sees a repressed young girl who wants to break out of her shell and cosplay, and then we see the perspective of the young woman from a post-apocalyptic Earth who sees the 'Secrets of Cosplay' as a holy bible to demon hunting to save humanity. I love the way it was done. Overall this novel easily earns a 5/5 from me and I hope that it's picked up and that others enjoy it as much as I did.

    8 の返信を表示する

    Amazing novel, features an MC who is a godlike OP but completely oblivious to it. He runs a bookstore that is connected to a number of different worlds, mainly post-apocalyptic so far, and people that enter his store perceive him as a horrifyingly powerful being. He walks into the abyss between world (his backroom) and sells them a book full of powerful and esoteric knowledge (what he perceives as guides to help them cosplay better or supernatural nonsense). The dichotomy between the MCs POV of the interactions and the customers' is hilarious. Truly a unique read that I can't recommend highly enough. Hopefully gets picked up for regular translation.

    16 の返信を表示する

    An interesting premise and decent idea. HOWEVER : 1)The novel is very blatant in its "propaganda" for a certain country with the standard "this country is the only one with actual intelligence and civility, The rest are barbarians that want to join us." 2) This is a harem, The difference from the standard harem being that there is no romance. In other words the worst parts of harem only. MC is the only male even mentioned for the majority of the story. 3) Issues constantly regarding any mention of price as the translator couldn't copy-paste the symbol properly. 4) Very point to point. Curious if a certain character will be ongoing/reoccuring? Is she an attractive woman? If so then yes. Is the woman, who just turned up immediately after an info dump regarding a "mysterious" topic, related to said topic? Yes directly. Overall : I despise harem but this novel could still be barrable if it weren't for the constant "meta commentary" and "Pro-(a certain country)" propaganda, It isn't even well masked. This novel is around 70% pro-certain country propaganda and using false history to make it sound glorious, 10% describing women, 10% info dumping, 5% MC prattling about playing LoL and 5% of actual interesting story. Would not recommend unless you are utterly desperate.

    5 の返信を表示する

    To be fair, let me begin by saying that the novel is not necessarily bad. The idea is decent and while it is tedious at times, it is better than most novels in the trial read. Heck, if I didn't read till ch150 in raw, I would have given it a 4-4.2. But I did and all I can say is that the amount of propaganda in this novel is downright ridiculous to the point that I can't read without cringing. Basically, the story is primarily based on an alternate world where Federal Empire, aka alternate China, is the strongest (no problem with this one) and most compassionate nation in the planet. Every 5 chapters, there is a description of Federal Empire is righteous, helpful, compassionate etc. Every time MC opens television, which is after every 10 chapters or after end of an arc, we get the news reporter talking about how Federal Empire helped X nation, how X nations were begging to be a part of Federal Empire, about how great and righteous Federal Empire people are etc. Sure, multiverse also exists, but we don't get much description about their nations/societies coz apocalypse is upon them. Here are some key points of the novel which 'stood out' to me: 1. Silla and Fushang (Alternate S.Korea and Japan) regularly organize mass campaigns to plead/beg for a chance to be a part of federal empire. But Federal Empire (alt China) rejects them coz FE is way too awesome to have them. 2. United Kingdom of Butania (aka Britain) got reduced from the biggest empire of the world to UK because of Federal Empire. Additionally, it was Federal Empire, with its righteousness, that liberated the colonies occupied by Butania, aka britain. 3. It's not just Silla and Fushang. Almost all nations in South-east Asia rely on Federal Empire for security. It is only under the leadership of FE that they can avert threats. These nations frequently beg FE for help. FE helps them because they are a righteous nation. (This is followed by 2 paragraphs of how FE is the most morally superior nation in the world) 4. If you have the blood of immigrants(not just refugees but also legal immigrants), you can't become a FE citizen. Also, it is only right and morally just for the government to monitor them on a weekly basis because immigrants (again, not just refugees but legal as well) are all potential threats to the nation. Based on the logic of the author (this scene has not occurred in novel but if the laws of FE were applied in RL, this is what would happen), a person, their mother/father as well as grandfather/grandmother can be born and raised in the nation. However, if their ancestors are immigrants, they can't be trusted nor become the citizens of FE unless there is a special circumstance. They need to be grateful for the compassionate and righteous FE for providing them shelter otherwise, they will simply deport them. (Deport where? Citizenship is based on birth or naturalization, not ethnicity. Which nation would take them?) Justification- Excerpt from the chapter after one of the 13 temples or smt was pawed by the kitten- "Don't ask. Only those of the same race can be trusted." 5. Found it pretty weird how enemies cursed Federal Empire by praising them. Excerpt from ch 142 - "Although she was young, she knew that this nation of benevolence and righteousness was the root of her problems! Without their rise, today's Butania would still be a world empire where the sun would never set!" (Who tf praises the nation which destroyed their empire through warfare, not diplomacy, as benevolent?) 6. When MC was being encouraged to date and marry by the govt, I thought that the nation had low population or smt. But nah, it seems like the population is 2 billion with overpopulation problems. Turns out they needed him to date and marry because his parents were class A contributors. I guess only children of good Han people are beneficial for the empire. 7. There was also the part about Shang dynasty, which I guess is already TLed

    8 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    Why the hell was this novel removed from the voting list, it has just been 20 days , and it had more supports than that piece of trash chinese racism filled i am gamer bullshit novel. While that book had been present there for far longer. And yet you remove this novel from the list, and choose that one. another example of how bullshit and discriminatory this app is. Fuck you webnovel, i am gonna pirate all novels from now on, screw you.

    4 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    I actually would recommend this novel. I have only read a couple chapters but it has potential. I have to rate it one start on principle though, because YOU FORGOT THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF THE NOVEL?! I dunno how you mess that up, but since they're missing, we don't have any idea how the story starts! I looked at the raws, and read some poor MTL of the first two chapters! I know they're missing! There's not even any reason to have them missing, they're normal chapters! I'd appreciate it if you would just fix this.

    16 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    I don't know if the author is dumb or not, but he actually thinks that in some parrallel dimension Japan and Korea would actually want to give up independence and join China or xiA, LOL. In his wet dreams maybe. This is a very nationalistic book. And it is racist. Don't read or vote

    16 の返信を表示する

    another xenophobic nationalist garbage. the writer or shill as you may want to call it is quite openly displaying his bigotry is there was ever am Olympic event for hate and fantasy he would get it. lol japan begging to be ther part. Korea begging for votes to join the.. what nonsense.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Fuck you webnovel Why the hell was this novel removed from the voting list??? Fuck you webnovel x2 Fuck you webnovel x3 Fuck you webnovel x4

    0 の返信を表示する

    he kids do you love chinese nationalism, do you crave the mighty cok of ccp, do you want to kill your own countrymen and it's culture to join the glorious chinese empire, do you want to see the an anceint omnipotent god lick chinese governments ahole, this is the book for you this book is set in a fictional world with magic, gods and Japanese people who want to work in chinese labour camps "willingly" and chinese defeated the British (lol) in 8th opium war, this novel is a self insert wetdream of a delusional han chinese nationalist high on ketamine and propoganda

    2 の返信を表示する

    How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back! How did you dropped this!!! Pick it back!

    0 の返信を表示する

    Great read, but nobody picks it up for translatig but Ifound this site where they translate from chapter 61, if you like this novel it might interest you http://twosisters.rf.gd/

    2 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    well the idea is great, but china is sucking themselves alittle bit to hard of imo. Its just annoying to read every chapter about how great the federation is and how the mc is a law abiding citizen. yikes

    0 の返信を表示する

    WebNovel you have been a major disappointment so far. It seems money can make you even sell your mothers. I once read an article somewhere complaining about your mode of conduct. It stated that you don't give shit about anybody, including yourselves, apart from money. Now I can see their point crystal clear.

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    this story is way better then pretty much 80% of the stuff i've read on here why was it dropped from the list?? please translate it for us i'm sure im not the only one who would like it to be translated.

    0 の返信を表示する

    A brief story summary: Ling PingAn is a well read NEET in charge of his own bookstore with no money problems at all becouse of fantasy gov. subsides, at day he has no clients at all, but at night when a strange fog sets in, strange cosplayers and weirdos (with no money) come in and buy books from him in exchange of rare objects or even food, although he's a bit vexed that he's not making any money, he doesn't really need it anyway and the weird objects are usually high quality goods that he has never seen, so he takes in stride. This is how he sees things. And now this is how his clients see things. In their respective post-apocalyptic words, there's no hope for man to survive, every day is a miserable battle against hopelessness becouse Diablos (I imagine they meant "Devils") have taken over the world and humans have become an endangered species, less than cattle. When roaming that desolate landscape they encountered a mysterious fog that nulified their supernatural powers, in fear they approached the to source of light and encountered a dinky bookstore. Inside, they were faced with all kinds of horrors and an out of place "man" behind the counter, an otherwise normal body with deep fog surrounding his head and bright light where his eyes should be (think Kurogiri from MHA), this man offered them forbidden knowledge in exchange for the corresponding price, what they understood for a corresponding price was of course their lifespam, their soul or their sanity. In a desperate gambit they offer all the values that they had on them at the time and, unexpectedly, he accepted the trade. With this new knowledge in hand they seek to change the fate of mankind in their respective worlds and if posible, seek help again from this terrifying new "Ally". TLDR: Lovecraftian horror gives away forbidden knowledge at a bargain As for my review, its well made but it sometimes stretches too long, but its not really a problem to me. Its also a bit nationalistic? But not really racist, it is however a very idealized fantasy Chinese empire where a returner came back and made all the right choices to make it the greatest nation ever made, but its not the tipical malicious jingoism where they shit on every country, its a goverment that's basically perfect with little to no corruption that solves everything they set out to do and its very honorable and everyone likes them and wants to be like them, basically China is a huge Mary Sue, but at the same time, its a somewhat pure and innocent kind of Mary Sue, something like the 60's Adam West Batman, but not as charming. Anyway, 5 stars, hope this gets picked.

    0 の返信を表示する

    For the person who picked up this book thank soooo much. I am so happy someone picked it up as I though it would be buried forever. Thank you. Once again I give my gratitude to you for being a special human being and apricciating this novel's worth.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Terribly blatant racism and nationalism. Read this story if you have a hard on for Chinese nationalism. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This novel reminds me in some ways of Lord of Mysteries. It has eldritch and Lovecraftian elements. The novel stands out in a sea of cliché novels and has a strong sense of mystery that leaves you wanting to know more. So many of the novels are just speeding through cultivation and fighting young masters with fight scenes that really just amount to bang bang bang, my fist is stronger and I yell some stupid attack name. The Story focuses on a rundown bookstore where the shopkeeper in his perception is just a normal guy that runs his lowly store and has a basic life. The issue is that others can perceive that he is much more than meets the eye and are terrified of him. Basically Cthulhu thinks he is a boring lazy bookkeeper and sells books that warp and change reality. I would love to see this novel picked up so i can find out more about this world setting.

    2 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 642: There Primal Chaos Nucleus 2 years ago

    卷 1

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    卷 2

    1. 90
      Peace 3 years ago
    2. 91
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      Dragon of Nightmares 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan’s Multiple Game (1) 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan’s Multiple Game (2) 3 years ago
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      Emperor’s Syrup 3 years ago
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      The Amalgamation of Ice and Fire 3 years ago
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      The Tragedy Caused by A Dream 3 years ago
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      Invitation 3 years ago
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      The Hospitable Ling Pingan 3 years ago
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      It was Too Terrifying! 3 years ago
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      The Night of Noise and Excitement (1) 3 years ago
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      The Night of Noise and Excitement (2) 3 years ago
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      The Chivalrous and Kind-hearted Ling Pingan 3 years ago
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      Please Believe Me 3 years ago
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      A Grasshopper was Caught 3 years ago
    99. 188
      Not Worthy to Worship 3 years ago
    100. 189
      Ling Pingan in Li Shouyi’s Eyes Was A Tsundere 3 years ago
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      Fighting to Become a Slave! 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan’s First Experience of Creation (1) 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan’s First Experience of Creation (2) 3 years ago
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      New Customer (1) 3 years ago
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      New Customer (2) 3 years ago
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      Loan 3 years ago
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      Ran Bing’s Choice 3 years ago
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      The Return of The Gatling Bodhisattva! 3 years ago
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      Super Votes 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan’s Promise 3 years ago
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      The Dark Ocean 3 years ago
    112. 201
      Kabbalah, the Tree of life 3 years ago
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      You Are Too Ugly! 3 years ago
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      The Confident Ling Pingan 3 years ago
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      Ling Pingan Was Obsessed in Learning 3 years ago
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      Little Ke’s Delicacies 3 years ago
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      My Oven Knows How to Call Out For Help 3 years ago
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      Stocking New Books (1) 3 years ago
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      Stocking New Books (2) 3 years ago
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      New Bookstore(1) 3 years ago
    122. 211
      Was Just A Shell 3 years ago
    123. 212
      A New Bookstore (2) 3 years ago
    124. 213
      Your Destruction Is None of Your Business 3 years ago
    125. 214
      Land of the Quwen Star 3 years ago
    126. 215
      Situ He’s Realization 3 years ago
    127. 216
      The Cat Goddess Who Only Wanted To Be A Pet 3 years ago
    128. 217
      The Terrifying Tributary (1) 3 years ago
    129. 218
      The Terrifying Tributary (2) 3 years ago
    130. 219
      The Terrifying Tributary (3) 3 years ago
    131. 220
      Family Rules 3 years ago
    132. 221
      Fighting for Love 3 years ago
    133. 222
      Go Pay Tribute (1) 3 years ago
    134. 223
      Go Pay Tribute (2) 3 years ago
    135. 224
      Before Paying Tribute 3 years ago
    136. 225
      Ling Pingan’s Invitation 3 years ago
    137. 226
      The True Appearance 3 years ago
    138. 227
      The Song of Saya and the Encounter of the Two Girls 3 years ago
    139. 228
      Spending As He Wish 3 years ago
    140. 229
      Domain 3 years ago
    141. 230
      Ghouls 3 years ago
    142. 231
      Fate 3 years ago
    143. 232
      A Prophecy Comes True 3 years ago
    144. 233
      The Ant Queen 3 years ago
    145. 234
      Living in A Big House and Eating Steak 3 years ago
    146. 235
      A Gentleman is Open and Poised 3 years ago
    147. 236
      Angel of Rfgedemption 3 years ago
    148. 237
      Faith and the Debt of Blood 3 years ago
    149. 238
      Transforming into a Human 3 years ago
    150. 239
      Two Judgments On Ling Pingan 3 years ago
    151. 240
      Destined 3 years ago
    152. 241
      Enigmatical 3 years ago
    153. 242
      The Scent of the Master 3 years ago
    154. 243
      Beating Khorne Up (1) 3 years ago
    155. 244
      Beating Khorne Up (2) 3 years ago
    156. 245
      Two Worlds 3 years ago
    157. 246
      The Beginning of Insect Swarm 3 years ago
    158. 247
      Shackles 3 years ago
    159. 248
      Windrunner 3 years ago
    160. 249
      The Eternal Sun Guides You 3 years ago
    161. 250
      Prince of the Sun 3 years ago
    162. 251
      praise to the god of machines! 3 years ago
    163. 252
      The Original Mechanical Body 3 years ago
    164. 253
      Heretic 3 years ago
    165. 254
      Transformation 3 years ago
    166. 255
      Cruel 3 years ago
    167. 256
      Clearance Sale 3 years ago
    168. 257
      Assessment (1) 3 years ago
    169. 258
      Assessment (2) 3 years ago
    170. 259
      Unworthy of Being a Slave 3 years ago
    171. 260
      Difference 3 years ago
    172. 261
      He Had Finally Earned Some Utility Bills 3 years ago
    173. 262
      My Will 3 years ago
    174. 263
      Their Respective Treatment 3 years ago
    175. 264
      The Magical Recipe 3 years ago
    176. 265
      There Can Only Be One Swarm of Insects and One Mother Tree! 3 years ago
    177. 266
      Have Fun 3 years ago
    178. 267
      The Farce Caused by A Cat (1) 3 years ago
    179. 268
      The Farce Caused by a Cat (2) 3 years ago
    180. 269
      Reputation 3 years ago
    181. 270
      Decent 3 years ago
    182. 271
      The Insect Swarm's Expedition 3 years ago
    183. 272
      The battle of the Insects against the Aliens 3 years ago
    184. 273
      Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (2) 3 years ago
    185. 274
      Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (3) 3 years ago
    186. 275
      Bug Swarm vs. Aliens (4) 3 years ago
    187. 276
      Victory and the After Hand 3 years ago
    188. 277
      Law of the Jungle! 3 years ago
    189. 278
      Mimicry Potion 3 years ago
    190. 279
      The Abyss, Seeped into Like a Sieve 3 years ago
    191. 280
      Reward: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 3 years ago
    192. 281
      A True Gentleman 3 years ago
    193. 282
      Xiao Ai 3 years ago
    194. 283
      Hope 3 years ago
    195. 284
      Compete Strength 3 years ago
    196. 285
      The Furious Sapling 3 years ago
    197. 286
      Squished a Bug to Death 3 years ago
    198. 287
      Fellowship Party? 3 years ago
    199. 288
      Sun Empress 3 years ago
    200. 289
      Messenger of Peace 3 years ago
    201. 290
      Going Back to the Hometown 3 years ago
    202. 291
      Feeling Ashamed of Himself in Front of the Townfolk 3 years ago
    203. 292
      The Ling Family Was Not to Be Provoked 3 years ago
    204. 293
      Nine-tailed Fox 3 years ago
    205. 294
      Chapter 297 Heaven’s Eye 3 years ago
    206. 295
      Disappointment 3 years ago
    207. 296
      Virtues 3 years ago
    208. 297
      Do Not Understand 3 years ago
    209. 298
      Inheritance 3 years ago
    210. 299
      Wine brewing 3 years ago
    211. 300
      Awakening 3 years ago
    212. 301
      Reward 3 years ago
    213. 302
      Xiao Man 3 years ago
    214. 303
      Rolling Girl 3 years ago
    215. 304
      Sword Scripture 3 years ago
    216. 305
      Chapter 308 Xuan Jun’s Sword 3 years ago
    217. 306
      Jindan Is the Spice 3 years ago
    218. 307
      Soul Devouring 3 years ago
    219. 308
      Vest 3 years ago
    220. 309
      Challenging the Authority 3 years ago
    221. 310
      Essence 3 years ago
    222. 311
      The Past of Heaven and Earth 3 years ago
    223. 312
      The Master of Imagination 3 years ago
    224. 313
      The Sun Family 3 years ago
    225. 314
      The Sun Family (2) 3 years ago
    226. 315
      The Scary College Entrance Exam Results 3 years ago
    227. 316
      Huge Challenges 3 years ago
    228. 317
      A Great Opportunity (1) 3 years ago
    229. 318
      A Great Opportunity (2) 3 years ago
    230. 319
      A Great Opportunity (3) 3 years ago
    231. 320
      Power 3 years ago
    232. 321
      Ling Ping'an’s Nightmare 3 years ago
    233. 322
      Young Master Ren 3 years ago
    234. 323
      Eternal Rule 3 years ago
    235. 324
      The Sudden Change of the Asura 3 years ago
    236. 325
      Green Skin VS Great Devourer (1) 3 years ago
    237. 326
      Green Skins VS Great Devourer (2) 3 years ago
    238. 327
      Wrath of Physics (1) 3 years ago
    239. 328
      Wrath of Physics (2) 3 years ago
    240. 329
      Meeting the Green Skin 3 years ago
    241. 330
      Awake 3 years ago
    242. 331
      Opportunities and Dangers 3 years ago
    243. 332
      The New World 3 years ago
    244. 333
      The Treasures of Southern Zhou 3 years ago
    245. 334
      Ling Ping'an’s Troubles 3 years ago
    246. 335
      Targeted by the Whole World 3 years ago
    247. 336
      The Invasion of the Mountains and the Seas 3 years ago
    248. 337
      Time Flies 3 years ago
    249. 338
      No More Tea Leaves 3 years ago
    250. 339
      Secret 3 years ago
    251. 340
      Re-entry 3 years ago
    252. 341
      Local Specialty 3 years ago
    253. 342
      Was It A Test or A Test? 3 years ago
    254. 343
      Imperial Commissioner 3 years ago
    255. 344
      Confusion 3 years ago
    256. 345
      The Many Facets of an Individual 3 years ago
    257. 346
      The World 3 years ago
    258. 347
      Ambergris 3 years ago
    259. 348
      The Palace of Yellow bells 3 years ago
    260. 349
      Petty Bourgeoisie 3 years ago
    261. 350
      Where Did It Come From? 3 years ago
    262. 351
      What Was the Purpose? 3 years ago
    263. 352
      Metaphysics at the End of Science 3 years ago
    264. 353
      Trouble 3 years ago
    265. 354
      Delicacies Presented by Chiba Michiko (1) 3 years ago
    266. 355
      The Delicacies Offered by Chiba Michiko (2) 3 years ago
    267. 356
      Terminator 3 years ago
    268. 357
      Something Happens 3 years ago
    269. 358
      The Young Emperor 3 years ago
    270. 359
      The Risk of Falling Out of Favor 3 years ago
    271. 360
      Huge Impact 3 years ago
    272. 361
      Union 3 years ago
    273. 362
      Gun of Sin! 3 years ago
    274. 363
      Fuji 3 years ago
    275. 364
      Professor! 3 years ago
    276. 365
      The Tavern of Saints and Monsters 3 years ago
    277. 366
      Soul Cocktail 3 years ago
    278. 367
      Fairy Tale 3 years ago
    279. 368
      Bumped Into a Treature When She Went out 3 years ago
    280. 369
      Great General of Rat Extermination 3 years ago
    281. 370
      The Vicious Cycle 3 years ago
    282. 371
      Inquiry 3 years ago
    283. 372
      Terrified Demon Subduing Ghost Book 3 years ago
    284. 373
      Black Card User 3 years ago
    285. 374
      Assassin 3 years ago
    286. 375
      Destiny 3 years ago
    287. 376
      Fossil Energy Was About to Die 3 years ago
    288. 377
      Adventures of Andrew (1) 3 years ago
    289. 378
      Adventures of Andrew (2) 3 years ago
    290. 379
      Waiting for the Answer 3 years ago
    291. 380
      the Cruel World 3 years ago
    292. 381
      Cash Is King 3 years ago
    293. 382
      Winter Clothing Festival 3 years ago
    294. 383
      Servant Greets Master! 3 years ago
    295. 384
      the Principles of Law Enforcers 3 years ago
    296. 385
      Torch Dragon’s Prophecy 3 years ago
    297. 386
      Failed Project 3 years ago
    298. 387
      the Best Guest 3 years ago
    299. 388
      Classic 3 years ago
    300. 389
      the Skyless Buddha 3 years ago
    301. 390
      Justice By Faith 3 years ago
    302. 391
      Xinluo Girls’ Group 3 years ago
    303. 392
      Debt Collection 3 years ago
    304. 393
      What Exactly Did He Eat Last Night? 3 years ago
    305. 394
      Mythical Grade 3 years ago
    306. 395
      Would Definitely Return To One 3 years ago
    307. 396
      All Roads Led To Same Destination 3 years ago
    308. 397
      Visitation 3 years ago
    309. 398
      Devotees’ Fanaticism 3 years ago
    310. 399
      Our Plan Was Progressing Smoothly 3 years ago
    311. 400
      the Legend of Young Master X 3 years ago
    312. 401
      The Secret War in the Imperial Capital 3 years ago
    313. 402
      The Captain's Nephew 3 years ago
    314. 403
      The General’s Order 3 years ago
    315. 404
      Arrival 3 years ago
    316. 405
      Anything Could Happen 3 years ago
    317. 406
      Fake Weakness 3 years ago
    318. 407
      Black Invitation Letter 3 years ago
    319. 408
      The Three Masters 3 years ago
    320. 409
      Illusion 3 years ago
    321. 410
      Invited 3 years ago
    322. 411
      I Had Endangered National Security? 3 years ago
    323. 412
      True Dragon 3 years ago
    324. 413
      Could Not Be the Asura Arena 3 years ago
    325. 414
      the Palace 3 years ago
    326. 415
      the Legend of the Young Lady of Xinluo 3 years ago
    327. 416
      Looking for Master X 3 years ago
    328. 417
      Offline Meeting 3 years ago
    329. 418
      the Asura Arena? 3 years ago
    330. 419
      Ling Ping'an Who Didn’t Live Off Others 3 years ago
    331. 420
      Delicious Food in the Sky! 3 years ago
    332. 421
      Ludwig’s Plot 3 years ago
    333. 422
      Demigod 3 years ago
    334. 423
      the Blackguard Was Using Powerful Connection To Intimidate 3 years ago
    335. 424
      Chaos 3 years ago
    336. 425
      a Missed Opportunity 3 years ago
    337. 426
      Immortals! 3 years ago
    338. 427
      Thrown Stones 3 years ago
    339. 428
      Banknote Powers And Superpowers 3 years ago
    340. 429
      Sir 3 years ago
    341. 430
      Soul Drummer, Online Creation (1) 3 years ago
    342. 431
      Soul Drummer, Online Creation (2) 3 years ago
    343. 432
      Soul Drummer, Online Creation 3 years ago
    344. 433
      the True Meaning Of the Mythical Grade (1) 3 years ago
    345. 434
      the True Meaning Of the Mythical Grade (2) 3 years ago
    346. 435
      Report (1) 3 years ago
    347. 436
      Report (2) 3 years ago
    348. 437
      Missed 3 years ago
    349. 438
      Money To Buy a Life 3 years ago
    350. 439
      the Meteor Explosion Of Kunlun 3 years ago
    351. 440
      Indifference (1) 3 years ago
    352. 441
      Apathy (2) 3 years ago
    353. 442
      Conscience Hurts 3 years ago
    354. 443
      Legend of the Earth’s Core (1) 3 years ago
    355. 444
      Going to the Capital 3 years ago
    356. 445
      Relief Troops 3 years ago
    357. 446
      How Could She Be Considered a Beauty If She Didn’t Even Have Tentacles? 3 years ago
    358. 447
      It Was Really Fun! 3 years ago
    359. 448
      Good Deal 3 years ago
    360. 449
      Trying to Trick Me into Going to the Haunted House Again 3 years ago
    361. 450
      The Legend of the Cross Slope 3 years ago
    362. 451
      The Adventures Of The Cross Slope (1) 3 years ago
    363. 452
      The Adventures Of The Cross Slope (2) 3 years ago
    364. 453
      The Adventures Of The Cross Slope (3) 3 years ago
    365. 454
      the Adventures of the Cross Slope (4) 3 years ago
    366. 455
      The Adventures Of The Cross Slope (5) 3 years ago
    367. 456
      the Adventures Of the Cross Slope (6) 3 years ago
    368. 457
      the Adventures Of the Cross Slope (7) 3 years ago
    369. 458
      Adventure Of the Cross Slope (8) 3 years ago
    370. 459
      Not Only Did the Criminal Not Surrender, He Even Dared To Resist? (1) 3 years ago
    371. 460
      Not Only Did the Criminal Not Surrender, He Even Dared To Resist? (2) 3 years ago
    372. 461
      Second Life! 3 years ago
    373. 462
      God! 3 years ago
    374. 463
      Parasites 3 years ago
    375. 464
      Rules 3 years ago
    376. 465
      Meat Foldover 3 years ago
    377. 466
      This Is The Best I Can Do For You 3 years ago
    378. 467
      Li An'an’s flirting (1) 3 years ago
    379. 468
      Li An'an’s Flirting (2) 3 years ago
    380. 469
      Own Misjudgement (1) 3 years ago
    381. 470
      The Other Ling Ping'an 3 years ago
    382. 471
      The Beast that Devours Humans 3 years ago
    383. 472
      Knights of the Apocalypse 3 years ago
    384. 473
      The Awkward Blackguard 3 years ago
    385. 474
      Very Tactful 3 years ago
    386. 475
      Where Are They? 3 years ago
    387. 476
      The Troubles of the World (1) 3 years ago
    388. 477
      The Troubles of the World (2) 3 years ago
    389. 478
      Arts Brothers 3 years ago
    390. 479
      The King 3 years ago
    391. 480
      The Box in the Secret Chamber 3 years ago
    392. 481
      I’ll Beat You to Death 3 years ago
    393. 482
      The Buddha is Merciful 3 years ago
    394. 483
      Bound by Human Cognition 3 years ago
    395. 484
      The Disciple Finally Understands 3 years ago
    396. 485
      I am the Buddha Wutian 3 years ago
    397. 486
      The Police Are Always Late 3 years ago
    398. 487
      A Confusion 3 years ago
    399. 488
      Vixen 3 years ago
    400. 489
      A Good Show Was About to Begin 3 years ago
    401. 490
      What Kind of Trick Is This? 3 years ago
    402. 491
      I Remember You! 3 years ago
    403. 492
      Are You Teaching Me? 3 years ago
    404. 493
      Talents 3 years ago
    405. 494
      A Small Target 3 years ago
    406. 495
      Li Shouyi’s Conjecture 3 years ago
    407. 496
      The Secret Realm 3 years ago
    408. 497
      Forever Youth of a Man 3 years ago
    409. 498
      I Don’t Think We’ve Met Before 3 years ago
    410. 499
      The Cold Ling Ping'an 3 years ago
    411. 500
      The Attitude of an Artist 3 years ago
    412. 501
      Captured 3 years ago
    413. 502
      Prisoner 3 years ago
    414. 503
      The Lucky Star 3 years ago
    415. 504
      Messenger 3 years ago
    416. 505
      There Will Be Visitors 3 years ago
    417. 506
      Happiness of Ignorance and Stupidity 3 years ago
    418. 507
      Coup (1) 3 years ago
    419. 508
      Coup (2) 3 years ago
    420. 509
      A Gaming Genius 3 years ago
    421. 510
      The Pretentious Li Shouyi 3 years ago
    422. 511
      Storm (1) 3 years ago
    423. 512
      Storm (2) 3 years ago
    424. 513
      Storm (3) 3 years ago
    425. 514
      Storm (4) 3 years ago
    426. 515
      Storm (5) 3 years ago
    427. 516
      Kindness 3 years ago
    428. 517
      The Turbulent World 3 years ago
    429. 518
      A Great Honor 3 years ago
    430. 519
      Chiba Michiko's Meat Patties 3 years ago
    431. 520
      Ling Ping'an's Feast 3 years ago
    432. 521
      The annihilated clone 3 years ago
    433. 522
      Bewitched 3 years ago
    434. 523
      The story of the crows 3 years ago
    435. 524
      Spies 3 years ago
    436. 525
      Online 3 years ago
    437. 526
      Wave (1) 3 years ago
    438. 527
      Wave (2) 3 years ago
    439. 528
      Wave (3) 3 years ago
    440. 529
      Invitation 3 years ago
    441. 530
      Celestial Dragon Carnival (1) 3 years ago
    442. 531
      Celestial Dragon Carnival (2) 3 years ago
    443. 532
      The Bloodline of the Shamans 3 years ago
    444. 533
      Ecology 3 years ago
    445. 534
      Quickly Bought a House in the School District 3 years ago
    446. 535
      Traces of a Traitor 2 years ago
    447. 536
      The Mystery of the Elephant God 2 years ago
    448. 537
      The two camps 2 years ago
    449. 538
      A hand knife 2 years ago
    450. 539
      Exotic Goddesses 2 years ago
    451. 540
      Ghroth’s song 2 years ago
    452. 541
      Please let me be a little more stupid! 2 years ago
    453. 542
      Walked to the front of the stage 2 years ago
    454. 543
      Disdain 2 years ago
    455. 544
      Spirit Piercer 2 years ago
    456. 545
      Whoever offend the Heavens, shall be dismembered! 2 years ago
    457. 546
      Listen to Your Mother 2 years ago
    458. 547
      Respect the Young Master and Stay Away 2 years ago
    459. 548
      Game Cabin 2 years ago
    460. 549
      Major Changes 2 years ago
    461. 550
      Fusang's Enlightenment 2 years ago
    462. 551
      The Mystic Bird Around the Sun 2 years ago
    463. 552
      Narako 2 years ago
    464. 553
      The Divine Selection 2 years ago
    465. 554
      Only Magic Could Defeat Magic 2 years ago
    466. 555
      Mechanical Diamond Sutra! 2 years ago
    467. 556
      The Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon! 2 years ago
    468. 557
      Descent! 2 years ago
    469. 558
      Filter 2 years ago
    470. 559
      Chain of Doubt 2 years ago
    471. 560
      At least he made some contributions 2 years ago
    472. 561
      Only by having a baby 2 years ago
    473. 562
      You better be careful! 2 years ago
    474. 563
      Medicine of regret 2 years ago
    475. 564
      Humanity and bestiality 2 years ago
    476. 565
      Raging sea 2 years ago
    477. 566
      New world 2 years ago
    478. 567
      The truth of the Nightmare World 2 years ago
    479. 568
      The confused Ling Ping'an 2 years ago
    480. 569
      Natural enemies 2 years ago
    481. 570
      Human nature (1) 2 years ago
    482. 571
      Human Nature (2) 2 years ago
    483. 572
      Respective Opportunity 2 years ago
    484. 573
      New Mission (1) 2 years ago
    485. 574
      New Mission (2) 2 years ago
    486. 575
      Fog in Jiangcheng City (1) 2 years ago
    487. 576
      The Fog in Jiangcheng City (2) 2 years ago
    488. 577
      Traitor (1) 2 years ago
    489. 578
      Traitor (2) 2 years ago
    490. 579
      The Other 'Me' 2 years ago
    491. 580
      Enlightenment 2 years ago
    492. 581
      Trap 2 years ago
    493. 582
      Ruthless 2 years ago
    494. 583
      Guest 2 years ago
    495. 584
      The Secret 2 years ago
    496. 585
      Something's Wrong! 2 years ago
    497. 586
      Son-in-law devours his master! 2 years ago
    498. 587
      Reason (1) 2 years ago
    499. 588
      The smell of chicken 2 years ago
    500. 589
      Face blindness cured? 2 years ago
    501. 590
      Bai Suzhen (1) 2 years ago
    502. 591
      Bai Suzhen (2) 2 years ago
    503. 592
      The torch of the other shore 2 years ago
    504. 593
      The recovery of Dreamcloud Lake 2 years ago
    505. 594
      Meeting (1) 2 years ago
    506. 595
      Meeting (2) 2 years ago
    507. 596
      Comprehension 2 years ago
    508. 597
      The Grand Supreme's War Hammer 2 years ago
    509. 598
      To Peace 2 years ago
    510. 599
      Returning home 2 years ago
    511. 600
      A Clown 2 years ago
    512. 601
      New Life 2 years ago
    513. 602
      Communication (1) 2 years ago
    514. 603
      Communication (2) 2 years ago
    515. 604
      Verification 2 years ago
    516. 605
      What He Saw with His Divine Eyes 2 years ago
    517. 606
      Negotiation (1) 2 years ago
    518. 607
      Negotiation (2) 2 years ago
    519. 608
      Infernal Affairs 2 years ago
    520. 609
      Determination 2 years ago
    521. 610
      Dialogue 2 years ago
    522. 611
      Descendants 2 years ago
    523. 612
      The Wager 2 years ago
    524. 613
      Sensation (1) 2 years ago
    525. 614
      Sensation (2) 2 years ago
    526. 615
      Descended 2 years ago
    527. 616
      In the Name of the Queen 2 years ago
    528. 617
      Meeting Ahead of Time (1) 2 years ago
    529. 618
      Meeting Ahead of Time (2) 2 years ago
    530. 619
      Meeting Ahead of Time (3) 2 years ago
    531. 620
      Gemini (1) 2 years ago
    532. 621
      Gemini (2) 2 years ago
    533. 622
      Gemini (3) 2 years ago
    534. 623
      Gemini (4) 2 years ago
    535. 624
      Gemini (5) 2 years ago
    536. 625
      Gemini (6) 2 years ago
    537. 626
      The Destruction of Gatling Bodhisattva (1) 2 years ago
    538. 627
      The Destruction of Gatling Bodhisattva (2) 2 years ago
    539. 628
      The Destruction of Gatling Bodhisattva (2) 2 years ago
    540. 629
      Infinite Possibilities 2 years ago
    541. 630
      One Day in the Mountains, a Thousand Years in the World (1) 2 years ago
    542. 631
      Manifestation (1) 2 years ago
    543. 632
      Manifestation (2) 2 years ago
    544. 633
      Origins (1) 2 years ago
    545. 634
      Origins (2) 2 years ago
    546. 635
      Origins (3) 2 years ago
    547. 636
      Origins (4) 2 years ago
    548. 637
      Origins (5) 2 years ago
    549. 638
      Origins (6) 2 years ago
    550. 639
      I Am Who I am 2 years ago
    551. 640
      The End of the Legend 2 years ago
    552. 641
      Fourth Dimension! 2 years ago
    553. 642
      There Primal Chaos Nucleus 2 years ago

    作者 Blind Leek